Clinical and translational oncology
Computer Speech & Language
- A continuous vocoder for statistical parametric speech synthesis and its evaluation using an audio-visual phonetically annotated Arabic corpusPublication date: Available online 29 September 2019Source: Computer Speech & LanguageAuthor(s): Mohammed Salah Al-Radhi, Omnia Abdo, Tamás Gábor Csapó, Sherif Abdou, Géza Németh, Mervat FashalAbstractIn this paper, we present an extension of a novel continuous residual-based vocoder for statistical parametric speech synthesis by addressing two objectives. First, because the noise component is often not accurately modelled in modern vocoders (e.g
G3: .Genes, Genomes, Genetics Mission - Online First Articles
- Natural Genetic Variation Screen in Drosophila Identifies Wnt Signaling, Mitochondrial Metabolism, and Redox Homeostasis Genes as Modifiers of ApoptosisApoptosis is the primary cause of degeneration in a number of neuronal, muscular, and metabolic disorders. These diseases are subject to a great deal of phenotypic heterogeneity in patient populations, primarily due to differences in genetic variation between individuals. This creates a barrier to effective diagnosis and treatment. Understanding how genetic variation influences apoptosis could lead to the development of new therapeutics and bette
- Efficiency of a Constrained Linear Genomic Selection Index to Predict the Net Genetic Merit in PlantsThe constrained linear genomic selection index (CLGSI) is a linear combination of genomic estimated breeding values useful for predicting the net genetic merit, which in turn is a linear combination of true unobservable breeding values of the traits weighted by their respective economic values. The CLGSI is the most general genomic index and allows imposing constraints on the expected genetic gain per trait to make some traits change their mean v
Pathology International
- Proportion of goblet cell is associated with malignant potential in invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma of the lungInvasive mucinous adenocarcinoma (IMA) is a newly classified variant of lung adenocarcinoma. The aim of this study was to examine the correlation between the proportion of goblet cells and the clinicopathological characteristics of IMA. Ninety‐nine patients with stage I IMA were included in this study. We estimated prognostic impact of goblet cell proportion. We classified them into two groups: the cases with a high goblet cell proportion (HGP, g
International journal of basic and clinical endocrinology
- Spectral domain optical coherence tomography based imaging biomarkers for diabetic retinopathyAbstract To evaluate the role of central subfield thickness (CST), cube average thickness (CAT), and cube volume (CV) as imaging biomarkers for severity of diabetic retinopathy within the ETDRS-based grades of retinopathy using spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). This study aims to evaluate the role of macular CST, CAT, and CV on SD-OCT as imaging biomarkers for severity of DR. One hundred ninety-four consecu
- Detection of a novel severe mutation affecting the CYP21A2 gene in a Chilean male with salt wasting congenital adrenal hyperplasiaAbstract Purpose 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21-OHD) is a congenital adrenal disease with more than 200 mutations published to date. The aim of this report is to describe a severe novel mutation of the CYP21A2 gene. Method We describe a case of a 39-year-old male diagnosed with a salt wasting congenital ad
- Increasing value of autopsies in patients with brain tumors in the molecular eraAbstract Background Pediatric brain tumors are associated with high morbidity and mortality, in part due to insufficient understanding of tumor biology. With limited tissue allocation for research from surgical specimens, a key barrier to improving biological understanding, brain tumor autopsies have become an increasingly valuable resource. This study reviews the brain tumor autopsy p
- Underweight and weight loss are predictors of poor outcome in patients with brain metastasisAbstract Purpose Overweight may be associated with favorable outcome whereas tumor cachexia may be associated with worse outcome in patients with metastatic cancer. Here we evaluate the association of abnormal body mass index and weight change with outcome in patients with brain metastasis. Methods Patien
- Carbon ion radiotherapy in the treatment of gliomas: a reviewAbstract Introduction Gliomas are among the most common primary brain malignancies, with a poor prognosis for high grade gliomas despite aggressive therapy. Carbon ions, which exhibit favorable biological and physical characteristics, have recently been studied in intracranial malignancies as a way to escalate dose to the tumor while minimizing dose to normal tissue.
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
- Deviations from Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium at CCR5-{Delta}32 in Large Sequencing Data Sets? [WITHDRAWN]We have been made aware by Mark Daly and colleagues that there might be genotyping errors in the gnomeAD database. Also, David Reich and colleagues have pointed out a genotyping error in the UK Biobank that might also affect our results of this paper and certainly has affected our previous paper. For this reason, some of the results in the posted version of this paper may no longer hold up and we ask other researchers to disregard the evidence in
- Mutational load and the functional fraction of the human genome [NEW RESULTS]This paper considers the whole-genome mutational load in humans caused by the occurrence of deleterious mutations. It is claimed that the load is less, often far less, than has been recently calculated and, given realistic genetic parameter values, is well within the capacity of the human population. This implies that the proportion of the human genome that is functional can be larger than that which has recently been claimed possible.
- Dynamic evolution of de novo DNA methyltransferases in rodent and primate genomes [NEW RESULTS]Transcriptional silencing of retrotransposons via DNA methylation is paramount for mammalian fertility and reproductive fitness. During germ cell development, most mammalian species utilize the de novo DNA methyltransferases DNMT3A and DNMT3B to establish DNA methylation patterns. However, many rodent species deploy a third enzyme, DNMT3C, to selectively methylate the promoters of young retrotransposon insertions in their germline. The evolutiona
- Convergent evolution of sex-specific leg ornaments in Drosophilidae - from cells to structures [NEW RESULTS]Sexually dimorphic morphological traits are among the fastest evolving animal features. Similar sex-specific structures have sometimes evolved independently in multiple lineages, presumably as targets of parallel sexual selection. In such cases, comparing the cellular mechanisms that generate these structures in different species can elucidate the interplay between selection and developmental constraint in evolution. In Drosophilidae, male-specif
- Dynamic evolution of de novo DNA methyltransferases in rodent and primate genomes [NEW RESULTS]Transcriptional silencing of retrotransposons via DNA methylation is paramount for mammalian fertility and reproductive fitness. During germ cell development, most mammalian species utilize the de novo DNA methyltransferases DNMT3A and DNMT3B to establish DNA methylation patterns. However, many rodent species deploy a third enzyme, DNMT3C, to selectively methylate the promoters of young retrotransposon insertions in their germline. The evolutiona
- Deep residual neural networks resolve quartet molecular phylogenies [NEW RESULTS]Phylogenetic inference is of fundamental importance to evolutionary as well as other fields of biology, and molecular sequences have emerged as the primary data for this task. Although many phylogenetic methods have been developed to explicitly take into account substitution models of sequence evolution, such methods could fail due to model misspecification and insufficiency, especially in the face of heterogeneities in substitution processes acr
- The role of genomic vs. epigenomic variation in shaping patterns of convergent transcriptomic variation across continents in a young species complex [NEW RESULTS]Repeated adaptive divergence in replicates of phenotypic diversification offers a propitious context to identify the molecular bases associated to adaptive divergence. A currently hotly debated topic pertains to the relative role of genomic vs. epigenomic variation in shaping patterns of phenotypic variation at the gene expression level. Here, we combined genomic, epigenomic and transcriptomic information from 64 individuals in order to quantify
- Model-based Assessments of Differential Introgression and Linked Natural Selection During Divergence and Speciation [NEW RESULTS]Demographic changes such as fluctuating population size and differential introgression can mask the effects of natural selection, and affect rates of genome evolution, local adaptation, reproductive isolation, and eventual speciation. Besides identifying differentially introgressing genes (and genomic regions) that are "labeled" to be retroactively causal to adaptive evolution and speciation, there is significant impetus to understand, and perhap
- Bacterial flagellar motor PL-ring disassembly sub-complexes are widespread and ancient [NEW RESULTS]The bacterial flagellar motor is an amazing nanomachine. Understanding how such complex structures arose is crucial to our understanding of cellular evolution. We and others recently reported that in several Gammaproteobacterial species, a relic sub-complex comprising the P- and L-rings persists in the outer membrane after flagellum disassembly. Imaging nine additional species with cryo-electron tomography, here we show that this sub-complex pers
- Concordant developmental expression profiles of orthologues in highly divergent Bilateria [NEW RESULTS]Bilateria are the predominant clade of animals on earth. Despite having evolved a large variety of body-plans and developmental modes, they are characterized by common morphological traits. However, it is not clear if clade-specific genes can be linked to these traits, distinguishing bilaterians from non-bilaterians, with their less complex body morphology. Comparing proteomes of bilaterian and non-bilaterian species in an elaborate computational
- The transfer of a mitochondrial selfish element to the nuclear genome and its consequences [NEW RESULTS]Homing endonucleases (HE) are enzymes capable of excising their encoding gene and inserting it in a highly specific target sequence. As such, they act both as intronic sequences (type-I introns) and selfish invasive elements. HEs are present in all three kingdoms of life and viruses; in eukaryotes, they are mostly found in the genomes of mitochondria and chloroplasts, as well as nuclear ribosomal RNAs. We here report the case of a HE that integra
- The Evolution and Diversity of Bacterial Transcription Factors across Time-scales [NEW RESULTS]The evolution of bacterial regulatory networks has largely been explained at macroevolutionary scales through lateral gene transfer and gene duplication. Transcription factors (TF) have been found to be less conserved across species than their target genes (TG). This would be expected if TFs accumulate mutations faster than TGs. This hypothesis is supported by several lab evolution studies which found TFs to be frequently mutated. Despite these s
- Mutational load and the functional fraction of the human genome [NEW RESULTS]This paper considers the whole-genome mutational load in humans caused by the occurrence of deleterious mutations. It is claimed that the load is less, often far less, than has been recently calculated and, given realistic genetic parameter values, is well within the capacity of the human population. This implies that the proportion of the human genome that is functional can be larger than that which has recently been claimed possible.
- Does extrinsic mortality accelerate the pace of life? A bare-bones approach [CONTRADICTORY RESULTS]It is commonly asserted that when extrinsic mortality is high, individuals should invest early in reproduction. This intuition thrives in the literature on life-history theory and human behavior, yet it has been criticized repeatedly on the basis of mathematical models. The intuition is indeed wrong; but a recent theoretical criticism has confused the reason why it is wrong, thereby obscuring earlier and sounder criticisms. In the present article
- Evolution of preferences in structured populations: genes, guns, and culture [NEW RESULTS]During human evolution, individuals interacted mostly within small groups that were connected by limited migration and sometimes by conflict. Which preferences, if any, will prevail in such scenarios? Building on population biology models of spatially structured populations, and assuming individual preferences to be their private information, we characterize those preferences that, once established, cannot be dis placed by alternative preferences
- Large single-locus effects for maturation timing are mediated via condition variation in Atlantic salmon [NEW RESULTS]Sexual maturation is a pivotal life-history trait that balances the probabilities between mortality and reproduction. Environmental vs. genetic contributions to maturation component traits, such as somatic growth and body condition, remain uncertain because of difficulties in determining causality. In Atlantic salmon, maturation timing associates with a large-effect locus around vgll3, which also links with growth, condition, and maturation in ma
- Seasonal influenza circulation patterns and projections for September 2019 to September 2020 [NEW RESULTS]This report details current seasonal influenza circulation patterns as of August 2019 and makes projections up to September 2020 to coincide with selection of the 2020 Southern Hemisphere vaccine strain. This is not meant as a comprehensive report, but is instead intended as particular observations that we've made that may be of relevance. Please also note that observed patterns reflect the GISAID database and may not be entirely representative o
- Panmixia across elevation in thermally sensitive Andean dung beetles [NEW RESULTS]Janzen's seasonality hypothesis predicts that organisms inhabiting environments with limited climatic variability will evolve a reduced thermal tolerance breadth compared with organisms experiencing greater climatic variability. In turn, narrow tolerance breadth may select against dispersal across strong temperature gradients, such as those found across elevation. This can result in narrow elevational ranges and generate a pattern of isolation-by
PeerJ Computer Science
- The extent to which cancer patients trust in cancer-related online information: a systematic reviewBackground The use of the internet to satisfy information needs is widespread among cancer patients. Patients’ decisions regarding whether to act upon the information they find strongly depend on the trustworthiness of the information and the medium. Patients who are younger, more highly educated and female are more likely to trust online information. The objectives of this systematic review were to examine the extent to which ca
- Computational analysis of functional SNPs in Alzheimer’s disease-associated endocytosis genesBackground From genome wide association studies on Alzheimer’s disease (AD), it has been shown that many single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of genes of different pathways affect the disease risk. One of the pathways is endocytosis, and variants in these genes may affect their functions in amyloid precursor protein (APP) trafficking, amyloid-beta (Aβ) production as well as its clearance in the brain. This study uses computatio
- Vegetation change in response to climate factors and human activities on the Mongolian PlateauBackground Vegetation in the Mongolian Plateau is very sensitive to climate change, which has a significant impact on the regulation of terrestrial carbon cycle. Methods We analyzed spatio-temporal changes of both growing season and the seasonal Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) using simple linear trend analysis. Besides, correlation analysis was applied
- Identification and characterization of hirudin-HN, a new thrombin inhibitor, from the salivary glands of Hirudo nipponiaTranscriptome sequencing data (6.5 Gb) of the salivary glands of the haematophagous leech Hirudo nipponia was obtained by using the BGIseq-500 platform. After identification and analysis, one transcript (Unigene5370) was annotated to hirudin HV3 from Hirudo medicinalis with an e-value of 1e-29 and was named hirudin-HN. This transcript was a new thrombin inhibitor gene belonging to the proteinase inhibitor I14 (hirudin) family. Hirudin-HN, with a
- Incidence and risk of dialysis therapy within 30 days after contrast enhanced computed tomography in patients coded with chronic kidney disease: a nation-wide, population-based studyBackground Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are considered at risk of contrast-induced acute kidney injury and possible subsequent need for dialysis therapy. Computed tomography (CT) is the most commonly performed examination requiring intravenous iodinated contrast media (ICM) injection. The actual risk of dialysis in CKD patients undergoing CT with ICM remains controversial. Furthermore, it is also uncertain whether these at-risk pa
- qPCR and loop mediated isothermal amplification for rapid detection of Ustilago triticiLoose smut of wheat caused by the basidiomycete fungus Ustilago tritici, a seed-borne disease, is difficult to control because of the expanse of wheat planting area and difficulty in pathogen detection. In this study, real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR (qPCR) and loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assays are used to rapidly amplify the DNA of U. tritici. Five pairs of primers for qPCR and two series primers for LAMP were designed.
- Physiological and anatomical investigation of the auditory brainstem in the Fat-tailed dunnart (Sminthopsis crassicaudata)The fat-tailed dunnart (Sminthopsis crassicaudata) is a small (10–20 g) native marsupial endemic to the south west of Western Australia. Currently little is known about the auditory capabilities of the dunnart, and of marsupials in general. Consequently, this study sought to investigate several electrophysiological and anatomical properties of the dunnart auditory system. Auditory brainstem responses (ABR) were recorded to brief (5 ms) tone pips
Journal of Anatomy
- Tenocytes form a 3‐D network and are connected via nanotubesNanotubes (NTs), a recently discovered way of information exchange comprising long‐distance thin cellular processes, are present in tendons. Together with the well‐known flat sheet‐like lateral processes, NTs form a complex three‐dimensional cellular network. NTs in tendons could have a twofold function: long‐distance communication as well as stabilization of a mechanically challenged tissue, and may require the reconsideration of our traditional
Evolutionary Parenting | Where History And Science Meet Parenting
- Controlling Ourselves for Effective DisciplineEffective discipline can be gentle, but often parents find it difficult because they fail to realize two crucial elements: you can only control yourself and you don't need to make a fuss.
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
Δευτέρα 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019
Clinical and translational oncology
Computer Speech & Language
G3: .Genes, Genomes, Genetics Mission - Online First Articles
Pathology International
International journal of basic and clinical endocrinology
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
PeerJ Computer Science
Journal of Anatomy
Evolutionary Parenting | Where History And Science Meet Parenting
Αναρτήθηκε από
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
10:54 μ.μ.

Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
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