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Κυριακή 28 Ιουλίου 2019

Chinese Journal of Pharmacovigilance. Year 2019 Issue 04 is now available on CAOD.

In this issue:
Evaluation of Toxicity of Acetaminophen on Human Hepatocyte Mitochondrial Aerobic Respiration by Cellular Energy Metabolism Analysis (细胞能量代谢分析法评价对乙酰氨基酚对人肝细胞线粒体有氧呼吸的毒性作用)
...... page:193-198,207
Effects of loversol, lodixanol, lopromide on Renal Function in Patients with Early Diabetic Nephropathy (碘佛醇、碘克沙醇和碘普罗胺对早期糖尿病肾病患者肾功能的影响)
WANG Shengqi,WANG Aidan
...... page:199-202
Effects of Different Prophylactic Liver Protection Drug Regimens on Liver Injury after First Chemotherapy in Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (不同预防性保肝用药方案对急性髓系白血病首次化疗后肝损伤的影响)
YANG Zhongyi,CAO Jiang
...... page:203-207
Challenges and Suggestions for Safety Monitoring of 50 New Drugs Accelerated Approval in 2018 (2018年50个新药快速上市对安全监测的挑战与建议)
WANG Yue,LI Ming
...... page:208-211
Practice and Discussion on Active Surveillance by China Hospital Pharmacovigilance System (基于中国医院药物警戒系统开展主动监测的实践与探讨)
HOU Yongfang,SONG Haibo,LIU Hongliang,LI Xilin
...... page:212-214
Problems and Thoughts on Reporting and Monitoring of Adverse Drug Reactions in Drug Manufacturers (检查视角下生产企业药品不良反应报告与监测的问题及思考)
SANG Yuan,WU Shifu,LU Changfei,XIE Yanjun,CUI Xiaokang,XU Lili,LIU Wenwen,HUO Yanfei
...... page:215-218
Automatic Surveillance and Comparative Study of Omeprazole Related Abnormal Liver Function and Hepatic Impairment (奥美拉唑相关肝功能异常与肝损害的自动监测对比研究)
PANG Ning,GUO Daihong,KOU Wei,JIA Wangping,YANG Hongyi,WANG Xiaoyu
...... page:219-222
Analysis of Literature and Clinical Cases of Adverse Drug Reactions Induced by Zoledronic Acid Injection (注射用唑来膦酸药品不良反应文献及临床病例分析)
WANG Fangfang,CHEN Weihong,HE Zhiqiang,HU Xue
...... page:223-227
Pharmaceutical Care for One Case of Acute Leukemia Severe Infection with Torsade de Pointes (1例急性白血病重症感染伴尖端扭转性室速患者的药学监护)
ZHANG Junzhong,ZHANG Zhichao
...... page:228-230
Literature Analysis of Present Situation and Reporting Quality in TCM Safety Systematic Reviews Based on PRISMA Harms Checklist (基于PRISMA Harms清单的中医药安全性系统综述现状及报告质量分析)
HU Ruixue,WEN Lingzi,YU Mingkun,REN Yiming,CAO Huijuan,GAO Jiaqi,LIU Kexin,ZHAO Luming,LI Yilin,LIN Ziyi,ZHANG Zixuan,MING Yang,WU Xuecen,LI Xun,LIU Jianping,FEI Yutong
...... page:231-238
Review of the Studies on the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice toward Adverse Drug Reactions Reporting among Different Reporting Entity at Home and Abroad (国内外不同主体对药品不良反应报告的认知、态度与实践研究综述)
XU Xiaodi
...... page:239-243,245
One Case of Exfoliative Dermatitis Induced by Lamotrigine Tablets (拉莫三嗪片致剥脱性皮炎1例)
...... page:244-245
One Case of Cellulitis Induced by Pramipexole Hydrochloride Tablets (盐酸普拉克索片致双下肢水肿伴蜂窝组织炎1例)
LI Wenling,JIN Wei,CHEN Bohua,XU Beiming
...... page:246-247,251
One Case of Epileptic Seizure Induced by Increased Blood Concentration of Cyclosporine Injection (环孢素注射液血药浓度升高致癫痫发作1例)
ZHANG Jing,CHU Mingming,LI Letao,ZHANG Rong
...... page:248-251
One Case of Allergic Reaction Induced by Vinorelbine Tartrate Injection (酒石酸长春瑞滨注射液致过敏反应1例)
ZHUANG Ruichun,LI Guangcan,XIANG Anling
...... page:252,256
One Case of Hepatic Injury Induced by Cefoperazone Sodium/Sulbactam Sodium for Injection and Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride Sodium Chloride Injection (注射用头孢哌酮钠/舒巴坦钠联用盐酸莫西沙星氯化钠注射液致肝损伤1例)
WEN Zhiyong,LU Wenfen
...... page:253-254
One Case of Deafness Induced by Clindamycin Hydrochloride Injection (盐酸克林霉素注射液致耳聋1例)
...... page:255-256 

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