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Κυριακή 28 Ιουλίου 2019

 Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology. Year 2019 Issue 03 is now available on CAOD.

In this issue:
Clinical outcomes of femtosecond laser-assisted deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty by using big-bubble tech-nique for keratoconus and corneal scar (飞秒激光辅助的大气泡法全板层角膜移植治疗圆锥角膜及角膜瘢痕临床疗效观察)
Wang Zhenmao,Xiao Kailin,Lu Yan,Yang Liping,Ge Yirui,Huang Zhenping,Lu Yan
...... page:193-196
Comparative study of VX120 and KR1-W measurement of corneal refractive parameters in cataract patients (VX120与KR1-W测量白内障角膜屈光参数的比较研究)
Du Wei,Lou Wei,Wu Qiang
...... page:197-200
Comparative study of high-order aberrations between femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery and tradi-tional phacoemulsification in cataract patients with different axial length (飞秒激光辅助白内障手术与传统超声乳化手术在不同眼轴长白内障患者中对眼高阶相差的对比研究)
Yuan Yuan,Peng Huacong,Chen Yaqiong
...... page:201-205
Comparison of ocular biometry parameter measurements using A-scan,IOLMaster and Pentacam in patients with cataract (A型超声、IOLMaster和Pentacam测量白内障患者眼部生物学参数的比较)
Liu Yan,Fang Sijie,Yao Qinke,Wang Jing,Lu Linna
...... page:206-209
Acrysof Toric intraocular lens on the clinical effect of cataract with high myopia with regular corneal astigma-tism patients and its rotational stability (Acrysof Toric复曲面人工晶状体在高度近视并发白内障合并规则角膜散光患者的临床效果及其旋转稳定性)
Zhong Zhiwei,Sun Kang
...... page:210-212
A comparative study of the clinical results of Toric intraocular lens implantation via clear corneal incision at steep axis and non-steep axis (陡峭轴向与非陡峭轴向透明角膜切口植入Toric人工晶状体的临床结果比较研究)
Feng Guiqiang,Cao Sha,Wan Xiaobo
...... page:213-216
Visual function and patient satisfaction after regional refractive multifocal intraocular lens implantation and monofocal intraocular lens implantation (区域折射多焦点人工晶状体与单焦点人工晶状体植入术后视觉效果以及患者满意度分析)
Wang Tingting,Ren Yanlin,Cui Huixian,Shi Chunsheng
...... page:217-220
The role of serum uric acid level in the prediction of the development of retinopathy in patients with type 2 di-abetes mellitus (血清尿酸水平在2型糖尿病患者视网膜病变发病中的预测作用)
She Xinping,Zheng Zhi
...... page:221-225
Factors associated with reactivation of polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy after anti-VEGF treatment (息肉状脉络膜血管病变抗VEGF治疗后病灶活动性相关因素分析)
Li Fengmei,Song Yanping
...... page:226-230
Detection and clinical significance of plasma MiR-146 a and MiR-155 Levels in patients with age-related macu-lar degeneration (年龄相关性黄斑变性患者血浆miR-146a和miR-155水平检测及临床意义)
Zhu Xiangxiang,Chen Zhen,Rao Zhuoqun,Wang Qiong,Yang Yang
...... page:231-234
Effect comparison of inner limiting membrane tamping and inverted inner limiting membrane flap on refractory macular hole (内界膜填塞与翻转覆盖治疗难治性黄斑裂孔的效果比较)
Bao Ning,Jiang Zhengxuan,Liu Dongwei,Tao Liming
...... page:235-238
Effect of surgical treatment for high myopia with restricted esotropia (高度近视限制性内斜视手术疗效的观察)
Wang Lijuan,Li Bencong,Guan Hong,Yan Yue,Yue Yiying
...... page:239-242
Effect of upper lip mucosa transplantation on conjunctival sac stenosis (上唇黏膜移植治疗结膜囊狭窄的疗效观察)
Fan Haiyan,Sun Ying
...... page:243-246
Personalized surgical corrections of upper eyelid blepharochalasis in the elderly through diversified incisions (多元化切口个性化矫正老年性上睑皮肤松弛)
Yan Li,Qian Yong,Zhao Na,Liu Ju,Duan Wenjing
...... page:247-251
Effect of modified frontalis muscle flap suspension surgery on marcus Gunn Jaw-winking syndrome (改良额肌瓣悬吊术治疗13例中重度下颌瞬目综合征)
Zhu Xiaowei,Zhang Jiaying,Ding Xia,Li Jin
...... page:252-256
Clinical effect of 0.1%povidone-iodine combined with ofloxacin gel on chronic dacryocystitis (0.1%聚维酮碘联合氧氟沙星凝胶治疗慢性泪囊炎疗效评价)
Zhang Pei,Chen Shujuan,Ye Liang,Wang Zhiliang
...... page:257-259
Effect of removing nasal mucosal flap during endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy ( EN-DCR) for the treatment of chronic dacryocystitis (鼻内镜下去除鼻黏膜瓣泪囊鼻腔吻合术治疗慢性泪囊炎的疗效观察)
Liang Kun,Jiang Zhengxuan,Xu Yuxin,Tao Liming
...... page:260-262
Clinical observation for treating infantile ophthalmic hemangioma by oral propranolol (普萘洛尔治疗婴幼儿眼部血管瘤临床观察)
Huang Jing,Xiang Daoman
...... page:263-265
Six cases of silicone exposure or infection after the scleral buckling surgery (巩膜扣带术后硅胶暴露或硅胶感染6例分析)
Hu Di,Ke Genjie,Dong Kai
...... page:266-269
Early intervention in primary acute angle closure glaucoma (原发性急性闭角型青光眼临床前期的早期干预研究)
Dong Shenghua,Jiang Xiaochun,Wu Bin
...... page:270-272
Comparison of two insertion techniques of flexible laryngeal mask airway performed by anesthesiologist with or without anesthesia nurse cooperate (全麻眼底手中麻醉护士在麻醉医师置入可弯曲喉罩中的配合作用)
Duan Wei,Li Mingying,Yang Ou,Wu Nan,Wang Zhenyuan
...... page:273-275
Expression and significance of CX3CL1 and its receptor in rats with retinal light damage (CX3CL1及其受体在视网膜光损伤大鼠中的表达及意义)
Zhang Fan,Fu Min,Zheng Ping,Wu Lei
...... page:276-279
nei yuan xing xi jun xing yan nei yan qin shi da bu fen shi wang mo 1 li (内源性细菌性眼内炎侵蚀大部分视网膜1例)
YU Guangwei,XIE Cuijuan,ZHENG Hang,WANG Donglin
...... page:280-281
bo li ti huang ban qian la dao zhi huang ban lie kong zi yu 1 li (玻璃体黄斑牵拉导致黄斑裂孔自愈1例)
LIU Caihui,LIU Jing
...... page:281-282
Research progress in pathogenesis of orbital vascular malformations (眼眶血管畸形发病机制研究进展)
Han Yanping,Jia Renbing,Fan Xian-qun
...... page:283-287 

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