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Δευτέρα 29 Ιουλίου 2019

The Chinese Journal of Human Sexuality. Year 2019 Issue 06 is now available on CAOD.

In this issue:
Current status of research on the relationship between male lower urinary tract syndrome and metabolic syndrome (男性下尿路综合征与代谢综合征相关性研究现状)
LI Chen,WANG Lizi
...... page:5-9
Curative effect of combined application of Xiaoyong Sanjie decoction and levofloxacine hydrochloride injection in epididymitis patients and its influence on seminal neutral α-glucosidase and semen quality (联合应用消痈散结汤与盐酸左氧氟沙星注射液治疗附睾炎患者效果及对精浆中性α-葡糖苷酶和精液质量的影响)
LIU Weigang,BAI Jie,ZHANG Bao,YANG Lin
...... page:9-13
Curative effect of stellate ganglion block combined with conventional medication in the treatment of male sexual dysfunction (星状神经节阻滞配合常规用药治疗男性性功能障碍的疗效观察)
ZHANG Long,JING Wen,WANG Wei,WU Tao,LI Yuefeng
...... page:14-16
Study on the effect of metoprolol on the sexual function of male hypertensive patients (美托洛尔对男性高血压患者性功能的影响研究)
HE Yalei,CAI Yerui,ZHANG Xin,ZHOU Ji,KANG Yuhua,CHEN Jinxiang
...... page:17-19
Clinical observation of Xiongcan Yishen decoction combined with low-dose Tadalafil in treating the late-onset hypogonadism accompanied with erectile dysfunction (雄蚕益肾方联合小剂量他达拉非治疗男性迟发性性腺功能减退症伴男性勃起功能障碍的临床研究)
WANG Sunya,LI Wanghui,ZHOU Xing,HE Qinghu,BIN Donghua
...... page:19-22
Clinical researchc of modified Wuzi Yangzong pill in treating varicocele-induced infertile with syndrome of kidney deficiency and blood stasis (五子衍宗丸加味治疗精索静脉曲张性不育肾虚血瘀证的临床研究)
YU Baozhu,CAO Li,WANG Jian,LIU Honghui,ZHANG Dageng
...... page:23-26
The effect of benign prostatic hyperplasia combined with bladder calculi in combination of holmium laser enucleation for patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia combined with bladder calculi and the impact on the quality of sexual life (良性前列腺增生合并膀胱结石患者应用良性前列腺增生合并膀胱结石联合钬激光剜除术的效果观察及对患者预后性生活质量的影响)
ZHANG Yingang,LIU Wen
...... page:26-29
Effect of dydrogesterone combined with hysteroscopic resection on early endometrial cancer patients preserving reproductive function (地屈孕酮联合宫腔镜电切对保留生育功能的早期子宫内膜癌患者的影响)
...... page:30-32
Application value of transvaginal energy Doppler ultrasonography in the detection of cervical cancer (经阴道能量多普勒超声在检测宫颈癌中的应用价值)
WANG Fengbo,FU Zhaohu,ZHENG Xiaofang,XIU Chen
...... page:33-35
Observation on the the application value of PET/CT for the first diagnosis of cervical cancer (观察PET/CT用于初诊宫颈癌的应用价值)
ZHANG Xing,WU Tingting,XUE Qinqin,WANG Shaoli
...... page:35-38
Study on the application and diagnostic value of HE4 combined with CA125 in patients with ovarian cancer (HE4联合CA125检测在卵巢癌患者中的应用及诊断价值研究)
YANG Kun,WEI Jiaxi
...... page:38-41
Result of colposcopy in the diagnosis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and its effect on the quality of sexual life (宫颈上皮内瘤样病变的阴道镜诊断结果及对妇女性生活质量的影响)
ZHANG Qian,WANG Xiaojing,SHEN Heping,YU Xiao
...... page:42-44
Application of transvaginal hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography in the diagnosis of infertility (经阴道子宫输卵管超声造影在不孕症患者中的应用研究)
JIANG Weixiang
...... page:45-47
Clinical significance of serum oxidative stress and insulin-like growth factor-1 detection in infertility patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (多囊卵巢综合征不孕症患者血清氧化应激和IGF-Ⅰ检测的临床意义)
SUN Junli,HE Ru,WU Weihong,ZHAO Minying
...... page:48-51
Study on the effect of glucocorticoid combined with GnRH-α in the patients with infertility caused by mild endometriosis and influence for the sex hormones (糖皮质激素联合GnRH-α用药对轻度子宫内膜异位症不孕患者的疗效及其性激素的影响研究)
ZHU Minshan,ZHONG Peiwen
...... page:51-55
Effect of hysteroscopy combined with laparoscopy on the pregnancy and quality of sexual life of patients with tubal infertility (宫腹腔镜联合治疗输卵管性不孕症对于妊娠与性生活质量的影响观察)
YE Hui,WANG Qing,HU Yuting,CHENG Yingzhu
...... page:55-58
Expression of inhibitor of apoptosis protein survivin and Ki67 in the endometrium of patients with anovulatory dysfunctional uterine bleeding and its clinical significance (凋亡抑制蛋白Survivin与Ki67在无排卵性功血患者子宫内膜中的表达及临床意义)
SHANG Li,DU Erqiu,LI Yongmei,JI Daohua,LI Bin
...... page:58-62
A comparative study on the outcome of the second pregnancy between the scar uterus and the non-scarring uterus in elder women (高龄妇女疤痕子宫再次妊娠与非疤痕子宫再次妊娠结局的比较研究)
DONG Yu,YANG Jianhong,YAO Yuyun,HUANG Shaokun
...... page:62-64
Feasibility and safety of vaginal delivery in preterm delivery of women with scarred uterus after cesarean section (剖宫产后瘢痕子宫妊娠早产经阴道分娩的可行性与安全性)
...... page:65-67
The value of the level of serum human chorionic gonadotropin-beta for caesarean scar pregnancy in the first trimester (β-HCG值在孕早期剖宫产瘢痕妊娠治疗方法选择中的指导意义)
ZHANG Zhige,GAO Min,MA Lin,HAN Yue
...... page:68-72
Predictive value of HbA1c in the third trimester for pregnancy outcome of gestational diabetes mellitus (孕晚期HbA1c的测定对妊娠糖尿病孕妇妊娠结局的预测价值分析)
LI Gelin,YAN Fang,WANG Lili,LIU Xinhua,SHI Minxin
...... page:72-76
Clinical investigation of women with diabetes complicated with sexual dysfunction in Yibin region (宜宾地区糖尿病女性患者伴性功能障碍的临床调查研究)
LI Linzhi,CHENG Liang
...... page:76-79
Effect of ritodrine hydrochloride combined with nifedipine on the Th17 and Treg cells of patients with threatened abortion (盐酸利托君联合硝苯地平对先兆流产患者Th17和Treg细胞的影响)
LIN Juan,GUAN Hongqiong,YE Chunyan,LI Tingna
...... page:79-82
Effect of low molecular weight heparin sodium on recurrent spontaneous abortion (低分子肝素钠用于治疗复发性流产的效果观察)
WANG Zheng,YANG Shuangxiang,WU Hui,YUAN Chen,CAO Jiangshan
...... page:83-85
Investigation on the postoperative sexual life state of patients with induced abortion and its influencing factors (人工流产患者术后性生活状态及其影响因素的调查研究)
HE Yanfang,GUO Yanjuan,TANG Yajuan,DING Xiao,FU Lijun,YU Xiangyang
...... page:86-89
The effects of different progestin therapy on the pregnancy outcome of assisted reproductive technology (不同黄体酮给药方式对辅助生殖治疗妊娠结局的影响)
MAI Yangqing,HUANG Wei,MA Yanlin
...... page:89-93
Clinical analysis of the mode of delivery and pregnancy outcome in recurrent uterine scar pregnancy (瘢痕子宫再次妊娠分娩方式及妊娠结局的临床分析)
WU Zejun,ZHUANG Yali,HE Juan,ZHU Tingting,WANG Haiyan,LI Changyu,XIANG Lan
...... page:93-97
Analysis of pelvic floor characteristics and risk factors of puborectalis injury after vaginal delivery in three-dimensional ultrasonography (三维超声影像下阴道分娩后早期女性盆底特征及耻骨直肠肌损伤危险因素分析)
ZHANG Chunmei,GE Hui
...... page:97-100
xin xi dong tai (信息动态)

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Comparative analysis of the sexual function and ovarian function after different total hysterectomy (不同全子宫切除术的性功能及卵巢功能对比分析)
...... page:101-103
Effects of low frequency electrical stimulation combined with pelvic floor rehabilitation training on the pelvic function and quality of sexual life in female patients with stress urinary incontinence (低频电刺激联合盆底康复训练治疗对女性压力性尿失禁患者盆腔功能及性生活质量的影响)
ZHU Yuefang,LIU Ni,XIANG Min,WANG Yaling
...... page:104-107
Effect of dexmedetomidine under low-pressure pneumoperitoneum on postoperative cognitive function in elderly patients receiving gynecological laparoscopic surgery (低气腹压下右美托咪定对老年妇科腹腔镜手术患者术后认知功能的影响)
QIU Jianmin,WANG Fuzhen
...... page:108-111
Effect of Wenjing Shugan Huayu Tongluo therapy on primary dysmenorrhea and quality of sexual life of patients (温经疏肝化瘀通络法治疗原发性痛经及对患者性生活质量的影响)
WANG Jin,LIU Yanqin,XU Xiangjie,LIU Ning,GU Li
...... page:111-114
Study on the postpartum sexual psychology state of delivery women with hepatitis B and its influencing factors (乙肝产妇产后性心理状态及影响因素研究)
ZHAO Wei,LIU Xiaohui,LI Dandan,YU Xiufang,WANG Xinhua,ZHOU Hongying
...... page:114-117
Effects of gonadotropin releasing hormone on the growth indexes of children with idiopathic precocious puberty (促性腺激素释放激素拟似剂对儿童特发性性早熟各生长指标的影响)
LIU Qing,FENG Na,XUE Zhengfeng,MU Dan,LU Di
...... page:118-120
Exploration of drug use rules for seminorrhea in A Guide to Clinical Practice with Medical Record based on data mining (基于数据挖掘《临证指南医案》遗精病用药规律探讨)
ZHOU Li,XU Jiayan,WANG Dingguo,WANG Mingkai,GUO Fuxiang,ZHANG Mingqiang,QIN Guozheng
...... page:121-127
Epidemiological investigation of TCM syndrome types in patients with erectile dysfunction in northern Guangxi (广西桂北地区勃起功能障碍患者中医证型流行病学调查)
LIN Xianren,YUAN Zhuojun
...... page:127-130
Effect of highly active antiretroviral therapy on humoral immunity and prognosis of AIDS patients (高效抗反转录病毒治疗对艾滋病体液免疫及预后的影响)
LIU Yixin,WANG Ning,WANG Min
...... page:131-133
Impact of anti-neurosyphilis combined with traditional Chinese medicine on lymphocyte subsets in the treatment of neurosyphilis (抗神经梅毒联合中药治疗神经梅毒对淋巴细胞亚群的影响及分析)
...... page:133-136
Epidemiological characteristics and neonatal outcomes of pregnant syphilis in Huangshi area (湖北黄石地区妊娠梅毒流行特征及新生儿结局研究)
WANG Shi,CAI Ghuanghui
...... page:136-139
The value of serum tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin-6 in the diagnosis of condyloma acuminatum (白介素-6及血清肿瘤坏死因子-α诊断尖锐湿疣的检验分析)
MAO Hui,YE Minhuan
...... page:139-141
Comparison of the efficacy and safety of different doses of 20% aminolevulinic acid photodynamic therapy for patients with vulvar condyloma acuminate (不同剂量20%盐酸氨基酮戊酸光动力治疗外阴尖锐湿疣患者有效性和安全性比较)
WAN Yan,FANG Hui,YANG Herong,JIANG Yahui
...... page:142-144
Observation of the clinical effects of Paiteling for 22 patients with giant condyloma acuminatum (派特灵治疗巨大尖锐湿疣22例临床观察)
WANG Sulin,LI Juan,WANG Wei,BAO Tuya
...... page:145-147
Analysis of HIV infection status among volunteer blood donors inJinan from 2013 to 2017 (济南地区无偿献血人群HIV感染状况分析)
CHEN Jianfeng,LI Peng,XIAO Chen,CAO Dan,LI Hongtao,TANG Jianhua,LI Wenchao
...... page:147-150
Research progress in the treatment of HIV infection combined with diabetes mellitus (HIV感染合并糖尿病的研究进展)
CAI Mingchun,LIAO Houying,TENG Xiaochun,CHEN Yaokai
...... page:151-154
Efficacy evaluation on psychological nursing intervention and health education for the nursing of recurrent condyloma acuminate (心理护理干预及健康教育对复发性尖锐湿疣的护理效果评价)
HU Jianrong,YUAN Feng,LIU Changqing,GONG Renrong
...... page:155-157
Relationship between new recreational drug use and HIV and syphilis in men who have sex with men (男男性行为人群新型毒品使用及与HIV梅毒感染关系)
HU Zhongzhu,LI Erhui,ZHANG Meng
...... page:157-160
xing yi xue de yu shi ju jin yu zhuan hua shi ed wei nan xing jian kang feng xiang biao zuo hao nan xing jian kang guan li (性医学的与时俱进与转化视ED为男性健康风向标做好男性健康管理)
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