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Τετάρτη 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Medication Nonadherence or Self-care? Understanding the Medication Decision-Making Process and Experiences of Older Adults with Heart Failure
Background More than half of all patients with heart failure (HF) do not take medications as prescribed, resulting in negative health outcomes. Research has shown that medication adherence may be intentional rather than the ability to follow prescribed regimens, yet very little is known about medication-taking decisions in older patients with HF. Objective The purpose of this qualitative study was to gain insight into the decision-making processes and experiences of older patients with HF by exploring the different aspects in choosing to take or not take medications as prescribed in the community setting. Methods Using a narrative inquiry approach, the personal narratives of 11 adults 65 years or older who took at least 2 daily medications for HF were gathered using in-depth, semistructured interviews. The data in this study were organized and analyzed using Riessman's framework for narrative analysis. Results Participants made intentional decisions to take particular medications differently than prescribed. A worrisome symptom prompted a naturalistic decision-making process. When a medication interfered with attaining a personal goal, participants coped by individualizing their medication regimen. Participants did not consider taking a medication differently than prescribed as nonadherence but a necessary aspect of maintaining a personal level of health, which could be seen as self-care. Conclusions The older patient with HF should be carefully assessed for nonadherence. The development of interventions that are patient specific, target medications with the greatest potential for nonadherence, and use easy-to-access resources may promote decisions for medication adherence. More research is needed to develop interventions that promote decisions for medication adherence. The author has no funding or conflicts of interest to disclose. Correspondence Rebecca Meraz, PhD, MSN, RN, CCRC, CHFN-K, Baylor University Louise Herrington School of Nursing, 333 North Washington Ave, Dallas, TX 75246 (Rebecca_Meraz@baylor.edu). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 (CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and share the work provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially without permission from the journal. Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved
African American Women's Perceptions of Cardiovascular Disease After Myocardial Infarction: A Phenomenological Inquiry
Background The primary cause of death among African American women older than 50 years is cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease affects more than 16.8 million Americans and occurs when plaque builds up in the arteries that provide blood to the heart. This often leads to a partial or complete blockage, causing a myocardial infarction (heart attack). There is limited research regarding the lived experiences of African American women before and after a myocardial infarction. Objective The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the experiences of African American women living in the southern region of the United States who have experienced a myocardial infarction. Methods A hermeneutic phenomenological framework guided the study. Semistructured, audiotaped interviews were conducted to elicit narratives from 7 participants. Interview data were transcribed verbatim and then coded and analyzed using Colaizzi's phenomenological analysis framework. Results The findings revealed 6 major themes: life before myocardial infarction, causes of my myocardial infarction, myocardial infarction warning signs, life after myocardial infarction, cardiac rehabilitation, and family support. Lifestyle changes must be implemented to prevent a second blockage. Attending cardiac rehabilitation and incorporating regular physical exercise are recommended to help prevent further heart damage and to improve quality of life. The authors have no funding or conflicts of interest to disclose. Correspondence Loretta Jones, PhD, RN, Adult Health Nursing, University of South Alabama College of Nursing, 5721 USA Drive North, Mobile, AL 36688-0002 (lorettajones@southalabama.edu). Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved
Pain During “Noncomplex” Electrophysiological Studies and Cardiac Rhythm Device Surgery
Background: There are only limited data about peri-interventional pain during cardiac electrophysiological procedures without analgosedation. In this study, peri-interventional pain and recollection of it after the intervention were evaluated. Methods: A total of 101 patients (43 electrophysiological/ablation procedures and 58 device surgeries) reported pain on a numerical rating scale (NRS; 0–10) before (pre), during (peri), and after (post) the intervention. Maximum pain (maxNRS) and the average of pain (meanNRS) were used for statistical analysis. Peri-interventional pain was compared with postinterventional data of the recollection of peri-interventional pain (peri-post). Patients were allocated into 2 groups (with 51 and 50 patients, respectively) to evaluate the mode of patient-staff interaction on pain recollection. Depressive, anxiety, and somatic symptom scales (Patient Health Questionnaire-15, Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7, and Patient Health Questionnaire-15) were used to analyze their influence on pain recollection. Results: In total, 49.6% of patients (n = 50) complained of moderate to severe pain (maxNRS) at least once during the procedure. The comparison between peri and peri-post data revealed the following (median (range)—maxNRS, peri: 3 (0–10) versus peri-post: 4 (0–9) (ns), and meanNRS, peri: 1.4 (0–7) versus peri-post: 2.0 (0–6) (ns). The mode of patient-staff interaction had no influence on pain. No effect was found for psychosocial factor concerning pain and the recollection of pain. The results of the linear regression showed no influence of low-dose midazolam on recollection of pain. Conclusion: Half of the patients reported moderate to severe pain at least once during cardiac electrophysiological procedures without analgosedation. However, on average, patients reported only low pain levels. Postinterventional derived data on discomfort reflect the peri-interventional situation. ORCID identifier: 0000-0001-9713-9401 All patients or patients' parents gave informed written consent for the procedures. The study was approved by the local ethics committee of the University of Leipzig. The authors have no funding or conflicts of interest to disclose. Correspondence Sven Fikenzer, PhD, Medical Department IV–Cardiology, University of Leipzig Medical Center, Liebigstr. 20, 04107 Leipzig, Germany (fikenzer@rz.uni-leipzig.de). Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved
Thirst in Patients With Heart Failure in Sweden, the Netherlands, and Japan
Background: Thirst is a distressing symptom and influences quality of life of patients with heart failure (HF). Knowledge about thirst in HF is insufficient; therefore, the aim of this study was to describe factors related to thirst, self-reported reasons for thirst, and interventions to relieve thirst in 3 different countries. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Sweden, the Netherlands, and Japan. Patients were recruited at the HF clinic or during HF hospitalization. Thirst was assessed by a visual analog scale (0–100); reasons for thirst and interventions to relieve thirst were assessed by an open-ended questionnaire. Patients were divided into low and high thirst based on the first and third tertiles of the visual analog scale. Results: Two hundred sixty-nine patients participated in the study (age, 72 ± 12 years). Mean thirst intensity was 24 ± 24, with a mean thirst of 53 ± 15 in the highest tertile. No significant differences in thirst among the 3 countries were found. Multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that a higher dose of loop diuretics (odds ratio, 3.47; 95% confidence interval, 1.49–8.06) and fluid restriction (odds ratio, 2.21; 95% confidence interval, 1.08–4.32) were related to thirst. The most reported reasons for thirst were salty/spicy food (20%) and low fluid intake (18%). Most of the patients (56%) drank more in case of thirst; 20% only drank a little bit, probably related to a fluid restriction. Conclusions: Thirst in patients with HF was related to a higher dose of loop diuretics and fluid restriction. Healthcare providers should realize that it is important to assess thirst regularly and reconsider the need of a fluid restriction and the amount of loop diuretics in case of thirst. The authors have no funding or conflicts of interest to disclose. Correspondence Martje H.L. van der Wal, PhD, RN, Department of Cardiology, University Medical Centre Groningen, PO Box 30.001, 9700 RB Groningen, the Netherlands (m.h.l.van.der.wal@umcg.nl). Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved
Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Shocks and Psychological Distress: Examining the Mediating Roles of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator–Related Concerns and Perceived Control
Background: Although the implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) has a survival benefit for the prevention of sudden cardiac death, ICD recipients commonly experience emotional distress as a consequence of ICD shocks. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine whether the association between ICD shocks and psychological distress (anxiety and depressive symptoms) is mediated by ICD-related concerns and perceived control among ICD recipients. Methods: This was a multinational cross-sectional observational study of 334 ICD recipients. Patients reported the number of shocks received since ICD implantation and completed questionnaires to assess anxiety, depressive symptoms, ICD-related concerns, and perceived control. A path analysis was conducted to explore the relationship of receiving ICD shocks with anxiety and depressive symptoms and the mediating effects of ICD-related concerns and perceived control. Results: Of the 334 ICD recipients, 39.2% experienced ICD shocks at least once since implantation. There was no direct effect of ICD shocks on anxiety and depressive symptoms. Experiencing ICD shocks was indirectly associated with an increased likelihood of anxiety and depressive symptoms via the pathways of ICD-related concerns and perceived control (indirect effects on anxiety = 0.060, 0.043; indirect effect on depressive symptoms = 0.025, 0.073). Conclusion: Experiencing defibrillator shocks was associated with psychological distress in ICD recipients; the relationship was fully mediated by ICD-related concerns and perceived control. These results suggest that clinicians should routinely assess ICD-related concerns and perceived control in patients with ICD. Research is needed to develop and test interventions to decrease emotional distress related to the ICD shock experience. Source of funding: the National Research Foundation of Korea grant funded by the Korea government (MEST) (2016R1A2B4008495) and a research grant funded by the Chungnam National University (2015-1794-01) The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose. Correspondence Kyoung Suk Lee, PhD, RN, MPH, Seoul National University, College of Nursing, 103 Daehak-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 03080, South Korea (kyounglee@snu.ac.kr). Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved
Screen Time and Cardiovascular Risks Among Middle-Aged Women
Background Screen time is a marker of sedentary behavior that threatens the health of women. Extended screen time is associated with depression, insomnia, cardiovascular disease, and decreased quality of life. Objective In this study, we examined the factors associated with screen time and whether screen time is associated with the physiological and psychosocial health of middle-aged women. We applied a psycho-socioeconomic biobehavioral model of health and studied the outcomes of cardiometabolic biomarkers, insomnia, and quality of life. Methods Secondary data analysis was performed using data from a cross-sectional study conducted with 423 women between 40 and 65 years of age. Socioeconomic, physiological, psychosocial, and behavioral characteristics were measured. Self-reported screen time during the past week was measured using an ordinal scale. The data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of covariance, analysis of covariance, and logistic regression analysis. Results Twenty-four percent of subjects had at least 3 hours per day of screen time on weekdays, whereas 30.7% had at least 3 hours per day on weekends. Older women, unemployed women, and those who do not perform regular exercise were more likely to have at least 3 hours per day of screen time (P < .05). Screen time was associated with total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, insomnia, and menopause-specific quality of life (P < .05). Conclusions Based on a psycho-socioeconomic biobehavioral framework, we found that screen time is associated with the physiological and psychosocial health of women independent of socioeconomic and biobehavioral variables. Efforts to reduce the amount of screen time targeting middle-aged women will help improve cardiometabolic biomarkers and quality of life. This study was supported by an Inha University research grant. The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose. Correspondence Ok Kyung Ham, RN, MPH, PhD, Department of Nursing, Inha University, 100 Inha-ro, Nam-gu, Incheon 22212, Korea (okkyung@inha.ac.kr). Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved
Distinct Factors Associated With Better Self-care in Heart Failure Patients With and Without Mild Cognitive Impairment
Background A decline in cognition may limit patients' ability to effectively engage in self-care in those with heart failure (HF). However, several studies have shown no difference in self-care between HF patients with and without cognitive impairment. This may indicate that there are more salient factors associated with self-care in HF patients with cognitive impairment compared with those without cognitive impairment. Objective The aim of this study was to explore which factors are related to self-care based on the presence and absence of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) among patients with HF. Methods Patients with HF were recruited from outpatient settings. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment was used to screen for MCI. Self-care was measured with the Self-care of HF Index v.6.2. Two separate stepwise linear regressions were performed to identify which factors (HF knowledge, perceived control, functional status, multimorbidity, executive function, and social support) predicted self-care in HF patients with and without MCI. Results Of the 132 patients in this study, 36 (27.3%) had MCI. Self-care maintenance and management were associated with social support (β = 0.489) and executive function (β = 0.484), respectively, in patients with MCI. Perceived control was associated with both self-care maintenance and management in patients without MCI (βs = 0.404 and 0.262, respectively). Conclusion We found that social support and executive function were associated with self-care in HF patients with MCI, whereas perceived control was associated with self-care in HF patients with intact cognition. Clinicians should develop tailored interventions to enhance self-care by considering the distinct factors associated with self-care based on the presence or absence of MCI. This study was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea grant funded by the Korean government (MEST) (2016R1A2B4008495). The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose. Correspondence: Jin-Oh Choi, MD, PhD, Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Cardiac and Vascular Center, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Irwon-ro 81, Gangnamgu, Seoul, South Korea, 06351 (choijean5@gmail.com). Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved
Active Physical Activity Patterns Are Associated With Improved Quality of Life and Depression Status in Taiwanese Women With Metabolic Syndrome
Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS), health-related quality of life (HRQL), and depression status are independently associated with cardiac health. Therefore, understanding the associations between MetS, HRQL, and depression status and determining factors related to improved HRQL and depression status in people with MetS may help in cardiovascular disease prevention. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine whether there are differences in HRQL and depression status between Taiwanese women with and without MetS and whether physical activity patterns are associated with HRQL and depression status in this population. Methods: A cross-sectional study of 326 Taiwanese middle-aged and older women (≥40 years) was conducted. Metabolic syndrome was determined based on the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III definition. Health-related quality of life and depression status were collected using the Short Form 36 Health Survey and Beck Depression Inventory. Univariate and multivariate linear regression analyses were conducted. Results: Women with MetS had lower HRQL (P < .001) and higher depression status (P = .002) than those without MetS. Participants with active physical activity patterns had higher HRQL (P < .001) and lower depression status (P = .046) than those with sedentary patterns. Among women with MetS, those with active physical activity patterns had higher HRQL (P = .001) and lower depression status (P = .007) than those with sedentary patterns. Conclusions: Metabolic syndrome is related to lower HRQL and higher depression status in women 40 years and older. Active physical activity patterns are associated with better HRQL and reduced depression status in middle-aged and older women (≥40 years) with MetS. This study was funded by the Tri-Service General Hospital (TSGH-100-05-193 and MOST107-2314-B016-068), Taipei, Taiwan. The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose. Shang-Lin Chiang, MD, PhD, has equal contribution to the first author. Correspondence Chia-Huei Lin, PhD, RN, National Defense Medical Center. No. 161 Sec 6 Mingchuan E Rd, Neihu 114 District, 10114 Taipei, Taiwan, ROC (andyy520@mail.ndmctsgh.edu.tw). Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved
Self-management Among Elderly Patients with Hypertension and Its Association With Individual and Social Environmental Factors in China
Background: The hypertension control rate in China is much lower than that in developed countries. Self-management among elderly patients with hypertension can improve blood pressure control; thus, it is necessary to explore its association with individual and social environmental factors. Objective: Our objective was to investigate self-management among elderly patients with hypertension in China and its association with individual and social environmental factors based on the social ecological model. Methods: A total of 301 elderly patients with hypertension were recruited to do a questionnaire survey based on the social ecological model, which included the General Demographic Information Questionnaire, Hypertension Patients Self-Management Behavior Rating Scale, World Health Organization Well-Being Index, Family APGAR Index, and Social Support Rating Scale. Results: The lowest level of self-management behaviors was in exercise management, and the highest was in medication management. The results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that well-being, family function, sex, education level, and age were pivotal individual and social environmental factors influencing self-management behaviors among elderly patients with hypertension. Conclusions: There is a need to develop and test interventions that improve self-management in elderly patients with hypertension. Specifically, individualized interventions to promote exercise among elderly persons with hypertension who are single and living alone are needed. Male patients with a lower education level, poor well-being, poor family function, and the lowest self-management levels are a key population to target. X.-N.Z. and C.Q. contributed equally to this study. The research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (71673199) and the Science & Technology Development Fund of Tianjin Education Commission for Higher Education (2017SK097). The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose. Correspondence Xiao-Ying Zang, PhD, School of Nursing, Tianjin Medical University, No. 22 Qixiangtai Rd, Heping District, Tianjin 300070, China (xiaoyingzang@163.com); Yue Zhao, PhD, School of Nursing, Tianjin Medical University, No. 22 Qixiangtai Rd, Heping District, Tianjin 300070, China (yuezhao35@hotmail.com). Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved
Factors Influencing Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Health Perception Among Kentuckians Living in Appalachia
Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and risk factors for CVD are prevalent among Appalachians from Kentucky. Appalachian men and women have high rates of engagement in unhealthy behaviors and poor physical health measures that increase their risk for CVD. Objective: In this study, the relationship among gender, CVD risk factors, and health perception in Appalachians from Kentucky was explored. Methods: This cross-sectional secondary analysis is from a randomized controlled trial on CVD health in rural Kentucky. To assess gender differences in smoking history, χ2 was used. Independent t tests compared the mean between participants 50 years or younger and those older than 50 years with differences in body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, hemoglobin A1C, total cholesterol, and physical activity. A multivariate linear regression analysis assessed variables predicting the outcome of health perception. Results: Most participants had a mean BMI of 33 kg/m2 and 94.3% of men used smokeless tobacco compared to 5.7% of the women. Differences existed between gender and current, ever, or never smoked (P < .001). Women had higher total cholesterol levels but men had higher waist circumference. Participants older than 50 years had higher engagement in physical activity than did those 50 years or younger. Higher BMI and hemoglobin A1C level were significant predictors of worse health perception (P ≤ .05). For every unit increase in the physical activity scale, there was a 0.2-unit improvement in health perception (P ≤ .001). Conclusion: Appalachians from Kentucky have many CVD risk factors. Minimal engagement in preventative measures against CVD can worsen patient outcomes. The authors have no funding or conflicts of interest to disclose. Correspondence Cilgy M. Abraham, BS, RN, 560 West 168th Street-Mail Code 6, New York, NY 10032 (cma2212@cumc.columbia.edu). Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved

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