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Δευτέρα 29 Ιουλίου 2019

Pharmaceutical Education. Year 2019 Issue 03 is now available on CAOD.

In this issue:
Post-doctoral Management System and Its' Improvement in China (浅谈我国博士后管理制度及其完善)
Li Yang,Li Mengyuan,Xie binxin
...... page:1-3,17
Internal Control of Financial System in Universities and Colleges (高校财务内部控制研究)
Rui Youqin
...... page:4-6
Thoughts and Practice of Strengthening Pharmacy Students' Professional Skills and Quality Education (加强药学生专业技能与职业素质教育的思考与实践)
Liang Yanan,Li Xia,Jiang Dawei,Sun Jianping
...... page:7-10
Analysis and Thoughts on the ESI Database Promoting Discipline Construction under the Background of "Double First-class" ("双一流"背景下ESI推动学科建设的分析及思考)
Wang Yaqi,Ding Zuoqi
...... page:11-17
Reform of Traditional Medicine in Pharmaceutical Universities in Minority areas (少数民族地区医药院校中药学学科创新改革)
Li Wenyuan,Wang Jinghui,Xu Dayu,Yang Shibing,Rezengcaidan,Tong Li
...... page:18-20,44
Pharmaceutical Analysis Teaching Reorm Based on Chinese Pharmacopoeia (围绕《中国药典》进行药物分析课程教学改革)
Wang Yan,Zhong Shian,Xiang Haoyue,Yang Hua,Liu Yanfei
...... page:21-24
Analysis and Enlightenment of American College Online Physical Education: Wellness through Movement Course at the Slippery Rock University (美国高校体育网络课程解读及启示 ——以美国滑石大学"Wellness through Movement"课程为例)
Yan Wengang
...... page:25-30
Digitation Construction of Medicinal Botanical Garden and Its Teaching Application (药用植物园数字化建设及其在教学中的应用)
Chen Jingxin,Wang Long,Gao Feng,Pu sheban,Qin Minjian
...... page:31-33,50
Thoughts on Pharmacological Teaching Based on Students' Workshop (基于"学生工作坊"的药理学教学思考)
Du Xiaohui,Li Qingyi,Hong Bo,Song Juan,Li Hongling
...... page:34-36
Analysis on the Key Points of the Design and Implementation of Practical Teaching of Pharmacy of Chinese Materia Medica (中药药剂学专业实践教学的设计与实施要点探析)
Wei Yuanfeng,Gao Yuan,Qian Shuai
...... page:37-40
Application of Interaction of Online and Offline Diversified Teaching Methods in the Course of Medicinal Chemistry of Natural Products (线上线下多元化教学模式在天然药物化学教学改革中的应用)
LYu Jieli,Zhang Laibin,Bai Suping,Zhang Tao,Liu Zhaomin,Zhao Jie,Li Weilin
...... page:41-44
Application of Outcome-Oriented Education in the Teaching of Pharmaceutical Technology (基于成果导向教育的制药工艺学教学改革探索)
Tang Fengxiang,Zheng Yunquan,Chen Haijun,Huang Jiandong
...... page:45-50
Construction and Application of Virtual Simulation Experiment for Inspection of Impurities in Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients ("化学原料药杂质检查"虚拟仿真实验建设与应用研究)
Xu Guanhong,Hong Junli,Wei Fangdi,Cen Yao,Fang Danjun,Du Shuhu,Hu Qin
...... page:51-54
Discussion and Research on Virtual Simulation of Anti-drug Pharmacy Education Mode (虚拟仿真禁毒教育模式探讨与研究)
Xia Jinxin,Ding Qilong,Li Zhiyu
...... page:55-57,61
Research on the Implementation of PI Laboratory Management in Local Medical Colleges and Universities Illustrated through the Case of Xuzhou Medical University (地方医学院校实施实验室PI制管理的分析与思考 ——以徐州医科大学为例)
Tang Juan
...... page:58-61
Construction of Innovation Base and Promotion of Practice Ability for Pharmacy Postgraduates (药学研究生创新基地的建设与实践能力的培养)
Su Weiwei,Wang Yonggang,Li Peibo,Liu Hong,Yao Hongliang,Peng Wei,Li Panlin,Wu Hao,Yan Li
...... page:62-65
Probe into the Practice Intervention Mode of Advanced Stage in Pharmaceutical Marketing Major (医药营销类专业进阶式实践干预模式探索)
Chang Yue,Tang Lei,Yang Ting
...... page:66-74,79
Investigation and Effect Evaluation of Undergraduate Practice in Clinical Pharmacy (临床药学本科实习的调查与效果评价)
Xu Chongyao,Jiao Yang,Wei Jinbin,Kang Liang,Liu Wei,Feng Xianjing,Ma Siwen
...... page:75-79
yao xue jiao yu gao yue (《 药学教育》稿约)

...... page:封3 

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