Κυριακή 28 Ιουλίου 2019

Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology. Year 2019 Issue 06 is now available on CAOD.

In this issue:
Appropriate understanding of obstructive sleep apnea and sleep disordered breathing (正确认识阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停与睡眠呼吸障碍)
Ye Jingying
...... page:401-404
Polysomnographic comparation between dexmedetomidine-induced sleep and natural sleep (右美托咪定诱导睡眠与自然睡眠多道睡眠监测参数的对比研究)
Xu Jinkun,Ye Jingying,Cao Xin,Zhang Yuhuan,Yuan Xuemei,Zhao Chunmei
...... page:405-409
Effect of oral appliance treatment on age-related changes of sleep respiratory function in patients with obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (口腔矫治对阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征患者睡眠呼吸功能增龄变化的影响)
Gong Xu,Yu Min,Li Weiran,Gao Xuemei
...... page:410-415
Analysis of sleep quality and related factors among children in Beijing (北京市儿童睡眠质量现况及其相关因素分析)
Li Hongbin,Tai Jun,Feng Guoshuang,Li Xiaodan,Du Jiangnan,Wang Guixiang,Xu Zhifei,Ma Jun,Hu Peijin,Yan Xiaoyan,Zhang Jie,Zhang Yamei,Liu Yuanhu,Zhao Jing,Zheng Li,Chen Jun,Ge Wentong,Ni Xin
...... page:416-420
The effect of genioglossus activity to velopharyngeal surgery in patient with obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (颏舌肌活性对阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征患者腭咽部手术疗效的影响)
Zhao Di,Li Yanru,Qu Yue,Xian Junfang,Cao Xin,Zhang Junbo,Ye Jingying
...... page:421-426
The role of body fat rate in the evaluation of obstructive sleep apnea (体脂率在阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停评估中的作用)
Li Tao,Yao Ziming,Wang Li,Tao Liyuan,Yu Xiaoning,Sun Shilong,Hu Weini,Du Yali,Yan Yan
...... page:427-431
Preliminary observation of galvanic vestibular stimulation-vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in healthy young people (直流电刺激诱发健康青年人前庭诱发肌源性电位的初步观察)
Chen Zichen,Wei Xinyu,Zhang Yuzhong,Cheng Ying,Yang Fangyuan,Zhang Chao,Chen Feiyun,Gao Ying,Hu Juan,Xu Min,Zhang Qing
...... page:432-438
Efficacy and safety of vandetanib on advanced medullary thyroid carcinoma:single center result from a phaseⅢstudy (凡他尼布治疗晚期甲状腺髓样癌的临床疗效及安全性分析:Ⅲ期单中心研究结果)
Wang Shixu,Zhang Xiwei,Wang Xiaoxin,An Changming,Zhang Yabing,Liu Wan,Zhao Yanfeng,He Xiaohui,Li Zhengjiang,Niu Lijuan,Tang Pingzhang
...... page:439-444
Clinical treatment experience of thyroid cancer with heart disease (伴有心脏疾病的甲状腺癌患者围手术期临床治疗经验)
Wang Jianhong,Zhao Liyun,Lyu Yufang,Rao Yuansheng,Liu Haiying,Yan Xiaojuan,Fang Jugao
...... page:445-449
The significance of eosinophils in the correlation of upper and lower airway inflammation in patients with chronic rhinitis (嗜酸粒细胞在慢性鼻炎患者上下气道炎症相关性中的意义)
Zhang Yong,Chen Wei,Ji Junfeng,Wang Zhiyi,Wu Minghai,Cheng You,Jiang Manjie,Wang Qiuping,Chen Renjie
...... page:450-455
The inhibition of 18β-sodium glycyrrhetinic acid on thymic stromal lymphopoietin expression in the nasal mucosa of allergic rhinitis rats (18β-甘草次酸钠抑制变应性鼻炎大鼠鼻黏膜胸腺基质淋巴细胞生成素表达的研究)
Ji Jie,Gui Yan,Wang Youhu,Hou Yun,Chen Kangbing,Xi Kehu,Chen Xiaowan,Liu Xiaohan,Zhang Xiaobing
...... page:456-463
One case of tuberculous otitis media with cervical lymph node tuberculosis in child (小儿结核性中耳炎伴颈部淋巴结结核一例)
Gao Miao,Lin Chang
...... page:464-466
Tonsil synovial sarcoma with gastric and other systemic metastases:a case report (扁桃体滑膜肉瘤伴胃等全身多发转移一例)
Wang Han,Chen Yuqing,Zeng Xiaozhen,Guo Shengren,Chen Guangqiang
...... page:466-468
A case of freshwater fish-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis (淡水鱼依赖运动诱发严重变态反应一例)
Wang Tan,Wu Ke,Li Lianqing,Gong Lili
...... page:469-470
Diagnosis and treatment of lymphatic malformations (头颈部淋巴管畸形诊治进展)
Wang Shengcai,Tai Jun,Zhang Jie,Ni Xin
...... page:471-476
Clinical application of portable monitoring device in the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (便携式监测设备在成人阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征诊断中的临床应用)
Lu Mi,Fang Fang,Wei Yongxiang
...... page:477-480 

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