Congratulations to 2018 EST Award Winners No abstract available
Hemiarthroplasty for Femoral Neck Fracture Hemiarthroplasty is a common treatment for femoral neck fractures in the elderly population. The main complications are periprosthetic dislocation and infection, which potentially impact morbidity and quality of life and may contribute to mortality. This procedure can be technically demanding, and adequate closure of the capsule and soft tissue cannot be emphasized enough. One advantage of a bipolar prosthesis is that it can be easily converted to a total hip arthroplasty without replacing the femoral component and with approximately the same complication rates as a revision total hip arthroplasty. Cement should be used when the patient is osteoporotic or has a Dorr type-C canal because there is a significant reduction in risk of fracture. The addition of a collared stem is helpful if there is a crack in the calcar extending from the fracture. The procedure is as follows. (1) The patient is placed in the lateral decubitus position. (2) The surgical site is prepared and draped to above the iliac crest and mid-sacrum. (3) A posterior approach is utilized. (4) The hip is dislocated. (5) A cut is made at the femoral neck. (6) The implant is templated with the femoral head. (7) The femur is broached. (8) The trial implant is placed. (9) The femur is cemented. (10) Trial implants are removed and cement is placed. (11) The final stem implant is placed in 5° to 10° of anteversion. (12) The final head and neck implants are trialed and then placed. (13) Implant position and range of motion are tested. (14) The surgical wound is irrigated. (15) Short external rotators are repaired.
The Isometric Quadriceps Contraction Method for Intra-Articular Knee Injection The intra-articular injection is the most important technique for treating not only rheumatoid arthritis but also osteoarthritis of the knee. However, 1 problem is that the drug is often inaccurately injected outside of the joint, especially when no effusion is present. According to a previous systematic review by Maricar et al., the use of a superolateral patellar approach without ultrasonography had a higher success rate (87%) than both a medial midpatellar approach (64%) and an anterolateral joint-line approach (70%). For knees with little effusion, we devised a method of intra-articular injection in which the needle is inserted into the suprapatellar pouch while the patient maintains isometric contraction of the quadriceps. This method, which we call the isometric quadriceps contraction (IQC) method, is based on the concept that isometric contraction of the quadriceps induces contraction of the articularis genus muscle complex, thus expanding the volume of the suprapatellar pouch. The major steps of the procedure are (1) patient positioning and knee placement, (2) finding the puncture point, (3) isometric quadriceps contraction, and (4) needle approach to the suprapatellar pouch and injection. We also show the ultrasound evaluation of the suprapatellar pouch expansion under IQC and the accuracy of the IQC method compared with that of the non-activated quadriceps method. The results of this injection method indicate that the suprapatellar pouch is likely to expand during IQC, improving the probability of successful intra-articular injections. We believe that the IQC method is therapeutically effective and achieved a success rate of 93.3% despite the presence of little effusion and no use of ultrasonography.
Replantation of a Completely Amputated Thumb with Assistance of High-Speed Video Recording Background: Generally, surgeons assess the quality of vascular anastomosis in digit replantation on the basis of their experience. Description: The steps for replantation of a completely amputated thumb, with assistance of high-speed video recording, consist of (1) debridement, (2) fixation, (3) tendon suture, (4) anastomosis, and (5) wound closure1,2. Alternatives: Revision amputation or flap coverage. Rationale: With the assistance of high-speed video recording, the refilling velocity ratio (RVR) is an objective index for the quality assessment of the vascular anastomosis.
Management of Bone Defects in Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty with Use of a Stepped, Porous-Coated Metaphyseal Sleeve
Background: Revision total knee arthroplasty is a costly operation associated with many challenges including bone loss in the distal end of the femur and proximal end of the tibia1,2. Reconstruction of bone defects remains a difficult problem that may require more extensive reconstruction techniques to restore mechanical stability and ensure long-term fixation. Use of porous-coated metaphyseal sleeves is a modern technique to address bone deficiency in revision total knee arthroplasty3,4. Midterm reports have shown excellent survivorship and osseointegration5-7. Description: The use of a porous-coated metaphyseal sleeve begins with intramedullary canal reaming to determine the diameter of the diaphyseal-engaging stem. Bone loss is assessed followed by broaching of the tibial and/or femoral metaphyses. Broaching continues until axial and rotational stability are achieved. The sleeve typically occupies most, if not all, of the proximal tibial and distal femoral cavitary osseous defects often encountered during revision total knee arthroplasty. However, a sleeve does not address all distal and posterior femoral condylar bone loss, for which augments are often required. Alternatives: Previously described methods to address various bone deficiencies include use of morselized or structural bone-grafting, reinforcing screws within cement, metal augments, and metaphyseal cone fixation8-17. Rationale: Structural allografts or metal augments remain a suitable option for uncontained metaphyseal defects. Metaphyseal structural allografts may undergo stress-shielding, resorption, and late fracture. Metaphyseal sleeves offer long-term biologic fixation to host bone while creating a stable platform to receive a cemented femoral and/or tibial component7. This hybrid combination may provide mechanically protective properties to decrease the loads at the cement-bone interfaces and enhance loads to metaphyseal bone to ensure long-term implant fixation in the setting of substantial bone deficiencies18-20.
Patellofemoral Arthroplasty
Background: The first report of patellofemoral arthroplasty (PFA) was published in 19791. Reviews in 2005 and 20072,3 called for studies comparing PFA with total knee arthroplasty (TKA) for isolated patellofemoral osteoarthritis. A blinded randomized controlled trial (RCT) was initiated in 2007 for this purpose, and the first report with 2-year results was awarded the Mark Coventry Award of the Knee Society in 20174. It was found that (1) patients recover more quickly from PFA than from TKA; (2) during the first 2 years after surgery, PFA-treated patients have better average knee function than TKA-treated patients; and (3) PFA-treated patients regain their preoperative range of movement within the first postoperative year whereas TKA-treated patients do not regain it within the first 2 years4. Description: There are general principles that are common to all brands of PFA implants. These include (1) an indication based on bone-on-bone contact in the patellofemoral joint with a preserved tibiofemoral joint; (2) replacing all surfaces of the patellofemoral joint, with metal on the femoral side and polyethylene on the patellar side; (3) ensuring a smooth transition from normal articular cartilage to the trochlear component; and (4) creating normal patellofemoral tracking. Alternatives: The primary treatment of any degenerative condition should be nonoperative, but when such measures are insufficient surgical treatment may be indicated. Many procedures have been suggested for relieving patellofemoral pain, but if there is bone-on-bone contact in the patellofemoral joint, the only current surgical option (except for experimental treatments) is joint replacement—i.e., either PFA or TKA. Rationale: Our general principle for joint replacement of the knee is to replace only the affected compartment if unicompartmental changes are found. If ≥2 compartments are affected, we perform TKA. This principle is challenged both by proponents of performing TKA in all cases of knee osteoarthritis and by proponents of bicompartmental knee replacement for 2-compartment disease. The 2-year results of our blinded RCT comparing PFA and TKA4 support our current practice of PFA. In our practice, we have found PFA to be a rewarding procedure when the correct indications are used. PFA is likely to remain a fairly rare procedure, but any knee arthroplasty center should be able to offer it.
Direct Superior Approach to the Hip for Total Hip Arthroplasty
Background: Traditional posterior approaches to the hip, posterolateral and mini-posterior, violate the iliotibial band and the short external rotators, specifically the quadratus femoris and obturator externus muscles1-4. The direct anterior approach does not violate the iliotibial band or the quadratus femoris, resulting in earlier ambulation and lower dislocation rates1,5-9. The direct superior (DS) is a posterior approach that spares the iliotibial band, obturator externus tendon, and quadratus femoris muscle. The goal of minimally invasive surgery (MIS) is to disrupt the least amount of tissue necessary to adequately expose the hip and correctly place implants. Although MIS total hip arthroplasty (THA) has not lived up to all of its promises10-13, MIS-THA may enable early ambulation and decrease length of stay14-16. Description: The patient is positioned in the lateral decubitus position. An 8 to 10-cm incision is made at a 60° oblique angle starting from the posterior-proximal corner of the greater trochanter. Only the gluteus maximus fascia is incised; the Iliotibial band is completely spared. The gluteus maximus muscle is split bluntly, exposing the gluteus medius muscle, piriformis tendon, and triceps coxae (the obturator internus and superior and inferior gemellus muscles). The piriformis and conjoined tendon are released from the greater trochanter and tagged. The gluteus minimus is elevated, exposing the posterior hip capsule. An arthrotomy is performed prior to dislocating the hip with flexion, adduction, internal rotation, and axial compression. The femoral neck is resected, the acetabulum is reamed, and components or trials are impacted into position. Hip stability is assessed. Final implants are placed. The posterior capsule, piriformis, and obturator internus tendons are repaired anatomically. The fascia and skin are closed. Alternatives: Posterolateral approach.Mini-posterior approach.Direct lateral approach.Anterolateral approach.Percutaneously assisted total hip (PATH).Supercapsular PATH (SuperPath). Rationale: The DS approach to the hip differs from the traditional posterior and mini-posterior approaches because it preserves the iliotibial band, quadratus femoris muscle, and obturator externus tendon1, potentially suppressing dislocation. The DS approach to the hip causes less soft-tissue destruction, especially to the gluteus minimus and tensor fasciae latae muscles, compared with the direct anterior approach to the hip, suggesting DS-THA may enhance postoperative mobility1,3,14-16. DS-THA is extensile by extending the incision distally, incising the iliotibial band, and releasing the quadratus femoris muscle. This converts a DS approach to a standard posterolateral approach, providing additional visualization.
Interfascicular Resection of Benign Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors
Background: Interfascicular resection is a surgical technique used to safely treat benign peripheral nerve sheath tumors through careful dissection of functional neural elements off the tumor surface1,2. Description: Proper operative technique is essential to improving symptoms, preserving neurologic function, and minimizing the chance for recurrence. Accurate tumor localization, ideal patient positioning, and placement of a longitudinal incision permit adequate exposure. Prior to tumor resection, normal nerve should be identified proximally and distally and controlled with vessel loops. This allows functional fascicles streaming around the tumor in the pseudocapsule to be visualized during resection. A fascicle-free window is identified on the tumor surface through visual inspection and intraoperative neurophysiology monitoring if desired. The pseudocapsule layers are divided with a sharp instrument until a smooth and shiny true capsule layer is found. This plane should have minimal resistance and is developed circumferentially until the tumor can be enucleated in toto. At the poles of the tumor, a single nonfunctional nerve fascicle that courses into the tumor is typically found. If there is >1 fascicle running into the tumor, further pseudocapsule layers should be undermined to sweep fascicles off the true capsule surface. The entering-exiting fascicle can be tested for function and is cut sharply. The specimen should be sent to pathology for permanent sectioning. The sides of the pseudocapsule are spread in opposite directions to evaluate for residual tumor, and any remaining tumor is removed if it can be done safely. Meticulous hemostasis is achieved, and the surgical site is closed in anatomical layers. Alternatives: Pain is the most common presenting symptom, and neuroleptic medications should be used in escalating dosage prior to surgical intervention. Nonoperative medical therapy does not typically result in symptom freedom, and patients often opt for resection. For tumors that are suspected of being malignant, an image-guided percutaneous or open biopsy and staging (positron emission tomography and/or computed tomography scans of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis) are recommended prior to treatment planning. For symptomatic benign extremity lesions, surgical resection is the treatment of choice, and adjuvant therapies like radiation and/or chemotherapy are not recommended. For malignant lesions, more aggressive surgery (wide resection or amputation) and preoperative, intraoperative, or postoperative radiation with or without chemotherapy are often utilized. Rationale: The treatment approach depends on a variety of presenting features such as onset, progression, symptom severity, tumor size, location, imaging features, presence of a syndrome, and patient age. There is little benefit from the resection of an incidentally found, small, nongrowing lesion. The most common reasons for removal of extremity lesions are a painful mass and/or radiating "nerve" pain. There is a high likelihood of relieving the symptoms and minimizing the risk of recurrence, and a relatively low risk of causing neurologic injury. The procedure provides a definitive diagnosis. For patients with severe pain, progressive weakness, rapid tumor growth, or concerning imaging characteristics, biopsy should be considered to determine malignant potential.
Vascularized Greater Trochanter Bone Flap Transfer for Treatment of ARCO Stage-IIB to IIIB Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head
Background: The goal of a vascularized bone flap transfer is to replace the necrotic bone of the femoral head, restore the blood supply, and provide new bone and mechanical support for the femoral head. Description: The major steps of the procedure that are demonstrated in this article are: (1) using the anterolateral approach to the hip, the incision is made; (2) the interval between the rectus femoris and vastus lateralis is split, the transverse branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery is identified, and the pedicle is isolated and protected; (3) the vascularized bone flap is harvested from the greater trochanter; (4) necrotic bone is debrided through a bone window made at the junction of the femoral neck and head; (5) the cancellous bone from the greater trochanter is implanted, and the vascularized bone flap is positioned and fixed; and (6) the wound is closed in layers. Complications are rare, and full weight-bearing is allowed after 3 months postoperatively. Alternatives: Free vascularized fibular graft. Rationale: Compared with a free vascularized fibular grafting technique, vascularized bone-grafting of the greater trochanter has the advantages of being less invasive, incurring lower donor-site morbidity, and not requiring any microsurgical technique because there is no vascular anastomosis.
Extensor Mechanism Reconstruction with Use of Marlex Mesh
Background: Marlex mesh reconstruction of the extensor mechanism via a stepwise surgical approach is a viable option to treat disruption of the extensor mechanism after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Description: Extensor mechanism reconstruction with mesh involves a stepwise surgical approach with a particular monofilament polypropylene mesh (Marlex; C.R. Bard). Prior to incision, the 10 × 14-in (25 × 36-cm) sheet of Marlex mesh is rolled onto itself 8 to 10 times and sewn together. If the tibia is not being revised, a burr is utilized to create a trough in the tibia. Five centimeters of the tapered portion of the mesh are predipped in bone cement. The remaining cement is inserted into the trough. The tapered portion of the mesh is inserted into the tibial trough, ensuring that the mesh is fully seated. After the cement has cured, a lag screw is placed across the mesh and cement and into host bone. If the tibia is being revised at the time of the Marlex mesh reconstruction, the 5 cm of predipped mesh is placed anteriorly in the medullary canal in line with the tibial crest. The remaining procedure is similar regardless of whether the components are revised. At the level of the joint, it is essential to ensure that the mesh is covered with host tissue. Next, the proximal reconstruction, which involves mobilizing the vastus lateralis and vastus medialis obliquus (VMO) distally by releasing all ventral and dorsal soft-tissue adhesions off the muscle bellies, is completed. Finally, the mesh is unitized to the vastus lateralis. With the limb maintained in full extension, the mesh is pulled directly proximally while another assistant pulls the vastus lateralis distally and medially. The vastus lateralis is deep, and the mesh is directly on top of it. Multiple nonabsorbable sutures are placed through the mesh and vastus lateralis. The VMO is then pulled distally and laterally over the mesh (which is now unitized to the vastus lateralis) by an assistant. Multiple nonabsorbable sutures (usually 8) are placed through the VMO, through the mesh, and through the vastus lateralis, unitizing the entire construct. Alternatives: Nonoperative treatments include a drop-lock hinge brace or knee immobilizer. Operative treatments include whole extensor mechanism allograft reconstruction or Achilles tendon allograft reconstruction. Rationale: The procedure avoids the limitations of allograft with regard to availability, cost, and risk of disease transmission. The technique is reproducible and cost-effective, and it has excellent functional and survivorship outcomes.
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