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Κυριακή 28 Ιουλίου 2019

Attend to Practice and Research. Year 2019 Issue 12 is now available on CAOD.

In this issue:
Effect of mind mapping combined with feedback method on swallowing function, self-care ability and quality of life among patients with naso-pharyngeal carcinoma after radiotherapy (思维导图联合回授法对鼻咽癌放疗后患者吞咽功能、自护能力与生活质量的影响)
FU Jiang-yu
...... page:1-4
Effect of comprehensive health education on cognition of cervical cancer, healthy lifestyle behavior and health status among females (综合健康教育对女性宫颈癌疾病认知情况、健康生活方式行为与健康状况的影响)
CUI Xiao-qin,CHEN Xi-hong,XIA Wei
...... page:4-7
Investigation and nursing countermeasures of epidemiology on epilepsy children in Jinan city (济南市癫痫患儿流行病学调查研究与护理防范对策)
...... page:8-9
Analysis of pathogenic characteristics and risk factors of hospital acquired infection in children after fracture internal fixation (骨折内固定术后患儿医院获得性感染的病原学特点、危险因素分析)
GAO Hua,LI Bai-hua,JIANG Xu-rong,ZHOU Zhen-zhen
...... page:10-12
Investigation and analysis of postoperative self-perception burden and its influencing factors in patients with enterostomy (肠造口患者术后自我感受负担及其影响因素调查分析)
YAO Yan-xing,LUO Cui-hua,REN Jie-jun
...... page:13-15
Risk factors and flora of elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases complicated with pulmonary infection (老年COPD患者合并肺部感染的危险因素与菌群分布分析及护理)
WANG Dan,HUANG Xiao-zhe
...... page:16-18
Analysis of risk factors for hypoxemia after pneumonectomy and its nursing strategies (全肺切除术后低氧血症危险因素分析与护理对策)
WANG Feng-ming,HU Shi-xun,LUO Feng-xiu
...... page:18-20
Investigation and analysis of influencing factors of lower respiratory tract infection in patients with laryngeal cancer after operation and nursing countermeasures (喉癌手术后患者下呼吸道感染影响因素调查分析及护理对策)
WANG Lin,LIU Chun-yan
...... page:21-23
yu fang xing hu li zai man xing zu sai xing fei ji bing he bing fei shuan sai huan zhe zhong de ying yong (预防性护理在慢性阻塞性肺疾病合并肺栓塞患者中的应用)
WANG Biru,CHEN Ziran,WANG Bizuo,LING Junchao,SUN Zuo,ZHANG Ruidan
...... page:24-26
Effect of informational data management on COPD patients with non -invasive ventilation at home (信息化数据管理对家庭无创通气COPD患者的影响)
MAO Shui -xiang,LUO Jun -lan,HUANG Chun-yan,LI Yi
...... page:26-28
Effect of triple care service on blood glucose control and self-care ability in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (三联护理服务对2型糖尿病患者血糖控制及自护能力的影响)
TONG Jian,WANG Fan,ZHAO Xue-han
...... page:29-31
Effect of evidence-based nursing on patients with coronary heart disease undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (循证护理对冠心病经皮冠状动脉介入治疗患者的影响)
TAN Li-li,WANG Jing,BEN Xun-xi
...... page:31-33
"san ren xing " xiang mu dui chu ci shi yong yi dao su zhi liao tang niao bing huan zhe zhi shi shui ping ji tang dai xie de ying xiang ("三人行"项目对初次使用胰岛素治疗糖尿病患者知识水平及糖代谢的影响)
CUI Meifang
...... page:34-36
Effect of homogenous care service concept based on JCI standard on elderly patients with stable COPD (基于JCI标准下同质护理服务理念对老年COPD稳定期患者的影响)
OUYANG Hui-juan,CHEN Xiao-li,XIAO Juan
...... page:36-38
xin ji geng si bing fa xin li shuai jie huan zhe zai ru yuan lv ying xiang yin su fen xi yu hu li (心肌梗死并发心力衰竭患者再入院率影响因素分析与护理)
YU Junhua
...... page:39-41
zi bian hu xi kang fu cao yan lian dui copd huan zhe fei kang fu xiao guo de ying xiang (自编呼吸康复操演练对COPD患者肺康复效果的影响)
...... page:41-43
Application effect of autologous internal fistula vascular maps in internal hemorrhage maintenance of hemodialysis patients (自体内瘘血管图谱在血液透析患者内瘘维护中的应用效果)
LIU Shun-hua,XUAN Xing-hua,HE Yan-yan
...... page:44-46
Effect of modular nursing on self-care ability and healthy behavior of patients with coronary heart disease (模块式护理对冠心病患者自护能力和健康行为的影响)
MA Li-wen
...... page:46-48
Application of doctor-nurse integrated model in elderly patients with diabetic nephropathy who underwent peritoneal dialysis (医护一体化模式在老年糖尿病肾病腹膜透析患者中的应用)
GUO Ru,LIN Yu-lan,ZHANG Li-hua,HUANG Zhi-yong
...... page:49-51
man xing zu sai xing fei ji bing huan zhe zi wo guan li shui ping ying xiang yin su fen xi (慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者自我管理水平影响因素分析)
HUANG Jinlan,CAO Yanyan,YANG Xueping,JIANG Ling
...... page:51-52
Application of predictive nursing in patients with continuous blood purification (预见性护理在连续性血液净化患者中的应用)
CAI Min,ZHANG Cai-yun,WANG Ke-jun
...... page:53-55
Application of hierarchical nursing management in controlling the infection rate of patients with blood purification by intravenous indwelling catheter (层级护理管理在控制血液净化静脉留置导管患者感染率中的应用)
JIANG Ming-ming,CAO Li-jun
...... page:56-58
xue ye tou xi lian he xue ye guan liu zai niao du zheng huan zhe zhong de ying yong xiao guo ji hu li (血液透析联合血液灌流在尿毒症患者中的应用效果及护理)
FU Rong
...... page:58-59
zi wo guan li jian kang jiao yu dui man xing zu sai xing fei ji bing huan zhe fei gong neng ji sheng huo zhi liang de ying xiang (自我管理健康教育对慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者肺功能及生活质量的影响)
ZHANG Jianze,FU Min,QIAN Kunkun
...... page:60-62
Effect of health belief education on self-perception burden, self-efficacy and quality of life in patients with myasthenia gravis (健康信念教育对重症肌无力患者自我感受负担、自我效能及生存质量的影响)
LIU Lin-lin
...... page:62-65
The influence of PDCA cycle based on JCI thinking on the incidence of falls among neurology patients (基于JCI思维的PDCA循环对神经内科患者跌倒发生率的影响)
...... page:66-68
Application of patient version of the target management manual in blood glucose management of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients (患者版目标管理手册在2型糖尿病患者血糖管理中的应用)
...... page:69-71
Effect of evidence-based nursing on quality of life in stroke patients (循证护理对脑卒中患者生存质量的影响)
LIN Yan-yan,WANG He-qiang,LV Qin,ZHANG Jian-li,LAI Xin-bo,LIU Bing
...... page:72-74
ji yu mu biao ce lue de zhen dui xing hu li gan yu zai ji xing zhong zheng bing du xing xin ji yan he bing du fang shi chuan dao zu zhi huan zhe zhong de ying yong (基于目标策略的针对性护理干预在急性重症病毒性心肌炎合并Ⅲ度房室传导阻滞患者中的应用)
YUE Zhenzhen
...... page:75-76
ying xiang tong feng huan zhe niao suan da biao de du li wei xian yin su fen xi yu hu li gan yu dui ce (影响痛风患者尿酸达标的独立危险因素分析与护理干预对策)
CHEN Cuiqing,HUANG Saihua,ZENG Jia
...... page:77-78
yun dong xiang xiang dui nao zu zhong huan zhe zhi ti yun dong gong neng hui fu de ying xiang (运动想象对脑卒中患者肢体运动功能恢复的影响)
ZHANG Xiaozuo,HE Meiying
...... page:79-80
gao ling gao xue ya nao chu xue huan zhe kang fu xiao guo de ying xiang yin su fen xi yu hu li gan yu dui ce (高龄高血压脑出血患者康复效果的影响因素分析与护理干预对策)
LI Hui
...... page:81-82
Influence of early out-of-bed activities on postoperative rehabilitation effect of patients with intertrochanteric fractures (早期离床活动对股骨转子间骨折患者术后康复效果的影响)
...... page:83-85
Effect of mind mapping nursing intervention on negative emotion and quality of life in patients with breast cancer (思维导图护理干预对乳腺癌患者负性情绪与生活质量的影响)
LI Nan-nan
...... page:85-87
Application of risk assessment and hierarchical management system in prevention of postoperative lower limb deep venous thrombosis in patients with hip fracture (风险评估分级管理系统在预防髋部骨折患者术后下肢深静脉血栓中的应用效果)
LIANG Yan-ling,OU Xiao-zhou,LIANG Qun-fei
...... page:88-89
Effect of enhanced recovery after surgery nursing on postoperative stress response and rehabilitation of patients with abdominal trauma (快速康复外科护理对腹部创伤性患者术后应激反应与康复效果的影响)
CHEN Hong-lian,HE Hui-mei,HUANG Cha-qiong
...... page:90-92
xu shi hu li mo shi zai bi mian shen jing wai ke hu shi gong zuo tuo yan ji zhi ye juan dai zhong de ying yong xiao guo (叙事护理模式在避免神经外科护士工作拖延及职业倦怠中的应用效果)
CHEN Zuoping,SUN Hong,GONG Xiaoling,WEI Yaoliang
...... page:92-94
ji xing zhong zheng yi xian yan shu hou yin liu guan du sai wei xian yin su fen xi yu hu li cuo shi (急性重症胰腺炎术后引流管堵塞危险因素分析与护理措施)
SUN Fengying,TIAN Zhiying
...... page:95-96
Application of high-quality detail nursing management in patients with senile bladder cancer who had urinary diversion and abdominal wall stoma (优质细节护理管理在老年膀胱癌尿流改道腹壁造口患者中的应用)
SHANG Cui-qing,ZHU Jin-yan,ZHENG Jing
...... page:97-100
yu jian xing hu li zai you chuang dong mai ya jian ce zhong de ying yong (预见性护理在有创动脉压监测中的应用)
DAI Huizuo,LIU Chunxia,CHEN Xiaoqing,CHEN Baihong
...... page:100-101
zhong yi nie ji lian he xue wei an mo dui ren shen ju tu huan zhe de liao xiao guan cha (中医捏脊联合穴位按摩对妊娠剧吐患者的疗效观察)
CHEN Caixia
...... page:102-103
Effect of clinical nursing pathway based on traditional Chinese medicine theory on self-care ability and lactagogue effect of lying-in women with hypogalactia (基于中医理论的临床护理路径对缺乳产妇自护能力及催乳效果的影响)
LIANG Shao-ying,LI Xue-qun
...... page:104-106
Application of clustering nursing in patients with advanced malignant tumor defect repair of oral and maxillofacial region (集束化护理在口腔颌面部晚期恶性肿瘤缺损皮瓣修复术后患者中的应用)
HE Wei-ru
...... page:107-109
ma si luo xu yao ceng ci lun zai bai nei zhang shou shu huan zhe hu li zhong de ying yong (马斯洛需要层次论在白内障手术患者护理中的应用)
MA Chun
...... page:109-111
Application of kangaroo care in premature infants with low birth weight (袋鼠式护理在低出生体重早产儿中的应用)
ZHONG Fei-fei,LI Xing-xia,ZHAN Yuan
...... page:112-113
Application effect of evidence-based nursing in mechanical ventilation for neonatal respiratory failure (循证护理在机械通气治疗新生儿呼吸衰竭中的应用效果)
YANG Hongxia,YU Zuozhen
...... page:114-115
Effect of targeted nursing on adverse reactions in children with lymphoma chemotherapy (针对性护理对淋巴瘤化疗患儿不良反应的影响)
HUANG Hui,CAI Rui-qing,WU Liu-hong,LIU Long-zhen
...... page:116-117
Application of situational game combined with high-quality nursing in children with bronchial pneumonia (情景游戏配合优质护理在支气管肺炎患儿中的应用)
LI Dan,XIAO Feng-lin,LIU Xiao-qin
...... page:118-120
Effect of early micro-feeding of deep hydrolyzed protein formula milk powder on growth and development of infants with very low birth weight (早期微量喂养深度水解蛋白配方奶对极低出生体质量儿生长发育的影响)
ZHANG Ji-tian,SHEN Qing-qing
...... page:121-122
Application effect of evidence-based nursing combined with clinical nursing pathway in hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy of newborns (循证护理联合临床护理路径在新生儿缺氧缺血脑病中的应用效果)
DU Hong-yan
...... page:123-124
Effect of four-level quality control management on anesthesia of patients undergoing abdominal surgery (四级质量控制管理对腹部手术患者麻醉效果的影响)
ZHANG Hong-yan
...... page:125-127
Application of animated video in preoperative visits of patients with aneurysms (动画视频在动脉瘤患者术前访视中的应用)
LIU Kun,MA Hai-chun
...... page:127-128
Application of compound insulation nursing in elderly patients undergoing surgery (复合保温护理在老年手术患者中的应用)
ZENG Hong,HUANG Su-zhen,CHEN Wei-zhen,WU Hong-yu,LUO Li-hua
...... page:129-130
Efficiency research of digital distributed nurse station under HIS system and patients' satisfaction survey (HIS系统下数字化分布式护士站的效能研究与满意度调查)
YI Xue-zhong,HUANG Yu-you,GAO Kai-xian,DENG Jia-wen,WANG Ze-wei
...... page:131-133
ji yu who duo mo shi shou wei sheng cu jin ce lue zai xin sheng er zhong zheng jian hu bing fang yi wu ren yuan shou wei sheng gan yu zhong de ying yong yan jiu (基于WHO多模式手卫生促进策略在新生儿重症监护病房医务人员手卫生干预中的应用研究)
...... page:133-135
osce zhan dian shi kao he zai zhong zheng yi xue ke hu shi lin chuang ji jiu neng li pei xun zhong de ying yong (OSCE站点式考核在重症医学科护士临床急救能力培训中的应用)
SONG Xiuzuo,HUANG Yan,ZUO Huiyi,LI Zuolin,WU Suhua
...... page:136-138
mou gao xiao yu fang ai zi bing xuan chuan jiao yu xia da xue sheng dui ai zi bing ren zhi cheng du de diao cha fen xi (某高校预防艾滋病宣传教育下大学生对艾滋病认知程度的调查分析)
YAO Qinqin,HUANG Yanmei
...... page:139-141
Application effect of phased target teaching combined with scenario simulation training in nursing students of cardiothoracic surgery department (阶段性目标教学联合情景模拟训练在心胸外科实习护生中的应用效果)
...... page:141-143
Research on the construction of the interactive mode of the subject of ideological and political education for college students majoring in nursing (护理专业大学生思想政治教育主体互动模式建构研究)
LI Jing,QIN Ai-jun,PENG Su-luan
...... page:144-145
The application value of quality control circle activity in improving the efficiency of vein indwelling needle in interventional department (品管圈活动在提高介入科静脉留置针使用有效率中的应用价值)
PENG Li-juan,LIAO Shao-qin,QIN Xiu-rong
...... page:146-149
Analysis of causes of sudden illness changes during nuclear medicine examination and its preventive interventions measures (核医学检查过程中突发病情变化原因分析与预防性干预措施)
CHEN Juan,LU Yi-juan,YANG Chun-hua
...... page:149-150
yi xin li te zheng fen xi wei ji chu de hu li gan yu dui zuo zheng xing shi sheng huan zhe de ying xiang (以心理特征分析为基础的护理干预对癔症性失声患者的影响)
TANG Xiaoyan,ZHOU Yanfei,YE Ruilian
...... page:151-152
jing shen ke nan hu shi xin li jian kang zhuang kuang diao cha yan jiu ji dui ce (精神科男护士心理健康状况调查研究及对策)
WANG Qinlin,ZOU Yue,LIU Lin
...... page:153-154
Observation of the effect of traditional Chinese medicine acupoint application combined with massage-assisted oxygen-driven aerosol inhala-tion treatment for children with asthmatic pneumonia and its nursing (中医穴位贴敷联合推拿辅助氧气驱动雾化吸入治疗小儿喘息型肺炎的效果观察与护理)
...... page:155-157
Effect of traditional Chinese medicine nursing on quality of life and limb spasticity in patients with stroke spastic hemiplegia (中医特色护理对脑卒中痉挛性偏瘫患者生活质量、肢体痉挛状态的影响)
LIU Xiu-zhi,WU Yan-yan,WU Fang-ling,JIN Lei,YE Xiao-chun
...... page:157-159
hu li shi jian yu yan jiu gao yue (《护理实践与研究》稿约)

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