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Σάββατο 16 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Fit-For-Purpose PD-L1 Biomarker Testing For Patient Selection in Immuno-Oncology: Guidelines For Clinical Laboratories From the Canadian Association of Pathologists-Association Canadienne Des Pathologistes (CAP-ACP)
imageSince 2014, programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1)/programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) checkpoint inhibitors have been approved by various regulatory agencies for the treatment of multiple cancers including melanoma, lung cancer, urothelial carcinoma, renal cell carcinoma, head and neck cancer, classical Hodgkin lymphoma, colorectal cancer, gastroesophageal cancer, hepatocellular cancer, and other solid tumors. Of these approved drug/disease combinations, a subset also has regulatory agency-approved, commercially available companion/complementary diagnostic assays that were clinically validated using data from their corresponding clinical trials. The objective of this document is to provide evidence-based guidance to assist clinical laboratories in establishing fit-for-purpose PD-L1 biomarker assays that can accurately identify patients with specific tumor types who may respond to specific approved immuno-oncology therapies targeting the PD-1/PD-L1 checkpoint. These recommendations are issued as 38 Guideline Statements that address (i) assay development for surgical pathology and cytopathology specimens, (ii) reporting elements, and (iii) quality assurance (including validation/verification, internal quality assurance, and external quality assurance). The intent of this work is to provide recommendations that are relevant to any tumor type, are universally applicable and can be implemented by any clinical immunohistochemistry laboratory performing predictive PD-L1 immunohistochemistry testing.
New Dimensions of Antigen Retrieval Technique: 28 Years of Development, Practice, and Expansion
imageThis review article summarized recent advances in the heat-induced antigen retrieval technique with numerous scientific fields in addition to immunohistochemistry. Particularly, proteomics including imaging mass spectrometry, extraction of proteins from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues. Some novel approaches such as FFPE tissue–based renal immunopathology based on modified double heating protocols are also introduced in this review for further development. In general, the FFPE tissue housed in pathology worldwide is an invaluable treasure, and the simple method of heat-induced antigen retrieval is the gold key to open the door of this treasure.
Determining IDH-Mutational Status in Gliomas Using IDH1-R132H Antibody and Polymerase Chain Reaction
imageDetermination of the isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) mutation status, presence or absence of mutation in IDH genes (IDH1 or IDH2), has become one of the most important molecular features taken into account in the management of patients with diffuse gliomas. Tumors that are IDH-mutant have a better prognosis than their counterparts with similar histologic grade and IDH-wildtype phenotype. IDH1-R132H is the most common IDH mutation, present in ~90% of IDH-mutant cases. This mutation yields an altered protein that can be detected by immunohistochemistry. We evaluated the IDH1-R132H antibody (clone H09) to determine IDH mutation status as the first line test and compared with the results of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing that can detect more types of mutations in IDH1 or IDH2. A total of 62 gliomas were evaluated: 30 glioblastomas (including 3 gliosarcomas), 11 grade III diffuse gliomas, 17 grade II diffuse gliomas, and 4 circumscribed gliomas. Twelve of 62 cases were IDH-mutant by immunohistochemistry and 15 of 62 by PCR. PCR detected the following mutations: IDH1-R132H (11 cases), IDH1-R132C (1 case), IDH2 R172, NOS (1 case), IDH1 R132, NOS (1 case), and IDH2-R172K (1 case). The R132H antibody had high specificity (100%) and sensitivity (80%) to detect IDH mutation status; the discordant results were 3 false-negatives. IDH-R132H immunostain is suitable as a first line test. Nonimmunoreactive cases could be studied by PCR following recommendations of the 2016 World Health Organization guidelines.
Cytologic Diagnosis of Oncocytic Neoplasms of the Thyroid Gland: The Importance of the Clinical Scenario
imageIt is a diagnostic challenge to differentiate benign and malignant thyroid neoplasms made up of Hürthle (or oncocytic) cells on cytologic material. They are large, polygonal cells with marked eosinophilic, granular cytoplasm reflective of overly abundant mitochondria. These cells commonly occur in nodular goiters and dominant adenomatous or hyperplastic nodules though they may also be the predominant component of neoplastic lesions. There are significant controversies concerning the optimal management of patients with oncocytic cell carcinoma. This review provides an overview of the most significant studies addressing the distinction between benign and malignant Hürthle cell lesions on cytology and histology.
Impact of Primary Antibody Clone, Format, and Stainer Platform on Ki67 Proliferation Indices in Breast Carcinomas
imageKi67 is a nuclear protein expressed during the active phases of the cell cycle, which makes it a biomarker of cell proliferation. In clinical pathology settings, immunohistochemical (IHC) detection of Ki67 is used to calculate Ki67 proliferation indices (PIs), which have prognostic information and are used to subdivide breast carcinomas and neuroendocrine neoplasias. Calculation of Ki67 PIs is notoriously hard and prone to intraobserver and interobserver variance. In addition, IHC protocol settings [such as primary antibody (Ab) clone, clone format, and stainer platform] can affect the result of the IHC assays and in turn the Ki67 PI. Digital image analysis has been suggested as a useful tool to standardize Ki67 counting. Recently, virtual double staining, a computer algorithm segmenting Ki67+ and Ki67− tumor cells using digitally fused parallel cytokeratin and Ki67-stained slides, has been introduced. In this study, we compare Ki67 PIs obtained by virtual double staining in 41 breast carcinomas stained using the most commonly used commercially available primary Ab clones and formats on the main stainer platforms. IHC protocols for the concentrated (conc) Ab and platform combinations were optimized for the highest analytical sensitivity and optimal signal-to-noise ratio, whereas ready-to-use (RTU) formats were used, as recommended by the vendor. Significant differences in the mean Ki67 PIs (relativized to the mean core Ki67) were observed not only between the different Ab clones but also the different formats and stainer platforms; Ki67 PIs with SP6 conc stained on the Ventana BenchMark ULTRA platform were on average 11.9 percentage points (pp) higher than the mean core average, whereas with Ab 30.9 RTU on the Ventana platform, they were 10.4 pp higher. Mib1 RTU (Dako Autostainer Link 48) and MM1 RTU (Leica Bond) provided 8.6 and 12.5 pp lower Ki67 PIs, respectively. Mib1 conc and SP6 conc on the Dako Autostainer and Leica Bond provided similar results—close to the overall average. Significant variations in the proportion of tumors with Ki67 high-level expression (Ki67 PI ≥20%) were observed among Ab, format, and stainer platform combinations. The results underline the challenges in the comparison of Ki67 PIs across Abs, formats, and platforms. Researchers and clinicians need to account for these differences when reporting Ki67 PIs. To advance the usefulness of Ki67 PIs in the research and clinical setting, standardization of Ki67 IHC assays is needed.
High-throughput Sequencing of Subcutaneous Panniculitis-like T-Cell Lymphoma Reveals Candidate Pathogenic Mutations
imageSubcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma (SPTCL) is a malignant primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma that is challenging to distinguish from other neoplastic and reactive panniculitides. In an attempt to identify somatic variants in SPTCL that may be diagnostically or therapeutically relevant, we performed both exome sequencing on paired tumor-normal samples and targeted sequencing of hematolymphoid-malignancy–associated genes on tumor biopsies. Exome sequencing was performed on skin biopsies from 4 cases of skin-limited SPTCL, 1 case of peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified with secondary involvement of the panniculus, and 2 cases of lupus panniculitis. This approach detected between 1 and 13 high-confidence somatic variants that were predicted to result in a protein alteration per case. Variants of interest identified include 1 missense mutation in ARID1B in 1 case of SPTCL. To detect variants that were present at a lower level, we used a more sensitive targeted panel to sequence 41 hematolymphoid-malignancy–associated genes. The targeted panel was applied to 2 of the biopsies that were evaluated by whole exome sequencing as well as 5 additional biopsies. Potentially pathogenic variants were identified in KMT2D and PLCG1 among others, but no gene was altered in >2 of the 7 cases sequenced. One variant that was notably absent from the cases sequences is RHOA G17V. Further work will be required to further elucidate the genetic abnormalities that lead to this rare lymphoma.
Correlating Changes in the Epithelial Gland Tissue With Advancing Colorectal Cancer Histologic Grade, Using IHC Stained for AIB1 Expression Biopsy Material
imageObjective: The objective of this study was to study the textural and color changes occurring in the epithelial gland tissue with advancing colorectal cancer (CRC), utilizing immunohistochemical stain for AIB1 expression biopsy material. Material and Methods: Clinical material comprised biopsy specimens of 67 patients with a diagnosis of CRC. Two experienced pathologists used H&E-stained material for grading CRC lesions and immunohistochemical (IHC) stain for AIB1 expression. Twenty six patients were diagnosed with grade I, 28 with grade II, and 13 with grade III CRC. Guided by pathologists, we selected the regions of interest from AIB1-digitized images of each patient, encompassing the epithelial gland, and we computed 69 features, quantifying textural and color properties of the AIB1-stained lesions. We evaluated the statistical differences between grades by means of the Wilcoxon statistical test for each feature, and we assessed changes in feature values with advancing tumor grade by means of the Point Biserial Correlation. Results: Statistical analysis revealed 14 single features, quantifying textural and color properties of the epithelial gland, which sustained statistically significant differences between LG-CRC and HG-CRC cases. These features were drawn from the gray-level image histogram, the cooccurrence matrix, the run length matrix, the discrete wavelet transform, the Tamura method, and the L*a*b color transform. Conclusions: A systematic statistical analysis of AIB1-stained biopsy material showed that high-grade CRC lesions contain higher intensity levels, appear coarser, are more homogeneous with smooth variation across the image, have lower contrast that is slowly varying across the image, have lower AIB1 staining, and have lower edges. A combination of textural and color attributes, evaluating image gray-tone distribution, textural roughness, inhomogeneity, AIB1 staining, and image coarseness should be considered in evaluating AIB1-stained CRC lesions.
Diagnostic Utility and Limitations of Immunohistochemistry of p16, CDK4, and MDM2 and Automated Dual-color In Situ Hybridization of MDM2 for the Diagnosis of Challenging Cases of Dedifferentiated Liposarcoma
imageThe diagnosis of dedifferentiated liposarcoma (DDLPS) is challenging when an atypical lipomatous tumor component is absent or obscure. To analyze the utility and limitations of ancillary techniques, we studied 11 cases of DDLPS in challenging conditions and 17 cases of nonlipogenic high-grade sarcomas with immunohistochemistry (IHC) for p16, CDK4, and MDM2 and automated dual-color in situ hybridization (DISH) for MDM2 amplification. All DDLPS specimens lacked clear lipogenic components and were immunoreactive for p16, CDK4, and MDM2. DISH analyses also revealed high-level amplification of MDM2 in all DDLPS. In contrast, among nonlipogenic sarcomas, p16, CDK4, and MDM2 were expressed in 8, 9, and 3 cases, respectively. MDM2 amplification was detected in 3 of 8 studied. The MDM2-amplified tumors were the same as the MDM2-immunoreactive tumors. After careful reevaluation of these 3 sarcomas, 2 were reclassified as DDLPS because small areas of lipogenic components were detected in the original specimens. The respective sensitivities and specificities of these markers were as follows: p16 IHC (100% and 60%), CDK4 IHC (100% and 53.3%), MDM2 IHC (100% and 93.3%), and MDM2 DISH (100% and 83.3%). The results of MDM2 IHC completely coincided with those of MDM2 DISH. The present study confirmed the substantial utility of MDM2 IHC and MDM2 DISH in the diagnosis of DDLPS, especially when lipogenic components were indistinct compared with IHC for p16 and CDK4. Furthermore, automated DISH was more practical than fluorescent in situ hybridization.
Improved Tumor Purity Metrics in Next-generation Sequencing for Clinical Practice: The Integrated Interpretation of Neoplastic Cellularity and Sequencing Results (IINCaSe) Approach
imageNeoplastic cellularity contributes to the analytic sensitivity of most present technologies for mutation detection, such that they underperform when stroma and inflammatory cells dilute a cancer specimen’s variant fraction. Thus, tumor purity assessment by light microscopy is used to determine sample adequacy before sequencing and to interpret the significance of negative results and mutant allele fraction afterwards. However, pathologist estimates of tumor purity are imprecise and have limited reproducibility. With the advent of massively parallel sequencing, large amounts of molecular data can be analyzed by computational purity algorithms. We retrospectively compared tumor purity of 3 computational algorithms with neoplastic cellularity using hematoxylin and eosin light microscopy to determine which was best for clinical evaluation of molecular profiling. Data were analyzed from 881 cancer patients from a clinical trial cohort, LCCC1108 (UNCseq), whose tumors had targeted massively parallel sequencing. Concordance among algorithms was poor, and the specimens analyzed had high rates of algorithm failure partially due to variable tumor purity. Computational tumor purity estimates did not add value beyond the pathologist’s estimate of neoplastic cellularity microscopy. To improve present methods, we propose a semiquantitative, clinically applicable strategy based on mutant allele fraction and copy number changes present within a given specimen, which when combined with the morphologic tumor purity estimate, guide the interpretation of next-generation sequencing results in cancer patients.
Paraffin Immunofluorescence: A Role Beyond Kidney Biopsies
imageParaffin immunofluorescence is a well established “salvage” technique in renal pathology when representative glomeruli are not found in the fresh frozen tissue sent for routine direct immunofluorescence studies. A step of enzymatic digestion of the formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded biopsy exposes the antigenic immune complexes and allows staining with fluorochrome-tagged antibodies. We explored the utility of the technique of paraffin immunofluorescence outside the kidney in certain specific scenarios including extra renal amyloid and duodenal macroglobulinemia.

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