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Σάββατο 2 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Analyzing Patients' Complaints: Awakening of the Ethic of Belonging
imageNursing ethics are fundamental principles to nursing practice. The purpose of this study is to analyze patients' complaints filed against nurses from a nursing ethics perspective. This is a qualitative study. The data source is the patients' complaints filed in a university-affiliated hospital in China. The complaints are categorized into 4 themes: uncompassionate attitudes, unprofessional communication, disrespect of patient rights, and unsatisfactory quality of nursing care. The ethic of belonging reflects nurse-patient relations. Patients expect to be treated with dignity. This study sends out a call for nurse leaders and educators to reevaluate the practice and education of the nursing professional identity.
Intersectionality and Critical Realism: A Philosophical Framework for Advancing Nursing Leadership
This article presents intersectionality theory with critical realism as a philosophical framework for studying nursing leadership. In response to gaps in the current leadership literature, the aim is to develop an approach that addresses how the multiple social positions nurses hold can create an intersecting matrix of oppression that impacts on their opportunities to develop as leaders. The result is a theoretical foundation, which can inform the methodological framework of future studies. Providing evidence by which a reader can judge the merits of a chosen methodology, it sets the case for integrating intersectionality with critical realism for studying nursing leadership.
Towards a Definition of Caregiver Fatigue: A Concept Analysis
imageUsing Walker and Avant's approach, a concept analysis was performed to develop a working definition of caregiver fatigue. Defining attributes of caregiver fatigue identified were “fell into role” by default, outside the norm of role expectations, excess caregiving demand, and exposure to prolonged period of caregiving. Model, related, and contrary cases were developed. Antecedent, consequences, and empirical referent of caregiver fatigue were also identified. Lastly, a working definition of caregiver fatigue was developed.
Implementation of Clinical Practice Guidelines in the Health Care Setting: A Concept Analysis
imageThe literature is replete with clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) and evidence supporting them. Translating guidelines into practice, however, is often challenging. We conducted a concept analysis to define the concept of “implementation of CPGs in health care settings.” We utilized Walker and Avant's methodology to define the concept of “implementation of CPGs in health care settings.” This included a focused review of the literature, defining the relevant attributes, defining implementation, case examples, and antecedents and potential consequences from implementation of CPGs in health care settings. The concept “implementation” is complex, with numerous frameworks, facilitators, and barriers to implementation described in the literature. The existing literature supports our definition of implementation of CPGs in a health care setting as a process of changing practice in health care while utilizing the best level of evidence that is available in the published literature. These include 7 attributes necessary for effective implementation. Implementation of CPGs in health care settings requires an ongoing iterative process that considers these attributes and is inclusive to administrators, clinicians, and patients to ensure guidelines are understood, accepted, implemented, and evaluated for continued adoption of best practices. Ongoing efforts inclusive at all steps of implementation across multiple levels are needed to effectively change practice.
Analysis and Evaluation of Conceptual Model for Health-Related Quality of Life Employing Fawcett and DeSanto-Madeya's Critique Framework
imageHealth-related quality of life is increasingly used as a predictor in nursing research and practice because its multidimensional constructs encompass the holistic spectrum of care. This article comprehensively analyzes and evaluates the conceptual model of health-related quality of life of Ferrans and colleagues using Fawcett and Desanto-Madeya's 2013 framework. The model encompasses all relevant concepts and propositions in its theoretical foundation while maintaining consistency with the nursing metaparadigm. Also, the model has comprehensive content, appropriate context, and social and theoretical significance. To maximize the model's empirical and pragmatic adequacy, researchers should carefully define the variables associated with each concept.
Towards a Guiding Framework for Prison Palliative Care Nursing Ethics
The number of people aging and dying behind bars is growing, bringing greater attention to the need for prison palliative care. While this trend has rightly led to increased scholarship, a focus on understanding the most effective way to deliver prison palliative care has overshadowed thinking about why the need itself has arisen, as well as deeper ethical thinking about how the nursing profession should respond. This article interweaves 4 strands of analysis—contextual, relational, social, and political—to produce a framework to guide ethical action in prison palliative care nursing, relevant to practice, research, policy, and education.
Factors That Influence Health-Promoting Self-care in Registered Nurses: Barriers and Facilitators
imageNurses are instrumental in the battle against lifestyle-related diseases, yet nurses may not be participating in their own health-promoting self-care. This study used qualitative content analysis of survey responses to explore nurses' perceptions regarding barriers and facilitators to health-promoting behaviors such as exercise, healthy eating, and participation in stress reduction activities. Seven themes emerged: lack of time/overwork, lack of resources/facilities, fatigue, outside commitments, “unhealthy” food culture, supportive versus unsupportive individuals, and positive versus negative role models. Institutional, interpersonal, and intrapersonal changes are needed to adequately address barriers to nurses' participation in health-promoting behaviors.
The Evolution of HIV Prevention: From Discipline to Control
HIV prevention has changed since the identification of AIDS in 1981, the discovery of HIV in 1983, and the rollout of HIV antibody testing in 1985. Since this time, HIV prevention changed from behavior modification to testing to treatment as prevention to chemoprophylaxis using HIV medications among HIV-negative persons. While these modifications have been heralded as public health successes, critical evaluations are needed. In this article, we present one such review in which we argue that HIV prevention, while previously disciplinary in the Foucauldian sense, has become controlling in the Deleuzian sense. In this way, the parameters of context are targeted and behavior change is less relevant. This highlights the importance of questioning public health “advancements” and using novel theoretical lens to do so.
Movement and Mobility: A Concept Analysis
imageThis article provides an analysis of the concepts of movement and mobility within the context of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) for patients' functioning, disability, and health. The methodology developed by Walker and Avant was used to clarify definitions, components, and relationships relevant to the 2 concepts and to the elements of the ICF framework. Definitions and the relationship between concepts are key information that clinicians and researchers need to measure the correct concept when they are assessing the effectiveness of interventions in nursing practice. Concept analysis findings are grounded by the notion that movement occurs when the body causes its own displacement and is explained by the basic principles of physics, human anatomy, and physiology. Mobility is then distinct because it is affected by the environment that the individual is in and can be assisted by any type of mobility aid. Mobility does not need to be generated by the individual's muscles but does need to be controlled by the individual who is mobile. An individual's mobility in his or her environment is important to his or her well-being and needs to be understood in relationship to his or her movements.

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