Τετάρτη 13 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Utility of acoustic pharyngometry for screening of obstructive sleep apnea
To determine whether combining acoustic pharyngometric parameters with cephalometric and clinical parameters could improve the predictive power for significant obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in a Korean population. (Source: Auris, Nasus, Larynx)
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Tue Nov 12, 2019 00:00
A national survey of functional septorhinoplasty surgery performed in the United Kingdom: a clinician end-user questionnaire to assess current practice and help inform future practice
ConclusionThe majority of our respondents perform a large proportion of the SRP surgeries in the UK with each of the respondents performing an average of 40 SRP surgeries per year. There is a need to recatergorise functional septorhinoplasty as a functional operation and recommend functional SRP surgery to be removed from the PoLCV list. (Source: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology)
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Tue Nov 12, 2019 00:00
Transcanal endoscopic ear surgery for traumatic ossicular injury.
Conclusion and significance: TEES for TOI yielded favorable audiometric results without any complication. TEES can provide an alternative method to manage TOI with the advantage of avoidance of skin incisions and mastoidectomy. PMID: 31707916 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] (Source: Acta Oto-Laryngologica)
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Sat Nov 09, 2019 00:00
Frequency analyses of posturography using logarithmic translation.
Conclusions: Logarithmic power-spectral data distribution could provide an age- and disease-specific novel and visually-comprehensible parameter. PMID: 31709868 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] (Source: Acta Oto-Laryngologica)MedWorm Message: If you are looking to buy something in the January Sales please visit TheJanuarySales.com for a directory of all the best sales in the UK. Any income gained via affiliate links keeps MedWorm running.
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Sat Nov 09, 2019 00:00
A Rare SPRY4 Gene Mutation Is Associated With Anosmia and Adult-Onset Isolated Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
Conclusion: This case describes the clinical phenotype associated with a rare SPRY4 gene allelic variant, consisting in congenital severe smell defect and adult-onset IHH; in patients with apparently isolated congenital anosmia genetic analysis can be valuable to guide follow up, since IHH can manifest later in adulthood. Characterization of other modifying genes and acquired environmental factors is needed for a better understanding of the physiopathology and clinical manifestations of this disease....
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Tue Nov 12, 2019 00:00
Idiopathic spontaneous sublingual hematoma: a case report and literature review
ConclusionsClinical work-up is necessary to look for a cause of a spontaneous sublingual hematoma. Idiopathic spontaneous hematoma is only a rare entity. Aggressive airway management should be the first step in treatment. To date, there is no consensus about the management regarding the hematoma itself. Mostly, clinicians start with observation for spontaneous resolution of the hematoma and when possible to treat causative factors. Surgical drainage is performed when conservative treatment is not...
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Tue Nov 12, 2019 00:00
Comparison of biting force when using a combination of one microplate and one miniplate versus two miniplates for fixation of parasymphyseal mandibular fracture: the use of microplates for parasymphyseal mandibular fracture
ConclusionConsequently a combination of one microplate and one miniplate is efficient for the management of isolated parasymphyseal mandibular fracture in the same way as two miniplates. (Source: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery)
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Tue Nov 12, 2019 00:00
Is Routine Genetic Testing Warranted in Head and Neck Paragangliomas?
All individuals presenting with an extratympanic paraganglioma of the head and neck should undergo genetic testing. (Source: ENTtoday - TRIO Best Practices)
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Mon Nov 11, 2019 22:23
Should Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Be Screened for Depression?
Screening for depression in patients with OSA would be worthwhile because there is a high rate of comorbidity. (Source: ENTtoday - TRIO Best Practices)MedWorm Message: Have you tried our new medical search engine? More powerful than before. Log on with your social media account. 100% free.
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Mon Nov 11, 2019 13:45
Are Diuretics Useful in the Treatment of Meni ére’s Disease?
There is a critical need for high-quality randomized control trials to determine if diuretics are effective for treating Meniére’s disease. (Source: ENTtoday - TRIO Best Practices)
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Mon Nov 11, 2019 13:37
Third or fourth branchial pouch sinus lesions: a case series and management algorithm
The purpose of this study was to develop an effective management algorithm for lesions of third or fourth branchial sinuses. (Source: Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery)MedWorm Message: If you are looking to buy something in the January Sales please visit TheJanuarySales.com for a directory of all the best sales in the UK. Any income gained via affiliate links keeps MedWorm running.
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Mon Nov 11, 2019 01:00
Release kinetics of the model protein FITC-BSA from different polymer-coated bovine bone substitutes
Controlled release of proteins bound to conventional bone substitutes is still insufficient. Therefore, this study evaluates in-vitro release kinetics of the model protein FITC-BSA (fluorescein conjugated bovi... (Source: Head and Face Medicine)
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Mon Nov 11, 2019 01:00
Development of a biomarker of efficacy in second-line treatment for lymphangioma of the tongue: a pilot study
Lymphangioma of the tongue is a rare lymphatic malformation, and various authors have reported the successful use of sirolimus for its treatment. However, the safety of sirolimus in children needs further evaluation so that those who do not respond are not necessarily exposed to its potential adverse effects. We hypothesised that assessment of lymphangiogenesis can be used to predict whether the patient will respond to sirolimus, so we organised a prospective study after ethics committee approval...
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Mon Nov 11, 2019 00:00
A Computer-Based Tool for the Assessment of Voice Quality Through Visual Analogue Scales: VAS-Simplified Vocal Profile Analysis
In this study we propose a new tool for the perceptual assessment of voice quality. For its design, we have adapted the Simplified Vocal Profile Analysis so that the new tool features two main characteristics: (1) the ordinal scalar degrees of the original protocol are turned into a visual analog scale; and (2) the original paper-based version of the protocol is now a computer-based implementation. In order to assess the reliability of the new tool, five phoneticians listened to 12 different speakers...
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Mon Nov 11, 2019 00:00
Postoperative pain management with meloxicam: a systematic literature review in the field of dentistry
ConclusionMeloxicam can be considered as an alternative analgesic agent than some NSAIDs, tramadol, and salicylic acids in patients who have undergone the third molar extraction. (Source: Oral Surgery)MedWorm Message: Have you tried our new medical search engine? More powerful than before. Log on with your social media account. 100% free.
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Mon Nov 11, 2019 00:00
Do I Need an Otologist/Neurotologist?
Treatment TermsEar nose and throatEar DiseasesMeniere's DiseaseHearing lossBalance problemsSkull base tumorAcoustic neuromaCochlear implant surgeryCochlear Implant CandidateBone Conduction Hearing Aid Author Morgan deBlecourt Sub-Title Advanced Care for Complex Ear Diseases Overview If you ’re experiencing a serious ear-related concern that’s affecting your balance and/or hearing, you don’t have to live with it. An otologist or neurotologist is a highly specialized ear, nose, and throat...
MedWorm ENT & OMF Top 20
Tue Oct 29, 2019 18:35
“Death is inevitable – a bad death is not” report from an international workshop
AbstractPalliative care is an approach meant to improve the quality of life of patients facing life-threatening illness and to support their families. An international workshop on palliative care took place in Caesarea, Israel under the auspices of the National Institute for Health Policy Research on July 4-5th, 2018, with the goal of discussing challenges to the development and integration of palliative care services in Israel. At the workshop, both national and international figures in the field...
MedWorm Palliative Care Research
Tue Nov 12, 2019 00:00
Living with a Hope of Survival Is Challenged by a Lack of Clinical Evidence: An Interview Study among Cancer Patients Using Cannabis-Based Medicine
Journal of Palliative Medicine, Ahead of Print. (Source: Journal of Palliative Medicine)
MedWorm Palliative Care Research
Mon Nov 11, 2019 00:00
Quality Of Life And Stigma Among People Living With HIV/AIDS In Iran
(Source: Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management)MedWorm Message: Have you tried our new medical search engine? More powerful than before. Log on with your social media account. 100% free.
MedWorm Palliative Care Research
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00
New Issue of Johns Hopkins Nursing Magazine
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MedWorm Palliative Care Top 20
Longitudinal study of the development of obstruent correctness from ages 3 to 5 years in 108 Danish children with unilateral cleft lip and palate: a sub-study within a multicentre randomized controlled trial.
CONCLUSIONS & IMPLICATIONS: Although PCC-obs developed significantly from ages 3 to 5, children with UCLP as a group did not catch up to typically developing Danish children at age 5. Furthermore, the LHPC group at age 5 did not reach the 3-year level of the EHPC group, which means that delaying hard palate closure until age 3 is detrimental to obstruent development. Both CSCs and DSCs at age 3 were important predictors of PCC-obs at age 5 and should be considered when determining need for intervention....
MedWorm Speech Therapy Research
Mon Nov 11, 2019 00:00
The Production of Gesture and Speech by People With Aphasia: Influence of Communicative Constraints.
Conclusions The current results suggest that PWA use gestures to compensate for their verbal limitations under varying communicative constraints. The properties of the communicative task influence the use of different gesture types in people with and without aphasia. Thus, the influence of communicative constraints needs to be considered when assessing PWA's multimodal communicative abilities. PMID: 31710512 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] (Source: Journal of speech, language, and hearing...
MedWorm Speech Therapy Research
Mon Nov 11, 2019 00:00
To initiate repair or not? Coping with difficulties in the talk of adults with intellectual disabilities.
Authors: Antaki C, Chinn D, Walton C, Finlay WML, Sempik J Abstract How do health and social care professionals deal with undecipherable talk produced by adults with intellectual disabilities (ID)? Some of their practices are familiar from the other-initiated repair canon. But some practices seem designed for, or at least responsive to, the needs of the institutional task at hand, rather than those of difficult-to-understand conversational partners. One such practice is to reduce the likelihood...
MedWorm Speech Therapy Research
Mon Nov 11, 2019 00:00
Editorial Board
Publication date: October 2019Source: Linguistics and Education, Volume 53Author(s): (Source: Linguistics and Education)MedWorm Message: Have you tried our new medical search engine? More powerful than before. Log on with your social media account. 100% free.
MedWorm Speech Therapy Research
Tue Nov 12, 2019 14:35
Enhanced photocatalysis and anticancer activity of green hydrothermal synthesized Ag@TiO2 nanoparticles
Publication date: Available online 12 November 2019Source: Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: BiologyAuthor(s): D. Hariharan, P. Thangamuniyandi, A. Jegatha Christy, R. Vasantharaja, P. Selvakumar, S. Sagadevan, A. Pugazhendhi, L.C. NehruAbstractTitanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles (NPs) have been doped with varying amounts (0.005, 0.010 and 0.015 M) of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) using hydrothermal method. Further, in this work, a green approach was followed for the formation of Ag@TiO2...
MedWorm Speech Therapy Research
Tue Nov 12, 2019 14:35
Selaginella convolute extract mediated synthesis of ZnO NPs for pain management in emerging nursing care
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: BiologyAuthor(s): Kaiyun Xu, Hongli Yan, Meili Cao, Shao XueqinAbstractZinc oxide (ZnO), an inorganic metal oxide established in the form of nanoparticles, has considerable biological properties. The current research uses Selaginella convolute (S. convolute) leaf extract to establish ZnO NPs and to assess their use in pain management. S. Convolute leaf extract mediated ZnO NPs were characterized...
MedWorm Speech Therapy Research
Tue Nov 12, 2019 14:35
Syllable-internal corrective focus in Korean
This study investigates prominence modulation at the sub-syllable level using a corrective focus task, examining acoustic duration and pitch with particular attention to the gestural composition of Korean tense and lax consonants. The results indicate that focus effects are manifested with systematic variations depending on the gestural structures, i.e. consonants, active during the domain of a focus gesture, but that the patterns of focus modulation do not differ as a function of elicited focus...
MedWorm Speech Therapy Research
Tue Nov 12, 2019 14:35
Open bite in adult patients
ABSTRACT Anterior open bite (AOB) is characterized by the lack of overlap or contact between maxillary and mandibular incisors, while the posterior teeth are in occlusion. Correction of this malocclusion is challenging due to difficulties in determining and addressing the etiologic factors, and the high relapse rate. A multidisciplinary approach may be necessary, with participation of Orthodontics, Surgery and Speech Therapy, to achieve adequate esthetic and functional results for long term stability....
MedWorm Speech Therapy Research
Tue Nov 12, 2019 09:09
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Benefits Cancer Survivors with Heart Failure
A pacemaker-like device restored heart function in a group of cancer survivors — mostly women with breast cancer — who had suffered from heart failure as a result of chemotherapy, a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reports. (Source: University of Rochester Medical Center Press Releases)MedWorm Message: Have you tried our new medical search engine? More powerful than before. Log on with your social media account. 100% free.
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
When is Universal Health Coverage Good for Attaining Universal Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights?
UNFPA-supported midwives ensured that this young woman gave birth safely in Bor Hospital, South Sudan. © UNFPA South SudanBy Julitta OnabanjoJOHANNESBURG, South Africa, Nov 12 2019 (IPS) This is a special year for all rights-based health advocates, as we celebrate 25 years of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD). At the ICPD in Cairo in 1994, for the first time world leaders from 179 member states committed to the principles that underpin today’s Sustainable Development...
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 16:29
Getting cancer drugs to the brain is difficult -- but a new 'road map' might make it easier
(Purdue University) Purdue University scientists have provided the first comprehensive characterization of both the blood-brain and blood-tumor barriers in brain metastases of lung cancer, which will serve as a road map for treatment development. The work was recently published in Oncotarget. (Source: EurekAlert! - Medicine and Health)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 06:00
Deep-learning algorithm bolsters lung cancer detection
Radiologists using a deep-learning algorithm can detect more cases of lung...Read more on AuntMinnie.comRelated Reading: Study: public image datasets may have QC issues AI needs robust clinical evaluation in healthcare AI may help improve sensitivity of ED chest x-ray reads Are studies on AI for tuberculosis really valid? (Source: AuntMinnie.com Headlines)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 21:27
Hologic Combines AI with Breast Cancer Imaging
Hologic is bringing artificial intelligence to breast cancer imaging with its latest product. The Marlborough, MA-based company has won a nod for the 3DQuorum Imaging Technology, powered by Genius AI. 3DQuorum technology uses Genius AI-powered analytics to uniquely reconstruct high-resolution 3D data to produce 6 mm âSmartSlices.â These analytics identify clinically relevant regions of interest and preserve important features during the reconstruction of the SmartSlices. This helps to expedite...
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 19:59
3D-Printed Breast Implants Could Be the Next Big Thing in Plastic Surgery
Two German companies have paired up on the development of a technology that could disrupt the breast implant market. BellaSeno will use Evonik's Resomer bioresorbable polymer in its Senella breast scaffolds with a proprietary additive manufacturing process that avoids the use of silicone implants, some of which have raised major safety concerns. BellaSeno plans to begin first-in-human clinical trials of the Senella scaffolds with Resomer in Germany this quarter. Evonik has agreed to supply its...
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 15:40
Attention Vegetable Haters: It Could Be In Your Genes
By Sandee LaMotte, CNN (CNN) — If certain vegetables have always made you gag, you may be more than a picky eater. Instead, you might be what scientists call a “super-taster:” a person with a genetic predisposition to taste food differently. Unfortunately, being a super-taster doesn’t make everything taste better. In fact, it can do the opposite. Super-tasters are extremely sensitive to bitterness, a common characteristic of many dark green, leafy veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage...
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 14:37
AHA: Cardiovascular Risk Factors Tied to Increased Cancer Risk
TUESDAY, Nov. 12, 2019 -- Cardiovascular (CV) risk factors and cardiovascular disease (CVD) are associated with an increased risk for developing cancer, according to a study presented at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association, held... (Source: Drugs.com - Pharma News)MedWorm Message: Have you tried our new medical search engine? More powerful than before. Log on with your social media account. 100% free.
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 13:00
ACAAI: Family History of Cancer Risk Factor for Childhood Asthma
TUESDAY, Nov. 12, 2019 -- Family history of cancer (FHC) is a significant risk factor for childhood asthma development, according to a study presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Allergy, Asthma& Immunology, held from Nov.... (Source: Drugs.com - Pharma News)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 13:00
Protein could offer therapeutic target for pancreatic cancer
A protein that drives growth of pancreatic cancer, and which could be a target for new treatments, has been identified by researchers at the Crick. The study, published in Nature Cell Biology, looked into the most common type of pancreatic cancer, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. This is an aggressive cancer that develops from secretory and tubular cells of the pancreas. (Source: World Pharma News)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:00

Lantern Pharma Selects REPROCELL Inc., for Drug Screening and...
Lantern Pharma a clinical stage oncology biotech leveraging A.I. and machine learning genomics company has selected REPROCELL Inc. to provide drug screening and drug sensitivity services.(PRWeb November 11, 2019)Read the full story at https://www.prweb.com/releases/lantern_phrama_selects_reprocell_inc_for_drug_screening_and_biomarker_discovery_services/prweb16684784.htm (Source: PRWeb: Medical Pharmaceuticals)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Mon Nov 11, 2019 01:00
The Case Against Clinical Guidelines The Case Against Clinical Guidelines
Deviations from guidelines should be viewed not as an irregularity, but as individualized and human-oriented medicine, argues Talal Hilal, MD.Medscape Oncology (Source: Medscape Hematology-Oncology Headlines)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 21:51
Evidence Mounts for Bariatric Benefit in Obesity-Related Cancer Evidence Mounts for Bariatric Benefit in Obesity-Related Cancer
New study suggests that a'threshold'of weight loss must be reached after bariatric surgery to see a reduced risk of obesity-related cancer. Another indicates risk may be reduced by around 20%.Medscape Medical News (Source: Medscape Hematology-Oncology Headlines)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:51
Rwanda: Kigali to Host Global Cancer Foundation
[New Times] Kigali will soon become home to Africa's first City Cancer Challenge (C/Can) Foundation, an organisation that partners with cities to deliver quality and equitable cancer care for all. (Source: AllAfrica News: Health and Medicine)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 06:28
Carbon dots make calcium easier to track
(Chinese Academy of Sciences Headquarters) Prof. DONG Wenfei's research group from the Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (SIBET) has developed a new type of fluorescent carbon dot that can effectively detect calcium levels in cells. (Source: EurekAlert! - Cancer)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 06:00
Study tests 'medically tailored' meals for patients with lung cancer to fight malnutrition
(MediaSource) A new clinical trial at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center -- Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute (OSUCCC -- James) aims to reduce malnutrition among patients with lung cancer by offering nutritional counseling and medically tailored meals to at-risk patients. (Source: EurekAlert! - Cancer)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 06:00
Using sound waves to remotely target drugs to tumors
(American Institute of Physics) The lack of a clinically viable method to track and direct cancer drugs to tumors is a big problem for targeted therapeutics. But a new ultrasonic method proposed by biomedical engineers from Qifa Zhou's team at the University of Southern California could enable acoustic control and real-time tracking of drug release within the body. The researchers report on their manipulation of ultrasonic waves to pinpoint drug delivery in Applied Physics Letters. (Source: EurekAlert!...
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 06:00
AI-driven single blood cell classification
(Helmholtz Zentrum M ü nchen - German Research Center for Environmental Health) For the first time, researchers from Helmholtz Zentrum M ü nchen and the University Hospital of LMU Munich show that deep learning algorithms perform similar to human experts when classifying blood samples from patients suffering from acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Their proof of concept study paves the way for an automated, standardized and on-hand sample analysis in the near future. The paper was published in Nature...
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 06:00
Quiz: Management of Sarcopenia in Lung Cancer
In our lung cancer quiz, you'll get a chance to test your knowledge of the management of sarcopenia in patients with lung cancer. (Source: CancerNetwork)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 06:00
Anthrax may be the next tool in the fight against bladder cancer
(Purdue University) Researchers at Purdue University have come up with a way to combine the anthrax toxin with a growth factor to kill bladder cancer cells and tumors. (Source: EurekAlert! - Cancer)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 06:00
Deep learning assists in detecting malignant lung cancers
(Radiological Society of North America) Radiologists assisted by deep-learning based software were better able to detect malignant lung cancers on chest X-rays, according to new researched. (Source: EurekAlert! - Cancer)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 06:00
Researchers find new way to target childhood cancer
(Children's Cancer Institute Australia) An Australian-led international research effort has broken fresh ground in the race to find more effective treatments for the childhood cancer neuroblastoma, by uncovering a new and as-yet unexploited target in cancer cells that therapeutic drugs can be aimed at. (Source: EurekAlert! - Cancer)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 06:00
Expansion of Cirmtuzumab/Ibrutinib Study Shows Promise in MCL
Researchers have opened an expansion cohort to include patients with mantle cell lymphoma in the phase I/II CIRLL study to determine if adding cirmtuzumab to ibrutinib can increase the rate of complete remissions. (Source: CancerNetwork)MedWorm Message: Have you tried our new medical search engine? More powerful than before. Log on with your social media account. 100% free.
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 06:00
Jason Williams, MD, on Intratumoral Immunotherapy Advances at SITC 2019
Jason Williams, MD, discusses the development of intratumoral immunotherapy, as well as trial results from his poster presentation at the 34th Annual Meeting& Pre-Conference Programs of the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC 2019). (Source: CancerNetwork)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 06:00
Getting cancer drugs to the brain is difficult -- but a new 'road map' might make it easie
(Purdue University) Purdue University scientists have provided the first comprehensive characterization of both the blood-brain and blood-tumor barriers in brain metastases of lung cancer, which will serve as a road map for treatment development. The work was recently published in Oncotarget. (Source: EurekAlert! - Cancer)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 06:00
Joshua Brody, MD, on Cross-Section of Science and Medicine at SITC 2019
Joshua Brody, MD, discusses the gratification of the crossover between medicine and science at the 34th Annual Meeting& Pre-Conference Programs of the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC 2019). (Source: CancerNetwork)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 06:00
Mount Sinai researchers examine the metabolic effects of an oral blood cancer drug
(The Mount Sinai Hospital / Mount Sinai School of Medicine) Recent study found that an effective blood cancer treatment was associated with weight gain, obesity, and increased systolic blood pressure. (Source: EurekAlert! - Cancer)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 06:00

Mount Sinai researcher's examine the metabolic effects of an oral blood cancer drug
(The Mount Sinai Hospital / Mount Sinai School of Medicine) Recent study found that an effective blood cancer treatment was associated with weight gain, obesity, and increased systolic blood pressure. (Source: EurekAlert! - Medicine and Health)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 06:00
Day Case Radioiodine for Thyroid Cancer Safe and Feasible Day Case Radioiodine for Thyroid Cancer Safe and Feasible
Lower dose radioiodine ablation in thyroid cancer patients means a significant proportion could be treated as day cases, freeing up hospital beds and offering cost savings, suggest UK study findings.Medscape News UK (Source: Medscape Radiology Headlines)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:32
Cancer patient is first in Wales to get gene treatment
John Davies' blood cells will be genetically modified in a US lab in the hope of curing him. (Source: BBC News | Health | UK Edition)MedWorm Message: If you are looking to buy something in the January Sales please visit TheJanuarySales.com for a directory of all the best sales in the UK. Any income gained via affiliate links keeps MedWorm running.
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 10:23
Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation May Not Be Needed in Children With ALL Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation May Not Be Needed in Children With ALL
In children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) at risk for central nervous system (CNS) relapse, a higher dose of chemotherapy plus two extra doses of intrathecal therapy during early induction can obviate the need for prophylactic cranial irradiation, researchers say.Reuters Health Information (Source: Medscape Medical News Headlines)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 09:30
Thousands of women's lives 'could be at risk from ovarian cancer'
Amy Van Wyk, 37, from Epsom in Surrey, admitted she never thought it would be ovarian cancer when she started needing to urinate more often - another sign of ovarian cancer. (Source: the Mail online | Health)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 01:28
Mount Sinai Researcher ’s Examine the Metabolic Effects of an Oral...
Recent study found that an effective blood cancer treatment was associated with weight gain, obesity, and increased systolic blood pressure(PRWeb November 12, 2019)Read the full story at https://www.prweb.com/releases/mount_sinai_researchers_examine_the_metabolic_effects_of_an_oral_blood_cancer_drug/prweb16714864.htm (Source: PRWeb: Medical Pharmaceuticals)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 01:00
Vaping May Be Worse for Heart Health Than Tobacco Cigarettes, New Study Finds
E-cigarettes may be more harmful to a smoker’s heart than traditional tobacco cigarettes. That’s the finding of new research from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, presented today (Nov. 11) at an American Heart Association scientific conference. The Cedars-Sinai team compared the hearts of 10 non-smokers to the hearts of 10 tobacco smokers and 10 e-cigarette smokers. All the people in the study were younger than 40, and all were otherwise healthy. In response to a mild bout of exercise,...
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 00:30
Bengalurean ’s anti-cancer kit a breakthrough: US
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ’s Centre for Devices and Radiological Health has designated a medical invention by a Bengaluru-based scientist as a “breakthrough device” in liver, pancreatic and breast cancer treatment. (Source: The Economic Times Healthcare and Biotech News)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 00:00
Make cancer treatment affordable, upgrade infrastructure: Parliamentary panel
While expressing concern over 68% of cancer patients dying in the country, the parliamentary standing committee on science and technology, environment, forest and climate change has recommended to set up a hub and spoke model under the Tata Memorial Centre, which is the leader in cancer treatment and is supported by the Department of Atomic Energy. (Source: The Economic Times)MedWorm Message: Have you tried our new medical search engine? More powerful than before. Log on with your social media account....
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 00:00
Mother, 34, had preventative mastectomy but now she is so low risk the NHS won't test her daughters
Tara Huck, 34, had a mastectomy after her mother, aunt and grandmother were all diagnosed with breast cancer. Doctors believed an unidentified faulty gene could be responsible. (Source: the Mail online | Health)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Mon Nov 11, 2019 23:27
Many black, elderly U.S. lung cancer patients don't get recommended care
(Reuters Health) - Only about 60% of lung cancer patients get recommended treatments like chemotherapy and radiation that are linked to better survival odds, and a new study suggests rates are even lower for black and elderly patients. (Source: Reuters: Health)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Mon Nov 11, 2019 21:47
Don't wait for Thanksgiving to eat pumpkin seeds: Enjoy their anti-cancer properties and other health benefits year-round
(Natural News) During Halloween or Thanksgiving, pumpkins are everywhere. They are used to make pies or jack-o’-lanterns, but the seeds are often thrown away. Pumpkins have been known to offer health benefits, but their seeds are just as nutritious and are even shown to have anti-cancer properties. So, don’t wait for a special occasion to... (Source: NaturalNews.com)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Mon Nov 11, 2019 17:04
Lantern Phrama Selects REPROCELL Inc., for Drug Screening and...
Lantern Pharma a clinical stage oncology biotech leveraging A.I. and machine learning genomics company has selected REPROCELL Inc. to provide drug screening and drug sensitivity services.(PRWeb November 11, 2019)Read the full story at https://www.prweb.com/releases/lantern_phrama_selects_reprocell_inc_for_drug_screening_and_biomarker_discovery_services/prweb16684784.htm (Source: PRWeb: Medical Pharmaceuticals)MedWorm Message: If you are looking to buy something in the January Sales please visit TheJanuarySales.com...
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Mon Nov 11, 2019 01:00
Deal Helps Bring Genetic Information to Mainstream Medicine
Since Invitaeâs inception a decade ago, the firm has been working for the proactive use of genetic information in mainstream medicine. The San Francisco, CA-based company has been using M&A activity to help bring companies under its tent to help make this goal a reality. On Monday, the genetic-testing specialist made more progress on this front by announcing it would put down $50 million to acquire Clear Genetics, a company that develops digital counseling software. San Francisco, CA-based...
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 10:38
Hitachi and Centre Leon Berard Cancer Center in Lyon to Launch a Research Collaboration in the Fight Against Cancer with AI
Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE:6501) and Centre Leon Berard (CLB), a leading French Comprehensive Cancer Center in Lyon-France, announced that they have entered into an agreement to jointly promote research and development aimed at improving the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment of cancer and established a new research laboratory called Hitachi Lyon Lab on the CLB site, starting November 5th. (Source: eHealth News EU)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Mon Nov 11, 2019 10:00
Contraceptive drug shows promise for preventing and regressing cervical cancer
(Elsevier) A new study in The American Journal of Pathology, published by Elsevier, reports that medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA), the active ingredient in the common contraceptive injection Depo-Provera, was effective in preventing the development of cervical cancer in mice with precancerous lesions. The drug also decreased existing precancerous lesions. If proven effective clinically, MPA may be a boon to women who do not have access to human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines. (Source: EurekAlert!...
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 06:00
Self-Testing for Cervical Cancer Increases Screening Rates
Title: Self-Testing for Cervical Cancer Increases Screening RatesCategory: Health NewsCreated: 11/8/2019 12:00:00 AMLast Editorial Review: 11/11/2019 12:00:00 AM (Source: MedicineNet Cancer General)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Mon Nov 11, 2019 08:00
Ethnic minority women face more barriers to seeing their GP
(University of Surrey) Women from ethnic minority backgrounds report around twice as many barriers than white women to seeking help for potential cancer symptoms, according to new research funded by Cancer Research UK. (Source: EurekAlert! - Cancer)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Mon Nov 11, 2019 06:00
New insights into cause and treatments for aggressive form of breast cancer
(Society for Endocrinology) Potential environmental risk factors and new targets for treating an aggressive form of breast cancer have been identified, according to new data presented at the Society for Endocrinology annual conference in Brighton. The study suggests that exposure to common chemicals in our everyday environment may increase the risk of developing a difficult to treat type of breast cancer and highlights strategies for new treatment using combination therapy. (Source: EurekAlert! -...
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Mon Nov 11, 2019 06:00
Team plucks needle from genomic haystack, finding essential transcription factor binding sites
(Children's National Hospital) Using CRISPR/Cas9 knockout screens, a multi-institutional research team systematically interrogated the essentiality of more than 10,000 forkhead box protein A1 (FOXA1) and CTCF binding sites in breast and prostate cancer cells, finding that essential FOXA1 binding sites act as enhancers to orchestrate the expression of nearby essential genes. (Source: EurekAlert! - Cancer)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Mon Nov 11, 2019 06:00

Lung Cancer Incidence Rates Generally Declined From 2007 to 2016
Smallest decline seen among women living in nonmetropolitan counties - - from 61 to 58 per 100,000 (Source: The Doctors Lounge - Oncology)MedWorm Message: Have you tried our new medical search engine? More powerful than before. Log on with your social media account. 100% free.
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Fri Nov 08, 2019 19:00
Juul Stops Sales of Mint - Flavored E - Cigarettes
Juul is the most popular brand and mint the favorite flavor among high schoolers who vape (Source: The Doctors Lounge - Oncology)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Fri Nov 08, 2019 19:00
Hematology Experiences Linked to Hematology - Only Career Plan
Clinical, research, mentorship experiences in hematology influence fellows'career plans (Source: The Doctors Lounge - Oncology)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Fri Nov 08, 2019 19:00
CA125 Can Detect Ovarian Cancer in General Practice
And elevated CA125 indicates higher risk for other cancers, especially in women aged ≥ 50 years (Source: The Doctors Lounge - Oncology)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Fri Nov 08, 2019 19:00
Test of Vascular Function May Predict Solid - Tumor Cancer Risk
Reactive hyperemia peripheral arterial tonometry index ≤ 2.0 predicted incidence of solid - tumor cancer (Source: The Doctors Lounge - Oncology)
MedWorm: Cancer & Oncology
Fri Nov 08, 2019 19:00
Knowledge of the origin of the food makes it taste better
(Faculty of Science - University of Copenhagen) Food we are familiar with tastes the best, but if we know where the food comes from and how it is made, it actually gets better, even if we don't think the taste is spot on. New research from the Future Consumer Lab at the Department of Food Science at the University of Copenhagen demonstrates this. (Source: EurekAlert! - Social and Behavioral Science)MedWorm Message: Have you tried our new medical search engine? More powerful than before. Log on with...
MedWorm: Food Science
Tue Nov 12, 2019 06:00
Patient Care Is Wrenching: A Psychiatrist, a Nurse and a Doctor Bare All
Three new books by medical professionals delve into the human emotions involved in tending to the gravely ill. (Source: NYT Health)MedWorm Message: Have you tried our new medical search engine? More powerful than before. Log on with your social media account. 100% free.
MedWorm: Intensive Care
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:33

Nonselective Laryngeal Reinnervation versus Type 1 Thyroplasty in Patients with Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis: A Single Tertiary Centre Experience
This study compared the voice outcomes of selected patients with unilateral vocal fold palsy (UVFP) who underwent either nonselective laryngeal reinnervation (LR) or Type 1 thyroplasty (thyroplasty) in a Malaysian tertiary centre using multidimensional voice assessments. (Source: Journal of Voice)
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Tue Nov 12, 2019 00:00
Resection of inverted papilloma in nasal cavity with transseptal access and crossing multiple incisions minimizes bleeding and reveals the tumor pedicle
Sinonasal inverted papilloma can be resected endoscopically, but has a risk of recurrence. This risk can be minimized by identifying the pedicle of the tumor and ensuring complete resection. Intraoperative bleeding, particularly from the tumor, decreases endoscopic visualization and contributes to failure to identify the tumor pedicle, and piecemeal resection with dissection of the non-tumoral mucosa makes it impossible to distinguish the tumor pedicle. Previously reported transseptal access with...
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Tue Nov 12, 2019 00:00
Cost-effectiveness analysis of gemcitabine plus cisplatin versus fluorouracil plus cisplatin in the first-line setting for Chinese patients with metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma
ConclusionGP regimen is more cost-effective compared with FP regimen as the first-line treatment for Chinese patients with metastatic NPC. (Source: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology)
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Tue Nov 12, 2019 00:00
Utility of acoustic pharyngometry for screening of obstructive sleep apnea
To determine whether combining acoustic pharyngometric parameters with cephalometric and clinical parameters could improve the predictive power for significant obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in a Korean population. (Source: Auris, Nasus, Larynx)
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Tue Nov 12, 2019 00:00
A national survey of functional septorhinoplasty surgery performed in the United Kingdom: a clinician end-user questionnaire to assess current practice and help inform future practice
ConclusionThe majority of our respondents perform a large proportion of the SRP surgeries in the UK with each of the respondents performing an average of 40 SRP surgeries per year. There is a need to recatergorise functional septorhinoplasty as a functional operation and recommend functional SRP surgery to be removed from the PoLCV list. (Source: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology)
MedWorm ENT & OMF Research
Tue Nov 12, 2019 00:00
Transcanal endoscopic ear surgery for traumatic ossicular injury.
Conclusion and significance: TEES for TOI yielded favorable audiometric results without any complication. TEES can provide an alternative method to manage TOI with the advantage of avoidance of skin incisions and mastoidectomy. PMID: 31707916 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] (S

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