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Κυριακή 21 Ιουλίου 2019

Patronus is the elusive plant securin, preventing chromosome separation by antagonizing separase.
Related ArticlesPatronus is the elusive plant securin, preventing chromosome separation by antagonizing separase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 Jul 19;: Authors: Cromer L, Jolivet S, Singh DK, Berthier F, De Winne N, De Jaeger G, Komaki S, Prusicki MA, Schnittger A, Guérois R, Mercier R Abstract Chromosome distribution at anaphase of mitosis and meiosis is triggered by separase, an evolutionarily conserved protease. Separase must be tightly regulated...
pubmed: "proc natl acad sci ...
The flowering hormone florigen accelerates secondary cell wall biogenesis to harmonize vascular maturation with reproductive development.
Related ArticlesThe flowering hormone florigen accelerates secondary cell wall biogenesis to harmonize vascular maturation with reproductive development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 Jul 19;: Authors: Shalit-Kaneh A, Eviatar-Ribak T, Horev G, Suss N, Aloni R, Eshed Y, Lifschitz E Abstract Florigen, a proteinaceous hormone, functions as a universal long-range promoter of flowering and concurrently as a generic growth-attenuating hormone across leaf...
pubmed: "proc natl acad sci ...
The allosteric mechanism of substrate-specific transport in SLC6 is mediated by a volumetric sensor.
Related ArticlesThe allosteric mechanism of substrate-specific transport in SLC6 is mediated by a volumetric sensor. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 Jul 19;: Authors: LeVine MV, Terry DS, Khelashvili G, Siegel ZS, Quick M, Javitch JA, Blanchard SC, Weinstein H Abstract Neurotransmitter:sodium symporters (NSSs) in the SLC6 family terminate neurotransmission by coupling the thermodynamically favorable transport of ions to the thermodynamically unfavorable...
pubmed: "proc natl acad sci ...
Exposing the inadequacy of redox formalisms by resolving redox inequivalence within isovalent clusters.
Related ArticlesExposing the inadequacy of redox formalisms by resolving redox inequivalence within isovalent clusters. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 Jul 19;: Authors: Bartholomew AK, Teesdale JJ, Hernández Sánchez R, Malbrecht BJ, Juda CE, Ménard G, Bu W, Iovan DA, Mikhailine AA, Zheng SL, Sarangi R, Wang SG, Chen YS, Betley TA Abstract In this report we examine a family of trinuclear iron complexes by multiple-wavelength, anomalous diffraction (MAD)...
pubmed: "proc natl acad sci ...
Label-free chemical imaging flow cytometry by high-speed multicolor stimulated Raman scattering.
Related ArticlesLabel-free chemical imaging flow cytometry by high-speed multicolor stimulated Raman scattering. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 Jul 19;: Authors: Suzuki Y, Kobayashi K, Wakisaka Y, Deng D, Tanaka S, Huang CJ, Lei C, Sun CW, Liu H, Fujiwaki Y, Lee S, Isozaki A, Kasai Y, Hayakawa T, Sakuma S, Arai F, Koizumi K, Tezuka H, Inaba M, Hiraki K, Ito T, Hase M, Matsusaka S, Shiba K, Suga K, Nishikawa M, Jona M, Yatomi Y, Yalikun Y, Tanaka Y, Sugimura T, Nitta N,...
pubmed: "proc natl acad sci ...
Visualizing complex feature interactions and feature sharing in genomic deep neural networks.
Related ArticlesVisualizing complex feature interactions and feature sharing in genomic deep neural networks. BMC Bioinformatics. 2019 Jul 19;20(1):401 Authors: Liu G, Zeng H, Gifford DK Abstract BACKGROUND: Visualization tools for deep learning models typically focus on discovering key input features without considering how such low level features are combined in intermediate layers to make decisions. Moreover, many of these methods examine a network's...
pubmed: "bmc bioinformatics"...
Publication in a medical student journal predicts short- and long-term academic success: a matched-cohort study.
Related ArticlesPublication in a medical student journal predicts short- and long-term academic success: a matched-cohort study. BMC Med Educ. 2019 Jul 19;19(1):271 Authors: Al-Busaidi IS, Wells CI, Wilkinson TJ Abstract BACKGROUND: Medical student journals play a critical role in promoting academic research and publishing amongst medical students, but their impact on students' future academic achievements has not been examined. We aimed to evaluate...
pubmed: "bmc med educ"[jour]
Under nutrition, maternal anemia and household food insecurity are risk factors of anemia among preschool aged children in Menz Gera Midir district, Eastern Amhara, Ethiopia: a community based cross-sectional study.
Related ArticlesUnder nutrition, maternal anemia and household food insecurity are risk factors of anemia among preschool aged children in Menz Gera Midir district, Eastern Amhara, Ethiopia: a community based cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health. 2019 Jul 19;19(1):968 Authors: Engidaye G, Melku M, Yalew A, Getaneh Z, Asrie F, Enawgaw B Abstract BACKGROUND: In Ethiopian, the prevalence of anemia among preschool aged children widely varied across regions....
pubmed: "bmc public health"[...
Outpatient health-seeking behavior of residents in Zhejiang and Qinghai Province, China.
Related ArticlesOutpatient health-seeking behavior of residents in Zhejiang and Qinghai Province, China. BMC Public Health. 2019 Jul 19;19(1):967 Authors: Huang M, Zhang H, Gu Y, Wei J, Gu S, Zhen X, Hu X, Sun X, Dong H Abstract BACKGROUND: The eastern and western regions of China are different in many ways such as socioeconomic characteristics and health resource distribution. This study aimed to explore the outpatient health-seeking behavior and compare...
pubmed: "bmc public health"[...
Temporal decomposition of life years lived with disability in India: a growing demographic concern.
Related ArticlesTemporal decomposition of life years lived with disability in India: a growing demographic concern. BMC Public Health. 2019 Jul 19;19(1):966 Authors: Banerjee K, Chanda S, Dwivedi LK Abstract BACKGROUND: To draw optimal benefits of the demographic dividend, healthy life years of the young adults is a growing concern in India. Rising prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases among the younger population is responsible for increasing...
pubmed: "bmc public health"[...
Home-based intervention to test and start (HITS) protocol: a cluster-randomized controlled trial to reduce HIV-related mortality in men and HIV incidence in women through increased coverage of HIV treatment.
Related ArticlesHome-based intervention to test and start (HITS) protocol: a cluster-randomized controlled trial to reduce HIV-related mortality in men and HIV incidence in women through increased coverage of HIV treatment. BMC Public Health. 2019 Jul 19;19(1):969 Authors: Mathenjwa T, Kim HY, Zuma T, Shahmanesh M, Seeley J, Matthews P, Wyke S, McGrath N, Sartorius B, Yapa HM, Adeagbo O, Blandford A, Dobra A, Bäernighausen T, Tanser F Abstract BACKGROUND:...
pubmed: "bmc public health"[...
Endoplasmic reticulum stress: A master regulator of metabolic syndrome.
Endoplasmic reticulum stress: A master regulator of metabolic syndrome. Eur J Pharmacol. 2019 Jul 17;:172553 Authors: Mohan S, R PRM, Brown L, Ayyappan P, G RK Abstract Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, a change in the ER homeostasis, leads to initiation of the unfolded protein response (UPR). The primary functions of the UPR are to restore the ER's physiological activity and coordinate the apoptotic and adaptive responses. Pathophysiological conditions...
Human homeostasis
Role of serotonin 4 receptor in the growth of hippocampal neurons during the embryonic development in mice.
Role of serotonin 4 receptor in the growth of hippocampal neurons during the embryonic development in mice. Neuropharmacology. 2019 Jul 17;:107712 Authors: Agrawal L, Vimal SK, Shiga T Abstract Serotonin (5-HT) homeostasis is critical for the brain development which influences neurogenesis, neuronal migration, and circuit formation. Distinctive distribution patterns of serotonin receptors (5-HTRs) in the brain govern various physiological activities....
Human homeostasis
Transcriptional Regulation of Zinc Transporters in Human Osteogenic Sarcoma (Saos-2) Cells to Zinc Supplementation and Zinc Depletion.
Related ArticlesTranscriptional Regulation of Zinc Transporters in Human Osteogenic Sarcoma (Saos-2) Cells to Zinc Supplementation and Zinc Depletion. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2019 Jul 19;: Authors: Alluri K, Nair KPM, Kotturu SK, Ghosh S Abstract Bone is a passive storage organ for zinc, which contains about 30% of the total body zinc. However, during extreme zinc deficiency, only a small fraction of zinc is released in contrast to other tissues where zinc...
Human homeostasis
Clinical promise of next-generation complement therapeutics.
Related ArticlesClinical promise of next-generation complement therapeutics. Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2019 Jul 19;: Authors: Mastellos DC, Ricklin D, Lambris JD Abstract The complement system plays a key role in pathogen immunosurveillance and tissue homeostasis. However, subversion of its tight regulatory control can fuel a vicious cycle of inflammatory damage that exacerbates pathology. The clinical merit of targeting the complement system has been established...
Human homeostasis
A novel rapamycin analog is highly selective for mTORC1 in vivo.
Related ArticlesA novel rapamycin analog is highly selective for mTORC1 in vivo. Nat Commun. 2019 Jul 19;10(1):3194 Authors: Schreiber KH, Arriola Apelo SI, Yu D, Brinkman JA, Velarde MC, Syed FA, Liao CY, Baar EL, Carbajal KA, Sherman DS, Ortiz D, Brunauer R, Yang SE, Tzannis ST, Kennedy BK, Lamming DW Abstract Rapamycin, an inhibitor of mechanistic Target Of Rapamycin Complex 1 (mTORC1), extends lifespan and shows strong potential for the treatment...
Human homeostasis
Activation of NIX-mediated mitophagy by an interferon regulatory factor homologue of human herpesvirus.
Related ArticlesActivation of NIX-mediated mitophagy by an interferon regulatory factor homologue of human herpesvirus. Nat Commun. 2019 Jul 19;10(1):3203 Authors: Vo MT, Smith BJ, Nicholas J, Choi YB Abstract Viral control of mitochondrial quality and content has emerged as an important mechanism for counteracting the host response to virus infection. Despite the knowledge of this crucial function of some viruses, little is known about how herpesviruses...
Human homeostasis
Active thrombin produced by the intestinal epithelium controls mucosal biofilms.
Related ArticlesActive thrombin produced by the intestinal epithelium controls mucosal biofilms. Nat Commun. 2019 Jul 19;10(1):3224 Authors: Motta JP, Denadai-Souza A, Sagnat D, Guiraud L, Edir A, Bonnart C, Sebbag M, Rousset P, Lapeyre A, Seguy C, Mathurine-Thomas N, Galipeau HJ, Bonnet D, Alric L, Buret AG, Wallace JL, Dufour A, Verdu EF, Hollenberg MD, Oswald E, Serino M, Deraison C, Vergnolle N Abstract Proteolytic homeostasis is important at mucosal...
Human homeostasis
Inborn errors of metabolism.
Related ArticlesInborn errors of metabolism. Handb Clin Neurol. 2019;162:449-481 Authors: Ferreira CR, van Karnebeek CDM Abstract Inborn errors of metabolism, also known as inherited metabolic diseases, constitute an important group of conditions presenting with neurologic signs in newborns. They are individually rare but collectively common. Many are treatable through restoration of homeostasis of a disrupted metabolic pathway. Given their frequency...
Human homeostasis
Next generation probiotics in disease amelioration.
Related ArticlesNext generation probiotics in disease amelioration. J Food Drug Anal. 2019 Jul;27(3):615-622 Authors: Chang CJ, Lin TL, Tsai YL, Wu TR, Lai WF, Lu CC, Lai HC Abstract Studies on the role of gut commensal bacteria in health development have rapidly attracted much more attention beyond the classical pathogens over the last decade. Many important reports have highlighted the changes in the gut microbiota (dysbiosis) are closely related to...
Human homeostasis
Glycemic Status at the Time of Presentation in Acute Organophosphorous Poisoning and its Correlation with Severity and Clinical Outcome.
Related ArticlesGlycemic Status at the Time of Presentation in Acute Organophosphorous Poisoning and its Correlation with Severity and Clinical Outcome. J Assoc Physicians India. 2018 Aug;66(8):18-22 Authors: Raghapriya R, Dosi RV, Parmar A Abstract Background: Organophosphorus insecticides (OPI) are one of the most extensively used classes of insecticides. Huge scientific body of evidence suggests that OPI exposure is a major toxicological threat that...
Human homeostasis
Protective Effects of Curcumin Ester Prodrug, Curcumin Diethyl Disuccinate against H2O2-Induced Oxidative Stress in Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells: Potential Therapeutic Avenues for Age-Related Macular Degeneration.
Related ArticlesProtective Effects of Curcumin Ester Prodrug, Curcumin Diethyl Disuccinate against H2O2-Induced Oxidative Stress in Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells: Potential Therapeutic Avenues for Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Jul 09;20(13): Authors: Muangnoi C, Sharif U, Ratnatilaka Na Bhuket P, Rojsitthisak P, Paraoan L Abstract Oxidative stress-induced damage to the retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE), a specialised...
Human homeostasis
CRISPR-Cas9 Mediated TSPO Gene Knockout alters Respiration and Cellular Metabolism in Human Primary Microglia Cells.
Related ArticlesCRISPR-Cas9 Mediated TSPO Gene Knockout alters Respiration and Cellular Metabolism in Human Primary Microglia Cells. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Jul 09;20(13): Authors: Milenkovic VM, Slim D, Bader S, Koch V, Heinl ES, Alvarez-Carbonell D, Nothdurfter C, Rupprecht R, Wetzel CH Abstract The 18 kDa translocator protein (TSPO) is an evolutionary conserved cholesterol binding protein localized in the outer mitochondrial membrane. It has been implicated...
Human homeostasis
Methylene Blue Blocks and Reverses the Inhibitory Effect of Tau on PMCA Function.
Related ArticlesMethylene Blue Blocks and Reverses the Inhibitory Effect of Tau on PMCA Function. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Jul 18;20(14): Authors: Berrocal M, Caballero-Bermejo M, Gutierrez-Merino C, Mata AM Abstract Methylene blue (MB) is a synthetic phenothiazine dye that, in the last years, has generated much debate about whether it could be a useful therapeutic drug for tau-related pathologies, such as Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, the molecular...
Human homeostasis
Suppression of Brown Adipocyte Autophagy Improves Energy Metabolism by Regulating Mitochondrial Turnover.
Related ArticlesSuppression of Brown Adipocyte Autophagy Improves Energy Metabolism by Regulating Mitochondrial Turnover. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Jul 18;20(14): Authors: Kim D, Kim JH, Kang YH, Kim JS, Yun SC, Kang SW, Song Y Abstract The high abundance of mitochondria and the expression of mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) confer upon brown adipose tissue (BAT) the unique capacity to convert chemical energy into heat at the expense of ATP synthesis....
Human homeostasis

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