Δευτέρα 25 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Conventional X-ray as an additional tool in the analysis of fatal neck trauma

Medico-legal considerations for Morel-Lavallée lesions


The Morel-Lavallée lesion is an infrequent traumatic lesion that the forensic physician may need to evaluate during examination of a victim. Using a review of the literature and an illustrative case, the objective of this paper is to discuss the medico-legal issues (accountability, functional recovery and healing times, and aftermath) associated with Morel-Lavallée lesions. We describe the case of a 24-year-old motorcycle driver who was hit by a car. Clinically, the right lumbar region had a large 16 × 15 cm ecchymosis with subcutaneous fluid swelling found by palpation. A body scan revealed a Morel-Lavallée lesion among other lesions. On day 7, its thickness was decreased by half. Morel-Lavallée lesions are specifically induced by shearing force with moderate-to-high kinetics in an anatomical area with an underlying fascia. The associated functional disability is globally moderate, but a large lesion or recurrences can extend the time needed to recover. Apart from some exceptions, care without any delay in diagnosis and treatment allows evolution of the lesion without functional consequences, but these lesions are frequently unnoticed in the initial phase.

Massive subcutaneous emphysema mimicking anaphylaxis - pathological and radiological correlations


This report details the pathological and radiological findings in a rare case of massive subcutaneous emphysema. A 74-year-old male presented with sudden onset dyspnea and facial swelling following a fall. His symptoms were refractory to treatments for anaphylaxis, which was suspected clinically, and he quickly succumbed. Autopsy, including post mortem CT scan revealed the underlying etiology to be multiple rib fractures with rupture of the parietal pleura, bilateral pneumothoraxes and massive subcutaneous emphysema involving the face, torso and upper limbs. Multiple frothy air bubbles were observed throughout the mediastinal adipose tissues on internal examination. Our findings echo those of rare previous reports and show how subcutaneous emphysema may, in rare circumstances, mimic anaphylaxis.

Asphyxiated while hunting for treasure: an unusual geocaching fatality


Geocaching is a high-tech treasure-hunt game that uses GPS-enabled devices or smartphone apps to find cleverly hidden treasures marked by GPS coordinates that are shared online. Like any other outdoor activity, geocaching is associated with risks of falls, environmental injuries, asphyxia and natural events. Despite the apparent risk of serious injury and potential death, no relevant reports aiming to identify the characteristics of geocaching-related deaths have appeared in the medical literature to date. We report a case of an experienced geocacher who was found suspended from a bridge pillar with his climbing ropes and helmet straps twisted across his face and neck; he had apparently attempted to rappel from a 30-m-high railway bridge to find a geocache. A recording of the rappelling sequence from the camera found on the chest strap assisted in reconstructing what had actually happened. An autopsy confirmed that the cause of death was asphyxiation due to hanging, with the occlusion of the external airways and positional asphyxia serving as contributory factors. The salient features of this unusual case are discussed, and several forensic issues of geocaching are highlighted.

Commentary on Leth PM. Homicide by drowning. Forensic Sci Med Pathol. 2019;15:233–8

Pneumosinus Dilatans frontalis: a case of incidental autopsy diagnosis


Pneumosinus Dilatans Frontalis (PDF) is a rare pathologic condition characterized by expansion and hyper aeration of the frontal sinuses. This abnormality has been described in otolaryngology, ophthalmology, neurology, and radiology journals, while only a few autopsy studies are reported in the English literature. The etiology of this condition remains unclear, although multiple theories have been proposed. Clinically, PDF is often an asymptomatic condition, but it can lead to significant bone deformation with esthetic complaints, and even severe associated neurological deficits. In the following case report, a 20-year-old Caucasian male committed suicide by asphyxia due to plastic bag suffocation combined with a vitiated atmosphere as a consequence of helium inhalation. At postmortem an abnormal expansion of the frontal sinuses was detected, involving the frontal bone just above the orbits. The defect showed a multiloculated appearance in the sinus cavities. An incidental diagnosis of PDF was made. A description of the findings and a hypothesis of the clinical relevance of PDF in the reported case are presented.

Forensic features of fatal self photography or “selfies”

Sudden death in a case of recurrent Takotsubo syndrome


Herein we report an unusual case of sudden death occurring in a 65 year old woman during a minor oral surgery. The subject, who had a medically treated anxiety, had a history of two reversible left ventricle dysfunction episodes consistent with recurrent Takotsubo Syndrome that had occurred seven and six years before, respectively. She also suffered from moderate, well treated post-menopausal systemic hypertension. Post-mortem examination showed apical biventricular ballooning of the heart with no cardiac rupture, coronary artery lesion or other cardiac/extra-cardiac disease. Toxicological tests and forensic investigations excluded unnatural causes of death, including pharmacological or iatrogenic causes related to medical malpractice. Only non-specific contraction bands and mild hypertrophy were observed by histology in the left ventricle myocytes. Takotsubo syndrome is usually an acute and reversible heart failure syndrome with acute left ventricle apex ballooning, no coronary artery disease or other macroscopic or microscopic cardiac changes; physical or emotional stress are well known triggering factors. Nevertheless, recurrent forms, major cardiac adverse events and even sudden death may occur in a minority of cases, meaning that a diagnosis of Takotsubo syndrome must be considered in cases of sudden death and in forensic investigations.

Fatal poisoning with diethylene glycol in an unusual setting


Morphological findings in cases of intoxication are relatively rare in forensic pathology. In this article we report on a 26-year-old man who drank clear fluid from a tequila bottle that was given to him by a friend. Afterwards, the clear fluid was assumed to be smoke fluid containing diethylene glycol (DEG). The man died eight days later. Macroscopic and microscopic examination of the kidneys and the liver at forensic autopsy revealed findings typical of a DEG intoxication. In addition, the clinical course showed the typical triphasic pattern of symptoms. Toxicological analysis confirmed the presence of DEG in both the original smoke fluid and the tequila bottle. In conclusion, death was due to fatal intoxication by DEG. While most DEG intoxications have been mass poisoning incidents attributed to pharmaceutical products, the present case describes an unusual example of a single decedent.

Positional asphyxia in a work-related fatality


Positional or postural asphyxia occurs when a particular body position interferes with adequate respiratory movements for a lengthy period of time. Death is usually accidental and associated with alcohol or drug intoxication, disability, or restraint. We report on the case of a 42-year-old man found unresponsive while working on farmland. The upper part of his body (head and upper limbs) was trapped in the highest and largest opening of the atomizer of a high-volume sprayer tank while his legs were hanging down. Bruises and abrasions were found on both suprascapular regions. Tramline bruises encircled the body between the abdominal and thoracic regions in line with the morphology of the tank’s opening where the body was found. Cyanosis and petechial hemorrhages were found on his face, conjunctives, neck, and superior chest; the lungs were edematous. Toxicological analyses of body fluids were negative. The cause of death was postural asphyxia, and the manner of death was certified as a fatal accident at work. Work-related postural asphyxia has rarely been described in the literature. Scene investigation, autopsy, and toxicological analyses play a key role in the reconstruction of the dynamics involved in occupational events, in turn allowing the identification of any legal responsibilities of the worker or the employer.

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