Correction to: Main and interactive effects of inflammation and perceived neighbourhood cohesion on psychological distress: results from a population-based study in the UK
The article “Main and interactive effects of inflammation and perceived neighbourhood cohesion on psychological distress: results from a population-based study in the UK”, written by “Efstathios Papachristou, Eirini Flouri, Theodora Kokosi and Marta Francesconi”, was originally published electronically on the publisher’s Internet portal (currently SpringerLink) on 25 February 2019 without open access.
The association between frailty and quality of life among rural community-dwelling older adults in Kegalle district of Sri Lanka: a cross-sectional studyAbstractPurpose
The objective of this study was to estimate the cross-sectional association of frailty status with overall and domain-specific quality of life (QoL) in rural community-dwelling older adults in Kegalle district of Sri Lanka.
A population-based cross-sectional study was conducted with 746 community-dwelling older adults aged ≥ 60 years living in the rural areas of Kegalle district of Sri Lanka in 2016. A three-stage probability sampling design was used to recruit participants. Frailty and QoL were assessed using the Fried phenotype and Older People’s Quality of Life Questionnaire, respectively. Multivariable linear regression was used to estimate the association of frailty with QoL after accounting for the complex sampling design.
The median (IQR) age of the sample was 68 (64:75) years and comprised of 56.7% women. 15.2% (95% CI 12.4%, 18.7%) were frail and 48.5% (95% CI 43.9%, 53.2%) were pre-frail. The unadjusted means (SE) of the total QoL score for the robust, pre-frail and frail groups were 139.2 (0.64), 131.8 (1.04) and 119.2 (1.35), respectively. After adjusting for covariates in the final multivariable model, the estimated differences in mean QoL were lower for both frail and pre-frail groups versus robust. The estimated reduction in the total QoL score was 7.3% for those frail and 2.1% for those pre-frail. All QoL domains apart from ‘social relationships and participation’, ‘home and neighbourhood’ and ‘financial circumstances’ were associated with frailty.
Frailty was associated with a small but significant lower quality of life in this rural Sri Lankan population, which appears largely explained by ‘health’ and ‘independence, control over life and freedom’ QoL domains. Interventions aiming to improve quality of life in frail older adults should consider targeting these aspects.
Factors associated with health-related quality of life (HRQoL): differential patterns depending on ageAbstractPurpose
The aims of this study were: (1) to analyze age differences in health-related quality of life (HRQoL) between the young old (aged 65–84) and the oldest old (aged 85 and over), and (2) to investigate three types of predictors: (a) physical health [Basic Activities of Daily Living (BADL), Instrumental Activities of Daily Living, comorbidity, use of medication], (b) global cognitive ability and (c) psychosocial factors, specifically personality traits, social support and emotional functioning (positive and negative affect and life satisfaction), which may influence the HRQoL of both the young old and the oldest old.
A cross-sectional study was conducted with 257 healthy community-dwelling elderly people. HRQoL was assessed using the SF-36 Health Survey. Functional and health status, global cognitive ability and psychosocial variables were also assessed.
Age differences were found in HRQoL, with the oldest old scoring lower for this variable. Multiple stepwise hierarchical linear regression analyses revealed that, in relation to the physical health component, use of medication, BADL and positive affect had the greatest influence among the young old (65–84), whereas among the oldest old, neuroticism and the BADL were the most influential factors. As regards the mental health component, neuroticism, use of medication and positive affect were the main predictor variables among the young old, while neuroticism and negative affect had the greatest influence among the oldest old group.
The oldest old had a poorer HRQoL in both dimensions measured (physical and mental). There appear to be differences between the determinants of HRQoL for young old and oldest old adults, suggesting that these associations change with age.
Food-related quality of life in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndromeAbstractBackground
Food-related quality of life (FRQoL) evaluates the impact of diet, eating behaviors, and food-related anxiety on a person’s quality of life. This is the first study to evaluate FRQoL in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), two illnesses where food and diet are of importance.
One hundred seventy-five participants (80 IBS, 95 IBD) participated in the study by completing measures evaluating FRQoL, psychological distress, and health-related quality of life. Primary analyses evaluated differences in FRQoL between IBD and IBS patients. Secondary analyses compared differences based on remission status, dietary use, and dietary consultation, as well as evaluated potential predictors of FRQoL.
IBD patients in remission report the highest FRQoL (IBD-remission: 91.2 (26.5) vs. IBD-active: 67.7 (19.6) and IBS-active: 67.6 (18.3), p < .001). Using more dietary treatments is associated with decreased FRQoL for IBS (r = − 0.23, p < .05) and IBD patients (r = − 0.31, p < .01). IBS patients are more likely to use dietary treatments than IBD (IBS = 81% vs. IBD = 64%, p < .01), with self-directed diets being the most commonly used approach. Symptom severity is the strongest predictor of FRQoL in both groups (IBD: R2 = .27, p < .01; IBS: R2 = .23, p < .001).
FRQoL is a unique construct for IBD and IBS patients that can be influenced by several clinical and dietary factors, including number of diets and type of diet used, depending on the diagnosis. Thus, FRQoL should be considered when working with both IBD and IBS patients.
Health-related quality of life and mortality in patients with pulmonary embolism: a prospective cohort study in seven European countriesAbstractPurpose
Little is known about the quality of life following pulmonary embolism (PE). The aim of the study was to assess the 12-month illness burden in terms of health-related quality of life (HrQoL) and mortality, in relation to differences in patient characteristics.
The PREFER in VTE registry, a prospective, observational study conducted in seven European countries, was used. Within 2 weeks following an acute symptomatic PE, patients were recruited and followed up for 12 months. Associations between patient characteristics and HrQoL (EQ-5D-5L) and mortality were examined using a regression approach.
Among 1399 PE patients, the EQ-5D-5L index score at baseline was 0.712 (SD 0.265), which among survivors gradually improved to 0.835 (0.212) at 12 months. For those patients with and without active cancer, the average index score at baseline was 0.658 (0.275) and 0.717 (0.264), respectively. Age and previous stroke were significant factors for predicting index scores in those with/without active cancer. Bleeding events but not recurrences had a noticeable impact on the HrQoL of patients without active cancer. The 12-month mortality rate post-acute period was 8.1%, ranging from 1.4% in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria to 16.8% in Italy. Mortality differed between patients with active cancer and those without (42.7% vs. 4.7%).
PE is associated with a substantial decrease in HrQoL at baseline which normalizes following treatment. PE is associated with a high mortality rate especially in patients with cancer, with significant country variation. Bleeding events, in particular, impact the burden of PE.
Comparison of three generic quality-of-life metrics in peripheral arterial disease patients undergoing conservative and invasive treatmentsAbstractPurpose
To determine the effect of revascularisation for peripheral arterial disease (PAD) on QoL in the first and second year following diagnosis, to compare the effect depicted by Short Form Six Dimensions (SF-6D) and EuroQoL five Dimensions (EQ-5D) utilities, and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) scores and to analyse heterogeneity in treatment response.
Longitudinal data from 229 PAD patients were obtained in an observational study in southern Netherlands. Utility scores were calculated with the international (SF-6D) and Dutch (EQ-5D) tariffs. We analysed treatment effect at years 1 and 2 through propensity score-matched ANCOVAs. Thereby, we estimated the marginal means (EMMs) of revascularisation and conservative treatment, and identified covariates of revascularisation effect.
A year after diagnosis, 70 patients had been revascularised; the EMMs of revascularisation were 0.038, 0.077 and 0.019 for SF-6D, EQ-5D and VAS, respectively (always in this order). For conservative treatment these were − 0.017, 0.038 and 0.021. At 2-year follow-up, the EMMs of revascularisation were 0.015, 0.077 and 0.027, for conservative treatment these were − 0.020, 0.013 and − 0.004. Baseline QoL (and rest pain in year 2) were covariates of treatment effect.
We measured positive effects of revascularisation and conservative treatment on QoL a year after diagnosis, the effect of revascularisation was sustained over 2 years. The magnitude of effect varied between the metrics and was largest for the EQ-5D, which may be most suitable for QoL measurement in PAD patients. Baseline QoL influenced revascularisation effect, in clinical practice this may inform expected QoL gain in individual patients.
The impact of progressive chronic kidney disease on health-related quality-of-life: a 12-year community cohort studyAbstractPurpose
Quality-of-life is poor in end-stage kidney disease; however, the relationships between earlier stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and are poorly understood. This study explored longitudinal quality-of-life changes in a community-based CKD cohort and assessed associations between CKD and quality-of-life over time, and between baseline quality-of-life and CKD outcomes.
We used the Australian diabetes, obesity and lifestyle study—a nationally representative, prospective cohort with data collected at baseline, year 5 and year 12—to examine the relationships between CKD stage, quality-of-life and outcomes. Linear mixed regression, cox proportional hazards, Kaplan–Meier and competing risks analyses were used.
Of 1112 participants with CKD and baseline quality-of-life data, the physical component summary (PCS) score was significantly lower than for the general population (p = 0.01 age and sex adjusted), while the mental component summary (MCS) score was no different (p = 0.9 age and sex adjusted). In our unadjusted mixed effects model, more advanced kidney disease was associated with lower PCS and higher MCS at baseline (p < 0.001 and p < 0.01, respectively); however, this effect was no longer significant after adjustment for demographic and clinical variables. The rate of decline in PCS over the period of follow-up was greatest for those with more advanced kidney disease (p < 0.001 in unadjusted model, p = 0.007 in adjusted model). There was no association between change in MCS over the period of follow-up and severity of kidney disease in either the unadjusted or adjusted model (p = 0.7 and p = 0.1, respectively). Lower PCS, but not MCS, was associated with increased cardiovascular and increased all-cause mortality even after adjustment for key demographic and clinical variables (p < 0.001).
Physical, but not mental, quality-of-life is significantly impaired in CKD, and continues to decline with disease progression.
Measuring broader wellbeing in mental health services: validity of the German language OxCAP-MH capability instrumentAbstractPurpose
The OxCAP-MH capabilities questionnaire was developed and validated in the UK for outcome measurement in mental health clinical studies. Its broader wellbeing construct or validity in routine mental health services so far has not been assessed. The objectives were to investigate the extent the OxCAP-MH measures broader wellbeing compared to the EQ-5D-5L and to test psychometric properties of the German language OxCAP-MH in routine mental health services in Austria.
Study sample consisted of patients in socio-psychiatric services (n = 159) assessed at baseline and 6-month follow-up. Underlying factors associated with quality-of-life/wellbeing concepts measured by the OxCAP-MH and EQ-5D-5L were identified in exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Responsiveness was assessed using anchor questionnaires and standardised response mean (SRM). For discriminant validity, subgroups of respondents were compared using t test and one-way ANOVA. Test–retest analysis was assessed for a period of maximum 30 days from the baseline assessment with intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC).
EFA identified a two-factor structure. All EQ-5D-5L items and seven OxCAP-MH items loaded on one factor and nine remaining OxCAP-MH items loaded on a separate factor. Responsiveness was found for patients who improved in anchor questionnaire scores with large or moderate SRM statistics. OxCAP-MH discriminated between various groups in univariable and multivariable analyses. Reliability of the German language OxCAP-MH was confirmed by ICC of 0.80.
Besides providing evidence that the OxCAP-MH measures broader wellbeing constructs beyond traditional health-related quality of life, the study also confirms the validity of the instrument for implementation in routine evaluation of mental health services.
Does social participation accelerate psychological adaptation to health shocks? Evidence from a national longitudinal survey in JapanAbstractPurpose
It is well-known that people psychologically adapt to health shocks over time and social participation (SP) has a favourable impact on health. Combining these two understandings, the current study addresses how psychological adaptation to major health shocks was affected by SP experience one year prior to the initial diagnosis.
Data were collected from a twelve-wave nationwide panel survey conducted from 2005 to 2016, starting with 34,240 individuals aged 50–59 years. Individuals who were initially diagnosed with cancer, stroke, heart disease or diabetes at any time between the second and twelfth waves and kept diagnosed as such were focused on. Random-effects models were estimated to examine how baseline SP prior to the diagnosis affected the pace of change in psychological distress, which was measured using Kessler 6 (K6) scores (range 0–24; M 3.3 SD 4.2), following immediate responses to the initial diagnosis.
Baseline SP enabled or accelerated psychological adaptation to major health shocks. It is noted that the pace of decline of the K6 score per year after the immediate responses was 0.20 for cancer and 0.09 for diabetes (both p < 0.001) among men with baseline SP, in contrast with non-significant and limited changes among those without it. While the results for women were more mixed than those for men, the former results confirmed favourable impacts of baseline SP on psychological adaptation to health shocks in general.
The results highlight a favourable impact of SP on psychological adaptation to health shocks.
Development of a quality of life questionnaire for nursing home residents in mainland ChinaAbstractObjective
To develop and validate a quality of life (QOL) questionnaire for nursing home (NH) residents in mainland China.
A cross-sectional study including a development sample (n = 176) and validation sample (n = 371) of NH residents aged 60 and older was conducted between 2015 and 2016 in Jinan, Shandong Province, China. Resident interviews, literature reviews, expert panels, and pilot studies were used to identify QOL domains and items pertinent to NH life. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were used to develop and validate a QOL questionnaire. Reliability (internal consistency, spilt-half reliability, and test–retest reliability) and validity (construct and criterion validity) were evaluated for the questionnaire.
The self-report Chinese NH QOL questionnaire had 9 domains and 38 items including physical health (4 items), food enjoyment (6 items), security (3 items), environmental comfort (5 items), autonomy (2 items), meaningful activity (3 items), interrelationship (6 items), family relationships (3 items), and mood (6 items). The nine-factor model was confirmed with the following fit indices: χ2/df = 1.872, root mean square error of approximation = 0.049, comparative fit index = 0.913, and Tucker-Lewis index = 0.903. The 38-item NH QOL questionnaire showed satisfactory construct validity, criterion validity, internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.89, spilt-half reliability = 0.73, test–retest reliability = 0.76).
The NH QOL questionnaire appears to be a reliable and valid instrument and should be incorporated into a set of quality measures for use with NH residents in mainland China
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
Κυριακή 14 Ιουλίου 2019
Quality of Life Research
Αναρτήθηκε από
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
9:17 μ.μ.

Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
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