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Δευτέρα 29 Ιουλίου 2019

Chinese Journal of Ocular Trauma and Occupational Eye Disease. Year 2019 Issue 05 is now available on CAOD.

In this issue:
Comparision on the efficacy between rigid gas permeable contact lens and frame glasses for infants aphakia after congenital cataract surgery (婴儿先天性白内障术后硬性透气性接触镜与框架眼镜效果对比)
Lyu Yong,Wu Pengwei,Yang Lin,Gao Shasha,Tan Fengling
...... page:321-326
The alteration of anterior chamber angle after implantable collamer lens implantation in phakic eye (有晶状体眼后房型人工晶状体植入术后前房角的改变)
Zheng Fangfang,Wang Weiqun
...... page:327-331
xin xi dong tai (信息动态)

...... page:331,352,364,380,389
Vitrectomy combined with air tamponade for the treatment of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (玻璃体切除联合空气填充治疗孔源性视网膜脱离)
Wang Wei,Li Suyan,Zhang Zhengpei,Liu Haiyang,Ji Sujuan
...... page:332-336
Efficacy of postoperative medication in the treatment of cataract with uveitis (伴有葡萄膜炎的白内障术后药物治疗的效果)
Wu Shengwei,Sun Ran,Zhang Jian,Pan Yuefeng,Shi Ge
...... page:337-343
Five years follow-up analysis of the efficacy of posterior scleral reinforcement for degenerative myopia (变性近视后巩膜加固术随访5年的效果分析)
Guan Wei,Li Xiujuan,Zhang Jinsong
...... page:344-348
Observation on postoperative intraocular pressure after microinvasion vitrectomy combined with cataract surgery (微创玻璃体切除联合白内障手术术后眼压观察)
Shi Xuewei
...... page:349-352
Vitrectomy combined with internal limiting membrane peeling and air tamponade for the treatment of idiopathic macular hole (玻璃体切除内界膜剥离及空气填充治疗黄斑孔)
Li Tao,Hou Ruichang,Zhang Rixin
...... page:353-355
Clinical study on the timing of preoperative application of conbercept in proliferative diabetic retinopathy (康柏西普在糖尿病视网膜病变术前应用时机的研究)
Wang Yan,Zhang Zhengpei,Li Suyan,Liu Haiyang
...... page:356-360
The efficacy of vitrectomy combined with conbercept in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy (玻璃体切除联合康柏西普治疗糖尿病视网膜病变)
Fan Weihua
...... page:361-364
Evaluation of screening efficacy of opportunistic disease of eye in health examination (健康体检中机会性眼病筛查的效果评价)
Zheng Jie,Liu Jingwen,Zhang Mei,Wang Huan,Xue Jingjing,Zheng Haoran
...... page:365-368
Study on the relationship of diopter, central corneal thickness, intraocular pressure and axial length in eyes with high myopia (高度近视屈光度、角膜厚度、眼压和眼轴的相关性)
Li Hongxia,Fan Dongsheng
...... page:369-372
Application effect of cross-linked sodium hyaluronate in trabeculectomy (交联透明质酸钠在小梁切除术中的应用效果)
Wang Qian,Dai Tao,Zhang Yinglang,Zhao Yu
...... page:373-376
Single suture fixation of intraocular lens for intraocular lens subluxation (人工晶状体单襻缝线固定术治疗晶状体不全脱位)
Li Cuixia,Zhang Gaixiu,Hao Junhua
...... page:377-380
Correlation of visual acuity and macular microstructural change after vitrectomy for idiopathic macular epiretinal membrane (特发性黄斑前膜术后黄斑微结构与视力的相关性)
Cao Yulu,Fan Dongsheng,Huang Yanxia
...... page:381-384
Clinical efficacy of subtenon injection of triamcinolone acetonide for anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (后部眼球筋膜下注射曲安奈德治疗前部缺血性视神经病变)
Guo Xiaona,Ye Xiuling,Zhang Jinsong,Yang Qianqian,Liu Decheng
...... page:385-389
Emergency vitrectomy combined with lensectomy for complicated traumatic cataract (复杂的外伤性白内障急诊玻璃体切除术联合晶状体切除术)
Zhang Peng,Su Jiandong,Tian Xuemin
...... page:390-393
A case report of retinal light damage caused by automotive Xenon lamps (汽车氙气远光灯引起的视网膜光损伤一例报告)
Zhang Qiong,Suo Nancuo,Chen Yuanting
...... page:393-394
Management of traumatic luxation of lens (外伤性晶状体脱位的治疗)
Wen Jiajie,Ma Xinqi,Long Chongde
...... page:395-400 

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