Head and Neck
- Efficacy of buffered local anaesthetics in head and neck infections.Related ArticlesEfficacy of buffered local anaesthetics in head and neck infections. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2019 Sep 25;: Authors: Arora G, Degala S, Dasukil S Abstract Lignocaine is one of the most commonly-used agents to anaesthetise an area preoperatively. It can, however, cause undesirable effects such as burning on injection, relatively slow onset, and unreliable, or lack of, numbness when i
- Anesthesia and Chronic Pain Management.Related ArticlesAnesthesia and Chronic Pain Management. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2019 Sep 25;: Authors: Malhotra A, Shehebar M, Khelemsky Y Abstract The reasons for development of chronic pain are poorly understood. Chronic postoperative pain is linked to severe acute postoperative pain. Head and neck pain is often a complex phenomenon that requires meticulous diagnosis and treatment. Institution o
- The Difficult Airway.Related ArticlesThe Difficult Airway. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2019 Sep 25;: Authors: Artime CA, Roy S, Hagberg CA Abstract Airway management is a cornerstone of anesthetic practice, and difficulty with airway management has potentially grave implications-failure to secure a patent airway can result in hypoxic brain injury or death in a matter of minutes. The difficult airway in otolaryngologic sur
- Immuno-radiotherapy with cetuximab and avelumab for advanced stage head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: Results from a phase-I trial.Related ArticlesImmuno-radiotherapy with cetuximab and avelumab for advanced stage head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: Results from a phase-I trial. Radiother Oncol. 2019 Sep 26;: Authors: Elbers JBW, Al-Mamgani A, Tesseslaar MET, van den Brekel MWM, Lange CAH, van der Wal JE, Verheij M, Zuur CL, de Boer JP Abstract BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Radiotherapy (RT) with cetuximab is an alternative for adv
- Volumetric and actuarial analysis of brain necrosis in proton therapy using a novel mixture cure model.Related ArticlesVolumetric and actuarial analysis of brain necrosis in proton therapy using a novel mixture cure model. Radiother Oncol. 2019 Sep 25;: Authors: Niyazi M, Niemierko A, Paganetti H, Söhn M, Schapira E, Goldberg S, Adams J, Kim V, Oh KS, Hwang WL, Lu HM, Belka C, Busse PM, Loeffler JS, Shih HA Abstract BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: High-dose fractionated radiotherapy is often necessary to achi
- Ethics of artificial intelligence in radiology: summary of the joint European and North American multisociety statementAbstract This is a condensed summary of an international multisociety statement on ethics of artificial intelligence (AI) in radiology produced by the ACR, European Society of Radiology, RSNA, Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine, European Society of Medical Imaging Informatics, Canadian Association of Radiologists, and American Association of Physicists in Medicine. AI has great potential to incre
- Efficacy and early results after combining laparoscopic harvest of double gastroepiploic lymph node flap and active physiotherapy for lower extremity lymphedemaAbstract Background Lymph node flap transfer has gradually gained popularity for the treatment of upper and lower limb lymphedema. The aim of this study is to present the outcomes of an integrated treatment protocol based on double gastroepiploic lymph node flap (DG‐VLN) and active physiotherapy in patients affected by Stage II and III lower extremity lymphedema. Methods All Stage II and III lower limb lymphedema patients operated betwe
BMC Research Notes
- microRNA-92a regulates the expression of aphid bacteriocyte-specific secreted protein 1Aphids harbor a nutritional obligate endosymbiont in specialized cells called bacteriocytes, which aggregate to form an organ known as the bacteriome. Aphid bacteriomes display distinct gene expression profile...
- Breast self-examination practice and associated factors among female healthcare workers in West Shoa Zone, Western Ethiopia 2019: a cross-sectional studyBreast cancer is the leading cause of death among reproductive-age women worldwide and the second leading cause of death among women in Ethiopia. Regular breast self-examination is the most cost-effective meth...
- Malignant mesothelioma in construction workers: the Apulia regional mesothelioma register, Southern ItalyAsbestos was widely used in construction in both a friable and a compact form until the 1990s, before its use was banned. Today, many of these materials are still in situ and represent a source of risk for con...
Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer
- Double‐strand breakage in the extrachromosomal double minutes triggers their aggregation in the nucleus, micronucleation, and morphological transformationAbstract Gene amplification plays a pivotal role in malignant transformation. Amplified genes often reside on extrachromosomal double minutes (DMs). Low‐dose hydroxyurea induces DM aggregation in the nucleus which, in turn, generates micronuclei composed of DMs. Low‐dose hydroxyurea also induces random double‐strand breakage throughout the nucleus. In the present study, we found that double‐strand breakage in DMs is sufficient for induction of D
Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B: Skull Base
- Pathogenesis and Classification of Chiari Malformation Type I Based on the Mechanism of Ptosis of the Brain Stem and Cerebellum: A Morphometric Study of the Posterior Cranial Fossa and Craniovertebral JunctionJ Neurol Surg BDOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1691832 Introduction We investigated the mechanism of ptosis of the brain stem and cerebellum (hindbrain) in Chiari malformation type I (CM-I) and classified CM-I according to pathogenesis, based on a morphometric study of the posterior cranial fossa (PCF) and craniovertebral junction (CVJ). We discuss the appropriate surgical treatment for hindbrain ptosis. Materials and Methods We exa
- Surgical Management of Chiari Malformations: Preliminary Results of Surgery According to the Mechanisms of Ptosis of the Brain Stem and CerebellumJ Neurol Surg BDOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1697977 Introduction We classified Chiari malformation type I (CM-I) according to the mechanism of ptosis of the brain stem and cerebellum, based on a morphometric study of the posterior cranial fossa (PCF) and craniovertebral junction (CVJ). Surgery was performed to manage the mechanism of the hindbrain ptosis. Materials and Methods We calculated the volume of the PCF (VPCF) and the area s
- Clinical Study on Minimally Invasive Liquefaction and Drainage of Hypertensive Putaminal Hemorrhage through Frontal ApproachJ Neurol Surg BDOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1697037 Background Hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage is one of the most common cerebrovascular diseases with high mortality and high disability rate. The aim of this study was to observe the curative effect of minimally invasive liquefaction and drainage of hypertensive putaminal hemorrhage (HPH) through frontal approach. Methods This study retrospectively reviewed the clinical data of
ScienceDirect Publication: Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy
- Interobserver and intraobserver variability affecting the assessment of loss of autofluorescence of oral mucosal lesionsPublication date: Available online 30 September 2019Source: Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic TherapyAuthor(s): Monica Pentenero, Daniela Todaro, Roberto Marino, Sergio GandolfoAbstractObjectivesThe assessment of loss of tissue autofluorescence (LAF) has been proposed as an adjunct to comprehensive oral examination to enhance the detection of mucosal lesions harbouring dysplasia or carcinoma. The assessment of LAF is not based on completely objecti
Head and Neck Pathology
- The Diagnosis of Hyalinizing Trabecular Tumor: A Difficult and Controversial Thyroid EntityAbstract Hyalinizing trabecular tumor (HTT) is a benign, follicular-derived neoplasm composed of thick trabeculae with round or elongated cells having irregular and clear nuclei, and containing intra-trabecular hyaline material. The cytological features of HTT resemble those of papillary carcinoma, which helps explain why these lesions are usually classified as indeterminate/suspicious according to the Bethesda system for repor
- HPV-Related Multiphenotypic Sinonasal Carcinoma: Four Cases that Expand the Morpho-Molecular Spectrum and Include Occupational DataAbstract HPV-related multiphenotypic sinonasal carcinoma (HMSC) is a recently described distinct tumor entity of the sinonasal tract associated with high-risk subtypes of human papilloma virus (HPV), predominantly type 33. The biological behavior seems to be less aggressive than the often high-grade, highly proliferative morphology implies; however, recurrences are frequent. Most of the cases present as polypoid tumors within t
The European Gastrointestinal Motility Society
- Effects of GABA‐B agonist baclofen on esophageal motility: Studies using high‐resolution manometryHRM allows more comprehensive evaluation of esophageal peristalsis and EGJ function subsequent to GABA‐B receptor activation by baclofen. The administration of baclofen in human esophagus enhances resting LES pressure and EGJ barrier function. Baclofen does not change peristaltic characteristics of esophageal primary peristalsis or its contractile reserve. Abstract Background/Aim Baclofen inhibits transient lower esophageal sphincter (LES) r
- Functional involvement of acid‐sensing ion channel 3 in the swallowing reflex in ratsWe investigated the localization of ASIC3 in the superior laryngeal nerve (SLN)‐innervated swallowing‐related regions and its functional involvement in swallowing reflex. ASIC3s were localized on nerve fibers and epithelial cells in the swallowing‐related regions. Around 50% of the SLN‐afferent neurons expressed ASIC3. Topical application of a synthetic non‐proton activator of ASIC3 and its natural ligand facilitated the evocation of swallowing r
- Normative values for region‐specific colonic and gastrointestinal transit times in 111 healthy volunteers using the 3D‐Transit electromagnet tracking system: Influence of age, gender, and body mass indexMedian region‐specific colonic transit times (h:min) by gender. F: female, M: male, numbers in brackets: 95% CI for median. *P < .05. Abstract Background The 3D‐Transit electromagnet tracking system (Motilis Medica, SA, Lausanne, Switzerland) is an emerging tool for the ambulatory assessment of gastrointestinal (GI) transit and motility. Using this tool, we aimed to derive normative values for region‐specific colonic and GI transit times an
http://link.springer.com/journal/405,European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology,The European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino
- Comparing local anesthetic infiltration of the peritonsillar region and glossotonsillar sulcus for post-tonsillectomy pain management.Related ArticlesComparing local anesthetic infiltration of the peritonsillar region and glossotonsillar sulcus for post-tonsillectomy pain management. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2019 Sep 28;: Authors: Yücel Ekici N, Özdoğan H Abstract PURPOSE: The objective of this study was to compare the efficacy of peritonsillar and glossotonsillar sulcus infiltration with bupivacaine to manage postoperative pain
Association française pour l'étude du cancer
- [New prescription procedures for authorisations for temporary use: A key step for access to innovation].Related Articles[New prescription procedures for authorisations for temporary use: A key step for access to innovation]. Bull Cancer. 2019 Sep 25;: Authors: Vignot S, Chapel E PMID: 31563270 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS
- Pediatric extremity bone sarcoma reconstruction with the vascularized fibula flap: Observational study assessing long-term functional outcomes, complications, and survival.Related ArticlesPediatric extremity bone sarcoma reconstruction with the vascularized fibula flap: Observational study assessing long-term functional outcomes, complications, and survival. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2019 Sep 10;: Authors: Ruiz-Moya A, Lagares-Borrego A, Sicilia-Castro D, Barrera-Pulido FJ, Gallo-Ayala JM, Santos-Rodas A, Hernandez-Beneit JM, Carvajo-Perez F, Gomez-Ciriza G, Gomez-Cia T Ab
- Joint action with European CRSwNP Patients for better outcomes.Related ArticlesJoint action with European CRSwNP Patients for better outcomes. Rhinology. 2019 Sep 29;: Authors: Hellings PW AbstractPMID: 31563934 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
Journal of Neurotrauma
Brazilian Oral Research
- Does subgingival bacterial colonization differ between implants and teeth? A systematic reviewAbstract The aim was of this study was to determine the current weight of evidence for the existence of specific differences between the microbiota of healthy teeth and healthy implants, or of teeth with periodontitis and implants with peri-implantitis. A systematic review was conducted according to the PRISMA statement. The MEDLINE, EMBASE and Cochrane databases were searched up to February 2018 for studies comparing microbiological data of biof
- Additive manufacturing of titanium alloy could modify the pathogenic microbial profile: an <em>in vitro</em> studyAbstract Additive manufacturing (AM) is an emerging process for biomaterials and medical devices. Direct Laser Metal Sintering (DLMS) is an AM technique used to fabricate Ti–6Al–4V implant materials with enhanced surface-related properties compared with wrought samples; thus, this technique could influence microbial adsorption and colonization. Therefore, this in vitro study was conducted to evaluate the impact of different implant production pro
- A prospective case series on surgical treatment of circumferential and semi-circumferential defects due to peri-implantitisAbstract Different surgical treatment strategies for peri-implantitis with the use of graft material and membranes have been suggested without any longitudinal remarkable success rate. The present preliminary study was aimed to analyze a new clinical approach based on the disinfection of the implant connection, the disinfection of the implant surface and GBR approach in the treatment of circumferential and semi-circumferential bony defect resulti
- Microbiological and clinical effects of adjunctive systemic metronidazole and amoxicillin in the non-surgical treatment of peri-implantitis: 1 year follow-upAbstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of adjunct systemic antibiotic treatment with metronidazole (MTZ) and amoxicillin (AMX) in patients receiving non-surgical subgingival debridement (NSD) for peri-implantitis. Forty subjects presenting with at least one implant with severe peri-implantitis were randomized into an experimental group [treated with NSD plus MTZ (400 mg) and AMX (500 mg) three times a day for 14 days] and a co
- Prevalence of peri-implant diseases – a critical review on the current evidenceAbstract The objective of this paper was to evaluate the current evidence reporting on the prevalence of peri-implantitis and to determine the influencing factors. An electronic search for articles published until February 2019 reporting on the prevalence of peri-implantitis was performed in MEDLINE. Included criteria were published in international peer-reviewed journals, written in English language, reported on the prevalence of peri-implantiti
- Does traumatic occlusal forces lead to peri-implant bone loss? A systematic reviewAbstract Observational studies have indicated that crestal bone level changes at implants are typically associated with clinical signs of inflammation, but still mechanical overload has been described as possible factor leading to hard–tissue deficiencies at implant sites without mucosal inflammation. The aim of this paper was systematically review the literature regarding the possible effect of traumatic occlusal forces on the peri-implant bone
- An umbrella review on the effects of diabetes on implant failure and peri-implant diseasesAbstract The aim of this review is to summarize the evidence on associations between diabetes mellitus (DM) and complications around dental implants. Electronic database searches of MEDLINE, EMBASE, JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and the PROSPERO register were performed from 1990 up to and including May 2018, using MeSH terms and other keywords. Systematic reviews and meta-an
- Host response and peri-implantitisAbstract Considering the absence of predictable and effective therapeutic interventions for the treatment of peri-implantitis, scientific evidence concerning the host response profile around dental implants could be important for providing in the future a wider preventive and/or therapeutic window for this peri-implant lesion, indicating biomarkers that provide quantifiable measure of response to peri-implant therapy. Moreover, a better knowledge
- Implant-based factor as possible risk for peri-implantitisAbstract Peri-implantitis is currently a topic of major interest in implantology. Considered one of the main reasons of late implant failure, there is an emerged concern whether implant characteristics could trigger inflammatory lesion and loss of supporting bone. The purpose of this narrative review is to provide an evidence based overview on the influence of implant-based factors in the occurrence of peri-implantitis. A literature review was co
- New strategies and developments for peri-implant diseaseAbstract The aim of this illustrated review is to present the new strategies and developments to treatment and diagnosis of periimplant diseases. Periimplant disease is a subject of great concern for modern dentistry. The numbers of implant exhibiting biological complications grows as implant dentistry expands thought-out the world. Diagnosis and treatment of those diseases are still controversial and difficult. We present novel treatment for inf
- Treatment of peri-implant soft tissue defects: a narrative reviewAbstract Soft tissue defects around dental implants, such as papilla or volume loss, peri-implant recession and alterations of the ridge color and/or texture, lead to esthetic and functional complaints. Treatments of these defects in implants are more demanding than in teeth because peri-implant tissue exhibits different anatomical and histological characteristics. This narrative review discusses the proposed treatments for soft tissue defects ar
- The impact of maintenance on peri-implant healthAbstract Most of the literature evaluating dental implants focuses on implant survival, which is a limited proxy for the successful rehabilitation of patients with missing teeth. Success should include not only survival but also lack of mechanical, biological, and esthetics problems. A comprehensive review of local and systemic risk factors prior to implant placement will allow the tailoring of treatment planning and maintenance protocols to the
- Does the implant-abutment interface interfere on marginal bone loss? A systematic review and meta-analysisAbstract The objective of this systematic review was to compare the conical internal connection (IC) with the external hexagonal connection (EH) on the occurrence of marginal bone loss (ΔMBL). Different databases were used to carry out the selection of the elected studies. The studies were judged according to the risk of bias as “high”, “low” and “unclear” risk. For the meta-analysis we included only studies that could extract the data of ΔMBL, s
- The AAO-HNS Foundation Updates Sudden Hearing Loss GuidelinesThe American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) Foundation has added recommendations to its sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) clinical practice guidelines in an effort to help clinicians promptly identify and manage adult patients who present with idiopathic SHL (Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019 Aug;161[1_suppl]:S1-S45; http://bit.ly/2lGA1CK). The updated guidelines stressed that the distinction between SSNHL and su
- The AAO-HNS Foundation Updates Sudden Hearing Loss GuidelinesThe American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) Foundation has added recommendations to its sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) clinical practice guidelines in an effort to help clinicians promptly identify and manage adult patients who present with idiopathic SHL (Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019 Aug;161[1_suppl]:S1-S45; http://bit.ly/2lGA1CK). The updated guidelines stressed that the distinction between SSNHL and su
Experimental Physiology
Journal of Endocrinological Investigation
- Intake of seaweed as part of a single sushi meal, iodine excretion and thyroid function in euthyroid subjects: a randomized dinner studyAbstract Objective Globalisation has extended to the kitchen and the Asian cuisine has gained international popularity with sushi and seaweed now being widespread. We explored the possible acute adverse effects of an iodine load from a single sushi-and-seaweed meal as seaweed iodine may induce thyroid dysfunction. Methods
International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology,http://goo.gl/4YdRhz
- Prevalence of hearing loss among polish school-age children from rural areas - Results of hearing screening program in the sample of 67 416 children.Related ArticlesPrevalence of hearing loss among polish school-age children from rural areas - Results of hearing screening program in the sample of 67 416 children. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2019 Sep 10;128:109676 Authors: Skarżyński H, Gos E, Świerniak W, Skarżyński PH Abstract BACKGROUND: Hearing loss in children is a relevant health issue, both for its prevalence and for its physical, emoti
- The Professional's experience with causes of delay in the diagnosis and management of children with a congenital hearing loss in Libya.Related ArticlesThe Professional's experience with causes of delay in the diagnosis and management of children with a congenital hearing loss in Libya. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2019 Sep 20;128:109687 Authors: Sambah I, Zhao F, El-Lishani R Abstract The aim of this study was to collect and interpret narrative and observational data from Audiologists and ENT doctors' experiences of delays in the
- Clinical outcomes of intracranial complications secondary to acute mastoiditis: The Alder Hey experience.Related ArticlesClinical outcomes of intracranial complications secondary to acute mastoiditis: The Alder Hey experience. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2019 Sep 11;128:109675 Authors: Krishnan M, Walijee H, Jesurasa A, De S, Sinha A, Sharma R, Donne A Abstract OBJECTIVE: Acute mastoiditis is the most common intra-temporal complication of acute otitis media. Its management remains a challenge due to
International Journal of Surgery
- Effect of Parkinson's Disease on Primary Total Joint Arthroplasty Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis of Matched Control Studies.Related ArticlesEffect of Parkinson's Disease on Primary Total Joint Arthroplasty Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis of Matched Control Studies. Int J Surg. 2019 Sep 26;: Authors: Min H, Lin H, Chen G Abstract BACKGROUND: Currently, no meta-analysis exists elucidate the outcomes of total joint arthroplasty (TJA) in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). The aim of this study was to investigate the outcomes o
anesth pain med
- Bolus epidural infusion improves spread compared with continuous infusion in a cadaveric porcine spine model.Related ArticlesBolus epidural infusion improves spread compared with continuous infusion in a cadaveric porcine spine model. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2019 Sep 27;: Authors: Cole J, Hughey S Abstract BACKGROUND: The administration of epidural anesthesia during labor is a common technique used to reduce the pain of childbirth. We sought to compare standard infusion strategies of continuous epidural infusi
- Addition of dexamethasone to local infiltration analgesia in elective total hip arthroplasty: a double-blind, randomized control trial.Related ArticlesAddition of dexamethasone to local infiltration analgesia in elective total hip arthroplasty: a double-blind, randomized control trial. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2019 Sep 27;: Authors: El-Boghdadly K, Short AJ, Gandhi R, Chan VWS Abstract BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Pain following total hip arthroplasty is significant, and effective analgesia is associated with an improvement in functional
- Prospective cohort study examining the use of regional anesthesia for early pain management after combat-related extremity injury.Related ArticlesProspective cohort study examining the use of regional anesthesia for early pain management after combat-related extremity injury. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2019 Sep 27;: Authors: Gallagher RM, Polomano RC, Giordano NA, Farrar JT, Guo W, Taylor L, Oslin D, Goff BJ, Buckenmaier CC Abstract BACKGROUND: No studies have examined the long-term benefits of regional anesthesia (RA) for pain manag
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,
Δευτέρα 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019
Head and Neck
BMC Research Notes
Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer
Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B: Skull Base
ScienceDirect Publication: Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy
Head and Neck Pathology
The European Gastrointestinal Motility Society
http://link.springer.com/journal/405,European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology,The European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino
Association française pour l'étude du cancer
Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS
Journal of Neurotrauma
Brazilian Oral Research
Experimental Physiology
Journal of Endocrinological Investigation
International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology,http://goo.gl/4YdRhz
International Journal of Surgery
anesth pain med
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
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