Κυριακή 28 Ιουλίου 2019

Journal of Snake. Year 2019 Issue 02 is now available on CAOD.

In this issue:
Proteomics Study of Four Common Snake Venoms in China (中国境内4种常见蛇毒的蛋白质组学研究)
ZHANG Jing-shuo,XIANG Ping,SHEN Min
...... page:175-177,183
Experimental Study on Anti-venom and Antibacterial Activity of Jinzhi Snakebite Medicinal Liquor in Vitro (金枝蛇伤药酒体外抗蛇毒与抗菌的实验研究)
YU Xiang,YE Huan-you,ZHANG Jian-min,CHEN Min,LIANG Zhi-yun,ZHANG Ming
...... page:178-179,183
Clinical Study on Effect of Shi San Wei Prescription on Limb Swelling of Patients Bitten by Venomous Snake (十三味方对血循毒蛇咬伤患者肢体肿胀影响的临床研究)
LIN Xin-xin,YANG Wei-lian,YANG Xu,SHEN Fang-hua
...... page:180-183
Clinical Effect of Jinzhi Snakebite Medicinal Liquor Combined wtih Levocetiriz-ine Hydrochloride in the Treatment of Papular Urticaria (金枝蛇伤药酒联合盐酸左西替利嗪治疗丘疹性荨麻疹的效果)
YE Huan-you,YU Xiang,WANG Pei-kuan,CHANG Shui-ping,JIANG San-yuan,LIANG Zhi-yun
...... page:184-185
A case of treatment in Severe Viper Snakebites (重型蝰蛇咬伤救治1例)
ZENG Song-wang,XU Hai,ZHOU Zi-sheng,SHEN Ke-feng
...... page:186-187
Expression and Bioinformatics Analysis of TRPS1 in Gastric Cancer (TRPS1在胃癌中的表达及生物信息学分析)
HUANG Meng-lan,WU Hong,LV Zi-li
...... page:188-192,201
Effects of Panax Notoginseng Saponins on Oxidative Stress in Rat Peritoneal Fi -brosis Model (三七总皂苷对大鼠腹膜纤维化模型氧化应激水平的影响研究)
WEI Chun-chen,WEI Jing-peng,LI Jin-qiu,LIAO Yun-hua,WANG Cheng-yu
...... page:193-196
Analysis of Risk Factors Associated with Hemorrhage after Endoscopic Mucosal Resection of Colorectal Polyp (结直肠息肉经内镜下黏膜切除术后出血的危险因素分析)
HE De-yi,WANG Biao-yu,WANG Yi,LIU Ying
...... page:197-201
Effect of Electroencephalogram Combined with Levodopaand Benserazide Hydro-chlo-ride on Motor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease (脑电治疗联合多巴丝肼对帕金森病运动症状的影响)
ZHANG Lin-yan,CHEN Hai-liang,LIN Guo-ji,CHEN Jie
...... page:202-203,219
Effect of Butylphthalide Soft Capsules Combined with Atorvastatin Calcium Tab-lets on Cerebral Infarction (丁苯酞软胶囊联合阿托伐他汀钙片治疗脑梗死的效果)
CHEN Xia,PAN Hao,JIANG Wen-ting
...... page:204-206
Correlation Study Between HBV-DNA and ALT in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients (慢性乙型肝炎患者HBV-DNA载量与ALT的相关性研究)
XU Qiu-xiang
...... page:207-208
Effect of Octreotide Combined with Thrombin in the Treatment of Acute Gastro-intestinal Hemorrhage (奥曲肽联合凝血酶治疗急性消化道出血的效果)
BAO You-guang
...... page:209-210
Effect and Safety of Low-dose Dexmedetomidine on Blood Pressure of Old Patient with Hypertension in Perianesthesia (小剂量右美托咪啶对老年高血压患者围麻醉期血压的影响及安全性分析)
LI Luo-san,YIN Han-su,QIN Xue-fang,WEI Li-li
...... page:211-212
Clinical Research of Low-dosage Hormone Combined with Cyclophosphamide in the Treatment of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (小剂量激素联合环磷酰胺治疗系统性红斑狼疮的临床研究)
YANG Dan-dan
...... page:213-214
Effect on Thoracic Closed Drainage of Different Intercostal Spaces in the Treat-ment of Pleural Effusion (不同肋间胸腔闭式引流术治疗胸腔积液的效果)
...... page:215-216
Comparison of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy and Open Cholecystectomy in the Treatment of Acute Cholecystitis (腹腔镜与传统开腹胆囊切除术治疗急性胆囊炎的对比)
...... page:217-219
Effect on BOLD Compressing Screw in the Surgical Treatment of Foot Fracture (BOLD加压螺丝钉手术治疗足部骨折的效果)
LI Zhi-lei,ZHU Zhi
...... page:220-221
Effect on Modified Cervical Cerclage in the Treatment of Lower Uterine Segment Hemorrhage of Placenta Previa (改良式宫颈环扎术治疗前置胎盘子宫下段出血的效果)
CAO Ning-ning,DUAN Zhou-fang,ZHANG Bao-ping
...... page:222-223
Effect of Bacillus Coagulans Tablets Combined with Montmorillonite Powder in the Treatment of Infantile Diarrhea (凝结芽孢杆菌活菌片联合蒙脱石散治疗小儿腹泻的效果)
CHEN Xiu-yi
...... page:224-225
Neuro Electrophysiological Characteristics of Patients with Different BMI in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (不同BMI腕管综合征患者的神经电生理特点)
LIN Ji-lan,LIN Feng,CHEN Hong-bin
...... page:226-227,229
Effect of Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs Combined with Artificial Tears in the treatment of Dry Eye (非甾体类抗炎药联合人工泪液治疗干眼症的效果)
YI Liang-yan
...... page:228-229
Effect of Forearm Free Flap Transplantation in the Treatment of Postoperative Defect of Oral and Maxillofacial Tumor (游离前臂皮瓣移植修复治疗口腔颌面部肿瘤术后缺损的效果)
QUAN Fang-xiang
...... page:230-231
Effect of Simiao Decoction Combined with Ozone in the treatment of Acute Gouty Arthritis (四妙汤配合臭氧治疗急性痛风性关节炎的效果)
XIE Ji-hong,LU Dao-kui,ZHANG Wei,LIAN Ai-qian
...... page:232-234
Effect and Cost Comparison of Massage Combined with Auricular Magnetic in the Treatment of Cervical Spondylotic Radiculopathy (推拿配合耳穴磁疗对贴治疗神经根型颈椎病的效果及成本比较)
LIN Dan-chun
...... page:235-236,241
Effect on Fuyankang Capsule Combined with Abdominal Acupuncture and Scrap-ping in the Treatment of Sequelae of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (妇炎康胶囊联合腹针与刮痧治疗盆腔炎性疾病后遗症的效果)
HUANG Gui-fen
...... page:237-238
Study on the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis With Needle Knife Combined With Ozone (针刀联合臭氧治疗膝关节骨性关节炎的研究)
LU Dao-kui,XIE Ji-hong,ZHANG Wei,LIAN Ai-qian
...... page:239-241
Pediatric Massage for the Treatment of Children with Pneumonia and Asthma (小儿推拿辅助治疗小儿肺炎喘嗽的效果)
WU Su-min
...... page:242-243
An Investigation of Nosocomial Infection and Analysis of Drug Resistance on En-terobacteriaceae (肠杆菌科细菌医院感染调查及耐药性分析)
LU Yi-ping,CHEN Yan-hua,LIU Jin-feng,JIANG Zong-wei,SHU Hong,PANG Nai-qi
...... page:244-245,249
Nursing Countermeasures of Implanted Inferior Vena Cava Filter before Hip Ar-throplasty Combined with Deep Venous Thrombosis (髋关节置换术前合并深静脉血栓行下腔静脉滤器置入的护理对策)
YANG Mei,PAN Xi-mei,HUANG Qiu-hong,HUANG Xian-ying,LIU Yan-fang,YANG Si-si
...... page:246-249
Effect on Different Closed Sputum Aspiration Depth Combined with Continuous Humidification of Succus Bambusae on Infants Undergoing Mechanical Ventila-tion (不同密闭吸痰深度联合鲜竹沥持续湿化对机械通气新生儿的影响)
CHEN Cui-qing,WEI Zhao-xia,LIAO Chuan-de,MO Ri-cheng,LONG Dan-feng
...... page:250-253
Application of Rapid Rehabilitation Surgery Nursing in the Perioperative Period of Hemifacial Spasm (快速康复外科护理在面肌痉挛围手术期中的应用)
LAI Hai-yan,ZENG Guo-yan,LONG Jie-jie,LI Dong-xiao
...... page:254-256
Effect of Chinese Dialectical Nursing Combined with Routine Nursing on Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis (中医辩证护理联合常规护理对膝骨关节炎患者的影响)
PANG Ling-ling,CHEN Xue-ting,ZHANG Guang-mei
...... page:257-259
Effect on Quality Control Circle in Reducing the Writing Defect Rate of Nursing Documents in Neurology Department (品管圈用于降低神经内科护理文书书写缺陷率的效果)
LAN Hui-zhen,LUO Bo-lan
...... page:260-263
Effect of Personalized Intervention on Treatment Compliance and Quality of Life in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Combined With Anxiety and Depression (个性化干预对慢性阻塞性肺疾病伴焦虑与抑郁患者治疗依从性和生活质量的影响)
LI Lin
...... page:264-266
zheng gao (征稿)

...... page:266
Effect of Propofol Combined with High Quality Nursing on Painless Gastroscopy in the Treatment of Foreign Body in Upper Digestive Tract of Adolescents (丙泊酚结合优质护理对无痛胃镜治疗青少年上消化道异物的影响)
LIN Bi-yuan,LIN Lian-zong,CHEN Mei-lian,HUANG Zhen-zhen,YE Jia-bin
...... page:267-268,282
Application of Nursing Risk Management in Children Intravenous Indwelling Needle Transfusion (护理风险管理在小儿静脉留置针输液中的应用)
LU Xiao-ping
...... page:269-271
Effect of Vertical Management Model on Performance Assessment and Distribu-tion of Head Nurses (垂直管理模式应用于护士长绩效考核与分配的效果)
FENG Wen-ling,HUANG Ying-ying,LIANG Lan
...... page:272-273
hu li gan yu dui xin sheng er gao dan hong su xue zheng lan guang zhi liao de ying xiang (护理干预对新生儿高胆红素血症蓝光治疗的影响)
LU Qingxue
...... page:274-275
Review and Prospect of Hand Microsurgery (手显微外科学的回顾及展望)
YUE Wen-jun,LIU Jun
...... page:276-277,293
Research Progress on Different Surgical Approaches of Spinal Endoscopy in the Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation (脊柱内镜治疗腰椎间盘突出症不同手术入路的研究进展)
QIN Kai-bing
...... page:278-279
zuo guan jie jia ti zhou wei gu zhe de zhi liao xian zhuang ji jin zhan (髋关节假体周围骨折的治疗现状及进展)
LIN Shirong,LIANG Keyou,LUO Jun,WEN Chaohai,LV Zhengxian
...... page:280-282
bang zuo quan qie yuan wei hui chang dai bang zuo shu wei shou shu qi de hu li jin zhan (膀胱全切原位回肠代膀胱术围手术期的护理进展)
HE Shuxian,WANG Juting
...... page:283-284,303
chang qi wo chuang huan zhe ru chuang de yu fang ji hu li jin zhan (长期卧床患者褥疮的预防及护理进展)
LU Lanfei
...... page:285-287
Application of Virtual Simulation Teaching Platform in the Practical Teaching of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Technology (虚拟仿真教学平台在心肺复苏技术实践教学中的应用研究)
HUANG Feng,WANG Wei,LUO Zu-chun
...... page:288-289,310
Application Research of CBL Combining With PBL in Clinical Teaching of the Diseases of Cervical Spondylosis (CBL-PBL整合教学法在颈椎病临床见习教学中的应用)
LIU Yun,LIU Jian-hong,HUANG Jing-lei,LI Bo-xiang,LIN Cheng-sen,TANG Hai-jun,FENG Wen-Yu,YANG Qing-hua,LI Chong
...... page:290-293
Application of Participatory Teaching in Probationary Teaching for Overseas Students of Respiratory Medicine (参与式教学在呼吸内科留学生见习教学中的应用研究)
CHEN Quan-fang,WANG Wei,SHU Li-pei
...... page:294-295,307
Research on Application of Translational Medicine in Clinical Teaching of Urolo-gy Department (转化医学理念在泌尿外科临床教学中的应用研究)
YE Yu,ZHANG Jian-ge,LI Chong,DAI Yan
...... page:296-298
Application of PBL Teaching Method in Clinical Practice Teaching of Neurology Undergraduates (PBL教学法在神经病学本科临床见习教学中的应用)
LONG Xiao-hong
...... page:299-300
jing mai yong yao diao pei zhong xin fen jie duan fen mo kuai dai jiao de ti hui (静脉用药调配中心分阶段分模块带教的体会)
TANG Weiyan,LAN Qiongni
...... page:301-303
duo mo shi jiao xue fang fa zai er ke lin chuang jian xi zhong de ying yong (多模式教学方法在儿科临床见习中的应用)
HUANG Shiqin,HAN Yunli,LI Xing
...... page:304-305
shi shu lin chuang dai jiao zhong shen tou de yu jiao yu pei yang de cai jian bei yi xue ren cai (试述临床带教中渗透德育教育培养德才兼备医学人才)
...... page:305-307
Practice and Innovation of Education Mode of Preventing Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in City under New Situation (新形势下城市预防急性一氧化碳中毒宣教模式的实践与创新)
WANG Yao,HU Zhuo-jun,RUAN Hai-lin,LIU Hua,DENG Wang-sheng,CHEN Jian-bing,HONG Wei-liang
...... page:308-310 

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