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Κυριακή 21 Ιουλίου 2019

Disproportionately large communicating fourth ventricle: two case reports
Abstract Background Management of the disproportionately large communicating fourth ventricle is still problematic. Case presentation Two cases of disproportionately large communicating fourth ventricle were treated successfully. One was a case of a 51-year-old Han Chinese woman with a complaint of headache and dizziness of 1 year’s duration....
Latest Results for Journal of Medical Case Reports
Hemodynamically balanced congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries with a large ventricular septal defect, and subvalvular pulmonic stenosis: a case report
Adults with unoperated congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries are rare but form a distinct group among adults with congenital heart disease. Patients with congenitally corrected transpositi...
Journal of Medical Case Reports - Latest Articles
Successful laparoscopic resection for gastric duplication cyst: a case report
Gastric duplication is a relatively rare congenital malformation, accounting for approximately 2.9–3.8% of gastrointestinal duplications. Gastric duplication cyst is a congenital anomaly that is rarely observe...
Journal of Medical Case Reports - Latest Articles
An unusual cause of lymphadenopathy in a child
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Penile fracture: added value of novel assessment with contrast-enhanced ultrasound
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Large pedunculated vulval fibroepithelial polyp
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Colonic metastases 13 years after the primary ovarian cancer: a case study with a brief review of literature
Metastatic ovarian malignancy is a known and dreaded complication of ovarian malignancy. Ovarian malignancies primarily disseminate through the peritoneal cavity and are only superficially invasive. They rarely metastasise through the haematogenous route, but that occurs in the presence of heavy peritoneal disease. The involvement of the colon in advanced ovarian malignancy is mostly through the peritoneal seedlings. It is very rare for an ovarian malignancy to invade through the serosa into the...
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Non-typhoidal salmonellosis presenting as acute calculus cholecystitis
Non-typhoidal Salmonella spp.are Gram-negative bacilli, which typically cause a clinical picture of gastroenteritis and, less commonly, patients may become a chronic carrier of the pathogen within their gallbladder. We describe a rare clinical presentation of a non-typhoidal Salmonella spp. infection as acute calculus cholecystitis in an adult patient. Salmonella enterica subsp. Salamae (ST P4271) was grown from cholecystostomy fluid, and the patient subsequently underwent a laparoscopic cholecystectomy...
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Topical imiquimod-induced linear IgA bullous dermatosis
A 68-year-old woman was referred to the unit of dermatology for a large basal cell carcinoma on the chin. She was treated with imiquimod cream 5%, and 4 weeks after she developed isolated and grouped tense serum-filled vesicles and bullae on lips, nose, scalp, ankles and lumbar area, and then expanded to the whole body. Histological examination was consistent with a subepidermal bullous dermatosis. Moreover, direct immunofluorescence showed linear deposition of IgA at the basement membrane zone supporting...
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Rare cause of acute angle-closure glaucoma in an elderly man
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Cannabis body packing in Greenland
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma recurrence presenting as multiple, progressive cranial neuropathies
A 58-year-old man with a history of rheumatoid arthritis and stage IV diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, in complete remission with no evidence of residual disease on positron emission tomography/CT after completing six cycles of rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone chemotherapy, presented with acute onset of dysphagia to solids and liquids. On further evaluation, his dysphagia was attributed to a vagus nerve palsy, and later during his admission, he developed rapidly...
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Unduly long left main (79 mm) coronary artery arising from right coronary sinus in a 64-year-old diabetic man
Coronary artery anomalies are usually an incidental finding on coronary angiogram. Most of them are benign, although few of them are malignant which may cause sudden cardiac death. A 64-year-old diabetic, hypertensive man underwent coronary angiography for evaluation of exertional dyspnoea, and angina which revealed an anomalous left main coronary artery (LMCA) arising from right coronary sinus which was unduly long (79 mm) but free from any disease. To the best of our knowledge after extensive search...
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Bilateral independent periodic lateralised epileptiform discharges at presentation followed by rapid recovery: novel observations from a case of Epstein-Barr virus encephalitis
Bilateral independent periodic lateralised epileptiform discharges (BIPLEDs) in electroencephalograms (EEGs) are commonly caused by anoxic encephalopathy and central nervous system infections. They are associated with coma and high mortality and are thus markers of poor prognosis. We present a case of encephalitis who presented with BIPLEDs in EEG. Though the clinical, EEG and MRI features closely resembled herpes simplex encephalitis, further investigations proved it to be Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)...
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Cardiac arrest in a young healthy male patient secondary to kratom ingestion: is this legal high' substance more dangerous than initially thought ?
Kratom is a psychoactive herb that has stimulant properties at low doses and has opioid-like properties at higher doses. It has been used for centuries in southeast Asia as a stimulant but has gained increasing popularity as a substitute for opioids in western countries as it is easily available. As most cases of kratom use involve other drugs too, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has stopped short of restricting kratom due to difficulty in assessing the adverse effects of kratom alone. We...
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Challenging diagnosis of resistance to thyroid hormone in a patient with pituitary adenoma
The elevation of thyroid hormone with a normal or elevated thyroid-stimulation hormone (TSH) occurs uncommonly. This set a diagnosis challenge between TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma and resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH). We report a case of a young female patient with palpitations, with elevated thyroid hormone and non-suppressed TSH. TSH receptor antibody was undetectable. Thyroid ultrasound revealed mild heterogeneous goitre, and MRI revealed a microadenoma with 7.5 mm length in pituitary’s...
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Hennekam syndrome: an uncommon cause of chylous ascites and intestinal lymphangiectasia in the tropics
Paediatric chylous ascites in tropics is commonly caused by infections and trauma. We describe the clinical characteristics of an uncommon inherited cause of chylous ascites, Hennekam syndrome, treated by nutritional modification.
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Diagnosis and management of traumatic bilateral chylothorax: a clinical conundrum
A 35-year-old man was admitted in the emergency department with a complaint of progressive dyspnoea and 4-day prior history of a road traffic accident. An initial evaluation was inconspicuous and he was discharged. Clinical examination and radiological imaging suggested bilateral pleural effusion for which bilateral intercostal drains were inserted. Further pleural fluid analysis aided the diagnosis of bilateral chylothorax. A conservative approach consisting of a fat-free diet, total parenteral...
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Providing insight into the incubation period of Mycobacterium ulcerans disease: two case reports
Buruli ulcer caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans is endemic in parts of West Africa and is most prevalent among the 5–15 years age group; Buruli ulcer is uncommon among neonates. The mode of transmission and incubat...
Journal of Medical Case Reports - Latest Articles
Isolated congenital inter-costal pulmonary hernia: a case report
Intercostal lung herniation is a rare condition that may be congenital (20%) or acquired (80%). The isolated congenital form is exceptional, with one case reported in the literature.
Journal of Medical Case Reports - Latest Articles
Management of subgingivally fractured maxillary anterior tooth: a multidisciplinary approach
The major challenge in traumatic injuries is the management of subgingival fracture of anterior teeth. Forced orthodontic extrusion is a suitable approach for these teeth as it provides both a sound tissue margin for final restoration and creates a periodontal environment (biological width) which is easy for the patient to maintain. Restoration after orthodontic eruption may present a more conservative treatment choice in young patients compared with the prosthetic restoration after extraction. This...
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Percutaneous removal of a retained appendicolith causing recurrent perihepatic abscesses between the liver and diaphragm
Many cases of appendicitis can be associated with appendicoliths. These may sometimes be lost during appendectomies and may be lodged in the body. Most of these cases lead to recurrent abscess formation, and these appendicoliths invariably need removal. Typically, this used to be done as an open surgery or laparoscopically. Here we describe the case of a transcutaneous removal of an appendicolith that was lodged between the liver and diaphragm that led to recurrent perihepatic abscess formation in...
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Primary angiosarcoma of the breast: a radiation oncologists perspective with a concise review of the literature
A 28-year-old premenopausal woman presented with a painful rapidly growing mass in her right breast and was evaluated with a core needle biopsy, which was suggestive of poorly differentiated carcinoma. Immunohistochemical evaluation revealed primary angiosarcoma of breast. Whole body 18flouro-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography CT showed few metabolically active soft tissue lesions in upper inner quadrant of right breast. The patient underwent breast conservation surgery and in view of positive...
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Hepatomegaly with neutropenia: a girl with glycogen storage disease Ib
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Disseminated blastomycosis presenting as a retro-orbital mass
A 43-year-old man with history of non-Hodgkins’ lymphoma presented with unilateral eye swelling, pain and vision deficits which had been progressive over 2 months. Symptoms followed a presumed bacterial pneumonia 4 months prior. Imaging demonstrated retro-orbital soft tissue swelling with bony erosion concerning for a mass; surgical decompression was performed with histology confirming disseminated Blastomyces dermatitidis. Symptoms responded rapidly to antifungal therapy with amphotericin followed...
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues
Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leucoencephalopathy (CADASIL) presenting with stroke in a young man
Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leucoencephalopathy (CADASIL) is caused by mutations in the NOTCH3 gene which maps to the short arm of chromosome 19 and encodes the NOTCH3 receptor protein, predominantly expressed in adults by vascular smooth muscle cells and pericytes. The receptor has a large extracellular domain with 34 epidermal growth factor-like repeats encoded by exons 2–24, the site at which CADASIL mutations are most commonly found. Migraine with aura...
BMJ Case Reports Last 6 Issues

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