An artificial miRNA as a new tool to silence and explore gene functions in appleAbstract
Artificial miRNA (amiRNA) is a powerful technology to silence genes of interest. It has a high efficiency and specificity that can be used to explore gene function through targeted gene regulation or to create new traits. To develop this gene regulation tool in apple, we designed two amiRNA constructs based on an apple endogenous miRNA backbone previously characterized (Md-miR156h), and we checked their efficiency on an easily scorable marker gene: the phytoene desaturase gene (MdPDS in apple). Two pairs of miRNA:miRNA* regions were designed (named h and w). The monocistronic Md-miR156h with these MdPDS targets was placed under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter to generate the two plasmids: pAmiRNA156h-PDSh and pAmiRNA156h-PDSw. Two Agrobacterium-mediated transformation experiments were performed on the cultivar ‘Gala’. A total of 11 independent transgenic clones were obtained in the first experiment and 5 in the second. Most transgenic lines had a typical albino and dwarf phenotype. However, six clones had a wild type green phenotype. Molecular analyses indicated clear relationships between the degree of albino phenotype, the level of MdPDS gene expression and the amount of mature amiRNAs. This study demonstrated for the first time in apple the functionality of an artificial miRNA based on an endogenous miRNA backbone. It provides important opportunities for apple genetic functional studies as well as apple genetic improvement projects.
Insights into the regulatory characteristics of silkworm fibroin gene promoters using a modified Gal4/UAS systemAbstract
The silkworm Bombyx mori is a valuable insect that synthesizes bulk amounts of fibroin protein in its posterior silk gland (PSG) and weaves these proteins into silk cocoons. The mechanism by which the fibroin protein is efficiently synthesized and precisely regulated is an important aspect that has yet to be fully elucidated. Here, we describe the regulatory characteristics of the promoters of fibroin protein-encoding genes, namely, fibroin heavy chain (fibH) and fibroin light chain (fibL), using an optimized Gal4/UAS binary system. We found that (1) UAS-linked enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) was effectively activated in the PSGs of Gal4/UAS transgenic silkworms, and fluorescence was continuously detected in the PSGs after complete formation of silk glands. (2) In the PSGs of fourth- and fifth-instar larvae of transgenic silkworms driven by fibL-Gal4 (LG4) or fibH-Gal4 (HG4), EGFP mRNA was detected in only day-3 to day-6 fifth-instar larvae, while the EGFP protein could be detected at each day of both larval stages. (3) High-level expression of Gal4 and UAS-linked EGFP caused a delay in PSG degradation in Gal4/UAS transgenic silkworms. (4) At the early pupal stage, EGFP fluorescence was also detected in fat bodies of Gal4/UAS transgenic silkworms, indicating that the PSG-specific EGFP was transported into fat bodies during PSG degeneration; however, the underlying mechanism needs to be further elucidated. This study provides a modified Gal4/UAS system used for efficient tissue-specific expression of target genes in the PSGs of silkworms and provides new insights into the regulatory characteristics of the promoters of key fibroin protein-encoding genes.
Introducing gene deletions by mouse zygote electroporation of Cas12a/Cpf1Abstract
CRISPR-associated (Cas) nucleases are established tools for engineering of animal genomes. These programmable RNA-guided nucleases have been introduced into zygotes using expression vectors, mRNA, or directly as ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes by different delivery methods. Whereas microinjection techniques are well established, more recently developed electroporation methods simplify RNP delivery but can provide less consistent efficiency. Previously, we have designed Cas12a-crRNA pairs to introduce large genomic deletions in the Ubn1, Ubn2, and Rbm12 genes in mouse embryonic stem cells (ESC). Here, we have optimized the conditions for electroporation of the same Cas12a RNP pairs into mouse zygotes. Using our protocol, large genomic deletions can be generated efficiently by electroporation of zygotes with or without an intact zona pellucida. Electroporation of as few as ten zygotes is sufficient to obtain a gene deletion in mice suggesting potential applicability of this method for species with limited availability of zygotes.
Serum amyloid A1 is involved in amyloid plaque aggregation and memory decline in amyloid beta abundant conditionAbstract
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder, characterized by cognitive impairment, progressive neurodegeneration, and amyloid-β (Aβ) lesion. In the neuronal death and disease progression, inflammation is known to play an important role. Our previous study on acute-phase protein serum amyloid A1 (SAA1) overexpressed mice showed that the liver-derived SAA1 accumulated in the brain by crossing the brain blood barrier (BBB) and trigger the depressive-like behavior on mouse. Since SAA1 involved in immune responses in other diseases, we focused on the possibility that SAA1 may exacerbate the neuronal inflammation related to Alzheimer’s disease. A APP/SAA overexpressed double transgenic mouse was generated using amyloid precursor protein overexpressed (APP)-c105 mice and SAA1 overexpressed mice to examine the function of SAA1 in Aβ abundant condition. Comparisons between APP and APP/SAA1 transgenic mice showed that SAA1 exacerbated amyloid aggregation and glial activation; which lead to the memory decline. Behavior tests also supported this result. Overall, overexpression of SAA1 intensified the neuronal inflammation in amyloid abundant condition and causes the greater memory decline compared to APP mice, which only expresses Aβ 1–42.
Expression and characterization of recombinant human VEGF165 in the middle silk gland of transgenic silkwormsAbstract
Recombinant human vascular endothelial growth factor (rhVEGF) has important applications in therapeutic angiogenesis and inhibition of VEGF-mediated pathological angiogenesis. Previous studies have shown that rhVEGF can be produced in several expression systems, including Escherichia coli, yeasts, insect cells and mammalian cells. However, little is known regarding the effective production of this protein in organs of live organisms. Here, we report for the first time the expression and characterization of rhVEGF165 in the middle silk gland (MSG) of the transgenic silkworm line S1-V165. Our results confirmed that (1) rhVEGF165 was highly expressed in MSG cells and was secreted into the cocoon of S1-V165; (2) the dimeric form of rhVEGF165 could be easily dissolved from S1-V165 cocoons using an alkaline solution; (3) rhVEGF165 extracted from S1-V165 cocoons exhibited slightly better cell proliferative activity than the hVEGF165 standard in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells. This study provides an alternative strategy for the production of bioactive rhVEGF165 using the MSG of transgenic silkworms.
A proteomic-based approach to study underlying molecular responses of the small intestine of Wistar rats to genetically modified corn (MON810)Abstract
A genetically modified (GM) commercial corn variety, MON810, resistant to European corn borer, has been shown to be non-toxic to mammals in a number of rodent feeding studies carried out in accordance with OECD Guidelines. Insect resistance results from expression of the Cry1Ab gene encoding an insecticidal Bt protein that causes lysis and cell death in susceptible insect larvae by binding to midgut epithelial cells, which is a key determinant of Cry toxin species specificity. Whilst whole animal studies are still recognised as the ‘gold standard’ for safety assessment, they only provide indirect evidence for changes at the cellular/organ/tissue level. In contrast, omics-based technologies enable mechanistic understanding of toxicological or nutritional events at the cellular/receptor level. To address this important knowledge-gap and to gain insights into the underlying molecular responses in rat to MON810, differential gene expression in the epithelial cells of the small intestine of rats fed formulated diets containing MON810, its near isogenic line, two conventional corn varieties, and a commercial (Purina™) corn-based control diet were investigated using comparative proteomic profiling. Pairwise and five-way comparisons showed that the majority of proteins that were differentially expressed in the small intestine epithelial cells in response to consumption of the different diets in both 7-day and 28-day studies were related to lipid and carbohydrate metabolism and protein biosynthesis. Irrespective of the diet, a limited number of stress-related proteins were shown to be differentially expressed. However these stress-related proteins differed between diets. No adverse clinical or behavioural effects, or biomarkers of adverse health, were observed in rats fed GM corn compared to the other corn diets. These findings suggest that MON810 has negligible effects on the small intestine of rats at the cellular level compared with the well-documented toxicity observed in susceptible insects.
TT2019 meeting report on the 15th Transgenic Technology Meeting in Kobe, Japan |
Production of genetically modified pigs expressing human insulin and C-peptide as a source of islets for xenotransplantationAbstract
Islet xenotransplantation is a promising treatment for type I diabetes. Numerous studies of islet xenotransplantation have used pig-to-nonhuman primate transplantation models. Some studies reported long-term survival and successful function of porcine islets in diabetic monkeys. Genetic engineering techniques may improve the survival and function of porcine islets. A recent study reported the generation of transgenic pigs expressing human insulin rather than porcine insulin by changing one amino acid at the end of the β-chain in insulin. However, C-peptide from pigs still existed. In this study, we generated transgenic pigs expressing human proinsulin to express human insulin and C-peptide using fibroblasts from proinsulin knockout pigs as donor cells for somatic cell nuclear transfer. Eleven live piglets were delivered from three surrogates and characterized to confirm the genotype and phenotype of the generated piglets. Genotype analysis of the generated piglets showed that five of the eleven piglets contained the human proinsulin gene. Insulin expression was confirmed in the serum and pancreas in two of the five piglets. C-peptide derived from human proinsulin was also confirmed by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Non-fasting blood glucose level was measured to verify the function of the insulin derived from the human proinsulin. Two piglets expressing insulin showed normal glucose levels similar to that in the wild-type control. In conclusion, human insulin- and C-peptide-expressing pigs without porcine insulin and C-peptide were successfully established. These pigs can be used as a source of islets for islet xenotransplantation.
The maize α-zein promoter can be utilized as a strong inducer of cellulase enzyme expression in maize kernelsAbstract
Expression of recombinant proteins in plants is a technology for producing vaccines, pharmaceuticals and industrial enzymes. For the past several years, we have produced recombinant proteins in maize kernels using only the embryo, primarily driving expression of foreign genes with the maize globulin-1 promoter. Although strong expression is obtained, these lines use only 10–12% of the seed tissue. If strong embryo expression could be combined with strong endosperm expression, much more recombinant protein could be recovered from a set amount of seed biomass. In this study, we tested three endosperm promoters for expression of a cellulase gene. Promoters tested were rice globulin and glutelin promoters and a maize 19 kDa α-zein promoter. The rice promoters were used in two tandem expression constructs as well. Although the rice promoters were active in producing stable amounts of cellulase, the α-zein promoter was by far the most effective: as much as 9% of total soluble protein was recovered from seed of several independent events and plants. One or two inserts were detected by Southern blot in several lines, indicating that copy number did not appear to be responsible for the differences in protein accumulation. Tissue print analysis indicated that expression was primarily in the endosperm.
Development of a Gateway-compatible two-component expression vector system for plantsAbstract
Genetic transformation of plants offers the possibility of functional characterization of individual genes and the improvement of plant traits. Development of novel transformation vectors is essential to improve plant genetic transformation technologies for various applications. Here, we present the development of a Gateway-compatible two-component expression vector system for Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation. The expression system contains two independent plasmid vector sets, the activator vector and the reporter vector, based on the concept of the GAL4/UAS trans-activation system. The activator vector expresses a modified GAL4 protein (GAL4-VP16) under the control of specific promoter. The GAL4-VP16 protein targets the UAS in the reporter vector and subsequently activates reporter gene expression. Both the activator and reporter vectors contain the Gateway recombination cassette, which can be rapidly and efficiently replaced by any specific promoter and reporter gene of interest, to facilitate gene cloning procedures. The efficiency of the activator–reporter expression system has been assessed using agroinfiltration mediated transient expression assay in Nicotiana benthamiana and stable transgenic expression in Arabidopsis thaliana. The reporter genes were highly expressed with precise tissue-specific and subcellular localization. This Gateway-compatible two-component expression vector system will be a useful tool for advancing plant gene engineering.
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
Σάββατο 16 Νοεμβρίου 2019
Αναρτήθηκε από
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
3:14 π.μ.

Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,
Telephone consultation 11855 int 1193
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