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Κυριακή 28 Ιουλίου 2019

Chinese Journal of Drug Application and Monitoring. Year 2019 Issue 03 is now available on CAOD.

In this issue:
Practice and process specification of real-world safety evaluation for large sample population used drugs based on electronic medical record (真实世界大样本用药人群信息化安全性评价实践及流程规范)
GUO Dai-hong,HU Peng-zhou,JIA Wang-ping,WANG Xiao-yu,KOU Wei,MA Liang,CHEN Chao,ZHAO Su-yu
...... page:127-131
Meta-analysis on curative effect and safety of candesartan for migraine prophylaxis (坎地沙坦预防治疗偏头痛的疗效及安全性的Meta分析)
WANG Jin-ming,HONG Wei-yong,SHEN Hui-ling,FANG Fang,CHEN Min
...... page:132-136
Effect of CYP3A5 gene polymorphism on clinical application of tacrolimus in nephrosis patients (CYP3A5基因多态性对肾病患者他克莫司临床应用指导分析)
LI Xiao-lin,LIU Bing
...... page:137-140
Optimization of the formulation and preparation process of harmine magnetic solid lipid nanoparticles (去氢骆驼蓬碱磁固体脂质纳米粒的处方和制备工艺的优化)
Munire·Kurban,TANG Xiao-hui,WANG Mei
...... page:141-145
Establishment and evaluation of a method for norvancomycin concentration determination in human plasma (去甲万古霉素血药浓度检测方法的建立及评价)
...... page:146-149
Pharmaceutical care on a case of neonatal septicemia based on vancomycin therapeutic drug monitoring (1例基于万古霉素治疗药物监测的新生儿败血症药学监护)
WANG Si-yun,LI Xin,FU Xiu-juan
...... page:150-154
Pharmaceutical care on an elderly patient with glossopharyngeal neuralgia and hypertension (1例舌咽神经痛合并高血压的老年患者药学监护)
LIANG Jin-mei,LIU Zhi-hui,ZHU Man,LIU Ling-ling,ZHAO Guo-li
...... page:154-157
Pharmaceutical care on a postherpetic neuralgia patient with analgesic treatment (1例带状疱疹后神经痛患者止痛治疗的药学监护)
SUN Qiu-yan,DENG Li-juan,DU Biao,CHEN Chen
...... page:158-160
Literature analysis of skin pigmentation in adult patients induced by polymyxin B (多粘菌素B导致成人皮肤色素沉着的文献分析)
CHEN Yue,MAI Shu-xia,WEN Xin-ru,GUO Dong-jie
...... page:161-164
Literature analysis of anaphylactic shock induced byShenmai injection (参麦注射液致过敏性休克文献分析)
ZHANG Ming,YANG Yang,YE Wei-jun,XIE Fa-hong,XIN Hai-li
...... page:165-167
Utilization analysis of drugs for reducing the cardiovascular risk in elderly diabetic inpatients in our hospital (我院老年糖尿病住院患者降低心血管风险药物使用情况分析)
...... page:168-171
Analysis of 108 medication error reports of anti-infective drugs in elderly patients (108例老年患者抗感染药物用药错误报告分析)
JI Zi-chao,WANG Xin
...... page:172-175
One case of hemoptysis induced by acetylcysteine (乙酰半胱氨酸致咯血1例)
TANG Shou-xiang,LI Su-juan,MA Jing
...... page:176-178
One case of hypoglycemia induced by interaction between clopidogrel and repaglinide (氯吡格雷和瑞格列奈相互作用致低血糖1例)
LUO Hai-kun,WANG Li-hua,HAO Li-ya
...... page:178-180
Encephalopathy caused by valaciclovir tablets in a hemodialysis patient (伐昔洛韦片致血液透析患者脑病1例)
WANG Dong-xue,XU Feng,HOU Ji-qiu
...... page:181-182
Severe polymorphic erythematous eruption caused by amoxicillin quadruple therapy (阿莫西林四联疗法致重症多形红斑药疹1例)
SUN Wen-fang,WANG Hui-ying,ZHANG Xiao-lan,LIU Xian-jun
...... page:183-185
Two cases of severe liver injury caused byHuolisu oral liquid (活力苏口服液致重度肝损伤2例)
DONG Qing,TU Jian-hua
...... page:186-189
One case of continuous projectile vomiting by methylprednisolone sodium succinate (甲泼尼龙琥珀酸钠致连续喷射性呕吐1例)
XIN Xiu-qin,WANG Dong-xue,LI Li,HOU Ji-qiu,ZHANG Xiu
...... page:189-190 

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