Influence of PacC on the environmental stress adaptability and cell wall components of Ganoderma lucidum Publication date: January 2020 Source: Microbiological Research, Volume 230 Author(s): Yanru Hu, Lingdan Lian, Jiale Xia, Shishan Hu, Wenzhao Xu, Jing Zhu, Ang Ren, Liang Shi, Ming Wen Zhao Abstract
The transcription factor PacC/Rim101 participates in environmental pH adaptation, development and secondary metabolism in many fungi, but whether PacC/Rim101 contributes to fungal adaptation to environmental stress remains unclear. In our previous study, a homologous gene of PacC/Rim101 was identified, and PacC-silenced strains of the agaricomycete Ganoderma lucidum were constructed. In this study, we further investigated the functions of PacC in G. lucidum and found that PacC-silenced strains were hypersensitive to environmental stresses, such as osmotic stress, oxidative stress and cell wall stress, compared with wild-type (WT) and empty-vector control (CK) strains. In addition, transmission electron microscopy images of the cell wall structure showed that the cell walls of the PacC-silenced strains were thinner (by approximately 25–30%) than those of the WT and CK strains. Further analysis of cell wall composition showed that the β-1,3-glucan content in the PacC-silenced strains was only approximately 78–80% of that in the WT strain, and the changes in β-1,3-glucan content were consistent with downregulation of glucan synthase gene expression. The ability of PacC to bind to the promoters of glucan synthase-encoding genes confirms that PacC transcriptionally regulates these genes.
Biochar amendment controlled bacterial wilt through changing soil chemical properties and microbial community Publication date: January 2020 Source: Microbiological Research, Volume 231 Author(s): Shu Chen, Gaofu Qi, Gaoqiang Ma, Xiuyun Zhao Abstract
Long-term continuous cropping has led to epidemic of bacterial wilt disease in Southern China. Bacterial wilt disease is caused by Ralstonia solanacearum and difficult to control. In order to control bacterial wilt, rice hull biochar was applied to soil with different doses (0, 7.5, 15, 30 and 45 t ha-1) in a field trial. After three years, the influence of biochar on soil properties, incidence of bacterial wilt and microbial community were characterized. Biochar amendment significantly suppressed bacterial wilt through changing soil chemical properties and microbial composition. Compared with control, disease incidence and index of biochar amendments (7.5, 15, 30, and 45 t ha-1) significantly decreased. Disease incidence and index of biochar amendment (15 t ha-1) were the lowest. Compared to the unamended control, contents of soil organic matter in biochar amendments (15, 30 t ha-1), available nitrogen in biochar amendment (15 t ha-1), and urease activity in biochar amendments (7.5, 15 t ha-1) significantly increased. Biochar amendments (15, 30, and 45 t ha-1) increased the relative abundances of potential beneficial bacteria (Aeromicrobium, Bacillus, Bradyrhizobium, Burkholderia, Chlorochromatium, Chthoniobacter, Corynebacterium, Geobacillus, Leptospirillum, Marisediminicola, Microvirga, Pseudoxanthomonas, Telmatobacter). Biochar amendments (7.5, 30, and 45 t ha-1) reduced the relative abundances of denitrifying bacteria (Noviherbaspirillum, Reyranella, Thermus). Biochar amendments (7.5, 15, and 45 t ha-1) significantly decreased pathogen Ralstonia abundance. Overall, application of biochar effectively controlled bacterial wilt through sequestering more carbon and nitrogen, enriching specific beneficial bacteria and decreasing pathogen abundance. This study revealed the potential of biochar in control of bacterial wilt.
Colonization of the gut microbiota of honey bee (Apis mellifera) workers at different developmental stages Publication date: January 2020 Source: Microbiological Research, Volume 231 Author(s): Zhi-Xiang Dong, Huan-Yuan Li, Yi-Fei Chen, Feng Wang, Xian-Yu Deng, Lian-Bing Lin, Qi-Lin Zhang, Ji-Lian Li, Jun Guo Abstract
The role of the gut microbiome in animal health has become increasingly evident. Although the structure of the gut microbiome of A. mellifera is well known, little is known about the dynamic change across different developmental stages. In this study, we explored the dynamic changes of the gut microbiota of A. mellifera at different developmental stages covering the whole life cycle using high-throughput 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The results indicated that the core (shared) gut microbiota changes significantly among different developmental stages. The diversity of the bacterial community in workers among different ages was significantly different. In addition, by comparing the core gut microbiota among different-aged workers, we found that newly emerged workers had fewer core microbiota. Three genera, Gilliamella, Frischella, and Snodgrassella, were significantly colonized at 1 day poste mergence (dpe); Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Commensalibacter were significantly colonized at 3 dpe and significantly reduced with Gilliamella. Lactobacillus kunkeei and Bartonella were significantly colonized at 12 dpe and were significantly decreased with Lactobacillus helsingborgensis. Commensalibacter and Bifidobacterium were significantly decreased at 25 dpe, and Bacteroides, Escherichia-Shigella, and Porphyromonadaceae were significantly decreased between 19 and 25 dpe. Our results reveal the succession of the gut microbiota of workers from birth to senescence, which provides a theoretical basis for further exploring the roles of gut microbiota during different developmental stages.
The potential of endophytic fungi isolated from cucurbit plants for biocontrol of soilborne fungal diseases of cucumber Publication date: January 2020 Source: Microbiological Research, Volume 231 Author(s): Lin-Qi Huang, Yong-Chun Niu, Lei Su, Hui Deng, Heng Lyu Abstract
The ability of endophytic fungi isolated from cucurbit plants to suppress soilborne diseases and the relationship between antagonism and disease suppression were studied. In dual culture tests of 1044 strains of 90 genera and three pathogenic fungi, 47.1 % of the endophytic fungal strains showed antagonistic effects on at least one pathogen; 186 strains against Rhizoctonia solani, 371 strains against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, and 403 strains against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum. The main antagonistic type of the strains of one genus generally was identical to one pathogen. In the pot experiment of cucumber inoculated with R. solani and endophytic fungi, 74.3 % and 33.3 % of 288 strains showed control efficacy of more than 50 % and more than 80 % on cucumber Rhizoctonia root rot respectively. These strains were mostly distributed in Fusarium, Chaetomium, Colletotrichum and Acrocalymma. There were some differences in the proportion of strains with better disease suppressive effects between strain sources. No significant correlation existed between the disease suppression of a strain in vivo and its antagonism against the pathogen in vitro. Most growth-promoting strains had good suppressive effects on cucumber Rhizoctonia root rot. In this study, 82 endophytic fungal strains had good disease suppressive effects and no obvious adverse effects on cucumber growth, and 35 of them showed obvious growth-promoting effects, which suggested that endophytic fungi from cucurbit plants have excellent potential for plant disease control.
Illumina sequencing of 16S rRNA tag shows disparity in rhizobial and non-rhizobial diversity associated with root nodules of mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) growing in different habitats in Pakistan Publication date: January 2020 Source: Microbiological Research, Volume 231 Author(s): Sughra Hakim, Babur S. Mirza, Asma Imran, Ahmad Zaheer, Sumera Yasmin, Fathia Mubeen, Joan E. Mclean, M. Sajjad Mirza Abstract
In Rhizobium-legume symbiosis, the nodule is the most frequently studied compartment, where the endophytic/symbiotic microbiota demands critical investigation for development of specific inocula. We identified the bacterial diversity within root nodules of mung bean from different growing areas of Pakistan using Illumina sequencing of 16S rRNA gene. We observed specific OTUs related to specific site where Bradyrhizobium was found to be the dominant genus comprising of 82–94% of total rhizobia in nodules with very minor fraction of sequences from other rhizobia at three sites. In contrast, Ensifer (Sinorhizobium) was single dominant genus comprising 99.9% of total rhizobial sequences at site four. Among non-rhizobial sequences, the genus Acinetobacter was abundant (7–18% of total sequences), particularly in Bradyrhizobium-dominated nodule samples. Rhizobia and non-rhizobial PGPR isolated from nodule samples include Ensifer, Bradyrhizobium, Acinetobacter, Microbacterium and Pseudomonas strains. Co-inoculation of multi-trait PGPR Acinetobacter sp. VrB1 with either of the two rhizobia in field exhibited more positive effect on nodulation and plant growth than single-strain inoculation which favors the use of Acinetobacter as an essential component for development of mung bean inoculum. Furthermore, site-specific dominance of rhizobia and non-rhizobia revealed in this study may contribute towards decision making for development and application of specific inocula in different habitats.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus intraradices) and diazotrophic bacterium (Rhizobium BMBS) primed defense in blackgram against herbivorous insect (Spodoptera litura) infestation Publication date: January 2020 Source: Microbiological Research, Volume 231 Author(s): Anandakumar Selvaraj, Kalaiselvi Thangavel, Sivakumar Uthandi Abstract
In the changing scenario of agriculture, plants are exposed to various biotic and abiotic stresses. Induction of both constitutive and inducible defense systems was noticed in plants exposed to stress. As a major defense response, production of phenolics and superoxide radicals quenching enzymes is accelerated in plants under stress. These metabolites production intensified further when arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) infected plants are subjected to stress. With this background, we conducted experiments to explore the impacts of Glomus intraradices and Rhizobium on the stimulation of defense in blackgram against Spodoptera litura. Uninoculated plants accumulated considerable quantity of defense metabolites like phenolics, lignin and superoxide radicals quenching enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, catalase, phenylalanine ammonium lyase, and polyphenol oxidase constitutively. While production of these defense metabolites primed strongly due to G. intraradices inoculation. These defense responses augmented further when G. intraradices colonized plants were exposed to S. litura. Though the combined inoculation with G. intraradices and Rhizobium improved the defense response, the effect was more pronounced due to single inoculation with G. intraradices. Results of in vitro leaf feeding bioassay showed that the feeding capacity of S. litura reduced (36.32%) significantly due to feeding G. intraradices infected plants. These outcomes revealed that tolerance against S. litura in blackgram could be primed by mycorrhizal inoculation. This is the first report to state that G. intraradices besides improving nutrient use efficiency, also accelerates defense response in blackgram against S. litura. Hence, AMF could be recommended as a bioprotectant against S. litura in blackgram.
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Molecular and morphological characterization of rice phylloplane fungi and determination of the antagonistic activity against rice pathogens Publication date: January 2020 Source: Microbiological Research, Volume 231 Author(s): Amanda A. Chaibub, Thatyane P. de Sousa, Leila G. de Araújo, Marta Cristina C. de Filippi Abstract
Cladosporium spp. is a cosmopolitan fungal genus. In the literature, it has been reported as a biological agent for controlling several plant diseases, but its mechanism of action has never been clarified. The present study aims to identify Cladosporium spp. based on the DNA phylogeny of nine isolates obtained from the phylloplane of rice and their potential antagonistic activity against the main fungal pathogens that affect rice crop. Nine isolates of Cladosporium spp. were identified based on DNA phylogeny, molecular and morphological characterization, and their antagonistic effects with the rice pathogens C. miyabeanus, M. oryzae, M. albescens and S. oryzae. Four isolates were selected to study lytic enzymes such as β-1,3-glucanase, chitinase and protease, and only one isolate was selected for a conidial germination and appressoria formation assay. The nine isolates were identified as C. cladosporioides, C. tenuissimum and C. subuliforme. Four isolates, identified as C. cladosporioides, inhibited the mycelial growth of rice pathogens such as C1H (68.59%) of S. oryzae, C5 G (74.32%) of C. miyabeanus, C11 G (75.97%) of M. oryzae and C24 G (77.39%) of M. albescens. C24 G showed a high activity of lytic enzymes, was tested against C. miyabeanus and M. oryzae, and inhibited conidial germination and appressorium formation by more than 59.36%. The characterization of C. cladosporioides suggested this species as a potential bioagent for the management of several rice diseases, especially rice blast. This is the first time that a potential biological agent from the genus Cladosporium identified at the species level was isolated from the rice phylloplane, and some of its mechanisms of action were demonstrated, such as increasing lytic enzyme activity against rice pathogens.
CpALS4770 and CpALS4780 contribution to the virulence of Candida parapsilosis Publication date: January 2020 Source: Microbiological Research, Volume 231 Author(s): Marina Zoppo, Mariagrazia Di Luca, Mauro Franco, Cosmeri Rizzato, Antonella Lupetti, Annarita Stringaro, Flavia De Bernardis, Christoph Schaudinn, M. Inmaculada Barrasa, Daria Bottai, Valmik K. Vyas, Arianna Tavanti Abstract
The ability of yeast to adhere to biotic and abiotic surfaces represents an essential trait during the early stages of infection. Agglutinin-like sequence (Als) cell-wall proteins play a key role in adhesion of Candida species. Candida parapsilosis genome encompasses 5 ALS members, of which only the role of CPAR2_404800 has been elucidated. The present project was aimed at investigating the contribution of C. parapsilosis Als proteins by generating edited strains lacking functional Als proteins. CPAR2_404770 and CPAR2_404780, further indicated as CpALS4770 and CpALS4780, were selected for the generation of single and double edited strains using an episomal CRISPR/Cas9 technology. Phenotypic characterization of mutant strains revealed that editing of both genes had no impact on the in vitro growth of C. parapsilosis or on morphogenesis. Notably, CpALS4770-edited strain showed a reduction of biofilm formation and adhesive properties to human buccal cells (HBECs). Conversely, single CpALS4780-edited strain did not show any difference compared to the wild-type strain in all the assays performed, while the double CpALS4770-CpALS4780 mutant revealed an increased ability to produce biofilm, a hyper-adhesive phenotype to HBECs, and a marked tendency to form cellular aggregates. Murine vaginal infection experiments indicated a significant reduction in CFUs recovered from BALC/c mice infected with single and double edited strains, compared to those infected with the wild-type strain. These finding clearly indicate that CpAls4770 plays a role in adhesion to biotic and abiotic surfaces, while both CpALS4770 and CpALS4780 genes are required for C. parapsilosis ability to colonize and persist in the vaginal mucosa.
Elucidation of quorum sensing components and their role in regulation of symbiotically important traits in Ensifer nodulating pigeon pea Publication date: January 2020 Source: Microbiological Research, Volume 231 Author(s): Jitendrapuri Gosai, Swetha Anandhan, Anindya Bhattacharjee, G. Archana Abstract
Quorum sensing (QS) in rhizobia regulates diverse processes determining the success and efficiency of association with the legume host. Despite the notable importance of QS as well as the well-known underlying variability in the genomic and metabolic components thereof, its study in rhizobia is largely restricted to few laboratory strains. In this work, QS phenomenon in the rhizobia nodulating pigeon pea– one of the most important legume crops of the global-south, is characterized. Using 16S rRNA and recombinaseA sequencing analysis, the selected QS-positive and host-beneficial isolates were identified to be taxonomically affiliated to the genus Ensifer. Their QS components, including homologues of QS genes, and the repertoire of N-acyl homoserine lactone (AHL) autoinducers were identified. Sequences of the QS homologues showed significant variabilities ranging from 10 to >20% with the known Ensifer sequences. Autoinducer profiling using LC–MS/MS revealed the production of long and short chain AHLs variably by the isolates, including 3-oxo-C12-homoserine lactone (3-O-C12-HSL) and 3-OH-C16-HSL as their first report in Rhizobiaceae. Motility and attachment– two of the most crucial traits for effective establishment on host roots were discovered to be QS dependent in in vitro analysis and the same was confirmed using expression analysis of their regulatory genes using qRT-PCR; both revealing a QS mediated repression of motility and promotion of attachment. This study highlights that Ensifer nodulating pigeon pea, although with significant variance in the anatomy of their QS components, regulate symbiotically crucial cell-processes via QS in a scheme that is conserved in multiple genera.
Deactivation and mislocalization of Toxoplasma gondii rhoptry protein 18 induced by a single amino acid mutation on the proton transport catalytic aspartic acid Publication date: January 2020 Source: Microbiological Research, Volume 230 Author(s): Yang Zhang, Bo Shiun Lai, Mario Juhas Abstract
Rhoptry protein 18 (ROP18) is a major determinant of strain-specific virulence in Toxoplasma gondii. The kinase activity of ROP18 is required for acute virulence, while the aspartate in the catalytic loop of ROP18 is considered essential for phosphoryl transfer. We showed that a single amino acid mutation at the catalytic aspartate residue (D409A mutation) significantly altered ROP18 kinase activity in vitro, and abolished ROP18-mediated ATF6β degradation. Furthermore, the investigated single amino acid mutation in ROP18 led to alternation of subcellular localization of ROP18 protein.
Our findings demonstrate that a single amino acid mutation on the proton transport catalytic aspartic acid induced alternations associated with ROP18 protein. |
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,,
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