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Σάββατο 2 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Implementation and Evaluation of Wright’s Competency Model
imageWright’s competency model is increasingly used by healthcare organizations around the globe. This article describes the implementation of Wright’s model over a 4-year period. Creation of a steering group and decentralization of the effort were keys to success in achieving over 98% participation across all nursing areas and six other healthcare professions. Clinical and leadership staff were surveyed pre- and postimplementation on 11 measures. All levels of staff reported positive improvement in each measure.
Dedicated Education Unit Improving Critical Thinking and Anxiety: A Longitudinal Study
imageSeventeen senior bachelor of science in nursing students participated in a dedication education unit. The longitudinal study findings were statistically significant (p < .05) in all areas of measure: Health Education System Inc, critical thinking scores, decreased anxiety, self-efficacy, self-confidence in clinical decision-making, and confidence. Findings from this study were translated into the clinical institution's onboarding process, the Practice Transition Program, which was restructured and accredited by the American Nurses Credentialing Center in 2019.
A Novel Approach to Electronic Nursing Documentation Education: Ambassador of Learning Program
imageHealth care is rapidly evolving to meet the changing needs of our increasing complex patients. Nursing practice must keep pace with these changes. Emerging information technologies such as electronic health records (EHRs) challenge nursing practice to redesign workflow. Providing nurses with effective education on how to incorporate EHR documentation is essential for safe patient care. This article describes the development of an education program that promotes accurate and more efficient nursing EHR documentation practices.
Patient Deterioration Simulation Education and New Graduate Nurses’ Self-Confidence and Competence: A Pilot Study
imageA rural community hospital provided a pilot patient deterioration simulation education for new graduate nurses in an attempt to advance the utilization of an existing rapid response team. Pre- and post-intervention self-confidence scores demonstrated a large effect size and a clinically significant eta squared value (.48). The participants successfully completed most of the simulation competencies. This pilot project supports further studies exploring new graduate nurses’ self-confidence levels and competency performance with patient deterioration simulation education.
Stress Management and Resiliency Training in a Nurse Residency Program: Findings From Participant Focus Groups
imageStress is a well-recognized phenomenon in the nursing profession, particularly for new nurses. This study (a) assessed nurse residents’ experience with a stress management program and (b) informed adjustments to the program. Analysis of qualitative data revealed three themes: (a) enhanced personal and professional development, (b) sensitivity to learner needs, and (c) fostering the principles of mindfulness. A stress management program has the potential to positively enhance the new nurse’s transition to work.
Hospital-Based Research Internship for Nurses: The Value of Academic Librarians as Cofaculty
imageWith so few nurse scientists, it is important to increase the research activities of nurses. A nurse scientist and a librarian investigated if increasing library skills in a hospital-based research internship increases nurses' scholarship. Library-related content was added throughout the internship; interns were surveyed to measure specific skills. All interns improved their skills and valued librarians. Most interns conducted literature searches and utilized library resources. Research internships increased nurses' capacity for library-related skills.
Preparing Nurse Leaders in Nursing Professional Development: Association for Nursing Professional Development Leadership Academy
imageNo abstract available
Escaping the Confines of Traditional Instruction: The Use of the Escape Room in a Transition to Practice Program
No abstract available
Evaluating Simulation Education: The Importance of Demonstrating Level 4 Results
No abstract available

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