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Πέμπτη 7 Νοεμβρίου 2019

The Impact of Emotional Regulation Strategies on Pain Catastrophizing in the Context of Interpersonal Relationships
imageObjectives: The Communal Coping Model suggests that pain catastrophizing may serve to elicit support from others. What is not known is how emotional regulation, namely emotional inhibition, impacts pain catastrophizing within the context of an interpersonal relationship. Individuals who have a greater tendency to emotionally inhibit may have a greater likelihood to use catastrophizing as a means for seeking support, particularly in relationships characterized by satisfaction and emotional validation. Methods: Data were collected from 50 undergraduate couples at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. Participants were videotaped during the completion of an acute pain cold pressor task and completed measures involving pain catastrophizing, emotional inhibition, and relationship dynamics (ie, Ambivalence Over Emotional Expressiveness Questionnaire, White Bear Suppression Inventory, Dyadic Adjustment Scale). In addition, the videotaped interactions were coded for both invalidation/validation and overt expressions of pain catastrophizing. Results: Emotional inhibition, and both validation and invalidation were associated with pain catastrophizing. Observed validation and invalidation were not, however, directly associated with relationship satisfaction. Hierarchical linear regression showed a significant interaction between thought suppression and relationship satisfaction to predict pain catastrophizing. Discussion: Results show relationship satisfaction moderates the association between pain catastrophizing and thought suppression in a manner in which couples with high levels of relationship satisfaction who also engage in thought suppression are more likely to use pain catastrophizing as a cognitive strategy to elicit support. This study offers direction into treatment and suggests that couples based cognitive-behavioral treatments that aim to utilize adaptive cognitive and behavioral coping strategies, as well as emotional exploration and validation, may be beneficial.
Clinical Features of Pediatric Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A 5-Year Retrospective Chart Review
imageObjectives: Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a painful condition of a limb characterized by a constellation of symptoms. Little is known about the clinical features of pediatric CRPS, with fewer than a dozen studies published to date. The aim of this study was to explore the clinical course of pediatric CRPS, with emphasis on clinical features and disease outcomes. A secondary aim was to discern differences in clinical features of pediatric CRPS with and without related movement disorders, and between children who had a favorable and unfavorable outcome. Materials and Methods: We carried out a retrospective chart review of children with CRPS who presented to a pediatric Chronic Pain Clinic in Canada over a 5-year period (2012 to 2016). Results: The study identified 59 children with CRPS (mean age: 12.7±2.5; 74.6% female; 72.9% lower extremity). In total, 87% (n=48) of children experienced complete resolution or significant improvement of CRPS, with a relapse rate of 15%. Overall, 25% (n=15) had a CRPS-related movement disorder. There were no differences in the clinical features of pediatric CRPS with or without related movement disorders. Children who experienced a favorable outcome had a significantly shorter symptom duration at the initial visit in comparison with children who experienced an unfavorable outcome. Discussion: In this cohort, pediatric CRPS was most common in girls around the age of 12, usually in the lower extremity, and most experienced a favorable outcome. Further research is needed to better understand the prognosis and relapse rate of pediatric CRPS.
The Relation Between Patients’ Beliefs About Pain Medication, Medication Adherence, and Treatment Outcome in Chronic Pain Patients: A Prospective Study
imageObjectives: Nonadherence to prescribed pain medication is common in chronic noncancer pain patients. Beliefs about pain medication have been reported to be associated with nonadherence behavior in cross-sectional studies. The aim of this study was to prospectively investigate the relationship between patients’ beliefs about pain medication and their medication adherence and treatment outcome. Methods: Chronic noncancer pain patients completed a baseline questionnaire including the 47-item Pain Medication Attitudes Questionnaire, consisting of 7 subscales with regards to beliefs on prescribed medication. After 11 weeks, medication underuse and overuse were assessed by self-report. In addition, patient satisfaction with regards to the effect of prescribed pain medication and satisfaction as regards prescribed medication and care, and the burden of side effects were assessed. Results: A total of 133 participants completed the baseline questionnaire, and 99 patients completed the follow-up questionnaire. Concerns over side effects at baseline were positively associated with underuse and the presence of side effects after 11 weeks. The perceived need was positively associated with overuse, whereas concerns over addiction were negatively associated with overuse. Concerns over tolerance were negatively associated with patient satisfaction with medication effects after 11 weeks. Concerns over tolerance and mistrust in the prescribing doctor were negatively associated with satisfaction about medication and care. Conclusion: Attitudes and concerns toward pain medication are associated with adherence patterns and outcome parameters. To improve medication adherence and therapy outcome, patient beliefs about pain medication should be taken into account by providing tailored education, adequate follow-up, or alternate therapy.
Cognitive and Personality Factors Implicated in Pain Experience in Women With Endometriosis: A Mixed-Method Study
imageObjective: The impact of pain on quality of life and mental health of women with endometriosis is well known. However, the role that personality traits and coping strategies might have in influencing pain experience is still poorly understood and was the chief purpose of this study. Materials and Methods: We conducted a mixed-method sequential explanatory study, composed of a quantitative survey followed by qualitative interviews. The first quantitative phase included 162 women with endometriosis who completed a battery of validated questionnaires. After statistical analysis, a semistructured qualitative interview has been developed and conducted with 6 of them, in order to help explain findings obtained in the first phase. Thereafter, both analyses were combined in a metamatrix. Results: From the metamatrix, it emerged that acute pain experience, fear of its occurrence, its unpredictability, and control difficulties are the main concerns of women with endometriosis. Worry trait characteristics (ie, the need for control, anticipatory anxiety, intrusive worry thoughts) and maladaptive thoughts such as coping strategies (ie, self-blame, rumination, catastrophizing) were common in this sample and seem to indirectly affect pain experience. Indeed, the unsuccessful struggle in controlling pain reinforces negative thoughts/beliefs and feelings of powerlessness, leading, in turn, to psychological distress and higher pain experience. Discussion: From the study emerged a model of onset and maintenance of acute pain in women with endometriosis. Findings have clinical implications for the medical team and psychologists.
Factors Associated With Long-term Risk of Recurrence After Percutaneous Radiofrequency Thermocoagulation of the Gasserian Ganglion for Patients With Trigeminal Neuralgia: A Multicenter Retrospective Analysis
imageObjective: This study aimed to estimate risk factors associated with recurrence after radiofrequency thermocoagulation (RFT) of the Gasserian ganglion among a large sample of patients with trigeminal neuralgia (TN) during a long-term follow-up. Materials and Methods: We performed a multicenter retrospective analysis of data from 1481 patients with TN who underwent RFT from 2005 through 2017. Recurrence-free survival (RFS) was assessed by the Kaplan-Meier method. Risk factors of all patient characteristics were determined by using univariate and multivariate Cox regression analysis. Prognostic value was determined by prognostic index (PI) with regression coefficients and receiver-operating characteristic curve model. Results: The median of RFS was 136 months (95% confidence interval [CI]: 123.5-148.5). The rate of RFS was 85.3% (95% CI: 83.5%-87.1%) at 1 year, 74.6% (95% CI: 72.2%-77.0%) at 3 years, 68.0% (95% CI: 65.5%-70.5%) at 5 years, and 54.9% (95% CI: 51.6%-58.2%) at 10 years. Multivariate analysis showed that atypical facial pain (hazard ratio [HR]=16.914, 95% CI: 13.117-21.808, P<0.001), Barrow Neurological Institute (BNI) Class II/III facial hypesthesia before undergoing RFT (HR=2.47, 95% CI: 1.52-4.016, P<0.001)/(HR=3.288, 95% CI: 1.035-10.433, P=0.044), and history of previous microvascular decompression/RFT/neurosurgeries≥2 (HR=1.642, 95% CI: 0.941-2.863, P=0.041)/(HR=2.808, 95% CI: 1.819-4.334, P<0.001)/(HR=3.83, 95% CI: 1.802-8.146, P<0.001) were independently associated with RFS. Patients with PI>0.764 were identified as high-risk patients for TN recurrence with a median RFS of 36 months (95% CI: 23.9-48.1) compared with those with PI<0.764 (HR=6.785, 95% CI: 5.371-8.573, P<0.001). Discussion: Our results indicated the patients with a higher risk for recurrence after RFT for the treatment of TN. In addition, our findings might provide support for clinical decision-making before the RFT procedure.
Under Pressure to Perform: Impact of Academic Goal Orientation, School Motivational Climate, and School Engagement on Pain and Somatic Symptoms in Adolescents
imageObjectives: Various academic factors are known to influence pain and somatic symptoms in adolescents, but the roles of academic goal orientation, school motivational climate, and school engagement are unknown. This study examined how these understudied academic factors are associated with adolescent pain and somatic symptoms and whether sex moderates the relations. Materials and Methods: High school students (n=90) from a high-achieving community completed questionnaires assessing academic variables, various pain characteristics, and somatic symptoms. Results: The majority of adolescents (67%) experienced pain and somatic symptoms in the past month, with 56% reporting multisite pain and 58% reporting at least 1 severe somatic symptom. Headache and abdominal pain were the most frequently reported “most bothersome” pains, and pain was rated, on average, as moderately severe, typically occurring several times per month, and was primarily chronic in nature (duration, ≥3 mo). Higher levels of ego goal orientation and perceived performance motivational climate were associated with more somatic symptoms, and ego goal orientation was also associated with more intense and frequent pain. Alternatively, greater school engagement was associated with fewer somatic symptoms. Task goal orientation and mastery motivational climate were unassociated with all pain and somatic symptom outcomes. Discussion: This study demonstrates that adolescents from a high-achieving community report more somatic symptoms and pain when they are less engaged in school and when their academic focus is on grades and outperforming peers. Results suggest that de-emphasizing competition and performance outcomes may support physical well-being in adolescents.
Acute Pain Assessment in Prematurely Born Infants Below 29 Weeks: A Long Way to Go
imageObjectives: Neonates born extremely prematurely are at high risk of acute and prolonged pain. Effective treatment requires reliable pain assessment, which is currently missing. Our study explored whether existing pain assessment tools and physiological indicators measure pain and comfort accurately in this population. Materials and Methods: We prospectively collected data in 16 neonates born at less than 29 weeks’ gestational age during 3 conditions: skin-to-skin care, rest, and heelstick procedure for capillary blood sampling in the incubator. The neonates were video recorded in these situations, and recordings were coded using 5 observational pain assessment tools and numeric rating scales for pain and distress. We simultaneously collected heart rate, respiratory rate, arterial oxygen saturation, regional cerebral oxygenation, and the number of skin conductance peaks. All measures across the 3 conditions were compared using general linear modeling. Results: The median gestational age was 27.1 weeks (range: 24.1 to 28.7). Forty measurement periods across the 3 conditions were analyzed. Heart rate was significantly higher during heelstick procedures compared with during rest, with a mean difference of 10.7 beats/min (95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.7-18.6). Oxygen saturation was significantly higher during skin-to-skin care compared with during heelstick procedures with a mean difference of 5.5% (95% CI: 0.2-10.8). The Premature Infant Pain Profile-revised (PIPP-R) score was significantly higher during heelstick procedures compared with skin-to-skin care with a mean difference of 3.2 points (95% CI: 1.6-5.0). Discussion: Pain measurement in clinical practice in prematurely born infants below 29 weeks remains challenging. The included behavioral and physiological indicators did not adequately distinguish between a painful situation, rest, and skin-to-skin care in premature neonates.
Psychosocial Factors and Knee Pain Among Older People in Japan: The JAGES Cross-Sectional Study
imageObjectives: Psychosocial factors are known to affect knee pain. However, the magnitude of depression on the associations between socioeconomic status (SES) and knee pain in older individuals remains unknown. This study aimed to determine (1) the associations between SES and knee pain and (2) how depression mediates the associations between SES and knee pain. Materials and Methods: We conducted a survey across 30 Japanese municipalities to collect cross-sectional data. Functionally independent, community-dwelling adults aged 65 years or above (n=26,037) were eligible for the study. Self-reported knee pain in the past year was used as the dependent variable. Past occupation and equivalized household income were separately added to the models as independent variables. Poisson regression analysis was used to examine the associations between SES and knee pain, adjusting for covariates. Mediation analysis was applied to estimate how depression explains these associations. Results: The 1-year prevalence of knee pain was 56.0% in our study population. We found that income levels were significantly associated with knee pain: the lowest income level was more prone to experience knee pain compared with the highest income level at a prevalence ratio of 1.22 (95% confidence interval, 1.15-1.28). Depression explained 36.8% of the association of income with knee pain in females and 41.9% in males. Discussion: Significant socioeconomic inequalities were observed regarding knee pain among older individuals in Japan. Depression somewhat explained the association between SES and knee pain.
The Co-occurrence of Pediatric Chronic Pain and Anxiety: A Theoretical Review of a Developmentally Informed Shared Vulnerability Model
imageThe development and maintenance of pediatric chronic pain and anxiety are complex, underscoring the need to better understand the interactive forces contributing to their co-occurrence. The shared vulnerability model (SVM) was developed to explain the co-occurrence of chronic pain and posttraumatic stress disorder in adults. Although many core tenets have been well supported by pediatric research, the SVM has yet to be extended to pediatric pain populations. We propose a developmentally informed pediatric SVM for advancing our understanding of the co-occurrence of pediatric chronic pain and anxiety disorders. The proposed SVM postulates that youth at increased risk for the development of chronic pain and/or anxiety share predisposing vulnerabilities, including anxiety sensitivity, and that these shared vulnerabilities give rise to negative emotional responses (child and parent) in the context of stressful events. Consequences of fear and anxiety, including avoidance behavior, further contribute to the development of chronic pain, anxiety, and their co-occurrence. The parental, school, and peer contexts in which these problems develop and are maintained in youth are pertinent to integrate into a SVM, as pediatric chronic pain and anxiety disorders share several social-contextual risk and maintenance factors. We also highlight new areas of inquiry.

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