Bone marrow infiltration by nonhematopoetic small round cell tumors: A clinicopathological study from a tertiary care centre in South India Triveni Bhopal, Abid Hussain, Sai Mallikarjun, Sree Lakshmi, Sudha Sinha Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology 2019 40(5):1-5 Objectives: The objective of this study to comprehensively analyze bone marrow (BM) infiltration by nonhematological round cell tumors. Materials and Methods: A total of 206 diagnosed cases of small round blue cell tumors (excluding lymphomas) during a period of 2½ years, referred for BM examination were included in the study. Clinical details were obtained from medical records. BM aspiration (BMA) and BM biopsies (BMBx) were performed under local anesthesia for staging workup. BMBx were studied for cellularity, presence of infiltration by round cells (nonhematopoietic), histologic patterns (island/nests and diffuse sheets), fibrosis, necrosis and other secondary changes. Immunohistochemistry panel was used depending on the morphology. Results: The cases included age range from 45 days to 25 years with a median age of 12 years. There was a male predominance with male:female 1.5:1. Among these, 37/206 cases (17.9%) were positive for BM involvement (BMI) on BMBx. Of these, 24 cases were neuroblastoma (64.8%), 9 cases Ewing's sarcoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumor (24.3%), and 4 Rhabdomyosarcoma (10.8). BMBx was done in all the 206 cases. Among these, 37/206 cases were positive for BMI on BMBx while 35/206 cases were positive on BM imprints and 33/206 cases were positive on BMA. Conclusion: Detection of metastasis in the BM has both therapeutic and prognostic significance. BMBx are complementary in the diagnosis of small round cell tumor. |
Toxicity profile of double-agent adjuvant chemotherapy after concurrent chemoradiation and brachytherapy in locally advanced cervical cancer: Comparison with standard chemoradiation protocol Tejas Pandya, Virender Suhag, Subhash Ranjan, BS Sunita, Sujata Pandya Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology 2019 40(5):6-12 Introduction: Carcinoma cervix is the most common gynecological malignancy in India and a major cause of cancer mortality and morbidity in the females despite Concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CCRT). Attempts are on to improved overall survival by addition of adjuvant chemotherapy (ACT) to CCRT. Aim: The aim of this study is to establish toxicity profile of double-agent ACT after CCRT and ICRT in locally advanced cervical cancer (LACC) and to compare it with standard chemoradiation protocol. Materials and Methods: Patients were randomized into two arms: in conventional arm (Arm 1, n = 23), patients received a standard protocol of weekly injection cisplatin 40 mg/m2 concurrently with pelvic external beam radiotherapy (5040cGy/28 fractions) followed by ICRT (03 fractions of 7 Gy each). In interventional arm (Arm 2, n = 24), patients received CCRT/ICRT protocol; and were further offered ACT with three cycles of consolidation chemotherapy using injection paclitaxel and injection carboplatin every 3 weeks after CCRT and ICRT. Results: The incidence of anemia was 14/23 (50% Grade 1) in Arm 1 and 12/24 in Arm 2 (17% Grade 1, rest higher grade). In Arm 2, 37% of patients had ≥Grade 2 neuropathy and 16% of patients had Grade 1 alopecia, whereas nil incidence was reported in Arm 1 (P = 0.005 and 0.04, respectively). Grade 3 neutropenia was observed in 4/23 (17%) patients of Arm 1 and 8/24 patients (33%) of Arm 2. None of the patients in Arm 1 required indoor supportive care while 4/24 patients (17%) were managed as an indoor patient. Among late toxicities, in Arm 2, the incidence of Grade 2 and Grade 3 anemia was 42%, whereas in Arm 1, its incidence was 22%. In Arm 1, no patient exhibited features of neuropathy, whereas, in Arm 2, 12/24 (50%) of the patients had neuropathy (P value for these two late events was <0.05 statistically significant). No therapy-induced mortality was noted. Conclusion: Exhibition of ACT with injection Paclitaxel and injection carboplatin in locally advanced carcinoma cervix is a technically viable option with manageable toxicity. |
Treatment refusal and abandonment remain major concerns despite good outcomes with multi-modality management in pediatric medulloblastoma: Experience from a cancer center in Eastern India Anirban Das, Rimpa Basu Achari, Lateef Zameer, Saugata Sen, Shekhar Krishnan, Arpita Bhattacharyya Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology 2019 40(5):13-15 Context: Survival in medulloblastoma, the most common pediatric brain tumor, has lagged behind in developing countries in comparison to the West. Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze the clinical profile and outcome in a cancer center in Eastern India. Methods: Twenty-nine children were retrospectively analyzed over 6 years. Results: Vomiting (79%), headache (69%), and unsteadiness (55%) were the presenting complaints. The majority (67%) had classical histology. High-risk (HR) disease (61.6%) exceeded average-risk (AR) (38.4%) disease in numbers. Treatment-refusal (27.6%) and abandonment (6.9%) were major concerns. Four-year EFS was 81% and 52%, excluding and including refusal/abandonment, respectively. There was no relapse/progression among AR patients. Four-year EFS in HR was 63%. Posterior fossa syndrome (37.5%), febrile neutropenia (29%), and ototoxicity (16.7%) were the main treatment-related morbidities. Implications: Following this audit, patient tracking to reduce abandonment, coordination to limit delay in postsurgical referral, developing strategies for molecular subgrouping, and reducing cumulative cisplatin exposure were measures adopted to improve outcome in the unit. |
Expected hepatocarcinoma cancer rate due to escape mutant among local population in Thailand: The situation after the implementation of universal hepatitis B vaccination at birth Beuy Joob, Viroj Wiwanitkit Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology 2019 40(5):16-17 Background: Chronic hepatitis B infection is an etiology of hepatocellular carcinoma. The high prevalence of hepatitis B can be seen in several regions including Indochina. In Thailand, a country in Indochina, according to the local public health policies, the universal hepatitis B vaccination is freely given to any infant at birth without charge. Despite the universal vaccination, the hepatitis B seropositive rate is still observed, and it can still be a cause of hepatocellular carcinoma among the hepatitis B carriers in the future. Methods: Here, the authors try to estimate the expected hepatocarcinoma cancer rate due to escape mutant among local population in Thailand, the situation after the implementation of universal hepatitis B vaccination at birth. Results: Based on the present study, the mutant escape contributes to only a few parts of overall estimated cancer cases in the situation that there is an implementation of universal hepatitis B vaccination at birth. Conclusion: Efficacy of theuniversal hepatitis B vaccination is not improved by specific management on escape mutants. |
Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in young adults: A hospital-based study Jagannath Dev Sharma, Nizara Baishya, Amal Chandra Kataki, Chandi Ram Kalita, Ashok Kumar Das, Tashnin Rahman Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology 2019 40(5):18-22 Background: Head and neck cancers (HNCs) account for 30% of all cancers in India. In north eastern India, tobacco-related cancers are very common because of the widespread use of tobacco. The paucity of any study from this region in young head and neck patients has prompted us to take up this study. Methodology: A retrospective study was conducted at Dr. B Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati during January 2015–December 2015. Data regarding tumor site, age, sex, education, habit of tobacco (smokeless and smoke), and betel nut consumption were analyzed using IBM SPSS version 19. P < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Results: About 75.1% patients were males. Among patients ≤39 years, 83.7% were tobacco chewers, 50.5% were smokers, and 83.7% betel nut chewers, and among >39 years, these proportions were 83.7%, 56.2%, and 78.7%, respectively. The most common site among ≤39 years and >39 were mouth (40.8%) and hypopharynx (36.8%). Among tobacco and betel nut chewers and smokers, the most common sites were mouth (40.3%, 42.5%) and hypopharynx (41.5%). The site of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma was highly associated with chewing and smoking habit (P < 0.05). Among illiterate patients, proportions of tobacco and betel nut chewers and smokers were 65.3%, 61.6%, and 67.9%, respectively. Conclusion: A positive association between tobacco use, male gender, and low education levels were found. The younger generation should be made aware about the adverse health consequences of tobacco use to reduce the preventable risk factors of HNC. |
Inhalation exposure to dioxins air pollutant generated by dead body incineration at buddhist temple: Cancer risk estimation Beuy Joob, Viroj Wiwanitkit Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology 2019 40(5):23-24 Background: Dioxin is accepted as an important toxic chemical that can induce carcinogenesis. The dioxin contamination in air is accepted as an important air pollutant. Apart from the industry, the dioxin in air can be generated by other little mentioned sources. Methods: Here, the authors assessed the cancer risk due to inhalation exposure to dioxins air pollutant generated by dead body incineration at Buddhist temple based on situation in Indochina. Indeed, there are many thousand Buddhist temples in Indochina and the dead body incineration is routinely done at the temple every day and the dioxin generated from this activity is little mentioned. Results: According to this study, the risk of cancer due to exposure to dioxins air pollutant generated by dead body incineration at Buddhist temple is high and should be the issue for proper public health management. Conclusion: Dioxins air pollutant generated by Dead bodyIncineration at Buddhist temple is an important cancer risk for both adult and children living in that area. |
Thermo mammogram as a tool to assess response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast carcinoma Subbiah Shanmugam, Gopu Govindasamy, Sujay Susikar, Muniasamy Palaniyandi Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology 2019 40(5):25-32 Introduction: Response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) is predicted by clinical examination alone in locally advanced breast carcinoma. This study uses thermo mammogram (TMG) to assess the response. Aim and Objectives: The aim is to study TMG changes during NACT in breast cancer and predict response to NACT in locally advanced carcinoma and to compare clinical response with TMG response/changes in any form. Patients and Methods: All patients with locally advanced breast cancer who had treated with NACT were included in this study. Baseline TMG picture was taken using illumina360° (digital robotic rotational thermography device for 360 degree view of each breast) system before chemotherapy. TMG was repeated before next cycle. All patients were also assessed clinically during and after each cycle of chemotherapy. To assess the potential of TMG in predicting tissue response to chemotherapy, the precool, postcool, and the temperature difference between precool and postcool before every cycle were analyzed. Results: A total of 19 patients were analyzed. Eight patients had complete clinical response, six patients had partial response, and five patients had static disease. Median of precool, temperature difference between precool and postcool for patients between no response and complete response did not show statistically significant difference. However, the median of postcool spot temperature showed statistically significant difference. Median of postcool temperature difference for patients between partial response and complete response showed statistically significant difference. The median of postcool spot temperature for patients with no response and partial response did not show statistically significant difference. Precool temperature difference for all the visits showed no statistically significant difference. Conclusion: This preliminary study suggests that the TMG has potential for monitoring NACT response in breast cancer patients. Postcool temperature measurement is an early indicator of response to NACT. |
Clinicopathological presentation of cervical cancer in Bhopal Rubal Jain, Rajendra Kumar Nigam, Reeni Malik, Pramila Jain Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology 2019 40(5):33-37 Aim: To study the clinicopathological spectrum of cervical cancers in tertiary care center to assess scenario in Central India. Materials and Methods: Retrospective study in the Department of Pathology in our institution to evaluate cases of cervical cancers from January 2014 to August 2015. Histopathological diagnosis was correlated with age, symptoms, gravida, Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics staging, and other relevant clinical details wherever deemed necessary. The biostatical analysis was performed for quantitative data student's t-test was applied. P value was considered statistically significant if P < 0.05. Results: A total of 180 cases were of neoplasia cervix. Majority of cases were squamous cell carcinoma type, i.e., 96.6% (174 cases) followed by adenocarcinoma constituting only 2.8% (5 cases) with a mean age of 50.7 years and average gravida of 3.78. Majority of cases (50.01%) complained of postmenopausal bleeding followed by abnormal spotting (26.67%) and lower abdominal pain (7.78%). The most common presentation was in Stage IIB with 45.56% (82) cases. Conclusion: Histomorphology remains the mainstay of diagnosis of cervical cancers. In low compliance settings such as ours, colposcopy-guided biopsy is the preferred course of management, especially in elderly females to be definite to rule out or diagnose neoplasia. National level cervical cancer program is immediate need of the hour and should include human papilloma virus vaccine, awareness, and screening programs as well as treatment assistance for low socioeconomic strata. |
Pediatric bone sarcomas: Outcome of multimodality treatment in a single institution in South India over a decade Subbiah Shanmugam, Gopu Govindasamy, Syed Afroze Hussain, S Prinith Siga Fells Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology 2019 40(5):38-43 Context: Pediatric bone sarcoma is a rare entity with low incidence of around 2.5–6 per million population in India. Management of this condition is well standardized, and global survival data are available; however, there is a paucity of data in the Indian perspective. Aim of the Study: The aim of this study is to analyze various prognostic factors and survival outcome. The purpose of this study is to assess the role of surgery, multiagent chemotherapy, and radiation in the management of these tumors. Patients and Methods: Retrospective analysis of patients aged 18 and less, diagnosed as bone sarcomas and treated in our tertiary cancer center. All the patients received at least one form of therapy depending on stage and site of the primary lesion. Results: Twenty-one patients of Ewing sarcoma and 20 patients of osteosarcomas were eligible and were included in the study. In Ewing sarcoma, completing the full course of standard chemotherapy and radiotherapy to the local site was associated with improved survival. In osteosarcoma, limb salvage surgery (LSS) had a significant difference in overall survival compared to amputation. Induction chemotherapy was associated with better percentage of necrosis and showed improved survival. The percentage of necrosis correlated positively with survival which was statistically significant (P = 0.015). Conclusion: The median survival in both these bone sarcomas is inferior to global trends. Probable reasons for such discrepancy are lack of compliance to treatment protocols due to age factors and late presentation. Completion of multiagent chemotherapy in both the tumors add to better survival. Radiotherapy in Ewing sarcoma improves survival. In osteosarcoma, LSS is an oncologically safe alternative to amputation. The percentage of necrosis following chemotherapy in osteosarcoma is a reliable predictor of prognosis. |
Clinical profile of acute myeloid leukemia in North India and utility of nontransplant measures in its management Nadeem Shoket, Javvid Muzamil, Tasneef Banoo Zargar, Burhan Wani, Vishal Toka, Javid Rasool Bhat, Gull Mohammad Bhat, Aejaz Aziz Shiekh Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology 2019 40(5):44-53 Introduction: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a clonal accumulation of myeloid precursors in body tissues, which ultimately leads to bone marrow failure. This is an 8-year prospective, observational study in which 254 patients were enrolled. Aim of the Study: To document the clinical profile of AML and differential outcome in M3 versus non-M3 phenotype and to see impact of different variables on its survival. Methods: Patients enrolled in the study were examined, evaluated, and given standard 3:7 induction protocol, and acute promyelocytic leukemia (APML) patients were given the ICAPL 2006 protocol. Results: In our study, males outnumbered females and most of our patients were in 20–60 years of age group. The better prognosis was in patients who were in the second decade of life. Total leukocyte count and platelet count had a significant impact on the survival of the a patient. Bone marrow morphology of M3 type has extremely good prognosis and was the most common FAB type seen in our study. Flow cytometric markers such as CD15, CD33, CD117, and myeloperoxidase had positivity among 90% of patients. Overall survival is around 40% in whole-study group, 87% in APML group, and 16.5% in non-M3 group. There are still unmet needs in managing the non-M3 patients in resource-constraint countries where allogenic transplant and newer drugs have the least access. For improving the outcome in M3 AML, further newer molecules such as Flt3 and PIK3 inhibitors are being used in trials. Conclusion: There are still unmet needs in managing the non-M3 patients in resource-constraint countries where allogenic transplant and newer drugs have the least access. For improving the outcome in M3 AML, further newer molecules such as Flt3 and PIK3 inhibitors are being used in trials. |
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
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