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Κυριακή 28 Ιουλίου 2019

Chinese Journal of Stomatology. Year 2019 Issue 06 is now available on CAOD.

In this issue:
Development and prospect of oral esthetic medicine with Chinese characteristics (中国特色的口腔美容医学发展与展望)
Liu Hongchen
...... page:361-362
Expert consensus on navigation-guided unilateral delayed zygomatic fractures reconstruction techniques (导航引导单侧陈旧性颧骨骨折整复术技术流程及操作的专家共识)
ZHONG Huakouqiangyixuehuikouqiangzuomianwaikezhuanyeweiyuanhui
...... page:363-367
The past, present and future of development of oral esthetics in China (我国口腔美学发展的过去、现在和未来)
Tan Jianguo
...... page:368-372
Clinical strategies for implantation in esthetic zone (浅谈口腔美学区种植修复的临床策略)
Xu Xin
...... page:373-377
Pink esthetic defects of restoration in anterior teeth and the treatment protocol (前牙美学修复中常见的粉色美学缺陷和处理对策)
Ma Chufan
...... page:378-381
Data collection and case accumulation in esthetic dentistry (口腔美学修复的资料收集与病例积累)
Huang Cui
...... page:382-386
Multidisciplinary treatment of partial edentulous dentition in esthetic zone: function and esthetic reconstruction (美学区牙列缺损功能和美学重建的多学科联合治疗)
Gao Hanqi,Tan Jianguo,Zhang Lei,Zhou Jianfeng,Chen Li
...... page:387-390
Orthodontic-surgical treatment of facial asymmetry associated with skeletal Class Ⅲ malocclusion (骨性Ⅲ类错(牙合)伴骨性偏颌的正畸-正颌联合治疗)
Mi Yanling,Xi Wenqiong,Deng Yanwei,Zhang Fan
...... page:391-395
Functional and esthetic rehabilitation of dentition with severe dental erosion (胃食管反流致重度牙侵蚀症的功能和美学重建)
Chen Ranran,Shen Yanqing,Zhu Liqin,Wang Junjin
...... page:395-398
Functional and esthetic reconstruction of a case with tooth wear and temporomandibular joint osteoarthrosis (牙列重度磨耗伴颞下颌关节骨关节病的功能和美学重建)
Lin Dong,Xu Xin
...... page:399-402
Functional and esthetic rehabilitation of dentitions with severe dental erosion (重度牙侵蚀症患者的功能和美学重建)
Yang Zhen,Liu Mingyue,Zheng Miao,Tan Jianguo
...... page:403-406
Functional and esthetic rehabilitation of a case with generalized severe tooth wear (全口牙列重度磨耗患者的功能和美学重建)
Wang Fangping,Wen Yuru,Tan Jianguo,Wang Mingzhen
...... page:406-409
Screening of periodontal and salivary parameters in patients with frequent acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (慢性阻塞性肺疾病频繁急性发作的牙周及唾液指标筛查的研究)
Wang Jitian,Liu Zhiqiang,Zhang Tianyi,Chen Yue,Zhou Xuan,Li Guangxi,Liu Wenyan,Wang Zuomin
...... page:410-415
Clinicopathological analysis of 40 cases of salivary duct carcinoma (40例唾液腺导管癌的临床病理分析)
Lin Nan,Cai Jinghua,Xu Manjun,Kang Peng,Cheng Zhifen,He Wei
...... page:416-419
Research progress in secreting sytokines interferon-gamma and interleukin-17 of T helper 1 and 17 cells on periodontitis (辅助性T细胞1和17特征性分泌因子干扰素γ及白细胞介素17在牙周炎发生发展中作用的研究进展)
Wang Zhongxiu,Chen Lili
...... page:420-424
New progress in the diagnosis and treatment of natal teeth and neonatal teeth (诞生牙及新生牙的诊疗新进展)
He Xiufang,Xu Chunjiao
...... page:425-428
Management principles for traumatic primary teeth and the interpretation of the guidelines from International Association of Dental Traumatology (乳牙外伤治疗原则与国际牙外伤学会相关指南解析)
Qin Man
...... page:429-432 

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