ACSM's Clinician Profile
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Not All Spleens Can Play Football: Concerns of a Collision Wargame No abstract available
Web Alert No abstract available
Seven Tips to Effective Running Shoe Sizing No abstract available
Personalized Exercise Prescription for Heart Patients No abstract available
Ulnar Nerve Entrapment at the Cubital Tunnel Successfully Treated with Ultrasound-Guided Peripheral Nerve Hydrodissection: A Case Report and Further Evidence for a Developing Treatment Option
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Current Trends in Ultramarathon Running
Exercise is universally recognized for its health benefits and distance running has long been a popular form of exercise and sport. Ultramarathons, defined as races longer than a marathon, have become increasingly popular in recent years. The diverse ultramarathon distances and courses provide additional challenges in race performance and medical coverage for these events. As the sport grows in popularity, more literature has become available regarding ultramarathon-specific illnesses and injuries, nutrition guidelines, psychology, physiologic changes, and equipment. This review focuses on recent findings and trends in ultramarathon running.
Common Skiing and Snowboarding Injuries
Participation in skiing, and especially snowboarding, continues to rise. As participation and level of competition in these winter sports increases, the number of injuries increases as well. Upper-extremity injuries are more common in snowboarding, whereas lower-extremity injuries are more common in skiing. Head injuries, particularly concussions, are common in both sports. Special consideration in these sports should be given to environmental conditions, such as high altitude and ultraviolet radiation. The purpose of this review is to discuss the most common musculoskeletal injuries seen in skiing and snowboarding, as well as considerations for initial assessment of these injuries and triage to the appropriate level of care. It is important for sports medicine physicians covering these sports to understand initial assessment and treatment of these injuries. Due to the potential for severe injuries in these sports, it is important to be able to quickly recognize an injury that needs to be assessed and treated urgently or emergently. With the increased participation and number of injuries in these sports, it also is important to consider prevention strategies that may minimize risk of injury. |
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