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Κυριακή 28 Ιουλίου 2019

Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice. Year 2019 Issue 06 is now available on CAOD.

In this issue:
Bioinformatics Analysis of Up-regulated Differential Genes in Rats post Spinal Cord Injury (大鼠脊髓损伤后脊髓组织中上调差异基因的生物信息学分析)
ZHONG Zhan-qiong,XUE Qing-cai,YI Xiao-hong,HUANG Cong,YU Hai-yan,LIU Wei-wei,CHEN Ji-lan,XIA Jun,ZHANG Xiao
...... page:621-629
Role and Mechanism of Ski in Glial Scar Formation post Spinal Cord Injury (review) (Ski在脊髓损伤后胶质瘢痕形成中的作用及机制研究进展)
XIANG Gao,LIU Kai-xin,GONG Chao-yang,YANG Liang,ZHANG Hai-hong
...... page:630-633
Advance in Role of IκB Kinase beta in Inflammatory Response Mechanism post Spinal Cord Injury (review) (IκB激酶β在脊髓损伤后炎症反应机制中作用的研究进展)
TANG Rui-ling,LI Min,WANG Jun-yu,XIANG Wu,ZHANG An-ren
...... page:634-637
Advance in Mechanism of Limb Spasm after Spinal Cord Injury (review) (脊髓损伤后肢体痉挛机制的研究进展)
FAN Liang-hua,DU Liang-jie
...... page:638-643
Advance in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Spasticity post Spinal Cord Injury (review) (经颅磁刺激技术在脊髓损伤后痉挛中的应用机制进展)
Chin-hsuan CHIA,WU Yi
...... page:644-647
Evaluation Methods Commonly Used in Rodent Spasm Models (review) (啮齿动物痉挛模型常用的评定方法)
WU Xiao-yan,JIN Rong-jiang
...... page:648-651
Advance in Pain Treatment post Spinal Cord Injury (review) (脊髓损伤后疼痛治疗的研究进展)
FENG Zhen-fen,ZHOU Bin-bin,WEI Wei-bing,QIN Jing-yu,LI Jian-nan
...... page:652-656
Chronic Pain in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury in Community: A Four-year Retrospective Study (社区居住脊髓损伤患者慢性疼痛的4年回顾性研究)
WU Dan,DENG Pei-lin,ZHANG Shao-jun,ZHAO Zheng-en,WANG Jian-xiong
...... page:657-663
Clinical Characteristics and Risk Factors of Nosocomial Infection in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury (脊髓损伤患者医院感染的临床特点及危险因素分析)
LIU Hui-zhen,ZHAO Guo-wei,LI Pei-lan,SHANG Na,WANG Na,LIU Lu-shan
...... page:664-669
Preparation of Rat Spinal Synaptosome and Qualitative and Quantitative Test of Neurotransmitters (大鼠脊髓突触体的制备及神经递质的定性和定量分析)
LIU Zheng,WANG Jing,SHEN Wei,ZHAO Shu-xuan,YUAN Wen-hua,FENG Xiao-fei,ZHOU Hai-yu
...... page:670-675
Professional Reasoning of Occupational Therapy in China 1986-2006: A Documentary Analysis (Ⅰ) (作业治疗专业思维在中国的发展历程(1986-2006)——历史文献研究(上))
CUI Jin-long,SHI Xiao-chang,LIAO Peng,CHIU ML Teresa
...... page:676-682
Bobath Concept in the Process of Gait Rehabilitation for Post-stroke Patients with Hemiplegia (review) (Bobath理念在卒中后偏瘫患者步态康复中的研究进展)
WANG Jian-qiao,LIU Hui-lin
...... page:683-685
Effect of Kinesio Taping on Knee Osteoarthritis: A Meta-analysis (肌内效贴对膝骨关节炎治疗效果的Meta分析)
HOU Yong-kang,DU Shuang,DENG Pei-lin,ZHU Jiang,WU Zong-hui,WANG Pu
...... page:686-695
Advance in High-intensity Interval Training for Acute Myocardial Infarction post Percutaneous Coronary Inter-vention (review) (高强度间歇训练在急性心肌梗死介入治疗术后的应用现状)
ZHANG Sui-hao,LIN Feng,DONG Shao-hong
...... page:696-699
Advance in Quality of Life of Patients with Chronic Heart Failure and Primary Caregivers (review) (慢性心力衰竭患者及主要照顾者的生活质量研究进展)
ZHANG Yu,LI Li-hua
...... page:700-703
Advance in Language Development of Hearing-impaired Children (听力障碍儿童的语言发展研究进展)
WU Peng,TAO Yun,HU Hong-an
...... page:704-708
Effects of Robot-assisted Therapy Combined with Mirror Therapy on Upper Limbs Rehabilitation in Patients with Hemiplegia after Stroke (康复机器人结合镜像疗法对脑卒中偏瘫患者上肢功能的效果)
RONG Ji-feng,DING Li,ZHANG Wen,WANG Wei-ning,DENG Mei-kui,XIONG Li,JIA Jie
...... page:709-713
Assessment of Nervous System of High-risk Infants: 236 Cases Report (高危儿神经系统发育的评估:236例报道)
Lü Pan-pan,GAO Wen-ting,ZHAO Na,LIU Fang,XU Chong-feng,DENG Yu-qin
...... page:714-717
Effect of Multisensory Training on Visual Information Processing Ability for Children with Autism (多感官训练改善孤独症儿童视觉信息处理障碍的效果)
WANG Yong-gu,WANG Guo,GUO Hui,LI Xiao-juan,YING Qing
...... page:718-723
Construction of Assistive Products Service System Using Internet Plus and Artificial Intelligence ("互联网+"智能化辅助器具评估与适配服务体系构建研究)
DONG Li-quan,LI Xi,XU Jin,HU Jian-min,DAI Lian-jun,XIE Gan-lin
...... page:724-728
Clean Intermittent Catheterization after Sigmoid Augmentation Cystoplasty and Abdominal Sigmoidostomy: A Case Report (乙状结肠膀胱扩大并腹壁造口术后患者行清洁间歇导尿1例报道)
HE Ying,GAO Li-juan,LI Xiu-hua
...... page:729-733
Application of a Self-management Mobile Platform in Rehabilitation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (基于移动健康平台的自我管理干预在慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者肺康复中的应用)
SHI Chen-xi,WANG Jia-ni,XIAO Qian,YANG Jing-yu,JIA Yan-rui,LU Yong
...... page:734-739
Application of Standardized Patients Simulation with Microteaching in Instruction of Clinical Practice Skill of Rehabilitation Therapy (标准化患者模拟联合微格教学法在康复治疗学专业学生临床带教中的应用)
SUN Wei-ming,DONG Xiang-li,YU Guo-hua,SHUAI Lang
...... page:740-744 

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