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Δευτέρα 27 Ιανουαρίου 2020

Tongue symptoms, suspension force and duration during operative laryngoscopy.

Tongue symptoms, suspension force and duration during operative laryngoscopy.:

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Tongue symptoms, suspension force and duration during operative laryngoscopy.

Am J Otolaryngol. 2020 Jan 17;:102402

Authors: Lindemann TL, Kamrava B, Sarcu D, Soliman AMS


PURPOSE: Suspension laryngoscopy is a commonly performed procedure in otolaryngology. During the procedure, the laryngoscope applies direct force to the tongue. Postoperative tongue symptoms include pain, swelling, numbness, taste disturbance, and rarely motor deficits. Duration and magnitude of force applied have previously been associated with post-operative throat and tongue pain, respectively. We sought to correlate postoperative tongue symptoms with magnitude of force applied and/or duration of suspension and investigate any risk factors for tongue morbidity.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A sample of patients undergoing suspension laryngoscopy between 2015 and 2018 were prospectively recruited. Those with preexisting tongue symptoms, disease or surgery were excluded. Patients completed preoperative and postoperative questionnaires evaluating tongue swelling, numbness, motion and taste disturbance. Symptoms were subjectively scored on a visual scale from 0 to 10. Patient demographics, past medical and social history were also recorded. Intraoperative pressures were measured using a spring force scale, positioned between the suspension arm and Mayo stand. Initial and end suspension forces and duration of suspension were recorded.

RESULTS: 120 patients met inclusion criteria, of which 63 completed both preoperative and postoperative questionnaires. 6 patients (9.5%) experienced postoperative tongue symptoms. Suspension force and duration of suspension were not significantly predictive of postoperative tongue symptoms. While all symptomatic patients were current or former cigarette smokers, smoking status was not found to be a statistically significant factor.

CONCLUSIONS: Neither suspension forces nor duration of suspension were predictive of postoperative tongue morbidity. Further research is needed to evaluate the role of smoking status on postoperative tongue symptoms.

PMID: 31982210 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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