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Τρίτη 21 Ιανουαρίου 2020

Efficacy of Two-dimensional Scanning Digital Kymography in Evaluation of Atrophic Vocal Folds.

Efficacy of Two-dimensional Scanning Digital Kymography in Evaluation of Atrophic Vocal Folds.:

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Efficacy of Two-dimensional Scanning Digital Kymography in Evaluation of Atrophic Vocal Folds.

J Voice. 2019 Jul;33(4):554-560

Authors: Bae IH, Wang SG, Lee JC, Sung ES, Kim ST, Lee YW, Kang DH, Wang YJ


OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical feasibility and diagnostic accuracy of two-dimensional scanning digital kymography (2D DKG) in patients with vocal cord atrophy before and after treatment.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: We analyzed the characteristics of vocal fold vibration in five patients with unilateral vocal fold paralysis and five patients with presbyphonia. In patients with vocal cord paralysis, the status before and after intracordal injection was compared. Furthermore, in patients with presbyphonia, we compared the status before and after voice therapy (Seong-Tae Kim's laryngeal calibration technique). Quantitative parameters such as amplitude and phase symmetry indices, jitter, shimmer, noise-to-harmonic ratio, and maximum phonation time and qualitative parameters such as Voice Handicap Index, glottal gap, amplitude, and phase difference were used to evaluate the pre- and post-treatment status.

RESULTS: In cases of vocal cord paralysis, vibratory changes of the vocal folds before and after intracordal injection could be identified immediately using 2D DKG. In overcorrection cases, all of the measured parameters were poor except for improvement of the glottal gap. In addition, 2D DKG showed appropriately the changes in vocal cord vibration before and after voice therapy in patients with presbyphonia.

CONCLUSION: Two-dimensional DKG may be a useful diagnostic tool in evaluation of the vibratory characteristics of entire vocal cords. In addition, it may also play a role in providing a decision for treatment modalities.

PMID: 29395330 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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