Genetic Diversity and Selection of Suitable Molecular Markers for Characterization of Indigenous Zizyphus GermplasmAbstract
Indian jujube (Zizyphus mauritiana Lamk), belonging to family Rhamnaceae, is an underutilized fruit crop which can grow under harsh environments. It is becoming an important fruit crop due to its wide adaptation, early age bearing, easy management, rich nutrition and numerous uses. Evaluation of genetic diversity through molecular markers is very poor in this fruit crop. DNA finger printing of various genotypes through molecular markers is very essential for crop improvement programs and genetic studies. In the present study, genetic relationship among 17 genotypes of Z. mauritiana Lamk and one accession of Z. rotundifolia Lamk was studied using ISSR markers. A total of 191 scorable bands were identified with 20 ISSRs and out of these 162 fragments were polymorphic (84.82%) and remaining 29 as monomorphic (15.18%). Genetic similarity ranged from 37 to 76% and suggested that 18 Zizyphus genotypes used in this study had broad genetic base and were considered as divergent. Cluster investigation based on UPGMA method grouped these 18 genotypes into 3 different clusters (cluster 1, 2 and 3). Cluster 3 was the largest cluster with 3 subclusters (3a, 3b, 3c) and comprised of 13 genotypes. The cultivar ‘Suffon’ remained independent during cluster formation, indicating maximum genetic diversity. The primer UBC-847 gave the maximum PIC (0.433) and Dj (0.755). Therefore, it is considered more efficient primer for estimation of genetic diversity in Zizyphus genotypes. In the present study, phenotypically similar genotypes were successfully distinguished with ISSRs, indicating that these have potential to differentiate the genotypes on basis of their genetic make-up.
Alternanztagung in Palermo: Von Chaostheorie, Flowering Locus T bis KlimawandelZusammenfassung
Die Beiträge auf der Alternanztagung mit ca. 100 Teilnehmern aus 26 Nationen und allen Kontinenten in Palermo im Juni 2017 konzentrierten sich auf die häufig betroffenen Kulturen Pistazie, Olive, Mandel, (Satsuma‑)Mandarine, Litchi und Mango und bei Apfel auf die Sorten ‘Honeycrisp‘, ‘Kanzi‘, ‘Fuji‘ und ‘Elstar‘ mit folgenden Ergebnissen:
(1.) Bestätigt wurde der bekannte Einfluss der bis zu 3‑fachen Kohlenhydratanreicherung im Blatt in Ausfalljahren (‚off-years‘) im Vergleich zur Kohlenhydratverarmung in Vollertragsjahren (‚on years‘). In beiden Jahren bildet sich im Leitbündelgewebe der Blätter das Blühgen Flowering Locus T (FT), wenn die juvenile Phase überwunden und ausreichend Kältereiz erfüllt ist und wird im Phloem in die Knospenmeristeme des bourse shoot transportiert. Bisher war widersprüchlich, warum das in beiden, Ausfall-(Alternanz-) und Vollertragsjahren, gleichermaßen der Fall war. Untersuchungen an Apfel aus Israel zeigten nun, dass nur in Vollertragsjahren der Fruchtbehang die Genexpression des Blühhemmstoffs Terminal Flower 2 (TFL 2) im Knospenmeristem induziert, damit die Wirkung des aus dem Blatt importierten Blühgens Flowering Locus T. hemmt und den Alternanzmechanismus elegant erklärt.
(2.) Bei früh blühenden Sorten von Litchi reagierte der Promoter des Blühgens Flowering Locus T (FT) empfindlicher auf kalten Temperaturreiz als bei spätblühenden Sorten; dieses Wissen könnte genutzt werden, um die Blüte – in Regionen mit Spätfrostgefahr – wie in der Nacht 19./20. April 2017 zu verzögern und zeigt, wie wichtig die grundlegende Kenntnis solcher Regelmechanismen ist.
(3) In den sich noch entwickelnden Samenanlagen der jungen Apfelfrüchte bildet sich Gibberellin GA7, das aus der Frucht exportiert wird und in den Knospen die Blütenbildung hemmt; GA4 kann diese Hemmung u. U. aufheben.
Gegenmaßnahmen gegen Alternanz umfassen frühe Ausdünnung (Fruchtbehangsregulierung bereits junger Bäume und ab Knospenstadium), das Konzept der ‚Resting spurs‘ (Entfernen aller Blüten/Früchte an einem Ast), Ethephonapplikation im Juni des Vollertragsjahres, aber auch Minderung von Klimawandelfolgen wie Frostschäden oder die Verzögerung früher Blüte mit Hilfe von Pflanzenzüchtung und Kulturmaßnahmen sowie generell Ausdünnung, Winterschnitt und Sommerriss.
The Determination of Genetic Diversity among some Sumac ( Rhus coriaria L.) GenotypesAbstract
In recent years, plant breeding of some cultivars such as sumac has attracted more attention because their contributions to human health started to be revealed. Turkey being its origin, sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) is widely used as a medicinal plant and spice. However, the sporadic cultivation of cultivars such as sumac endangers its existence and future. Therefore, the protection of this cultivar and its genetic characterization as well as encouraging the cultivation of this cultivar through plant breeding is of utmost importance. In this respect, this study aims to determine the genetic diversities among 24 different sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) genotypes. 17 different SRAP (sequence related amplified polymorphism) and 12 ISSR (inter simple sequence repeat) primers were used in this study, and, as a result, 133 amplifications were obtained. 130 of these amplifications were polyphormic, the average value of polymorphism were determined as 97.74%. In addition, genetic difference among the genotypes were calculated, which yielded a percentage of 45%. The highest difference was observed between S19 and S5 (73%), while the lowest genetic difference was found between S23 and S24 genotypes (20%). These results suggest that sumac genotypes displaying high genetic difference will be selected as parents in the plant breeding studies on sumac cultivars in the future, thus increasing variation rate.
Pollen Tube Growth and Embryo Sac Development in ‘Pozna Plava’ Plum Cultivar Related to Fruit SetAbstract
A newly released, late ripening plum cultivar ‘Pozna Plava’ sets fruit poorly, although it produces high quality fruit. This study aimed to evaluate which factors in the reproductive process could be related to the lack of fruit set. In two consecutive years, establishment of a suitable polleniser and the stage of ovule development at anthesis as well as initial and final fruit set have been studied. In addition to this, the impact made by temperature fluctuations on the interaction between male gametophytes and female sporophytes was also analysed. Growth of the pollen tubes in the style and penetration into the nucellus as well as fruit set were more effective in cross-pollination than in open and self-pollination. A relative delay in ovule development was observed, and most ovules had an embryo sac with eight nuclei. Considering the results of the quantitative parameter study of pollen tube growth in the ovary as well as the results of the stage of ovule development, a conclusion can be made that this cultivar is characterised by an extremely short effective period of pollination.
Morphological and Biochemical Diversity in Fruits of Arbutus unedo L. from East Aegean Region in TurkeyAbstract
Proper characterization of genotypes and cultivars of different fruit species are of great importance for breeding point. Thus, both morphological and biochemical markers are routinely used to describe cultivars and genotypes. In this study, the morphological (fruit weight, fruit number per cluster, color), biochemical (total phenolics, total dietary fibre, total fat, vitamin C, sugars and organic acids) and antioxidant capacity existing in 15 promising strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo) genotypes selected from Mugla province in Turkey has been investigated. It turns out that a great difference in the values indicating morphological and biochemical characteristics exists among strawberry tree genotypes. Fruit weight comes out as between 4.67 and 7.88 g. The number of fruit per cluster is identified as between 3.77 and 8.60. Fructose is determined as the dominant sugar and malic acid as the major organic acid for all genotypes. Vitamin C and total dietary fibre content range from 46 to 62 mg/100 g and 9.74 to 13.28 g/100 g fresh fruits, respectively.
Energy Use Efficiency and Economic Analysis of Nectarine ( Prunus persica var. nucipersica ) Production: A Case Study from Niğde ProvinceAbstract
This study was aimed to determine the energy use efficiency and economic analysis of nectarine production for the 2015–2016 production seasons in Niğde province in Turkey. A survey data were collected in 2017 and the farms were selected according to the full counting method and the survey was applied to these farms. In order to determine the energy use efficiency and economic analysis in the production of nectarine, a survey was made with 8 farms that can be reached over 20 decares of nectarine production in Niğde province. According to results of study, human labour energy, machinery energy, chemical fertilizers energy, chemicals energy, organic fertilizers energy, diesel fuel energy, irrigation water energy and electricity energy were calculated as energy inputs. Nectarine fruit was calculated as output. In nectarine production, total input energy was calculated as 29,893.35 MJ ha−1 and total energy output was calculated as 55,731.09 MJ ha−1. The energy inputs in nectarine production were calculated respectively as chemical fertilizers energy 12,900.69 MJ ha−1 (43.15%), electricity energy 6698.27 MJ ha−1 (22.41%), irrigation water energy 4142.05 MJ ha−1 (13.86%), human labour energy 1826.29 MJ ha−1 (6.11%), chemicals energy 1660.69 MJ ha−1 (5.56%), diesel fuel energy 1479.26 MJ ha−1 (4.95%), machinery energy 1134.65 MJ ha−1 (3.80%) and organic fertilizers energy 51.45 MJ ha−1 (0.17%). The energy use efficiency, specific energy, energy productivity and net energy calculations were calculated in nectarine production respectively as 1.86, 1.02 MJ kg−1, 0.98 kg MJ−1 and 25,837.74 MJ ha−1. Benefit-cost ratio was calculated as 2.02 for nectarine production.
Genetic Diversity in Apple Accessions Belong to Different Species Collected from Natural Populations of Tianshan Mountains, South-West KyrgyzstanAbstract
There isn’t any concrete consensus about the origin of domesticated apple. However, it is generally thought that the origin of this apple primarily comes from M. sieversii, also known as Central Asia wild apple. The second significant contribution is thought to be supplied by M. sylvestris. Central Asia is an important origin region for apples. Within this region, mountainous and forestlands of Kyrgyzstan constitute a significant source for wild apple species. The present study was conducted to put forth the genetic relationships between 65 accessions belonging to M. kirgishorum, M. domestica, M. niedzwetzkyana, and M. sieversii apple species collected from different regions of Kyrgyzstan and 12 accessions belonging to M. baccata, M. prunifolia, M. sylvestris and M. domestica species collected from different regions of Turkey. A combination of ISSR and SRAP markers were used in this study. About 71.1% polymorphism was obtained with ISSR primers and 83.5% with SRAP primers. Similarity level of accessions studied was found between 0.74 and 0.95. All materials used in this study were genetically separated from each other. The apple accessions used in this study were generally placed in a mixed fashion with the other materials in the dendrogram. Apart from some exceptions, standard apple accessions of M. domestica species taken from Kyrgyzstan and Turkey were grouped separately from standard apple cultivars. While the genotypes of wild species were mostly placed in the other group of the dendrogram, small number of genotypes of M. domestica species was placed in this group. Present outcomes revealed significant information for the preservation, assessment and breeding of wild apple species of Kyrgyzstan.
The Effects of the Use of Vermicompost in Olive Tree Farming On Microbiological and Biochemical Characteristics of the Production MaterialAbstract
In this study, olive tree has been cultivated by applying vermicompost as the organic fertilizer with different doses (0, 5, 10, 20, 40%) and single dose of chemical fertilizer (100% production material + chemical fertilizer) which is commonly used by the farmers of the region. During the experiment ’Gemlik’ olive has been grown in 36 pots with 6 applications, 3 replications and 2 seasons. The experiment was conducted in laboratory and under controlled conditions for 6 months. At the end of the third and sixth months, CO2-production analyses were applied to the production materials together with alkaline phosphatase and dehydrogenase enzyme activities. According to the experiment results, the effects of the production material applications on CO2 production, alkaline phosphatase and dehydrogenase enzyme activities have been considered as p < 0.01 significant statistically when the averages of 6‑month trial process were examined.
Reproductive Behavior and Water Use Efficiency of Olive Trees ( Olea europaea L. cv Konservolia) Under Deficit Irrigation and MulchingAbstract
In 2014 and 2015, two separate studies were done in order to investigate the effect of mulching and deficit irrigation on the reproductive traits, fruit yield, and water-use efficiency of 15-year-old cv. Konservolia olive trees in the field conditions. These factorial experiments were conducted in the Randomized Complete Block Design and had three replications. The deficit irrigation factor of the experiments (100% full irrigation (control) and 75 and 50% deficit irrigation) was performed in drip system and the second factor, mulching, was performed in three levels (polyethylene, organic materials (straw), and no-mulch). The results showed that there was a significant difference between the different irrigation and mulch treatments due to the measured characteristics. In both of the experiments, the highest fruit weight, pulp fresh and dry weight, and fruit yield per tree and hectare was obtained from the treatment with 100% irrigation and mulching. Decreasing the amount of irrigation water reduces the above-mentioned traits while, in comparison with the no-mulch treatment, applying mulches can increase these traits. Therefore, by utilizing straw and polyethylene mulches, deficit irrigation can be applied on trees without causing any damages on them and as a result, saves the amount of irrigation water in the olive orchards.
The Effects of Foliar Iron Treatments (+Fe) on Fruit Quality of Different Pear CultivarsAbstract
In this research, the effects of pre-harvest 0.25% iron treatments on yield, some fruit quality parameters, biochemical properties and micronutrient content of ‘Santa Maria’, ‘Deveci’ and ‘Akça’ pear cultivars were investigated. Effects of iron treatments on yield were found to be significant. While fruit firmness decreased with iron treatments in ‘Santa Maria’ and ‘Akça’ pears, the value increased in ‘Deveci’ cultivar. Besides, total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity also decreased with iron treatments. Effects of iron treatments on individual phenolics were not found to be significant. It was concluded that foliar iron treatments had positive effects in all cultivars.
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
Δευτέρα 4 Νοεμβρίου 2019
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
12:21 π.μ.

Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,
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