Κυριακή 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2019


Achievement-Motivated Behavior in Individual Sports (AMBIS-I)—Coach Rating Scale


The assessment of achievement motivation in the context of selection decisions in elite youth sports is associated with serious problems (e.g. socially desirable responses). In order to counteract such problems, an external rating scale for the assessment of the Achievement-Motivated Behavior in Individual Sports (AMBIS-I) from a coach’s perspective was constructed and checked for psychometric quality in three consecutive steps. The studies are based on four different German-speaking samples, including 101 experienced coaches from individual sports and 26 sport psychologists. Multiple phases of exploratory structural equation modeling, item removal and cross-validation unveiled a three-factorial model with 10 items displaying excellent fit indices, acceptable to good reliability, and evidence based on internal structure. Relationships with athletes’ performance level point to the instrument’s evidence for test-criterion relationship. These preliminary results are promising when considering the construction and show the potential of the economical coach rating scale for the scientifically sound assessment of observable achievement-motivated behavior in individual sports.

Social participation of people with disabilities in organized community sport


Sport is considered to have a high potential with respect to social participation of people with disabilities, in particular in inclusive settings. However, people with disabilities continue to face social exclusion in sport, as they are underrepresented in organized mainstream sport activities and disability sport often remains separate. Thus, organized community sport can both support and foster but also restrict or even impede social participation of people with disabilities resulting in that the organized sport’s contribution to social participation is also critically questioned. This article provides a systematic review of current research on social participation of people with disabilities in organized community sport in separated and inclusive settings. The review of 25 relevant studies revealed four topics based on Koster and colleagues’ applied theoretical framework that are associated with social participation in organized community sport: (1) social contacts, interactions and friendships, (2) identity, self-perception and acceptance, (3) social support and (4) community integration. The results draw a rather ambivalent picture of social participation of people with disabilities in organized community sport. However, most of the studies showed positive social benefits to people with disabilities for both separated and inclusive setting with respect to the four topics that underscore the potential of organized sport. However, there are also studies reporting negative aspects people with disabilities experienced, in particular when participating in inclusive settings. This article concludes by pointing to capacity building of disability and mainstream community sport organizations in order to strengthen the positive effects while minimizing and mitigating the negative effects to ensure effective social participation of people with disabilities.

Mental toughness in sport


Mental toughness refers to a collection of psychological characteristic which are central to optimal performance. Athletes, coaches, and sport psychologists have consistently implicated mental toughness as one of the most important psychological characteristics related to success in sports. Over the last few decades, numerous studies have been conducted to examine the role of mental toughness in sporting success. However, its conceptualization and measurement are without consensus. The purpose of this study is to systematically review some of the emerging definitions and conceptualizations, and examine how mental toughness could be nurtured. This review considers both qualitative and quantitative approaches to the study of mental toughness with the specific focus on the models and the development of the measurement of this construct. Although these discussions center on the general aspects of mental toughness, we believe many of the issues have relevance to scholars and practitioners who are interested in the measurement of psychological variables as they pertain to sport, exercise, and other performance or achievement contexts.

Effekte eines achtwöchigen progressiven Rope-Trainings auf die Leistungsfähigkeit der oberen Extremitäten


Das Ziel war, ein achtwöchiges, progressives Rope-Training (RT) auf die Leistungsfähigkeit der oberen Extremität zu untersuchen. Dabei wurden 34 gesunde, trainierte Probanden einer Interventionsgruppe (IG; n = 17; Alter: 25,2 ± 2,3 Jahre; BMI: 23,8 ± 2,3 kg ∙ m–2) und einer Kontrollgruppe (KG; n = 17; Alter: 23,4 ± 2,8 Jahre; BMI: 22,9 ± 3,0 kg ∙ m–2) randomisiert zugeordnet. Die IG absolvierte ein achtwöchiges, progressives RT mit drei TE (Trainingseinheiten) pro Woche, wohingegen die KG das individuelle Training fortsetzte. Die Prä- und Posttests bestanden aus einem isokinetischen Krafttest der Armbeuger und -strecker sowie einem maximalen Stufentest mittels Oberarmergometer (OBE). Während der OBE wurden die Herzfrequenz (HF); die Atemgaswerte- sowie die Blutlaktatkonzentration erfasst. Zur Auswertung der OBE wurden die maximale Leistung (Pmax), Leistung bei 2 mmol ∙ l-1 (P2) sowie 4 mmol ∙ l-1 (P4), \(\dot{V}\)O2peak sowie die maximale Laktatkonzentration (LamaxBel) und im isokinetischen Krafttest die mittlere maximale Leistung (isoPmax) und der Fatigue Index (FI) herangezogen. Während des RT wurden die HF sowie nach jeder TE die RPE (BORG-Skala: 6–20) erhoben. Nach dem RT zeigte die IG signifikante Steigerungen bei P2, P4, Pmax, rel. \(\dot{V}\)O2peakisoPmax der Extensoren (pkorr <0,05) sowie des LamaxBel (pkorr < 0,01). Die KG zeigte eine signifikante Erhöhung bei P4 (pkorr < 0,01). Signifikante Gruppenunterschiede der Prä-Post-Differenzen wurden bei allen Parametern außer beim FI festgestellt (pkorr < 0,05). Die IG trainierte bei 98 ± 8 %HFpeak. Die subjektive Beanspruchung der IG lag über den Interventionszeitraum bei RPE 18 ± 1. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass ein achtwöchiges, progressives RT bei gesunden, trainierten Probanden zu einer signifikanten Steigerung der Leistungsfähigkeit der oberen Extremitäten führt.

Am Fall eSport: Wie den Sport bestimmen?


Der Beitrag nimmt die Debatte um den eSport zum Anlass und zur Materialbasis, um daran die allgemeinere Frage zu diskutieren, wie man zu einem Grundverständnis von Sport kommt und wie man ggf. verschiedene Grundverständnisse miteinander in die Diskussion bringt. Ausgehend von einer Bestandsaufnahme der Debatte macht er den Vorschlag, scharf zwischen der Bestimmung von Merkmalen des Sports und dem Appell an ein Vorverständnis von Sport zu unterscheiden. Die Debatte wird dann dadurch methodisch kontrollierbar, dass man an hier so genannte Grundideen menschlicher Tätigkeiten appellieren und diese miteinander vergleichen kann. Notwendig sind dafür minimale Angaben zum Konzept kultureller Praktiken.

Factors associated with self-reported walking and sedentary behaviours in a study sample of individuals with severe mental illness


Walking is an effective way to initiate physical activity among individuals with severe mental illness. However, factors related to walking and sedentary behaviours are not well-known in this population. The objective of the present cross-sectional study was to analyze the potential (non)modifiable sociodemographic, anthropometric and sociocognitive factors associated to walking and sedentary behaviours in individuals with severe mental illness. Participants were recruited by psychiatrists in a psychiatric unit. Nonmodifiable (e.g., age, gender) and modifiable factors (e.g., self-schema, stages of change) were measured with questionnaires. Time spent walking and sedentary time were evaluated using the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire. Pearson’s correlation, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple regression were run to analyze the collected data. Ninety-one individuals (50 males, mean age: 31.5 ± 9.9 years old) reported walking a mean of 379.8 ± 433.7 min per week while the mean daily sedentary time was 346.9 ± 206.9 min. Walking was correlated with self-schema of physical activity status (r = 0.29; p = 0.005). Participants in the last two stages of change (action, maintenance) had a more physically active self-schema than those in the first three stages (p < 0.0001). No relationship was found between sedentary time and socioeconomic or anthropometric factors. Individuals with severe mental illness’s self-schema and stages of change related to physical activity were found to be related to walking behaviour. Given this association, self-schema should be considered when proposing a physical activity plan.

Influence of maternal physical exercise on fetal and maternal heart rate responses


This study aims to determine if regular maternal physical exercise leads to measurable adaptations of the fetal autonomic nervous system (fANS) tested by fetal heart rate recovery time. A randomized controlled trial enrolled 131 pregnant women into two study groups, Exercise Group (EG) and Control Group (CG). All participants signed an informed consent, study was approved by the local Clinical Research Ethics Committee. Data was analyzed on 81 participants.
EG participants (n = 43) received a supervised physical exercise program (PEP) three times a week from 10–12 to 36–40 weeks gestation. CG participants (n = 38) did not receive any supervised PEP. All women were tested between 34–36 weeks gestation using two walking tests of three minutes each at 40% and 60% maternal heart rate reserve. Resting fetal heart rate (FHR), FHR post-maternal exercise, and fetal recovery time (FRT) in minutes/seconds (m/s) were recorded. Resting FHR was similar between groups 140.88 ± 9 EG vs 141.95 ± 7.35 CG (p > .05). Difference in resting to post-maternal exercise FHR was statistically significant in fetuses from the CG (p < .05), however was not statistically significant in fetuses from the EG (p > .05). FRT was different between groups after both tests: 40% test: 2m15s ± 3m19s EG vs 7m6s ± 5m28s CG (p < .001); 60% test: 3m ± 4m3s EG vs 9m25s ± 7m33s CG (p < .001). There were no significant differences in maternal variables (p > .05), except for maternal recovery time after 40% test (p < .05). Influence of maternal exercise in FHR response still remains unclear. Further research is needed to elicit a former conclusion on the effects of maternal exercise on fANS. Overall, exercise during pregnancy is safe and not harmful for the cardiovascular system of the fetus.

Entwicklung und Validierung eines Fragebogens zur Erfassung des Verhaltens von Trainerinnen und Trainern im Gesundheitssport


In Gesundheitssportkursen spielen Trainerinnen und Trainer (TR) eine wichtige Rolle für die Motivation und Bedürfnisbefriedigung der Teilnehmenden. Wir stellen einen neuen Fragebogen vor, mit dem TR-Verhalten im spezifischen Kurskontext mehrdimensional erfasst werden kann (TRV-G). Es wurden zwei Studien durchgeführt, um den Fragebogen zu entwickeln und psychometrisch zu überprüfen. In der ersten Studie wurden 228 Personen (Alter: M = 45,3 Jahre, SD = 15,2, 82 % weiblich) 36 Items vorgelegt. Exploratorische Faktorenanalysen führten zu einem vierfaktoriellen Modell mit insgesamt 20 Items. Die interne Konsistenz der Faktoren war zufriedenstellend für die Faktoren Feedback, Individualisierung und Lob/Bestärkung, etwas niedriger für Instruktion. In der zweiten Studie (N = 204, Alter: M = 62,8 Jahre, SD = 14,31, 60 % weiblich) zeigte das Vierfaktoren-Modell in der konfirmatorischen Faktorenanalyse eine akzeptable Modellanpassung. Anhand der Variablen Selbstkonkordanz und Bedürfnisbefriedigung wurde die Konstruktvalidität des TRV-G überprüft. Die TRV-G Subskalen leisteten einen substanziellen Beitrag zur Vorhersage der Selbstkonkordanz und Bedürfnisbefriedigung. Mit dem TRV-G liegt nun ein neues deutschsprachiges Instrument vor, mit dem TR-Verhalten im Kontext von Gesundheitssportkursen erfasst und das als Feedbackinstrument, z. B. in der Aus- und Fortbildung, verwendet werden kann.

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