Awareness and practice of zinc therapy in diarrheal management among under-five caregivers in Enugu State, Nigeria Joshua I Ugwu, Ikechukwu E Ezeagu, Madu D Ibegbu International Journal of Medicine and Health Development 2019 24(2):63-69 Background: Acute diarrhea remains one of the leading causes of under -five years of age (u-5) childhood deaths in Nigeria. Use of zinc (Zn) sulfate monohydrate with low-osmolality oral rehydration solution (ORS) therapy reduces both the duration and severity of the diarrhea episodes in children. There has been little progress in the widespread introduction and adoption of ORS plus Zn sulfate (ORS+Zn) therapy in Nigeria. Aims and Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the level of awareness and practice of ORS+Zn therapy among u-5 caregivers. Materials and Methods: Two local government areas, each representing urban and rural settings, were randomly selected. Awareness and practice of ORS+Zn therapy by 386 caregivers was assessed using a semi-structured interviewer-administered questionnaire. Frequency and percentages were used for categorical data and the influence of sociodemography was analyzed by using Pearson’s correlation method. Results: Awareness and practice of Zn therapy was higher among the caregivers in the urban setting, who seems to be more exposed to information on the efficacy of ORS+Zn therapy (p < 0.05). Caregivers of u-5 children living in the rural settings were deficient in information on the use of ORS and Zn salts in the management of child diarrhea. In summary, of the 386 caregivers, 123 (62%) indicated awareness of Zn salt, and of these only 39 (10%) practiced Zn salt treatment. Level of education seems to influence awareness and practice positively in the urban setting (p < 0.05). Economic status underscored by employment type, clinic visits, and health campaigns influenced positively the adoption of ORS+Zn therapy in the rural and urban communities (p < 0.05). Tertiary education, which is the highest level of education, showed a positive association with awareness and practice of ORS+Zn treatment in both study areas (p < 0.05). One hundred and ninety-nine caregivers (52%) of all the respondents still preferred to treat child diarrhea with ORS with antibiotics adjuvant. Conclusion: Practice of ORS+Zn therapy is low and seems to be influenced by level of education, awareness, and location and availability. Advocacy and sensitization programs should be intensified, and intake of food rich in Zn and Zn supplement should be promoted in infant-feeding practices. |
Investigating the level of awareness and extent of financial risk protection among the population in Enugu state, southeast Nigeria Chijioke Okoli, Eric Obikeze, Charles Ezenduka, Ejikeme Arodiwe, Ogbonnia Ochonma, Obinna Onwujekwe International Journal of Medicine and Health Development 2019 24(2):70-77 Objective: The study investigated the level of awareness and extent of financial risk protection among the population in Enugu state, southeast Nigeria. Materials and Methods: A mixed-method approach involving cross-sectional quantitative and qualitative methods was adopted for data collection and analysis. The study was conducted in two purposively selected urban and rural local government settings in Enugu North and East senatorial zones, respectively. Results: The quantitative results show that most of the respondents (77.1%) were women and 80.2% were married. Slightly above a quarter of the respondents (25.6%) were self-employed, whereas 29.1% were main income earners. Out-of-pocket (OOP) dominates payment mechanisms (94.9%), whereas more than half (54.4%) of the respondents went to patent medicine dealers for treatment in the last one month. Logistic regression shows overall significance in use of prepayment mechanisms with χ2 = 56.57 and P = 0.001. More so, finding indicates that 55.9% of respondents have heard of prepayment mechanisms mainly from television (30.4%) and radio program (20.2%), while 89.5% has not used any prepayment mechanism in the State. Conclusion: OOP still dominates payment mechanism in Enugu state. Although over half of the respondents (55.9%) have heard of prepayment mechanisms, approximately 90% has not used any prepayment mechanism in the State. This calls for policy that will ensure moving away from OOP payment to prepayment mechanism through health system strengthening and awareness creation for the populace. |
Comparative study of six-month and eight-month treatment of new smear positive tuberculosis cases at a tertiary health facility in Enugu, South-Eastern Nigeria Babatunde I Omotowo, Ijeoma Itanyi, Edmund O Ndibuagu, Chuka C Agunwa, Ikechukwu E Obi, Arthur C Idoko, Anne C Ndu International Journal of Medicine and Health Development 2019 24(2):78-84 Introduction: Factors that affect tuberculosis (TB) treatment outcomes are important and should be investigated to achieve the targets of TB control program. Aims and Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare treatment outcomes of new smear positive TB patients treated for six months with those treated for eight months. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study of 600 new smear-positive TB patients was carried out. The data were analyzed using Stata version 22 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA), and the values of P < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Binary logistic regression was used to identify factors that influenced treatment outcomes. Results: Overall, a higher proportion of patients (78.6%) who were treated for six months had successful treatment outcomes as compared with those treated for eight months 64.4% (P = < 0.001, OR = 2.03, CI = 1.41–2.91). After adjusting for confounders, sex (P = 0.040, AOR = 0.65, CI = 0.44–0.98), treatment duration (P < 0.001, AOR = 2.27, CI = 1.53–3.39), and pretreatment weight (P = 0.007, AOR = 1.28, CI = 1.07–1.52) independently predicted treatment outcome. Conclusion: The treatment success rate was better among the patients treated for six-month duration than those treated for eight-month duration. The current six-month regimen recommended by WHO should be maintained. Loss to follow-up and TB/HIV coinfection management should be improved. |
A need for specialized education in pediatric radiography in Nigeria Odira C Ewuzie International Journal of Medicine and Health Development 2019 24(2):85-88 Introduction: Pediatrics is a vast field with many facets. The importance of having dedicated specialists trained in the treatment and care of pediatric patients has long been recognized. It is necessary to determine if the profession of radiography is making similar progress in improving on the pediatric radiography services offered in the country. Objective: The objective of this study was to establish if there was a perceived need for specialized pediatric radiographic education in Nigeria. Subjects and Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional survey, which accessed radiographers' take on the need for specialized education in pediatric imaging. A Google Form link was distributed through various Nigerian radiographers' WhatsApp groups, inviting interested radiographers to participate in stating their opinions on the need for specialized pediatric radiographic education in the country and other related questions. Data were analyzed using IBM Corp. Released 2011. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 20.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp. Results were presented using tables and charts. Results: Seventy-six radiographers working in 25 states across the federation participated in the online survey. A total of 90.8% of the respondents stated there was a need for specialized radiographic education in pediatric imaging, and 64.5% felt that this education or training opportunities for radiographers was inadequate. Only 43.4% were comfortable performing pediatric imaging. Conclusion: Majority of the radiography departments in Nigeria do not have dedicated equipment or staff for pediatric radiography. Undergoing specialized pediatric imaging training will benefit radiographers who are keen on improving the radiography services offered to pediatric patients. |
Second-phase delay in accessing major elective surgeries from a public tertiary health institution in Nigeria: The role of financial constraints Ikenna I Nnabugwu, Fredrick O Ugwumba, Jude K Ede International Journal of Medicine and Health Development 2019 24(2):89-94 Background: Many factors contribute to second-phase delay in accessing surgical care electively especially in low-income settings. The aim of this study was to evaluate second-phase delay in elective surgical care in a tertiary hospital. Materials and Methods: This study is a hospital-based cross-sectional survey conducted at a tertiary health institution in Nigeria from February to September 2017. Sampling units were households that accessed major elective surgical operation from the general surgery and urology units of the institution for an adult member (≥18 years of age) of the household. Analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences software version 20.0 (IBM SPSS Inc, Chicago, USA). Results: In total, 495 households representing same number of patients participated in the study. Second-phase interval was within one month in 16.2% of households. It was delayed 2–6 months in 55.2% of households, 6–12 months in 16.2% of households, and more than 12 months in 12.5% of households. Financial constraint was reported as reason for the observed second-phase interval in 54.7% of households with 93.4% of these households delayed for longer than one month and 38.0% for more than six months. Financial constraint was significantly more prevalent among larger households (OR 7.64; 95%CI 1.89–30.78; P < 0.01) and households in the lower wealth quartiles (OR 0.73; 95%CI 0.55–0.97; P = 0.03). Few households (7.1%) accessed health insurance for the prescribed major surgery and only 8.6% of those insured households reported financial constraints. Conclusion: Longer second-phase delay attributable to financial constraints is prevalent among larger households comprising mostly children, households in the lower socioeconomic quartiles, and uninsured households. |
Entry points into a Nigerian medical school at the graduate and undergraduate levels: A three-year prospective and retrospective comparison of performances at the first MBBS professional examinations Ed Nwobodo, Uchechukwu Dimkpa, Chidiebere Ugwu, Ugochukwu B Anyaehie International Journal of Medicine and Health Development 2019 24(2):95-99 Background: It is alleged that there is a mismatch between candidates’ performance in University Matriculation Examination (UME) and their subsequent academic achievement in medical schools in Nigeria. Aim: The present study compares the performance of medical students admitted via Direct Entry (DE) module and that of UME using their 1st professional examination. Methodology: A total of 343 undergraduate medical students of College of Medicine, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nnewi, Anambra state, Nigeria were used for this study. 270 of the students were admitted through UME, while 73 were admitted through DE modes of admission. The results of the 1st MBBS examinations taken in the years 2014 to 2017 were collated, analyzed and compared between the two groups of students. Results: The rate of success in 1st MBBS examination was greater in the DE students (74%) compared with the UME students (44.1%). The failure rate was higher in the UME entrants (55.9%) compared with the direct entrants (26%). The frequency of withdrawals in the group with UME (n = 28) was greater than that of the group with DE (n = 0). Chi square test of association indicated significant (p < 0.001) association between performance of students in 1st MBBS examination and the mode of admission. Logistic regression test shows that the odds of failure were against students with UME module than those with DE. Conclusion: The present study indicates that the admission module of DE with previous degree increases the chances of academic success in medical education in Nigeria. This suggests the need for a review of the mode of admission into medical schools to favour students that have a previous degree. |
Prospective analysis of extremity gunshot injuries treated in a Nigerian regional trauma center Omolade A Lasebikan, Njoku I Omoke, Ndubuisi O Onyemaechi, Emmanuel C Iyidobi, Wilson I Anetekhai International Journal of Medicine and Health Development 2019 24(2):100-106 Background: Extremity gunshot injuries are a common cause of morbidity and mortality in our environment. They pose a management challenge because of the complex soft tissue and bony injuries. Objectives: The objectives of this study was to determine the pattern and treatment outcomes of these injuries in our setting. Materials and Methods: This was a prospective study of extremity gunshot injuries treated at National Orthopaedic Hospital, Enugu, Nigeria over a 12-month period. Results: Fifty-five patients were studied, with a mean age of 36.9 ± 13.39 years and a male-to-female ratio of 8.2:1. The two top causes of gunshot injuries were armed robbery (41; 74.5%) and assaults/communal clash (6; 10.9%), and the most common type of gun was the rifle (21; 38.2%). Gunshot fracture was the commonest type of injury among the patients (39, 70.9%). Only 34.5.1% of our patients presented to hospital within the first 6h. Secondary wound closure was the commonest method of wound cover. Majority of the gunshot fractures were treated non-operatively. The duration of hospitalization ranged from 2 days to 13 weeks with a mean duration of 4.9 weeks. Late presentation, presence of fracture, and wound infection were associated with prolonged hospital stay. Outcome of treatment was good in 80% of patients and the mortality rate was 1.8%. Conclusion: The young adult males are more involved in extremity gunshot injuries. The fracture rate of these injuries is high with associated increased morbidity. Effective control measures aimed at reducing the incidence of gunshot injuries will reduce the negative socioeconomic impact of these injuries. |
Unregulated drug use and consequences in the Nigerian health sector Chinwe L Onyekonwu, Chijioke G Onyekonwu, Emmanuel O Ugwu International Journal of Medicine and Health Development 2019 24(2):107-113 Background: The Nigerian health system is bedeviled with poor regulatory services, frequent interruption of services as a result of disharmony among different cadres of health-care providers, inadequate manpower, poor management and leadership, and poor access to care due to non-enrollment in health insurance. Health-care spending is often catastrophic in most cases as payment is usually out of pocket for most service users. This has led to proliferation and patronage of unlicensed and unregulated health-care providers. Some patients are able to afford out of pocket payment but often meet suboptimal functioning services when they present to the hospitals which are also bedeviled by inadequate manpower and health-care facilities. Others who cannot afford the payments first patronize quacks and present later to the hospitals, sometimes with complications and attendant increase in morbidity and mortality. Aims and Objectives: The aim of this study was to highlight some problems that may arise as a result of unregulated drug use in the Nigerian populace and the role of an efficient health system with improved health insurance access, in curbing these problems. Materials and Methods: The reality of the Nigerian Health Care System as it stands today was highlighted and objectives of the National Health Insurance Scheme at inception cited. Three clinical cases of complications arising from poor access to health care and drug use regulation were described. Conclusion: Access to health care in Nigeria has remained poor and mostly out of pocket despite the goal of the National Health Insurance Scheme to provide health care at reduced costs. Patronage of unlicensed health-care providers remains high due to poor access to health care, poverty, and illiteracy with untoward effects on affected individuals. There is an urgent need to scale up access to health insurance across all sectors and ensure efficient service delivery through regular monitoring by appropriate regulatory agencies and constant education of the populace to discourage patronage of quack health-care providers. |
Carbamazepine-associated urinary incontinence: A case report and literature review Jamir P Rissardo, Ana L Fornari Caprara International Journal of Medicine and Health Development 2019 24(2):114-117 Carbamazepine (CBZ) is an anticonvulsant approved for the management of many neurological and psychiatric disorders. We present a case of an adult male with epilepsy who reported new seizures, and the dose of CBZ administered was 1600mg daily. CBZ dose was increased to 1800mg daily. The subject complained of urinary incontinence without dysuria that started after the CBZ dose increase. It was associated with urgency, hesitancy, dribbling of urine, and poor stream. Laboratory tests were within normal limits. He admitted dry mouth, flushing, constipation, and accommodation paralysis starting after CBZ increase. Assuming that these symptoms were an adverse drug reaction, CBZ was withdrawn and valproate was started. The individual had full recovery within four weeks. To the best of our knowledge, only two case reports of similar nature are available, but this is the first one to be reported with young male adult. |
Emphasizing on the need of preparedness and antibiotics supply for the containment of the plague outbreak Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava International Journal of Medicine and Health Development 2019 24(2):118-119 |
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
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