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Κυριακή 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

An uncommon presentation of diffuse large B cell lymphoma with multiple peripheral nerve involvement demonstrated BY 18F-FDG PET/CT

Ely A. Wolin: Top 3 Differentials in Nuclear Medicine: A Case Review

18 F-F13640 PET imaging of functional receptors in humans

Fitting of late dynamic [ 18 F]MK6240 PET scans for in vivo tau quantification

Duccio Volterrani, Paola Anna Erba, Ignasi Carrió, H. William Strauss, Giuliano Mariani. Nuclear Medicine Textbook Methodology and Clinical Application, 2 Volumes . Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019, ISBN 978-3-319-95563-6

Comment on: “the FDG PET/CT score” for the diagnosis of malignant pleural effusion

Performance of 18 F-fluciclovine PET/MR in the evaluation of osseous metastases from castration-resistant prostate cancer

18 F-FDG PET/CT in lung B lymphoid hyperplasia-type Castleman disease


We present a 62-year-old woman who, after a catarrhal episode, underwent a chest xray and a chest CT, identifying a pleural-based mass in the left lower lobe. This lesion presented a mixed pattern with solid and peripheral ground-glass attenuation, and an air-bronchogram sign. Despite de suspicion of bronchopneumonia, a lung neoplasm like a predominantly lepidic adenocarcinoma could not be ruled. A 18 F-FDG PET/CT showed a focal radiotracer uptake with SUVmax of 5.34 in the pulmonary lesion, supporting the neoplastic etiology. Consequently, a lower lobectomy was performed and histological examination concluded that the final diagnosis was a B lymphoid hyperplasia-type Castleman disease. Castleman’s disease is an uncommon disorder that can be easily misdiagnosed as lymphoma, neoplasm or infection. Unicentric Castleman’s disease (UCD) usually presents a hyaline-vascular histological subtype and is usually asymptomatic. Extranodal involvement is very rare. Only a few cases of solid organ involvement such us spleen or parotid gland have been described. UCD originating in the lung is extremely rare and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a primary pulmonary malignant tumor.

An update on the unparalleled impact of FDG-PET imaging on the day-to-day practice of medicine with emphasis on management of infectious/inflammatory disorders

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