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Κυριακή 21 Ιουλίου 2019

Systemic subclinical lymphedema due to obesity as the cause of clinical lymphedema: a new concept
Publication date: Available online 20 July 2019Source: Medical HypothesesAuthor(s): José Maria Pereira de GodoyAbstractOn evaluating patients with lymphedema, the authors found that obesity is associated with generalized edema of all extremities and the trunk with increased intracellular and extracellular fluids, thus suggesting a new concept of lymphedema that the authors have termed systemic subclinical lymphedema. Animal studies show that obesity and its progression lead to changes in the lymphatic...
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses
Why intraperitoneal glucose sensing is sometimes surprisingly rapid and sometimes slow: A hypothesis
Publication date: Available online 20 July 2019Source: Medical HypothesesAuthor(s): Marte Kierulf Åm, Anders Lyngvi Fougner, Reinold Ellingsen, Dag Roar Hjelme, Patrick Christian Bösch, Øyvind Stavdahl, Sven Magnus Carlsen, Sverre Christian ChristiansenAbstractThe artificial pancreas requires fast and reliable glucose measurements. The peritoneal space has shown promising results, and in one of our studies we detected glucose changes in the peritoneal space already at the same time as in the femoral...
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses
The sour side of vitamin C might mediate neuroprotective, anticonvulsive and antidepressant-like effects
Publication date: Available online 20 July 2019Source: Medical HypothesesAuthor(s): Udo BonnetAbstractIn animal experiments, neuroprotective, anticonvulsive and antidepressant-like properties have been increasingly attributed to administrations of ascorbic acid (AA, vitamin C) in at least medium (low millimolar) doses, which however await validation in well controlled clinical studies. In mammalian cortical neurons, small to modest acidification (<.4-.5 pH-units) is belonging to the key strategies...
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses
Monoacylglycerol lipase inhibition as potential treatment for interstitial cystitis
Publication date: Available online 20 July 2019Source: Medical HypothesesAuthor(s): Anu Chinnadurai, Geraint Berger, Ian Burkovskiy, Juan Zhou, Ashley Cox, Mary Lynch, Christian LehmannAbstractInterstitial cystitis is a chronic inflammatory condition of the urinary bladder with an unclear etiology. Currently, there are no widely accepted long-term treatment options available for patients with IC, with the European Association of Urology (EAU, 2017 guidelines), American Urology Association (AUA, 2014...
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses
Exogenous intrapleural injection of interleukin-27 may improves outcome and prognosis in patients with tuberculous pleural effusion
Publication date: Available online 20 July 2019Source: Medical HypothesesAuthor(s): Yiling Gan, Shuliang Guo, Youming Zhu, Jie Jiang, Yuanrong TanAbstractWe hypothesize that exogenous intrapleural injection of interleukin-27 may improve outcome and prognosis in patients with tuberculous pleural effusion (TPE). Studies have found that the balance of Th1/Th2 determines the development trend of TPE. High concentrations of IFN-γ and TNF-α in pleural effusion are associated with pleural adhesion in patients...
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses
Refined carbohydrates, phenotypic plasticity and the obesity epidemic
Publication date: Available online 20 July 2019Source: Medical HypothesesAuthor(s): Patrick BradleyAbstractThe major change in the United States and European diets associated with the increased rates of obesity was an increased consumption of refined carbohydrates. A feature of refined carbohydrates is their predisposition to cause increased fluctuations in plasma insulin and glucose levels and postprandial reactive hypoglycaemia. As the central nervous system is dependent on a stable supply of glucose...
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses
Is it possible to detect cerebral dominance via EEG signals by using deep learning?
Publication date: Available online 20 July 2019Source: Medical HypothesesAuthor(s): Suat Toraman, Seda Arslan Tuncer, Ferhat BalgetirAbstractEach brain hemisphere is dominant for certain functions such as speech. The determination of speech laterality prior to surgery is of paramount importance for accurate risk prediction. In this study, we aimed to determine speech laterality via EEG signals by using noninvasive machine learning techniques. The retrospective study included 67 subjects aged 18-65...
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses
Elevated plasma RANTES in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva <em>–</em> a novel therapeutic target?
Publication date: Available online 20 July 2019Source: Medical HypothesesAuthor(s): Lovorka Grgurević, Ruđer Novak, Vladimir Trkulja, Lejla Ferhatović Hamzić, Stela Hrkač, Simeon Grazio, Marija SantiniAbstractFibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) is a rare hereditary disease caused by a mutation in the intracellular domain of the activin A receptor type I and is characterized by episodes (flare-ups) of progressive heterotopic endochondral ossification (HO) in the soft tissues. The mutation...
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses

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