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Σάββατο 23 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Clinical utility of 177Lu‐DOTATATE PRRT in somatostatin receptor‐positive metastatic medullary carcinoma of thyroid patients with assessment of efficacy, survival analysis, prognostic variables, and toxicity
Abstract Background The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy and outcome of 177Lu‐DOTATATE peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) in somatostatin receptor‐positive metastatic medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), including progression‐free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS), and also to determine the various prognostic variables. The secondary aim was toxicity assessment of PRRT in this group of patients. Methods A total of 43 somatostatin receptor‐positive...
Head & Neck
Fri Nov 22, 2019 12:14
The effect of jaw exercises on anxiety and depression in patients with head and neck cancer receiving radiotherapy: Prospective 2‐year follow‐up study
Abstract Background This nonrandomized matched study investigates jaw exercise effect on anxiety/depressive symptoms in head and neck cancer patients with trismus during 2 years postradiotherapy. Methods Fifty patients with trismus postradiotherapy were included in a 10‐week jaw‐training intervention. A matched control group was included (N = 50). Maximum interincisal opening (MIO) ≤ 35 mm was used as the trismus criterion. Patients were assessed using MIO and Hospital Anxiety Depression...
Head & Neck
Fri Nov 22, 2019 12:08
Goiter in Residents of Salta, Argentina: An Artistic Rendition
Thyroid, Ahead of Print.
Poly(ADP‐ribose) polymerase‐1 depletion enhances the severity of inflammation in an imiquimod‐induced model of psoriasis
Abstract Poly(ADP‐ribose) polymerase‐1 (PARP1) is a pro‐inflammatory protein, whose pro‐inflammatory properties were demonstrated in human. The pro‐inflammatory properties of PARP1 were shown in Th1 and Th2‐mediated inflammatory pathologies, but not Th17‐ mediated inflammation. Thus, we studied the role of PARP1 in the imiquimod‐induced model of psoriasis. To our surprise, in imiquimod‐induced psoriasis, PARP1 acted as an anti‐inflammatory factor and its genetic deletion exacerbated symptoms. We...
Experimental Dermatology
Fri Nov 22, 2019 22:00
Efficacy and safety of steroid‐impregnated implants following sinus surgery: A meta‐analysis
Objectives The purpose of this meta‐analysis was to discuss the efficacy and safety of bioabsorbable steroid‐impregnated implants following endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) for chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) patients. Methods PubMed, Cochrane, EMBASE, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials were comprehensively searched for studies comparing the experimental group (bioabsorbable steroid‐impregnated implants) with the control group (bioabsorbable nonsteroid‐impregnated...
The Laryngoscope
Fri Nov 22, 2019 17:09
Reducing Surgical Site Infections During Otolaryngology Surgical Missions
Objectives To determine what measures an otolaryngology–head and neck surgery team might adopt to decrease the incidence of surgical site infection (SSI) on a short‐term surgical mission. Despite concerns about safety and efficacy, short‐term surgical missions remain the predominant structure for humanitarian surgical care in low‐ and middle‐income countries (LMIC). Hospitals in high‐income countries strive to improve surgical outcomes through implementation of World Health Organization (WHO) safe...
The Laryngoscope
Fri Nov 22, 2019 17:00
Association of insurance type with time course of care in head and neck cancer management
Objectives/Hypothesis To determine differences in time course of care based on major insurance types for patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Study Design Retrospective cohort study. Methods Retrospective study of Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), and Medicare patients with biopsy‐proven diagnosis of HNSCC referred to an academic tertiary center for tumor resection and adjuvant therapy. In addition to patient demographic...
The Laryngoscope
Fri Nov 22, 2019 16:34
Margins in Sinonasal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Predictors, Outcomes, and the Endoscopic Approach
Objectives To identify factors associated with positive margins following surgical management of sinonasal squamous cell carcinoma (SNSCC), especially with regard to endoscopic treatment. Methods In a retrospective analysis of adult patients with clinically staged tumor (T)1 to T4a SNSCC within the National Cancer Database (NCDB) from 2004 to 2014, factors were associated with positive margins using multivariable binary logistic regression. Cases from 2010 to 2014 had surgical approach (open...
The Laryngoscope
Fri Nov 22, 2019 16:29
Lack of additive benefit of oral steroids on short‐term postoperative outcomes in nasal polyposis
Objectives There is a lack of evidence concerning the efficacy of oral corticosteroids (OCS) as a postoperative treatment for patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP). The objective of our study was to determine the short‐term additive benefit of postoperative OCS in CRSwNP patients. Methods We prospectively randomized CRSwNP patients who were treated by endoscopic sinus surgery. All patients were resistant to maximum medical treatment according to European position...
The Laryngoscope
Fri Nov 22, 2019 16:23
Spectral and Temporal Envelope Cues for Human and Automatic Speech Recognition in Noise
Abstract Acoustic features of speech include various spectral and temporal cues. It is known that temporal envelope plays a critical role for speech recognition by human listeners, while automated speech recognition (ASR) heavily relies on spectral analysis. This study compared sentence-recognition scores of humans and an ASR software, Dragon, when spectral and temporal-envelope cues were manipulated in background noise. Temporal fine structure of meaningful sentences was reduced...
Latest Results for Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology
Fri Nov 22, 2019 02:00
Trend and patterns in the antibiotics prescription for the acute otitis media in Korean children
Publication date: Available online 22 November 2019Source: International Journal of Pediatric OtorhinolaryngologyAuthor(s): Shin Hye Kim, Jeong-Rok Kim, Jae-Jun Song, Sung-Won ChaeAbstractBackgroundThe Korean Otologic Society developed guidelines for treatment of acute otitis media (AOM) in 2010, which advocated limiting the prescription of antibiotics. However, it is not known whether this has influenced the antibiotic prescription rate. Thus, this study aimed to examine the impact of these guidelines...
Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
Fri Nov 22, 2019 18:59
Genetic identification and molecular modeling characterization of a novel <em>POU3F4</em> variant in two Italian deaf brothers
Publication date: Available online 22 November 2019Source: International Journal of Pediatric OtorhinolaryngologyAuthor(s): Sara Giannantonio, Emanuele Agolini, Alessandro Scorpecci, Roberta Anzivino, Emanuele Bellacchio, Dario Cocciadiferro, Antonio Novelli, Maria Cristina Digilio, Pasquale MarsellaSummaryIn this report, we describe a novel, probably pathogenic hemizygous variant c.870G>T (p.Lys290Asn) in the POU3F4 gene in two deaf brothers from one Italian family with identical inner ear abnormalities...
Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
Fri Nov 22, 2019 18:59
Acute mastoiditis in a newborn with 11 days of life: Case report
Publication date: Available online 22 November 2019Source: International Journal of Pediatric OtorhinolaryngologyAuthor(s): Ana Sousa Menezes, Daniela Ribeiro, Sara Pereira, Albina Ramires, Luís DiasAbstractAcute mastoiditis is a potentially life-threatening complication and extremely rare in children under six months. We herein report the case of a 11-days-old newborn with acute mastoiditis complicated by subperiosteal abscess, submitted to surgical and medical treatment. A transient hypogammaglobulinemia...
Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
Fri Nov 22, 2019 18:59
National Questionnaire on Skills and Techniques in Pediatric Tracheotomy Surgery in Turkey
Publication date: Available online 22 November 2019Source: International Journal of Pediatric OtorhinolaryngologyAuthor(s): Murat Gumussoy, Ibrahim Cukurova, Sinan AtmacaAbstractObjectiveThe aim of the study was to determine the differences in surgical preferences of ENT Surgeons in Turkey with regard to pediatric tracheotomy.DesignQuestionnaire study.ParticipantsENT Surgeons.Materials and MethodsThe national multiple-choice questionnaire study included a total of 16 questions about physicians technical...
Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
Fri Nov 22, 2019 18:59
G130V de novo mutation in case with nonsyndromic hearing loss without palmoplantar keratoderma
Publication date: Available online 22 November 2019Source: International Journal of Pediatric OtorhinolaryngologyAuthor(s): beuy joob, viroj wiwanitkit
Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
Fri Nov 22, 2019 18:59
Study on Adjuvant Chemotherapy After Total Two-field Lymph Node Dissection of Thoracic Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Condition:   Thoracic Esophageal Squamous Cell CarcinomaIntervention:   Drug: chemotherapySponsor:   Sun Yat-sen UniversityRecruiting
Fri Nov 22, 2019 14:32
Inclusion of Mobilisation With Movement to an Exercise Programme in Rotator Cuff Related Pain
Conditions:   Rotator Cuff Injuries;   Shoulder PainInterventions:   Other: Mobilisation with Movement;   Other: Sham Mobilisation with MovementSponsor:   Federal University of Health Science of Porto AlegreNot yet recruiting
Fri Nov 22, 2019 14:32
Perioperative ERAS Based Nursing Intervention for Laryngeal Cancer Patients
Conditions:   Laryngeal Cancer;   NursingInterventions:   Other: Routine nursing care;   Other: Perioperative Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Based Nursing ModelSponsor:   Second Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang UniversityRecruiting
Fri Nov 22, 2019 14:32
Bilaterale intracochleäre Schwannome bei einer Patientin ohne genetische oder klinische Hinweise auf Neurofibromatose Typ 2
Zusammenfassung Schwannome des achten Hirnnerven sind gutartige Tumoren und präsentieren sich in der Regel im inneren Gehörgang oder/und im Kleinhirnbrückenwinkel. Am häufigsten gehen sie hier von vom N. vestibularis inferior oder superior aus. Selten sind die Tumoren auch im Innenohr lokalisiert; sie werden dann als intralabyrinthäre Schwannome bezeichnet. Bilaterale Tumoren treten bei Neurofibromatose Typ 2 (NF2) auf. Bilaterale und ipsilaterale, multilokuläre, sporadische Vestibularis‑/Cochlearis-Schwannome...
Fri Nov 22, 2019 02:00
Video head impulse test and caloric test in definite Ménière's disease.
Related ArticlesVideo head impulse test and caloric test in definite Ménière's disease. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2019 Nov 20;: Authors: Limviriyakul S, Luangsawang C, Suvansit K, Prakairungthong S, Thongyai K, Atipas S Abstract PURPOSE: The objective of the study was to compare the results of caloric reflex tests and video head impulse tests (vHITs) of lateral semicircular canals (SCCs). METHODS: Patients aged over 18 years diagnosed with...
http://link.springer.com/journal/405,European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology,The European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino
Fri Nov 22, 2019 13:32
Adverse events associated with bone-conduction and middle-ear implants: a systematic review.
Related ArticlesAdverse events associated with bone-conduction and middle-ear implants: a systematic review. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2019 Nov 20;: Authors: Schwab B, Wimmer W, Severens JL, Caversaccio MD Abstract PURPOSE: To review types and frequencies of adverse events (AE) associated with bone-conduction hearing implants (BCHIs) and active middle-ear implants (aMEIs) as reported in the literature. METHODS: Cochrane, PubMed, and EMBASE...
http://link.springer.com/journal/405,European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology,The European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino
Fri Nov 22, 2019 13:32
ERCC1 C8092A polymorphism predicts fair survival outcome in Japanese patients with pharyngo-laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma.
Related ArticlesERCC1 C8092A polymorphism predicts fair survival outcome in Japanese patients with pharyngo-laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2019 Nov 20;: Authors: Hirakawa H, Ikegami T, Azechi S, Agena S, Uezato J, Kinjyo H, Yamashita Y, Tanaka K, Kondo S, Maeda H, Suzuki M, Gahana A Abstract PURPOSE: To evaluate the prognostic significance of DNA excision repair gene polymorphisms, excision repair cross-complementation...
http://link.springer.com/journal/405,European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology,The European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS) : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino
Fri Nov 22, 2019 13:32
Focus on the Annals at the end of 2019
Publication date: November 2019Source: European Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Diseases, Volume 136, Issue 6Author(s): C. Martin, O. Laccourreye
Fri Nov 22, 2019 12:37
Editorial Board
Publication date: November 2019Source: European Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Diseases, Volume 136, Issue 6Author(s):
Fri Nov 22, 2019 12:37
Publication date: November 2019Source: European Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Diseases, Volume 136, Issue 6Author(s):
Fri Nov 22, 2019 12:37
Cone beam CT for perioperative imaging in hearing preservation Cochlear implantation – a human cadaveric study
Knowledge of the cochlear implant array’s precise position is important because of the correlation between electrode position and speech understanding. Several groups have provided recent image processing evid...
Journal of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery
Thu Nov 21, 2019 02:00
The risk of second primary tumors in head and neck cancer: A systematic review
Abstract Background Second primary tumors (SPTs) are a common cause of reduced life expectancy in patients treated for head and neck cancer (HNC). This phenomenon forms an area to be addressed during posttreatment follow‐up. Methods We conducted a systematic review of literature following PRISMA guidelines, from 1979 to 2019, to investigate incidence of SPTs, synchronous, and metachronous, in HNC population. Results Our review includes data of 456 130 patients from 61 articles. With...
Head & Neck
Thu Nov 21, 2019 13:40
Association between immunohistochemical expression of matrix metalloproteinases and metastasis in oral squamous cell carcinoma: Systematic review and meta‐analysis
Abstract Background The aim of this systematic review (SR) was to summarize and critically appraise available evidence on the association of the immunohistochemical expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) with the occurrence of lymph node/distant metastasis of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Methods Searches were conducted in five main electronic and three gray literature databases. Results From 2128 records identified, 50 were included for qualitative analysis. A total...
Head & Neck
Thu Nov 21, 2019 13:39
Cervical‐transoral robotic nasopharyngectomy: A preclinical study
Abstract Background We performed a preclinical study to assess the feasibility of the cervical‐transoral robotic pharyngectomy procedure in surgery for nasopharyngeal cancer, where deep margins and vascular safety are key issues. Materials and methods Four cadaveric dissections were performed with the da Vinci Xi system. The first step was a robotic parapharyngeal dissection along the internal carotid artery (ICA). The second step was a type 3 transoral robotic nasopharyngectomy. Results...
Head & Neck
Thu Nov 21, 2019 13:31
Prognostic capacity of Systemic Inflammation Response Index (SIRI) in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
Abstract Background Inflammation and immune evasion are associated with carcinogenesis. Systemic Inflammation Response Index (SIRI) has been proposed as a pretreatment peripheral blood biomarker. The aim of this study is to analyze its prognostic capacity in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC). Methods We performed a retrospective study in 824 patients with HNSCC. SIRI was calculated by neutrophils*monocytes/lymphocytes. Using a recursive‐partitioning analysis considering disease‐specific...
Head & Neck

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