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Πέμπτη 19 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

Experience with cholesteatoma behind an intact tympanic membrane in children

Experience with cholesteatoma behind an intact tympanic membrane in children:


Publication date: Available online 19 December 2019

Source: American Journal of Otolaryngology

Author(s): Urík Milan, Kaliariková Andrea, Machač Josef, Jurajda Michal

To systematically investigate all surgeries for cholesteatoma behind an intact tympanic membrane at our department. To identify predictive factors that can help the surgeon to plan surgery, surgical techniques, and follow-up treatment.
Material and methods
This retrospective study evaluates 21 child patients, who were operated in the period 2007–2017 on for cholesteatoma behind an intact tympanic membrane.
A total of 202 primary operations were performed for cholesteatoma. In 21 cases (10,4%) there was a cholesteatoma behind an intact tympanic membrane and in 11 (5,45%) cases of it there was the congenital cholesteatoma. The most frequently affected area was the anterior-superior quadrant. The preoperative hearing loss increased significantly with disease severity (I–IV by Potsic).
The classification system according to Potsic is sufficient and fully corresponds to the surgeon's needs. It has been clearly shown that a higher CC stage is associated with worse postoperative hearing results.

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