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Δευτέρα 29 Ιουλίου 2019

Children with Tourette Syndrome in the United States: Parent-Reported Diagnosis, Co-Occurring Disorders, Severity, and Influence of Activities on Tics
imageABSTRACT: Objective: Describe the diagnostic process for Tourette syndrome (TS) based on parent report, as well as TS severity and associated impairment; the influence of common daily activities on tics; and the presence of co-occurring mental, behavioral, and developmental disorders among children in the United States. Methods: Parent-report data from the 2014 National Survey of the Diagnosis and Treatment of ADHD and Tourette Syndrome on 115 children ever diagnosed with TS were analyzed. Descriptive, unweighted analyses included frequencies and percentages, and means and standard deviations. Fisher's exact test and t-tests were calculated to determine statistically significant differences. Results: The mean age that tics were first noticed was 6.3 years, and, on average, TS was diagnosed at 7.7 years. The time from initially noticing tics to TS diagnosis averaged 1.7 years. The mean age when TS symptoms were most severe was 9.3 years. Tic severity was associated with impaired child functioning but not tic noticeability. Almost 70% of parents reported that fatigue and major transitions made their child's tics worse. Children with ever-diagnosed TS had a mean of 3.2 ever-diagnosed co-occurring mental, behavioral, or developmental disorders; a quarter (26.9%) had 5 or more co-occurring disorders. Discussion: In this sample of children with TS, the time to diagnosis averaged less than 2 years from when tics were initially noticed. More severe TS was associated with greater functional impairment, and co-occurring disorders were common among children with TS. This study provides insight into the current experiences of children with TS in the United States and their families.
Screening for Both Child Behavior and Social Determinants of Health in Pediatric Primary Care
imageABSTRACT: Objective: To implement comprehensive screening for child behavior and social determinants of health in an urban pediatric practice and explore rates of referrals and follow-up for positive screens. Method: Quality improvement methodology was used to implement routine screening using an adapted version of the Survey of Well Being of Young Children, a child behavior and social screen, for all children aged 6 months to 10 years. Rates of screen administration and documentation were assessed for 18 months. Medical records of a convenience sample (N = 349) were reviewed to track referrals and follow-up for positive screens. A secondary analysis explored associations between reported parental concern for their child's behavior and both child behavior symptoms and social stressors. Results: Over 18 months, 2028 screens were administered. Screening rates reached 90% after introducing a tablet for screening. Provider documentation of screens averaged 62%. In the convenience sample, 28% scored positive for a behavioral problem, and 25% reported at least 1 social stressor. Of those with positive child behavior or social stressor screens, approximately 80% followed up with their primary medical doctor, and approximately 50% completed referrals to the clinic social worker. Further analysis indicated that referral and follow-up rates varied depending on whether the family identified child behavior or social issues. Logistic regression revealed that parental concern was independently associated with child behavior symptoms (p = 0.001) and social stressors (p = 0.002). Conclusion: Implementing a comprehensive psychosocial screen is feasible in pediatric primary care and may help target referrals to address psychosocial health needs.
Deficient Emotional Self-Regulation in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Mindfulness as a Useful Treatment Modality
imageABSTRACT: Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of a structured mindfulness group intervention program targeting deficient emotional self-regulation (DESR) in a sample of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Method: Seventy-two children aged 7 to 12 years with ADHD were randomized into 2 groups (mindfulness and control). The dysregulation profile was measured using the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) Attention/Anxiety-Depression/Aggression scales. Results: Children with ADHD who received mindfulness-based group therapy showed lower levels of DESR after treatment, with a reduction in CBCL dysregulation profile (F (1,63) = 4.81; p = 0.032). All ADHD symptoms showed a moderately significant positive correlation with DESR (p < 0.01). Children with combined-type showed higher levels of DESR than children with inattentive-type (p = 0.018); however, no statistically significant changes were observed in the combined-type after mindfulness treatment. Conclusion: This study suggests that mindfulness in the form of structured group therapy might be clinically relevant in treating children with ADHD and thus make an impact on the overall clinical outcome, regardless of the ADHD subtype.
Sleep Difficulties in Infancy Are Associated with Symptoms of Inattention and Hyperactivity at the Age of 5 Years: A Longitudinal Study
imageABSTRACT: Objective: Sleep difficulties are associated with cognitive and behavioral problems in childhood. However, it is still unclear whether early sleep difficulties are related to later development. We studied whether parent-reported sleep duration, night awakenings, and parent-reported sleep problems in early childhood are associated with symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity at the age of 5 years. Method: Our study is based on the Child-Sleep birth cohort initially comprising 1673 families, of which 713 were retained at the age of 5 years. We used the Brief Infant Sleep Questionnaire and the Infant Sleep Questionnaire, which were filled out by the parents when their child was 3, 8, and 24 months and 5 years old. Symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity at the age of 5 years were assessed using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and the Five-to-Fifteen questionnaire. Results: Sleep duration at the age of 3, 8, and 24 months was associated with inattentiveness at 5 years of age. Moreover, parent-reported sleep problems at the age of 24 months were related to both inattentive and hyperactive symptoms at the age of 5 years. Finally, at the age of 5 years, parent-reported sleep problems and night awakenings were associated with concurrent symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that certain sleep characteristics related to sleep quality and quantity in early childhood are associated with inattentiveness and hyperactivity at the age of 5 years. Interestingly, sleep duration in early childhood is consistently related to inattention at the age of 5 years.
Early Intervention Referral and Enrollment Among Infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
imageABSTRACT: Objective: To identify factors associated with referral and enrollment in early intervention (EI) for infants with neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS). Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of 256 infants born with NAS (2006–2013) at a tertiary care hospital in (Springfield), Massachusetts, linking maternal-infant birth hospitalization records with Department of Public Health EI records. We calculated the percent of infants retained at each step in the EI enrollment process over the first 3 years of life. We conducted separate multivariable logistic regression analyses to identify factors associated with EI referral and enrollment. Results: Among mothers, 82% received medication-assisted treatment at delivery, 36% endorsed illicit drug use during pregnancy, and 76% retained custody of their child at discharge. Among infants, 77% were referred to EI and 48% were enrolled in services. Of infants discharged to biological parents, 81% were referred to EI versus 66% of infants discharged to foster care (p ≤ 0.05); this difference persisted in multivariable analysis [adjusted odds ratio, 2.30; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.09–4.86]. Infants in the highest tertile for length of stay had 2.70 times the odds of EI enrollment (95% CI, 1.37–5.31). Conclusion: Fewer than half of the eligible infants with NAS were enrolled in EI services. Discharge to a biological parent and longer hospital stay had the strongest associations with EI referral and enrollment, respectively. Efforts to improve EI referral rates during the birth hospitalization, particularly among infants discharged into foster care, and close follow-up for infants with shorter hospital stays would enhance the developmental supports for this vulnerable population.
Behavioral Health Service Utilization and Unmet Need After Traumatic Brain Injury in Childhood
imageABSTRACT: Objective: The need for behavioral health services, service utilization, and predictors of utilization was examined in children with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) relative to a comparison group of children with orthopedic injury (OI) 6.8 years after injury. Methods: A total of 130 children hospitalized for moderate-to-severe TBI (16 severe and 42 moderate) or OI (72) between the ages of 3 and 7 years, who were enrolled at the time of injury at 3 tertiary care children's hospital and one general hospital in Ohio, and completed a long-term follow-up 6.8 years after injury were included in analyses. Results: Adolescents with TBI (moderate [38%] and severe [69%]) had significantly greater rates of need than those with OI (17%). Behavioral health services were utilized by 10% of the sample with no injury group differences (OI: 6%; moderate: 17%; severe: 13%). Early treatment and white race were associated with less service utilization; 77% had an unmet need, with no injury group differences (OI: 75%; moderate: 75%; severe: 82%). Rate of unmet need was greater among white than non-white children. Conclusion: Children who sustain a TBI in early childhood experience persistent and clinically significant impairments even years after injury. Rates of unmet need were high for all injury groups. Findings underscore the importance of long-term monitoring to identify developing needs and prevent significant complications/deficits.
Stimulation and Early Child Development in China: Caregiving at Arm's Length
imageABSTRACT: Objective: To provide an empirical overview of the parenting landscape in rural China, focusing on 18- to 30-month-old children and their caregivers in rural Shaanxi province. Methods: We collected unique data on 1442 caregiver-toddler dyads in rural areas of Shaanxi province and examined caregiver attitudes toward parenting, sources of information about parenting, and interactive parenting practices, and how each of these differed across generations. We measured how parenting attitudes and sources of information informed parenting practices. Finally, we measured levels of child development in our sample and the association between parenting practices and children's developmental outcomes. Results: Most of the caregivers did not engage with children in a way that encouraged early development. Caregivers rarely told stories, sang, or used toys to play with their children. Grandmothers were more stressed by the children in their care and engaged significantly less than mothers did in the 3 stimulating interactions. Professional sources of information about parenting were underutilized by all caregivers. We found high rates of developmental delay in our sample and showed that these delays were associated with the lack of caregiver engagement. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that the major economic and social shifts occurring in rural China have not led to a widespread prevalence of stimulative parenting practices. Although caregivers report positive attitudes toward child-rearing, reliable sources of scientific information are lacking. Our results show a troubling generational disconnect between the information-seeking behaviors and parenting practices of rural caregivers.
Tourette Syndrome has Substantial Impact in Childhood and Adulthood As Well
No abstract available
Screening for Both Child Behavior and Social Determinants of Health in Pediatric Primary Care: Commentary
No abstract available
Value-Driven Care in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics, Part 1: The Value Proposition of Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
imageABSTRACT: The drive to improve quality and reduce cost of health care is leading to a value-driven transformation of the US health care landscape. This is the first of a 2-part series on value-driven care and its implications for developmental-behavioral pediatrics (DBP). Tools derived from business/manufacturing models have been applied with some success to health care to better understand and enhance value. Value can be defined most simply as health outcomes achieved per dollar spent, but there are challenges in accounting for the full cost of a cycle or episode of care. When taking into account the “five Ds”—Development, Dependency, Differential Epidemiology, Demographics, and Dollars—the potential value of pediatric care is brought into sharper focus. The field of DBP in particular has the potential to add value through prevention, integration, efficiency, standardization, and innovation. The value proposition of DBP is illustrated by focusing on particular conditions or cycles of care commonly encountered in DBP practice: (1) children 0 to 3 years of age identified as having global developmental delay, (2) recent diagnosis of complex attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (ADHD plus comorbid conditions), and (3) children with autism spectrum disorder and disruptive behavior. The second part of the series focuses on quality of care, emphasizing the important challenges that lie ahead for the field of DBP in measuring outcomes of care. With a discussion of national trends and a local example of a DBP program's response to these trends, the series is intended to provoke discussion and action in the field, contribute to the demonstration of value of a DBP approach to care, and help to chart a course toward growth and sustainability of DBP in an era of value-based care.

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