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Σάββατο 9 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Effect of trade on ecological quality: a case of D-8 countries


Sustainable development inculcates the process of preserving the environment for future generations while maintaining existing human needs. This study attempts to empirically investigate the relationship between CO2 emissions, GDP, energy consumption, and imports and exports using yearly data between 1980 and 2014 for the panel of eight developing countries (i.e., Bangladesh, Egypt, Iran, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Turkey). All the tests for cointegration establish the long-run association among the variables and confirm the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis for the panel of eight countries. GDP and energy consumption remained significant factors for emission intensity both in the long and short run. However, exports found to be positive factor for emissions in the long run only and imports spur emissions in the short run. The country-specific results validate EKC hypothesis for Bangladesh, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Turkey. The findings are policy oriented and suggest that the countries’ economic growth along with energy consumption and exports are highly emission intensive which require necessary adjustments at sustainable development policy front.

SVR-RSM: a hybrid heuristic method for modeling monthly pan evaporation


In the present study, a hybrid intelligent model called SVR_RSM, which was extracted using response surface method (RSM) combined by the support vector regression (SVR) approaches was applied for predicting monthly pan evaporation (Epan). This method is established based on two basic calibrating process using RSM and SVR. In the first process, an input data group with two different input variables are used to calibrate the RSM; hence, the calibrating data by RSM in the first process are applied as input database for calibrating the SVR in the second process. Results obtained using the proposed SVR_RSM was compared with those obtained using the RSM, SVR, and the well-known multilayer perceptron neural network (MLPNN) models. Climatic variables including maximum and minimum temperatures (TmaxTmin), wind speed (U2), and relative humidity (H%), and the periodicity represented by the month number (α) were selected for predicting the monthly Epan measured with the standard class A evaporation pan. Data was collected at six climatic stations located at the northern East of Algeria. The performances of the proposed models were compared using the RMSE, MAE, modified index of agreement (d), coefficient of correlation (R), and modified Nash and Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE). Using various input combination, the results show that the hybrid SVR_RSM model performed better than all the proposed models. Overall, better accuracy was observed when the model contained the periodicity (α), and it was demonstrated that the best accuracy was obtained using only Tmax and Tmin, coupled with the periodicity.

Trait convergence and niche differentiation of two exotic invasive free-floating plant species in China under shifted water nutrient stoichiometric regimes


The effects of eutrophication on the growth and phenotypic performance of macrophytes have been widely studied. Experimental evidence suggests that an increase in the water nutrient level would promote the performance of several invasive free-floating macrophytes. However, few studies have focused on how a shift in water nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) stoichiometric regimes may influence the performance of invasive free-floating macrophytes. In the present study, two exotic invasive plant species, free-floating Eichhornia crassipes and Pistia stratiotes, were subjected to different water nutrient stoichiometric regimes, and their phenotypic performance was studied. We found that the two species converged in several resource use traits and diverged in lateral root length. This implied that their similarities in fitness-correlated traits and their underwater niche differentiation probably contribute to their stable coexistence in the field. Additionally, the eutrophic conditions in the different N:P regimes scarcely altered the performance of both species compared to their performance in the oligotrophic condition. Based on previous studies, we predicted that moderate eutrophication with slight overloading of nitrogen and phosphorus would not improve the performance of several invasive free-floating plants and thus would scarcely alter the invasive status of these species. However, moderate eutrophication may cause other problems, such as the growth of phytoplankton and algae and increased pollution in the water.

Transport and numerical simulation of Cu 2+ in saturated porous medium in the presence of magnetic nanoparticles


Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) can control and remove heavy metal pollution from wastewater. This approach has gained broad attention due to its excellent surface properties. However, there have been limited studies for Cu2+ retention and transfer regulation in saturated porous media in the presence of MNPs. The objectives of this study were to analyze the migration and deposition mechanism of Cu2+ under different conditions through static adsorption and numerical models. The results indicated that the MNPs-quartz sand had better adsorption capacity for Cu2+ (59.1 mg/kg) than quartz sand only (26.84 mg/kg), and thus it inhibited the migration of Cu2+; the effect improved with increasing MNP content. Furthermore, high ion strength (IS) and flow velocity were beneficial to the migration of Cu2+, and a high pH inhibited the migration of Cu2+. The numerical simulation results showed that the two-site model (TSM) nicely fitted the migration of Cu2+ in quartz sand and MNPs-sand. The migration of Cu2+ in both media was affected by chemical nonequilibrium. We also found that the presence of MNPs had little impact on the dispersion of porous media by observing the fitting parameters D (dispersion coefficient) 0.202 for both media. Our results can evaluate the risk of heavy metal migration and retention in saturated porous media in the presence of nanoparticles; this can prevent aquifer pollution.

Improved oxidation of refractory organics in concentrated leachate by a Fe 2+ -enhanced O 3 /H 2 O 2 process


Concentrated leachate from membrane processes, which contains a mass of refractory organics and salt, has become a new problem for wastewater engineers. In this study, removal of organic contaminants in concentrated landfill leachate was investigated by applying the ferrous ion (Fe2+) catalyzed O3/H2O2 process. The maximum chemical oxygen demand (COD) and absorbance at 254 nm (UV254) removal efficiencies under the optimal conditions (initial pH = 3.0, Fe2+ dosage = 6.500 mM, H2O2 dosage = 18.8 mM and O3 dosage = 52.65 mg min−1) were 48.82% and 63.59%, respectively. These were higher than those achieved using the Fe2+/O3, O3/H2O2, and O3 processes, and biodegradability of the leachate was improved significantly. Moreover, compared with other processes, the Fe2+ had a stronger catalytic effect. Molecular distribution analysis and three-dimensional excitation and emission matrix analysis both indicated that the fulvic acid and humic acid in the concentrated leachate were greatly degraded. Ultraviolet-visible spectra showed that the Fe2+/O3/H2O2 process mainly destroyed unsaturated bonds and decreased the aromatic degree of the leachate. The reaction mechanism of the Fe2+/O3/H2O2 process mainly was attributed to three factors: (1) O3 and H2O2 reacting to produce OH; (2) H2O2 and O3 decomposing into OH through the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+; and (3) coagulation by Fe (OH)3. The OH can rapidly degrade recalcitrant organics, and coagulation also increases the removal of organic matter. Therefore, the Fe2+/O3/H2O2 process was an effective method for treating concentrated landfill leachate.

Thyroid dysfunction: how concentration of toxic and essential elements contribute to risk of hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and thyroid cancer


This study was conducted to evaluate the levels of trace metals Fe, Cr, Co, Cd, Cu, Ni, Hg, Zn, and Pb in healthy individuals and patients with thyroid disease (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and cancerous). The serum levels of 110 participants living in Birjand City, east of Iran, were collected and analyzed using ICP-MS (Agilent 7900). Results showed that the concentration levels of Cr, Co, Zn, Cd, and Pb were significantly higher at case-patients (p < 0.05), but the levels of Fe, Ni, and Hg were similar between healthy and patient subjects (p > 0.05). In patients with high or low thyroid activity, strong mutual correlations between Cr, Ni, and Fe were noticeable (p < 0.05). In hypothyroid patients, no significant correlation between Zn and Hg, Co, and Cd was found, but Zn was moderately and positively correlated with other trace metals. The moderate negative correlations between Cd-Cr (p = − 0.46) and Cd-Fe (p = − 0.43) were also observed. Logistic regression analysis showed that the effect of Cr, Co, Pb, Cu, Zn, and Cd was significant in developing hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism; whereas, in patients with thyroid cancer, the effect of Cr, Cd, and Pb was found to be significant. In conclusion, our findings suggest that toxic metals such as Pb, Cd, and Cr can increase the risk of developing hypothyroidism and thyroid cancer, but more research is needed to evaluate the potential toxicity mechanisms of Pb, Cd, and Cr.

Recent asymmetric warming trends of daytime versus nighttime and their linkages with vegetation greenness in temperate China


Asymmetric warming has been increasingly discussed recently, yet knowledge of this difference in warming between daytime and nighttime is still limited. Most studies of how climate warming influences the terrestrial ecosystem often ignore this asymmetric effect. We investigated the change in temperature between daytime and nighttime and analyzed the relationships between normalized difference vegetation index and the temperature in the daytime (Tmax) and the nighttime (Tmin) from 1982 to 2015 in temperate China. Results showed a faster increase in Tmin (0.46 °C dec−1p < 0.01) during the nighttime than in Tmax (0.42 °C dec−1p < 0.01) during the daytime, which indicated an asymmetric warming rate. The asymmetric warming during the daytime and nighttime was closely related to variations in precipitation and solar radiation. The increasing Tmin and Tmax were most pronounced over a large portion of the entire temperate China, and their warming trends displayed a non-uniform spatial distribution. The area with daytime warming was larger than that with nighttime warming, approximately accounting for 99.53% and 96.22% of temperate China, respectively. The area with warming enhancing vegetation greenness was larger during the day (71.16% of temperate China, p < 0.05) than at night (61.60% of temperate China, p < 0.05), and vice versa, which presented asymmetric warming effects on China’s temperate vegetation. We also found clear differences in the responses of the normalized difference vegetation index among different vegetation biomes to this asymmetric warming. Averagely, Tmax was significantly related to the NDVI of shrub, desert, broadleaf forest, needleleaf forest, and swamp (p < 0.01). However, this similar relationship appeared only between Tmin and desert vegetation (p < 0.01). Our findings emphasized the crucial role of asymmetric warming between the daytime maxima and nighttime minima in climate change research.

Optimal sizing of hybrid solar/wind/hydroelectric pumped storage energy system in Egypt based on different meta-heuristic techniques


Providing access to clean, reliable, and affordable energy by adopting hybrid power systems is important for countries looking to achieve their sustainable development goals. This paper presents an optimization method for sizing a hybrid system including photovoltaic (PV), wind turbines with a hydroelectric pumped storage system. In this paper, the implementation of different optimization techniques has been investigated to achieve optimal sizing of grid-connected hybrid renewable energy systems. A comprehensive study has been carried out between Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA), Water Cycle Algorithm (WCA), Salp Swarm Algorithm (SSA), and Grey Wolf optimizer (GWO) to validate each one. Moreover, the optimal sizing of the system’s components has been studied using real-time information and meteorological data of Ataka region located in Egypt. The purpose of the optimization process is to minimize the cost of energy from this hybrid system while satisfying the operation constraints including high reliability of the hybrid power supply, small fluctuation in the energy injected to the grid, and high utilization of the photovoltaic and wind complementary properties. MATLAB software package has been used to evaluate each optimization algorithm for solving the considered optimization problem. Simulation results proved that WOA has the most promising performance over other techniques.

High levels of fluoride contamination in groundwater of the semi-arid alluvial aquifers, Pakistan: evaluating the recharge sources and geochemical identification via stable isotopes and other major elemental data


Hydrogeochemical methods were integrated to delineate the geochemical factors controlling fluoride (F-) contamination in groundwater at four sites in the districts of Lahore (Samada) and Kasur (Sari ChimbaKot Maiga, and Chah Fatehwala) in Panjab province of Pakistan. Hydrochemical data and stoichiometric ratios indicate Na–Cl and Na–HCO3 as the dominant water types with silicate weathering influencing overall hydrogeochemistry of the study area. The groundwater F- concentrations ranged between 0.54 mg/L and 17.5 mg/L, with more than 70% samples having F- concentrations above the World Health Organization (WHO) provisional drinking water guideline (1.5 mg/L). Saturation indices determined that 100% samples were saturated with respect to calcite and 96% samples were undersaturated with respect to fluorite, indicating the influence of calcite precipitation on fluoride enrichment. A positive correlation was observed between fluoride with pH, Na+, and HCO3, confirming that high fluoride concentrations were the result of weathering of silicate minerals and the exchange of OH- on clay surface under the alkaline pH conditions. The isotopic values of δ18O and δ2H in groundwater ranged from 9.14 to − 5.51‰ and 56.57 to − 39.5‰, respectively. The stable isotope data indicated the meteoric origin of groundwater with some evaporative effect, which is partly influencing groundwater quality such as high pH and salinity, as a result facilitating anion exchange (OH- for F-) on clays surface. The research indicates that the groundwater quality of the study area is not recommendable for drinking due to its high total dissolved solids (TDS) and elevated fluoride concentrations.

Assessment, formation mechanism, and different source contributions of dissolved salt pollution in the shallow groundwater of Hutuo River alluvial-pluvial fan in the North China Plain


With rapid urbanization and industrialization processes, the problem of groundwater pollution under the influence of various human activities has become increasingly severe in most developed areas of China. However, the problem of dissolved salt pollution caused by increasing concentrations of conventional ions is often overlooked and easier to be seen as a high background of natural formation rather than pollution. The Hutuo River alluvial fan in North China was selected as the study area; dissolved salt pollution is evaluated based on the factor analysis method (FA); groundwater exploitation, pollutant input, and the attenuation of the vadose zone were discussed to explain the salt pollution; the formation mechanism and different source contributions were also explored. The results show that the total hardness (TH) and nitrate are the main contributing indicators of salt pollution in the Hutuo River alluvial fan. The long-term overexploitation of groundwater promoted the leaching and nitrification reactions, resulting in a large area of moderate to strong salt pollution in the top unit of the alluvial fan, which accounted for 51.6% of the salt pollution according to the multivariate regression model. In addition, the input pollution generated by various types of pollution sources along with rainfall infiltration is also an important driving factor. The surface pollution load and hydrogeological conditions affected the cation exchange and leaching, resulting in a point distribution of strong salt pollution, with a contribution rate of 37.6%. The analysis of the factors that affect salt pollution and the specific contributions in different regions cannot only help decision-makers understand the causes of water quality deterioration but also propose solutions in a targeted manner.

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