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Δευτέρα 29 Ιουλίου 2019

Shanghai Medical and Pharmaceutical Journal. Year 2019 Issue 12 is now available on CAOD.

In this issue:
li zu ben zhi qiang ji ceng chuang xin fu wu hu jian kang yang pu qu ping liang she qu wei sheng fu wu zhong xin ji " shi jia she qu hu shi chang " ju shu qin jie shao (立足本职强基层创新服务护健康 ——杨浦区平凉社区卫生服务中心及"十佳社区护士长"居淑勤介绍)

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Progress in research of tumor precision rehabilitation (肿瘤精准康复研究进展)
MAO Dandan,QIAN Ling,WANG Weilin
...... page:3-5,19
Analysis of medication errors in prescriptions of Western and Chinese patent medicines (西药和中成药处方的用药错误分析)
...... page:6-8
Influence of the management mode of graded diagnosis and treatment of medical conjoined body on general practitioners' cognition of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (医联体分级诊疗管理模式对全科医师慢性阻塞性肺疾病的认知影响)
ZHU Huixian,HE Ming,YAN Yan
...... page:9-11,59
Therapeutic effect of pancreatic kallikrein combined with sodium ferulate in the treatment of early diabetic nephropathy (胰激肽原酶联合阿魏酸钠治疗早期糖尿病肾病疗效)
...... page:12-14
Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of percutaneous nephroscopy pneumatic trajectory combined with ultrasonic lithotripsy (经皮肾镜气压弹道联合超声碎石术的安全性及疗效评价)
ZOU Yongfei,NIE Yuelong,LIU Xueyin,GONG Fang
...... page:15-16,42
Clinical efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine acupoint sticking therapy in the treatment of uremia pruritus in peritoneal dialysis (中药穴位敷贴改善腹膜透析尿毒症性瘙痒症患者的临床疗效观察)
ZHANG Mingxin,YAO Weiguo
...... page:17-19
Analysis of the effect of acupoint massage on the symptoms and mental state of elderly patients with functional constipation (穴位按摩对老年功能性便秘患者症状与精神状态的影响分析)
LIU Wenxia,YU Haidong,YANG Wenhong,LU Jingwei,ZHOU Ting,ZHANG Zhiyong
...... page:20-22
Effect of "pain-point needling" acupuncture in the treatment of the tenderness threshold and function of patients with knee osteoarthritis ("以痛为输"针刺治疗对膝骨关节炎患者压痛阈值及功能的影响)
DENG Jianan,XU Hua,PU Binhong,YANG Yunfeng,ZHANG Yu,DING Hongjuan,ZUO Wenying,XUE Wei
...... page:23-25,46
Clinical study of electroacupuncture combined with Tiaoshentongbi recipe in the treatment of senile lumbar disc herniation (liver and kidney deficiency type) (电针联合调身通痹方治疗老年性腰椎间盘突出症(肝肾不足型)的临床研究)
XIE Zhijin
...... page:26-28,52
Meta-analysis of TCM in treatment of type 2 diabetes with community-acquired pneumonia (中药治疗2型糖尿病合并社区获得性肺炎的荟萃分析)
...... page:29-32
Evaluation of the effect of the information-based family doctor team appointment follow-up mode in the management of hypertension (基于信息化的家庭医生团队预约随访模式管理高血压的效果评价)
DONG Xiongwei
...... page:33-35
Analysis of the death causes of residents in a community in Baoshan District, Shanghai from 2013 to 2017 (上海宝山区某社区2013-2017年居民死因分析)
WU Yuhua,WANG Yiqiang
...... page:36-38,62
Analysis of correlation between abnormal bone mass and constitution of traditional Chinese medicine in elderly people in a community of Shanghai (上海某社区老年人骨量异常与中医体质的相关性分析)
FAN Chunlan,JIANG Changying,GU Lianbin
...... page:39-42
The relationship between three obesity evaluation indicators and renal injury in type 2 diabetes mellitus (3项肥胖评价指标与2型糖尿病肾损伤的关系)
ZHU Wenkui,YANG Lijuan,XU Qi,DU Zhaohui,ZHANG Linying,TANG Xiaochun,XUE Weibin,CAO Yi,QIAO Huihua
...... page:43-46
Evaluation of the effect of follow-up management of chronic diseases in the community by Internet (利用互联网开展社区慢性病随访管理的效果评估)
ZHU Yanxia,SONG Jianling,LIU Yao
...... page:47-49,56
Analysis of health examination results of elderly people aged 60 and over in a community of Shanghai (上海某社区60岁及以上老年人健康体检结果分析)
JIANG Huiyun,TAO Jianxiu,CHEN Cong
...... page:50-52
Effect of low-intensity resistance exercise on the body function of elderly people in the community (低强度抗阻运动对社区老年人机体功能的影响)
PAN Yuxian,ZHANG Haiying
...... page:53-56
Investigation of the caries status of the first permanent molars in children aged 6~9 years in a community in Shanghai (上海某社区6~9岁儿童第一恒磨牙患龋情况调查)
...... page:57-59
Effect of group psychotherapy on cognitive function in patients with chronic schizophrenia (团体心理治疗对慢性精神分裂症患者认知功能的影响)
LIU Yanyu,XIAO Zhiping
...... page:60-62
"yi xue ji xu jiao yu " da ti ("医学继续教育"答题)

...... page:63-64 

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