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Παρασκευή 26 Ιουλίου 2019

Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1545: New Compound Open Channel Section with Polynomial Sides: Improving Cost and Aesthetics
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1545: New Compound Open Channel Section with Polynomial Sides: Improving Cost and Aesthetics Water doi: 10.3390/w11081545 Authors: Easa Han Previous research on compound trapezoidal cross sections has mainly focused on improving the prediction of the discharge (flow rate) because of its inherent challenges. This paper focuses on two other important aspects: Section shape and optimal construction cost. First, the paper proposes a new compound section with third-degree...
Thu Jul 25, 2019 03:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1543: Modelling of Sediment Exchange between Suspended-Load and Bed Material in the Middle and Lower Yellow River, China
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1543: Modelling of Sediment Exchange between Suspended-Load and Bed Material in the Middle and Lower Yellow River, China Water doi: 10.3390/w11081543 Authors: Zhao Jiang Chen Zhang The focus of this paper is on studying novel approaches to estimate sediment exchange between suspended-load and bed material in an unsteady sediment-laden flow with fine-grained sand. The erosion-deposition characteristics of the channel have close relation with the variation...
Thu Jul 25, 2019 03:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1544: Effect of Species Invasion on Transport of Solutes at Different Levels of Soft Sediment Macrofauna Diversity: Results from an Experimental Approach
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1544: Effect of Species Invasion on Transport of Solutes at Different Levels of Soft Sediment Macrofauna Diversity: Results from an Experimental Approach Water doi: 10.3390/w11081544 Authors: Daunys Forster Schiedek Olenin Zettler Different irrigation or ventilation strategies by macrofauna may provide a competitive advantage to tolerant species invading impacted benthic systems and alter benthic-pelagic coupling. To comparatively analyze the effects...
Thu Jul 25, 2019 03:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1541: Water-Use Efficiency of Crops in the Arid Area of the Middle Reaches of the Heihe River: Taking Zhangye City as an Example
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1541: Water-Use Efficiency of Crops in the Arid Area of the Middle Reaches of the Heihe River: Taking Zhangye City as an Example Water doi: 10.3390/w11081541 Authors: Xingyuan Xiao Limeng Fan Xiubin Li Minghong Tan Tao Jiang Luqian Zheng Fengrui Jiang The middle reaches of the Heihe River are an important food base in the arid regions of Northwest China. The agricultural water consumption in this region accounts for about 90% of the total water...
Thu Jul 25, 2019 03:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1542: Cost–Benefit Prediction of Asset Management Actions on Water Distribution Networks
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1542: Cost–Benefit Prediction of Asset Management Actions on Water Distribution Networks Water doi: 10.3390/w11081542 Authors: Amir Nafi Jonathan Brans The potential costs and benefits of a combination of asset management actions on the water distribution network are predicted. Two types of actions are considered: maintenance actions and renewal actions. Leak detection and reparation of failures on connections and pipes define the set of potential maintenance...
Thu Jul 25, 2019 03:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1538: Vortex Evolution within Propeller Induced Scour Hole around a Vertical Quay Wall
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1538: Vortex Evolution within Propeller Induced Scour Hole around a Vertical Quay Wall Water doi: 10.3390/w11081538 Authors: Maoxing Wei Nian-Sheng Cheng Yee-Meng Chiew Fengguang Yang This paper presents an experimental study on the characteristics of the propeller-induced flow field and its associated scour hole around a closed type quay (with a vertical quay wall). An “oblique particle image velocimetry” (OPIV) technique, which allows...
Thu Jul 25, 2019 03:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1539: Impact of the Biological Cotreatment of the Kalina Pond Leachate on Laboratory Sequencing Batch Reactor Operation and Activated Sludge Quality
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1539: Impact of the Biological Cotreatment of the Kalina Pond Leachate on Laboratory Sequencing Batch Reactor Operation and Activated Sludge Quality Water doi: 10.3390/w11081539 Authors: Justyna Michalska Izabela Greń Joanna Żur Daniel Wasilkowski Agnieszka Mrozik Hauling landfill leachate to offsite urban wastewater treatment plants is a way to achieve pollutant removal. However, the implementation of biological methods for the treatment of landfill...
Thu Jul 25, 2019 03:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1537: Intelligent Storage Location Allocation with Multiple Objectives for Flood Control Materials
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1537: Intelligent Storage Location Allocation with Multiple Objectives for Flood Control Materials Water doi: 10.3390/w11081537 Authors: Wei Wang Jing Yang Li Huang David Proverbs Jianbin Wei Intelligent storage is an important element of intelligent logistics and a key development trend in modern warehousing and logistics. Based on the characteristics of flood control materials and their intelligent storage, this study established a flood control material...
Thu Jul 25, 2019 03:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1540: Random Forest Ability in Regionalizing Hourly Hydrological Model Parameters
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1540: Random Forest Ability in Regionalizing Hourly Hydrological Model Parameters Water doi: 10.3390/w11081540 Authors: Mohamed Saadi Ludovic Oudin Pierre Ribstein This study investigated the potential of random forest (RF) algorithms for regionalizing the parameters of an hourly hydrological model. The relationships between model parameters and climate/landscape catchment descriptors were multidimensional and exhibited nonlinear features. In this case, machine-learning...
Thu Jul 25, 2019 03:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1536: Carbon Transfer from Cyanobacteria to Pelagic and Benthic Consumers in a Subtropical Lake: Evidence from a 13C Labelling Experiment
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1536: Carbon Transfer from Cyanobacteria to Pelagic and Benthic Consumers in a Subtropical Lake: Evidence from a 13C Labelling Experiment Water doi: 10.3390/w11081536 Authors: Jinlei Yu Hu He Zhengwen Liu Erik Jeppesen Feizhou Chen Yongdong Zhang Eutrophication of lakes often results in dominance of cyanobacteria, which may potentially lead to serious blooms and toxic water. However, cyanobacterial detritus may act as an important carbon source for...
Thu Jul 25, 2019 03:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1535: Diverse Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) Communities Colonize Plants Inhabiting a Constructed Wetland for Wastewater Treatment
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1535: Diverse Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) Communities Colonize Plants Inhabiting a Constructed Wetland for Wastewater Treatment Water doi: 10.3390/w11081535 Authors: Cristina S. C. Calheiros Sofia I.A. Pereira Albina R. Franco Paula M. L. Castro Constructed wetlands (CWs) are biological wastewater treatment systems that comprise several components where plants and associated organisms play an important role in water depuration. Microbial studies...
Thu Jul 25, 2019 03:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1533: Advanced Operating Technique for Centralized and Decentralized Reservoirs Based on Flood Forecasting to Increase System Resilience in Urban Watersheds
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1533: Advanced Operating Technique for Centralized and Decentralized Reservoirs Based on Flood Forecasting to Increase System Resilience in Urban Watersheds Water doi: 10.3390/w11081533 Authors: Lee The frequency of inundation in urban watersheds has increased, and structural measures have been conducted to prevent flood damage. The current non-structural measures for complementing structural measures are mostly independent non-structural measures. Unlike the current...
Wed Jul 24, 2019 03:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1532: Bioelectrochemical Systems for Groundwater Remediation: The Development Trend and Research Front Revealed by Bibliometric Analysis
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1532: Bioelectrochemical Systems for Groundwater Remediation: The Development Trend and Research Front Revealed by Bibliometric Analysis Water doi: 10.3390/w11081532 Authors: Li Chen Xie Liu Xiong : Due to the deficiency of fresh water resources and the deterioration of groundwater quality worldwide, groundwater remedial technologies are especially crucial for preventing groundwater pollution and protecting the precious groundwater resource. Among...
Wed Jul 24, 2019 03:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1534: Flood Risk Analysis of Different Climatic Phenomena during Flood Season Based on Copula-Based Bayesian Network Method: A Case Study of Taihu Basin, China
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1534: Flood Risk Analysis of Different Climatic Phenomena during Flood Season Based on Copula-Based Bayesian Network Method: A Case Study of Taihu Basin, China Water doi: 10.3390/w11081534 Authors: Yun Luo Zengchuan Dong Xike Guan Yuhuan Liu We propose a flood risk management model for the Taihu Basin, China, that considers the spatial and temporal differences of flood risk caused by the different climatic phenomena. In terms of time, the probability distribution...
Wed Jul 24, 2019 03:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1531: Deriving Design Flood Hydrographs Based on Copula Function: A Case Study in Pakistan
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1531: Deriving Design Flood Hydrographs Based on Copula Function: A Case Study in Pakistan Water doi: 10.3390/w11081531 Authors: Muhammad Rizwan Shenglian Guo Jiabo Yin Feng Xiong Flood events are characterized by flood peaks and volumes that can be mutually constructed using a copula function. The Indus basin system of Pakistan is periodically threatened by floods during monsoon seasons and thus causes huge losses to infrastructure as well as the community...
Wed Jul 24, 2019 03:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1528: Legionella pneumophila as a Health Hazard to Miners: A Pilot Study of Water Quality and QMRA
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1528: Legionella pneumophila as a Health Hazard to Miners: A Pilot Study of Water Quality and QMRA Water doi: 10.3390/w11081528 Authors: Valerie Madera-García Alexis L. Mraz Nicolás López-Gálvez Mark H. Weir James Werner Paloma I. Beamer Marc P. Verhougstraete Legionella pneumophila (L. pneumophila), the causative agent of legionellosis, is an aquatic bacterium that grows in warm water. Humans are only presented with a health risk when aerosolized...
Wed Jul 24, 2019 03:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1529: Using Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) for Locating and Characterising Infiltration and Inflow into Foul Sewers before, during and after Snowmelt Period
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1529: Using Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) for Locating and Characterising Infiltration and Inflow into Foul Sewers before, during and after Snowmelt Period Water doi: 10.3390/w11081529 Authors: Oleksandr Panasiuk Annelie Hedström Jeroen Langeveld Cornelis de Haan Erik Liefting Remy Schilperoort Maria Viklander Infiltration and inflow (I/I) into sewers cause negative effects on the sewer system, wastewater treatment plant and environment....
Wed Jul 24, 2019 03:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1527: Towards Economic Land Evaluation at the Farm Scale Based on Soil Physical-Hydrological Features and Ecosystem Services
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1527: Towards Economic Land Evaluation at the Farm Scale Based on Soil Physical-Hydrological Features and Ecosystem Services Water doi: 10.3390/w11081527 Authors: Simone Priori Roberto Barbetti Luca Meini Annalisa Morelli Andrea Zampolli Lorenzo D’Avino The economic evaluation of a land parcel is mainly based on the local economy, as well as on the topography, distance to the main streets, distance to the river, and presence of irrigation. Spatial...
Wed Jul 24, 2019 03:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1530: Local Scour at Complex Bridge Piers in Close Proximity under Clear-Water and Live-Bed Flow Regime
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1530: Local Scour at Complex Bridge Piers in Close Proximity under Clear-Water and Live-Bed Flow Regime Water doi: 10.3390/w11081530 Authors: Yifan Yang Bruce W. Melville Graham H. Macky Asaad Y. Shamseldin In this study, we investigated the characteristics of scour at complex bridge piers in close proximity. The experiments were performed under both clear-water and live-bed flow regimes. We compare our results with those for a single complex pier. Further,...
Wed Jul 24, 2019 03:00
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1526: Vinasse as a Sustainable Medium for the Production of Chlorella vulgaris UTEX 1803
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1526: Vinasse as a Sustainable Medium for the Production of Chlorella vulgaris UTEX 1803 Water doi: 10.3390/w11081526 Authors: Viviana Quintero-Dallos Janet B. García-Martínez Jefferson E. Contreras-Ropero Andrés F. Barajas-Solano Crisostomo Barajas-Ferrerira Roberto Lavecchia Antonio Zuorro This study investigates distillery wastewater, commonly known as vinasse, as a potential culture medium for the production of Chlorella vulgaris and its most...
Wed Jul 24, 2019 03:00

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