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Δευτέρα 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

Surgical repair of radiation-induced carotid stenosis.

Surgical repair of radiation-induced carotid stenosis.:

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Surgical repair of radiation-induced carotid stenosis.

J Vasc Surg. 2020 Feb 05;:

Authors: Renard R, Davaine JM, Couture T, Jayet J, Tresson P, Gaudric J, Chiche L, Koskas F


OBJECTIVE: Carotid endarterectomy and carotid artery stenting are both valid therapeutic options for the treatment of radiation-induced carotid stenosis (RICS). The second has the advantage of being less invasive, although it seems to result in more restenosis than the first. Meanwhile, progress in radiation therapy and head and neck surgery has significantly increased the survival of these patients. As a result, treatment of RICS should be considered from a long-term perspective. This works presents perioperative and follow-up outcomes of surgical treatment of RICS.

METHODS: This single-center retrospective study included all patients who underwent carotid endarterectomy for RICS from January 1998 to June 2017. Clinical and duplex ultrasound examination-based follow-up was performed postoperatively, at 1 month, 6 months, 12 months, and yearly thereafter. Kaplan-Meier curves were used for survival plots based on a log-rank test. Any abnormal finding led to angio-computed tomography scan and specialized neurovascular examination.

RESULTS: Between 1998 and 2017, 128 patients (162 lesions) were treated. The median interval between radiation therapy and surgery was 16 years. Forty-five patients (35%) were symptomatic. The eversion technique was performed in 79 cases (49%), and the patch was favored in 24 cases (15%), prosthetic bypass graft in 51 cases (31%), and a venous bypass graft in 8 cases (5%). Two postoperative deaths (1.5%) (one secondary to massive stroke) were noted. The primary end point of early postoperative cerebrovascular event was 2.5%. Two cervical hematomas (1.2%) required surgical revision and seven cases of permanent cranial nerve injury were recorded. The median follow-up was 29 months (range, 2-199 months). There were no additional strokes. The 3-year primary patency rate was 96% and the 3-year freedom from neurologic event was 98%.

CONCLUSIONS: Open surgical treatment of RICS lesions is a safe and durable option. Our results suggest that the outcomes of such treatment are good and in particular that rates of cerebrovascular event and restenosis are low and that cranial nerve injury should not be a concern. As a result, we consider that open surgery for RICS lesions should be offered as a first-line treatment. However, comparative data are mandated to address this issue.

PMID: 32035779 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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