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Κυριακή 24 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Cardiac Chagas Disease: MMPs, TIMPs, Galectins, and TGF-β as Tissue Remodelling Players
A century after the discovery of Chagas disease, studies are still needed to establish the complex pathophysiology of this disease. However, it is known that several proteins and molecules are related to the establishment of this disease, its evolution, and the appearance of its different clinical forms. Metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors, galectins, and TGF-β are involved in the process of infection and consequently the development of myocarditis, tissue remodeling, and fibrosis upon...
Disease Markers
How to Advocate for Educational Audiology
Educational audiology is a related service stated in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (special education law), but service provision varies, depending on the area of the country. This course will describe how clinical audiologists can support their patients and advocate for educational audiology services.
Fluorescence detection of 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid by ratiometric fluorescence imaging on paper-based microfluidic chips
Analyst, 2019, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/C9AN01798D, PaperZhong Zhang, Xin Ma, Bowei Li, Jia Zhao, Ji Qi, Guoying Hao, Jianhui Rong, Xingbin YangFluorescence detection of pesticide contamination provides timely control of food safety. This study is to construct novel and facile microfluidic paper-based analytical devices for the ratiometric fluorescent determination of pesticides....The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) Society for Analytical Chemistry Society of Public Analysts (Great Britain)
The fabrication of gold nanoelectrode-nanopore nanopipette for dopamine enrichment and multimode detection
Analyst, 2019, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/C9AN01990A, PaperDan Yang, Guohui Liu, Hongna Li, Aoxue Liu, Jing Guo, Yuping Shan, Zhe Wang, Jin HeIt is important to further improve the electrophysiology and electrochemistry techniques of neurotransmitter detection. Here, we report the development of multifunctional nanopipette-based integrated approaches for the detection of neurotransmitters. We...The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) Society for Analytical Chemistry Society of Public Analysts (Great Britain)
New open access no-fee journal on rural neurosciences
Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice (www.ruralneuropractice.com) is new semi-annual peer-reviewed open access journal to be published from January 2010 on behalf of the Associacion Ayuda Enfermo Neuroquirurgico. The journal would not charge the authors for submission, processing or publication of manuscripts and would provide immediate free access to all its content.September-2009
Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery : 2017 - 50(3)

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