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Τρίτη 28 Ιανουαρίου 2020

Oxygen nipple and nut (Christmas tree) adaptor contamination rates and decontamination with disinfecting wipes.

Oxygen nipple and nut (Christmas tree) adaptor contamination rates and decontamination with disinfecting wipes.:

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Oxygen nipple and nut (Christmas tree) adaptor contamination rates and decontamination with disinfecting wipes.

Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2020 Jan 27;:1-4

Authors: Colandrea NA, Cleary ML, Peaper DR, Sullivan LK, Martinello RA, Murray TS


OBJECTIVE: Different manufacturers recommend different levels of disinfection for oxygen nipple and nut adaptors, also known as Christmas-tree adaptors (CTAs). We aimed to determine the bacterial contamination rates of CTAs before and after clinical use and whether disinfection wipes effectively eliminate bacteria from CTAs.

METHODS: CTAs were swabbed for bacteria directly from the shipment box or after use in a medical intensive care unit to determine levels of contamination. CTAs were also inoculated in the laboratory with a variety of bacteria and disinfected with either 0.5% hydrogen peroxide (Oxivir 1) or 0.25% tetra-ammonium chloride with 44.50% isopropyl alcohol (Super Sani-Cloth), and the effectiveness of each wipe was determined by comparing the bacterial recovery before and after disinfection.

RESULTS: CTAs exhibit low levels of bacterial burden before and after clinical use. Both disinfecting wipes were effective at removing bacteria from the CTAs.

CONCLUSIONS: Low-level disinfection of CTAs is appropriate prior to redeployment in the clinical setting.

PMID: 31983357 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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