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Σάββατο 16 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Forensic Spermatozoa Detection
imageSemen is crucial evidence for some sex crimes, with its sole confirmation being sperm detection. The success of sperm detection is dependent on all levels of preanalytic and analytic procedures. Specimen collection must be performed by well-trained and competent forensic physicians as well as forensic nurses, with preservation done properly before laboratory transfer. Laboratory procedures should consider archival sperm identification, by visualization, with adequate amounts separated from other cells to obtain male DNA profiles. Differential extraction is robust and accepted as the forensic standard but is time consuming and may result in male DNA loss. Thus, alternative methods and microdevices have been developed. Challenges in sperm isolation from vaginal or buccal epithelium mixes and discrimination in multiperpetrator cases have been overcome by single-cell profiling; however, problems inherent in identical twin discrimination and azoospermia have yet to be solved. Epigenetics and future molecular biomarkers may hold the key; therefore, all laboratory processes must consider DNA and RNA protection. Long-term specimen preservation should be done when possible in light of future confirmatory tests.
Causes of Sudden Unexpected Death in Schizophrenia Patients: A Forensic Autopsy Population Study
imageBackground Schizophrenia is a detrimental psychiatric disorder, with an increased mortality from natural and nonnatural causes. Methods This study was a retrospective review of autopsy cases of all the individuals with history of schizophrenia investigated by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, State of Maryland, for a 5-year period from 2008 to 2012. Result A total of 391 schizophrenia patients were autopsied at the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner because they died suddenly and unexpectedly. Their age ranged from 15 to 100 years with the mean age of 49.5 years. Of the 391 deaths, 191 (48.8%) were white, 185 (47.3%) were African American, and 15 (3.9%) were either Hispanic or Asian. The male and female ratio was 1.5:1. The majority of deaths (64.2%) were caused by natural diseases, 12.0% deaths were accidents, 11.5% deaths were suicides, and 9.7% deaths were homicides. The manner of death remained undetermined in 38 cases (9.7%). Of the 251 natural deaths, 198 cases (78.9%) were owing to cardiovascular diseases. Cause of death was listed as cardiac arrhythmia in 11 cases. This diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmia was made by exclusion based on death scene investigation, review of medical history, complete autopsy, and toxicological tests. Drug intoxication was the second most common cause of death. Conclusions The study shows high fatality caused by cardiovascular diseases and drug intoxication among schizophrenia patients, which calls attention of the medical community to closely monitor the high risk factors of sudden death among schizophrenia patients.
Organ Weight Reference Ranges for Ages 0 to 12 Years
imageAbnormal organ weights often serve as an indicator of underlying disease or other pathological process making assessment of organ weight a critical part of the autopsy examination and interpretation. Unfortunately, normal organ weights for children are often based on studies done in the 1930s and 1960s. Thus, the present study was designed to accurately assess organ weights in children to establish reference ranges for use in autopsy examinations. A total of 1759 traumatic deaths in children aged 0 to 12 years were reviewed. Analysis revealed that body length was the best predictor for organ weight. Reference ranges were established and stratified by both age and body length.
Significance of Morphine Concentration in Bile, Liver, and Blood: Analysis of 52 Cases of Heroin Overdoses
imageForensic pathologists are requested to select matrices alternative to blood in cases of toxicological interest in which blood is not available for different reasons. We evaluated morphine concentrations in blood, bile, and liver samples in 52 cases of heroin overdoses, relating them to each other, to understand the information that could be derived from their analysis. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis was performed for all the samples positive on screening for opiates. Shapiro-Wilk test, nonparametric Mann-Whitney test, linear regression analysis, and Bland-Altman test were used for analysis. Linear regression demonstrated that there was not a statistically significant association in morphine concentrations between blood and bile and blood and liver. Mean liver/blood ratio was 2.76, varying from 0.131 to 13.379, and bile/blood ratio was 28.79, varying from 0.28 to 559.16. According to these results, bile analysis is a “screening test”; biliary or hepatic concentration of morphine cannot provide information on hematic concentration at the time of death, having no forensic value taken individually.
The Unique and Misunderstood Wound Ballistics in the John F. Kennedy Assassination
imagePresident Kennedy sustained 2 gunshot wounds on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas, while riding in the right-rear seat of the presidential limousine. The convertible top was down, and no special ballistic protection for the occupants was present. The ballistic events in the assassination and subsequent ballistic evidence were not fully understood then and continue to be misunderstood and often misrepresented today. These facts are largely the consequence of the very uncommon wound ballistic properties of the 6.5-mm Carcano bullets associated with the President's gunshot wounds and the visual responses of the President to his 2 gunshot wounds so often viewed in the 8-mm Zapruder film. An understanding of the wound ballistic characteristics associated with the John F. Kennedy assassination also applies to certain contemporary bullets. Such an understanding could assist forensic pathologists in future cases in evaluating and correctly interpreting gunshot wounds associated with these types of bullets.
Religion, Culture, and Autopsy: A Survey With Muslim Religious Officials
imageThe autopsy maintains its significance both forensically and medically despite enormous developments in antemortem and postmortem diagnostic methods. The present study probes the knowledge, attitude, and behavior of religious officials in our city toward autopsy and make an evaluation of how religion and culture affect those factors. The study consists of 219 Imams (male) and 69 Quran instructors (female) who serve in urban and rural regions of Kahramanmaras and approved informed consent forms. Two hundred thirty (79%) of the participants stated that the autopsy was an appropriate process according to Islam; 1 (0.3%) stated that it was inappropriate, whereas 57 (19.8%) were observed to have no idea regarding its appropriateness. The mean knowledge score that participants had about autopsy was determined to be 7.45 ± 1.73 (min = 1, max = 10). On the other hand, 240 participants (83.3%) stated that it was important for the religious officials to inform the society about the autopsy. The negative attitude toward autopsy stems from the lack of knowledge and traditions. The religious officials could help the doctors to change the negative attitude stemming from tradition toward the autopsy.
Postmortem Tryptase Level in 120 Consecutive Nonanaphylactic Deaths: Establishing a Reference Range as <23 μg/L
imagePostmortem tryptase is a useful biochemical test to aid the diagnosis of anaphylaxis. Multiple perimortem and postmortem factors have been documented to cause an elevation in postmortem tryptase level. One factor that was recently recognized to have an impact on postmortem tryptase level is correct sampling technique. A recent study recommended aspirating blood samples from a clamped femoral/external iliac vein to be used for reliable postmortem tryptase analysis. This study sampled 120 consecutive nonanaphylactic deaths in which all the peripheral bloods were sampled as recommended. Postmortem interval, resuscitation, different nonanaphylactic causes of death, sex, and age did not show any statistical significant relation to postmortem tryptase level in Student t test, Pearson correlation, and univariate and multivariate analyses. The mean (SD) postmortem tryptase level was 8.4 (5.2) μg/L (minimum, 1.0 μg/L; maximum, 36.1 μg/L; median, 7.3 μg/L). Using nonparametric methods, the postmortem tryptase reference range in nonanaphylactic death was established as <23 μg/L (97.5th percentile).
Black Mamba Death: Venom Versus Antivenom?
imageWe present the case of a male adult who was admitted to an emergency department after having sustained envenomation from a black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis). According to the available history, a single fang hooked his right index finger, post venom extraction. After administering antivenom in the accident and emergency department, further vials were transfused in the intensive care unit. An urticarial rash was noted, which was thought to be related to the antivenom. The victim remained in a coma for 3 days, after which he was declared dead. A medicolegal postmortem examination was performed 4 days after death because of logistical reasons. The complexities of differentiating acute envenomation from black mamba versus early acute reactions to polyvalent antivenom administration are highlighted in this case study.
Dilemma of Gonial Angle in Sex Determination: Sexually Dimorphic or Not?
imageBackground and Aim The determination of sex from human remains has a crucial role in forensic anthropology. It has been known that the mandible has several useful traits for sex determination. The gonial angle, which is one of them, has been evaluated by forensic practitioners to identify sexual dimorphism with morphologic and metrical analyses. However, there are opposing approaches on the sexual dimorphism of the gonial angle in the literature, which contradict each other. There are also some other studies asserting that it cannot be employed in sex determination. The purpose of this study is first to figure out the reason for this dilemma and then establish the significance of the gonial angle in sex determination in a white sample. Methods Computed tomography scans were obtained from 300 adults (150 males and 150 females), which were divided into 3 age groups (20–39, 40–59, 60–80 years). The gonial angle, which is formed by 2 lines: (1) between the most posterior point of the mandibular condyle and the gonion and (2) between the most inferior point of the mandibular symphysis and gonion, was measured on computed tomography scans. In order to observe differences among the 3 age groups, the collected data were analyzed using 1-way analysis of variance followed by a least significant difference post hoc test. Two-way analysis of variance was used to compare sex differences in each age group. Discussion It is suggested that the probable reason of this dilemma is the unsubtle samples of the researches. Categorizing the sample into age groups with statistically sufficient number makes the data more valuable in terms of examining the differences related to sexual dimorphism. This study also reported that males showed slightly smaller gonial angle values than those of females in all age groups. No statistically significant difference was observed in the gonial anthropometric values for middle age groups (20–39 and 40–59 years), whereas it shows statistically sexual dimorphism for senior adult group (60–80 years). However, the results revealed that the gonial angle is not a particularly good indicator to identify the sex from the cranium and should not be used as a sole criterion.

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