Κυριακή 21 Ιουλίου 2019

Change of saliva composition with radiotherapy.
Change of saliva composition with radiotherapy. Arch Oral Biol. 2019 Jul 10;106:104480 Authors: Müller VJ, Belibasakis GN, Bosshard PP, Wiedemeier DB, Bichsel D, Rücker M, Stadlinger B Abstract OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to analyze the physiological and microbiological changes of saliva from patients with head and neck cancer during and after intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT). DESIGN: In this prospective clinical trial saliva...
Head and Neck
miR-125a-5p Functions as Tumor Suppressor microRNA And Is a Marker of Locoregional Recurrence And Poor prognosis in Head And Neck Cancer.
miR-125a-5p Functions as Tumor Suppressor microRNA And Is a Marker of Locoregional Recurrence And Poor prognosis in Head And Neck Cancer. Neoplasia. 2019 Jul 17;21(9):849-862 Authors: Vo DT, Karanam NK, Ding L, Saha D, Yordy JS, Giri U, Heymach JV, Story MD Abstract MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short single-stranded RNAs, measuring 21 to 23 nucleotides in length and regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level through mRNA destabilization or...
Head and Neck
Peripheral cutaneous head and neck melanoma: Definition, characteristics and impact on survival.
Peripheral cutaneous head and neck melanoma: Definition, characteristics and impact on survival. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2019 Jul 17;: Authors: Avilés-Izquierdo JA, Rodríguez-Lomba E, Milla J, Hernández-Aragüés I PMID: 31325547 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Head and Neck
Humanized anti-CD271 monoclonal antibody exerts an anti-tumor effect by depleting cancer stem cells.
Humanized anti-CD271 monoclonal antibody exerts an anti-tumor effect by depleting cancer stem cells. Cancer Lett. 2019 Jul 17;: Authors: Morita S, Mochizuki M, Wada K, Shibuya R, Nakamura M, Yamaguchi K, Yamazaki T, Imai T, Asada Y, Matsuura K, Sugamura K, Katori Y, Satoh K, Tamai K Abstract CD271, known as a neurotrophin receptor, is expressed in various cancers such as hypopharyngeal cancer (HPC) and melanoma. We recently reported that CD271 is a cancer-stem-cell...
Head and Neck
Preoperative plasma fibrinogen as a predictive factor for post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage.
Preoperative plasma fibrinogen as a predictive factor for post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage. Clin Otolaryngol. 2019 Jul 20;: Authors: Grasl S, Janik S, Vyskocil E, Kadletz L, Grasl MC, Erovic BM Abstract Objectives To assess whether preoperative plasma fibrinogen is able to predict severe post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage. Study Design Retrospective chart review. Methods We included 456 patients who underwent tonsillectomy between 2008 and 2013. Preoperative...
Head and Neck
Cancer-associated fibroblast-derived interleukin-1β activates the pro-tumor CCL22 signaling in head and neck cancer.
Cancer-associated fibroblast-derived interleukin-1β activates the pro-tumor CCL22 signaling in head and neck cancer. Cancer Sci. 2019 Jul 20;: Authors: Huang YH, Chang CY, Kuo YZ, Fang WY, Kao HY, Tsai ST, Wu LW Abstract Oral cancer, a subtype of head and neck cancer, is characterized by increased infiltrating Tregs; however, the pathological significance of the increase in Tregs in disease prognosis and progression and their underlying mechanism remain...
Head and Neck
Co-sensitization and cross-reactivity of Blomia tropicalis with two Dermatophagoides species in Guangzhou, China.
Related ArticlesCo-sensitization and cross-reactivity of Blomia tropicalis with two Dermatophagoides species in Guangzhou, China. J Clin Lab Anal. 2019 Jul 19;:e22981 Authors: Liu X, Zheng P, Zheng SG, Zhai Y, Zhao X, Chen Y, Cai C, Wu Z, Huang Z, Zou X, Liao C, Sun B Abstract BACKGROUND: Contradictory results have been reported previously in the analyses of cross-reactivity among Blomia tropicalis (Blo t), Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Der p), and...
Head and Neck
Workshop of European Task Force on Medication Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw.Current challenges.
Related ArticlesWorkshop of European Task Force on Medication Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw.Current challenges. Oral Dis. 2019 Jul 20;: Authors: Schiodt M, Otto S, Fedele S, Bedogni A, Nicolatou-Galitis O, Guggenberger R, Herlofson BB, Ristow O, Kofod T Abstract This paper reports on the conclusions of two workshops held in Copenhagen in September 2017 and November 2018 focused on medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ). The workshops...
Head and Neck
Evaluation of sphenoid sinus variations by using cone beam computed tomography in patients with cleft lip/palate.
Related ArticlesEvaluation of sphenoid sinus variations by using cone beam computed tomography in patients with cleft lip/palate. Oral Radiol. 2019 Jul 20;: Authors: Gümrükçü Z, Bilgir E, Bayrak S, Bayrakdar İŞ Abstract OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the sphenoid sinus variations in patients with cleft lip/palate. METHODS: Sixty three (63) patient's cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images, taken from the head and neck...
Head and Neck
Laryngopharyngeal reflux and autonomic nerve dysfunction: what about stress?
Related ArticlesLaryngopharyngeal reflux and autonomic nerve dysfunction: what about stress? Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2019 Jul 19;: Authors: Lechien JR, Nandhan Sampath Kumar R, Chiesa-Estomba CM PMID: 31325034 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Head and Neck
Longitudinal improvement in nasal obstruction symptoms of chronic rhinosinusitis directly associates with improvement in mood.
Related ArticlesLongitudinal improvement in nasal obstruction symptoms of chronic rhinosinusitis directly associates with improvement in mood. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2019 Jul 19;: Authors: Speth MM, Phillips KM, Hoehle LP, Caradonna DS, Gray ST, Sedaghat AR Abstract PURPOSE: The effects of nasal obstruction in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) are associated with depressed mood. We sought to validate this finding by determining whether improvement...
Head and Neck
Bioinformatics-based discovery of PYGM and TNNC2 as potential biomarkers of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
Related ArticlesBioinformatics-based discovery of PYGM and TNNC2 as potential biomarkers of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Biosci Rep. 2019 Jul 19;: Authors: Jin Y, Yang Y Abstract Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is an aggressive malignancy with high morbidity and mortality rates and ranks as the sixth most common cancer all over the word. Despite numerous advancements in therapeutic methods, the prognosis of HNSCC patients still...
Head and Neck
Total rhinectomy for nasal carcinomas.
Related ArticlesTotal rhinectomy for nasal carcinomas. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2019 Jul 02;: Authors: Girardi FM, Hauth LA, Abentroth AL Abstract INTRODUCTION: Total rhinectomy is an uncommon procedure for the treatment of nasal malignancies, usually reserved for locally advanced tumors. There are few case series studying total rhinectomy in the literature, reporting conflicting results about recurrence and metastasis. OBJECTIVE: Evaluate prognosis...
Head and Neck
Virtual surgical planning in fibula free flap head and neck reconstruction: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Related ArticlesVirtual surgical planning in fibula free flap head and neck reconstruction: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2019 Jul 02;: Authors: Tang NSJ, Ahmadi I, Ramakrishnan A Abstract BACKGROUND: The traditional approach to head and neck reconstruction is considered challenging, requiring a subjective assessment of an often-complex defect followed by careful modelling of a bony flap to match this. The introduction...
Head and Neck
Risk factors of post-tonsillectomy dysgeusia.
Related ArticlesRisk factors of post-tonsillectomy dysgeusia. Auris Nasus Larynx. 2019 Jul 16;: Authors: Kitaya S, Kikuchi T, Yahata I, Ikeda R, Nomura K, Kawase T, Katori Y Abstract OBJECTIVE: To investigate risk factors for dysgeusia after tonsillectomy. METHODS: A retrospective survey of medical records identified 318 patients (163 male and 155 female subjects aged 12-75 years, average 41.7±16.1 years) who underwent tonsillectomy. ...
Head and Neck
[Systemic treatments of metastatic or locally recurrent adenoid cystic carcinoma of the head and neck, a systematic review].
Related Articles[Systemic treatments of metastatic or locally recurrent adenoid cystic carcinoma of the head and neck, a systematic review]. Bull Cancer. 2019 Jul 16;: Authors: Cherifi F, Rambeau A, Johnson A, Florescu C, Géry B, Babin E, Thariat J Abstract INTRODUCTION: Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma is a rare tumor of the head and neck sphere. The purpose of this review is a state of the art of systemic treatments (chemotherapies, targeted therapies, immunotherapies)...
Head and Neck
Statistical evaluation of worst-case robust optimization intensity-modulated proton therapy plans using an exhaustive sampling approach.
Related ArticlesStatistical evaluation of worst-case robust optimization intensity-modulated proton therapy plans using an exhaustive sampling approach. Radiat Oncol. 2019 Jul 19;14(1):129 Authors: Yang Z, Li H, Li Y, Li Y, Chang Y, Li Q, Yang K, Wu G, Sahoo N, Poenisch F, Gillin M, Zhu XR, Zhang X Abstract PURPOSE: To assess the worst-case robust optimization IMPT plans with setup and range uncertainties and to test the hypothesis that the worst-case...
Head and Neck
Cervicofacial necrotizing fasciitis among patients attending the Muhimbili National Hospital, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Related ArticlesCervicofacial necrotizing fasciitis among patients attending the Muhimbili National Hospital, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. BMC Infect Dis. 2019 Jul 19;19(1):642 Authors: Mtenga AA, Kalyanyama BM, Owibingire SS, Sohal KS, Simon ENM Abstract BACKGROUND: Cervicofacial necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is a rare life-threatening infection in the head and neck region that characteristically spreads along the fascial planes to involve subcutaneous tissues,...
Head and Neck
Ovarian cancer stem cells and macrophages reciprocally interact through the WNT pathway to promote pro-tumoral and malignant phenotypes in 3D engineered microenvironments.
Related ArticlesOvarian cancer stem cells and macrophages reciprocally interact through the WNT pathway to promote pro-tumoral and malignant phenotypes in 3D engineered microenvironments. J Immunother Cancer. 2019 Jul 19;7(1):190 Authors: Raghavan S, Mehta P, Xie Y, Lei YL, Mehta G Abstract BACKGROUND: Innate immune cells such as macrophages are abundantly present within malignant ascites, where they share the microenvironment with ovarian cancer stem...
Head and Neck
Hsa_circ_0058124 promotes papillary thyroid cancer tumorigenesis and invasiveness through the NOTCH3/GATAD2A axis.
Related ArticlesHsa_circ_0058124 promotes papillary thyroid cancer tumorigenesis and invasiveness through the NOTCH3/GATAD2A axis. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2019 Jul 19;38(1):318 Authors: Yao Y, Chen X, Yang H, Chen W, Qian Y, Yan Z, Liao T, Yao W, Wu W, Yu T, Chen Y, Zhang Y Abstract BACKGROUND: Despite a good and overall prognosis, papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) can still affect the quality of life of many patients, and can even be life-threatening due...
Head and Neck
Can pattern and depth of invasion predict lymph node relapse and prognosis in tongue squamous cell carcinoma.
Related ArticlesCan pattern and depth of invasion predict lymph node relapse and prognosis in tongue squamous cell carcinoma. BMC Cancer. 2019 Jul 19;19(1):714 Authors: Wu K, Wei J, Liu Z, Yu B, Yang X, Zhang C, Abdelrehem A, Zhang C, Li S Abstract BACKGROUND: Tongue squamous cell carcinoma (TSCC) is a special type of oral cancer. Cervical lymph node relapse may occur in a large percentage of TSCC patients, which usually indicates poor prognosis. In...
Head and Neck
Estimation of immune cell content in tumor using single-cell RNA-seq reference data.
Related ArticlesEstimation of immune cell content in tumor using single-cell RNA-seq reference data. BMC Cancer. 2019 Jul 19;19(1):715 Authors: Yu X, Chen YA, Conejo-Garcia JR, Chung CH, Wang X Abstract BACKGROUND: The rapid development of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) provides unprecedented opportunities to study the tumor ecosystem that involves a heterogeneous mixture of cell types. However, the majority of previous and current studies related...
Head and Neck
Defining Bronchial Asthma with Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase Delta Activation: Towards Endotype-Driven Management.
Related ArticlesDefining Bronchial Asthma with Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase Delta Activation: Towards Endotype-Driven Management. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Jul 18;20(14): Authors: Jeong JS, Kim JS, Kim SR, Lee YC Abstract Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathways play a critical role in orchestrating the chronic inflammation and the structural changes of the airways in patients with asthma. Recently, a great deal of progress has been made in developing selective...
Head and Neck

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