Δευτέρα 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

A clinico-etiological study of aural myiasis

A clinico-etiological study of aural myiasis:


Pradip Mallik, Vikas Sinha, Sushil Jha, Jigna Swani, Naimish Maniya, Sandeep Yadav

Indian Journal of Otology 2019 25(4):180-183

Introduction: Human Myiasis is found among elderly and neglected patients. It occurs in skin and mucosa and causative agent maggot derived from families of Cuterbridae and Hypodermatidae. It otolaryngology it is found in ear nose and paranasal sinus and oral cavity and aural myiasis is found in patients with prolong systemic disease, otitis externa, otitis media, malignancy and other imunocompromised patients. Methodology: In this study we will discuss about aural Myiasis found in department of ENT for a period of 21 months. After taking proper history and examination all maggots were removed after putting turpentine oil soaked gauge piece and manually removing all by forceps. Regular dressing done under vision of endoscope and microscope. Results and Discussion: In this study it was found that females are more in numbers and geriatric age group is largely affected. People from slum areas were largely affected and mostly they were from lower socioeconomic background. Conclusion: Most of the aural myiasis found in external auditory canal however pre and post auricular regions also were affected. Most of the patients were anemic and also some patients were imunocompromised. So this study helps us to know the causative factors and how to treat the condition.

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