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Τρίτη 12 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Biogelx and Regemat 3D partner to provide complete 3D bioprinting solutions
Scottish biomaterial developer, Biogelx, and Regemat 3D, a Spain manufacturer of bioprinting systems, have partnered to develop a new skin model as well as offering complete bioprinting solutions for research institutes worldwide. “We are excited to see future tissue models using Biogelx-INKs,” said Sandy Bulloch, Director of Strategic Alliances, Biogelx. “We believe that this strategic partnership will expand the […]
3D Printing Industry » Medical & Dental
Tue Nov 12, 2019 20:54
Formlabs launches Form 3B 3D printer and Formlabs Dental business unit
Formlabs has launched a new 3D printer and business unit for dental 3D printing. The Formlabs Form 3B 3D printer is a resin-based system marketed to dental labs and supported by an expanded range of materials. The new business unit will be called Formlabs Dental. Max Lobovsky, CEO and co-founder of Formlabs said, “Our new […]
3D Printing Industry » Medical & Dental
Tue Nov 12, 2019 16:00
BellaSeno 3D printed breast implants to commence clinical trials with Evonik materials
Leading German specialty chemicals business Evonik has signed a long-term agreement with 3D printed scaffold developer BellaSeno GmbH. The agreement guarantees BellaSeno’s use of Evonik’s bioresorbable polymer RESOMER in the production of its proprietary 3D printed Senella product. BellaSeno achieved ISO 13485 certification for its Senella breast scaffolds in July this year, and successfully raised a further €1 million to […]
3D Printing Industry » Medical & Dental
Tue Nov 12, 2019 13:38
[ASAP] Cathode Interfacial Layer Formation <italic toggle="yes">via</italic> <italic toggle="yes">in Situ</italic> Electrochemically Charging in Aqueous Zinc-Ion Battery
ACS NanoDOI: 10.1021/acsnano.9b07042
ACS Nano: Latest Articles (ACS Publications)
Tue Nov 12, 2019 07:00
[ASAP] PIEZO1-Mediated Currents Are Modulated by Substrate Mechanics
ACS NanoDOI: 10.1021/acsnano.9b07499
ACS Nano: Latest Articles (ACS Publications)
Tue Nov 12, 2019 07:00
Item-level psychometrics of a brief self-reported memory problem screening measure in breast cancer survivors.
Conclusion: The CFA and DIF analysis supported the construct validity of the SRMP and its use in an ethnically diverse breast cancer population. These findings provide further evidence of the generalizability for the SRMP, and support its utilization as a psychometrically valid and reliable screening measure of cancer and treatment-related memory difficulties. PMID: 31702413 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] (Source: Acta Oncologica)
Acta Oncologica
Fri Nov 08, 2019 00:00
The association between socioeconomic position and tumour size, grade, stage, and mortality in Danish sarcoma patients - A national, observational study from 2000 to 2013.
Conclusion: In this nationwide, multicentre, population-based study, soft tissue sarcoma patients living alone had greater risk of having a large tumour at time of diagnosis. Soft tissue and bone sarcoma patients with a short education, low income, or living alone, had a higher mortality. This might indicate that the social differences in mortality might be related to treatment aspects and the biology of the disease rather that the diagnostic process. PMID: 31702424 [PubMed - as supplied by...
Acta Oncologica
Fri Nov 08, 2019 00:00
Parents' needs of support following the loss of a child to cancer: a Swedish, prospective, longitudinal, multi-centre study.
Conclusion: Bereaved parents need and benefit of support from healthcare professionals and significant others. Results show a need for improved access to psychosocial services, even at five years post bereavement. Large-scale studies are needed to better understand the associations between parent and child characteristics and support needs. PMID: 31702406 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] (Source: Acta Oncologica)
Acta Oncologica
Fri Nov 08, 2019 00:00
Infantile acute liver failure in the West of Scotland
BackgroundOur current understanding regarding the aetiology of infantile acute liver failure largely derives from studies conducted by regional liver units. This may introduce selection bias and therefore not provide a true reflection of the wider population.MethodsEvery coagulation screen with a prothrombin time ≥18 s in our centre was examined over one calendar year. All patients less than 1 year of age were included and their electronic records retrospectively reviewed.Results24 patients were...
ADC Online First
Tue Nov 12, 2019 19:00
Counting every small and sick newborn: better data, better care
Counting outcomes beyond newborn survivalEnsuring every newborn survives and thrives requires ongoing attention to prevent the 2.5 million newborn deaths that occur worldwide every year and greater investment in measuring and improving long-term outcomes, beyond survival, especially for the most vulnerable small and sick newborns in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs).1 The majority of newborn deaths worldwide occur in LMICs and are preventable.1 As efforts to reduce preventable newborn...
ADC Online First
Tue Nov 12, 2019 19:00
High-Intensity Drinking by Parental Status: Differences by Age and Sex
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Addictive BehaviorsAuthor(s): Megan E. Patrick, Rebecca Evans-Polce, Anna C. Wagner, Christopher J. MehusAbstractAimsTo examine differences in high-intensity drinking (HID) by parental status, parent age, and parent sex, including two- and three-way interaction effects of these parent demographic categories.MethodsThe present study included individuals ages 18-50 from the National Epidemiologic Study of Alcohol and Related Conditions-III...
Addictive Behaviors
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:22
Trends in college students’ alcohol, nicotine, prescription opioid and other drug use after recreational marijuana legalization: 2008-2018
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Addictive BehaviorsAuthor(s): Zoe M. Alley, David C.R. Kerr, Harold BaeAbstractBackgroundYoung adult college students may be particularly sensitive to recreational marijuana legalization (RML). Although evidence indicates the prevalence of marijuana use among college students increased after states instituted RML, there have been few national studies investigating changes in college students’ other substance use post-RML.MethodThe cross-sectional...
Addictive Behaviors
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:22
Toric tableaux and the inhomogeneous two-species TASEP on a ring
Publication date: February 2020Source: Advances in Applied Mathematics, Volume 113Author(s): Olya MandelshtamAbstractThe inhomogeneous two-species TASEP on a ring is an exclusion process that describes particles of different species hopping clockwise on a ring with inhomogeneous rates given by parameters. We introduce a new object that we call toric rhombic alternative tableaux, which are certain fillings of tableaux on a triangular lattice tiled with rhombi, and are in bijection with the well-studied...
Adv. in Applied Math.
Tue Nov 12, 2019 13:07
Study of Frequency and Characteristics of Red Blood Cell Alloimmunization in Thalassemic Patients: Multicenter Study from Palestine
Background. β-Thalassemia is a common inherited hemolytic disorder in Palestine. Red blood cell (RBC) transfusion is the principal treatment but it may cause RBC alloimmunization. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence and characteristics of RBC alloimmunization among thalassemic patients in northern governorates of Palestine. Methods. A prospective multicenter observational study was conducted in the thalassemia transfusion centers in the northern governorates of Palestine. The study...
Advances in Hematology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:05
Partitioning evapotranspiration and its long-term evolution in a dry pine forest using measurement-based estimates of soil evaporation
Publication date: 15 February 2020Source: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Volume 281Author(s): Rafat Qubaja, Madi Amer, Fyodor Tatarinov, Eyal Rotenberg, Yakir Preisler, Michael Sprintsin, Dan YakirAbstractThe future of forests and their productivity in dry environments will depend on both water availability through precipitation and ecosystem and plant water use characteristics. It is increasingly recognized that better understanding water use patterns and their response to change depends on...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:41
ALCOHOL; +86 new citations
86 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: ALCOHOL These pubmed results were generated on 2019/11/12PubMed comprises more than millions of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:19
G-protein coupled receptor 55 agonists increase insulin secretion through inositol trisphosphate-mediated calcium release in pancreatic β-cells.
Related ArticlesG-protein coupled receptor 55 agonists increase insulin secretion through inositol trisphosphate-mediated calcium release in pancreatic β-cells. Eur J Pharmacol. 2019 Jul 05;854:372-379 Authors: Vong CT, Tseng HHL, Kwan YW, Lee SM, Hoi MPM Abstract G-protein coupled receptor 55 (GPR55) is an orphan G-protein coupled receptor, which is activated by endocannabinoids and lipid transmitters. Recently, GPR55 was shown to play a role in glucose...
Alcohol and Homeostasis
Tue Nov 12, 2019 14:03
Galactose-α-1,3-galactose (alpha-gal) allergy: first pediatric case in a series of patients in Spain
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Allergologia et ImmunopathologiaAuthor(s): J Martín-Lázaro, R Núñez-Orjales, L.A. González-Guzmán, M.T. González, M. Boquete, F. CarballadaAbstractIntroduction and ObjectivesAllergy to galactose-α-1,3-galactose (alpha-gal) is a peculiar form of food allergy generally manifesting as an anaphylactic reaction hours after mammalian meat consumption, due to the presence of specific IgE against this oligosaccharide. In addition, immediate anaphylaxis...
Allergologia et Immunopathologia
Tue Nov 12, 2019 19:45
Clinical characterization and predictors of IOS-defined small airway dysfunction in asthma.
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In PracticeAuthor(s): Marcello Cottini, Anita Licini, Carlo Lombardi, Alvise BertiAbstractBackgroundThe involvement of small airways has recently gained greater recognition in asthma. Impulse oscillometry (IOS) is a simple and noninvasive method based on the forced oscillation technique, for the detection of small airway dysfunction (SAD).ObjectiveWe aimed to identify the predictors of SAD in...
Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:31
Specific IgE as the best predictor of the outcome of challenges to baked milk and baked egg
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In PracticeAuthor(s): Rachel De Boer, Natalia Cartledge, Sophia Lazenby, Aurelio Tobias, Susan Chan, Adam T. Fox, Alexandra F. Santos
Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:31
An Observed Serving Dose May Not Be Necessary Following a Standard Divided Dose FPIES Oral Food Challenge (OFC)
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In PracticeAuthor(s): Mariam W. Guenther, Maria Crain, Christopher P. Parrish, J. Andrew Bird
Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:31
A bad cough: delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity caused by pholcodine.
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In PracticeAuthor(s): Van Acker Julie, Ebo Didier, Faber Margriet, Sabato Vito, Suys Erwin, Coghe Marjan, Aerts Olivier
Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:31
Distinct clinical characteristics of boys and girls with eosinophilic esophagitis
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In PracticeAuthor(s): Elizabeth A. Erwin, Aishwarya Navalpakam, Ruchi Singla, Joshua Bolender, Lisa J. Workman, Thomas A.E. Platts-Mills
Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:31
Structure and Properties of Violet Phosphorus and its Phosphorene Exfoliation
Black phosphorene has attracted much attention as a semiconducting two‐dimensional material. Violet phosphorus is another layered semiconducting phosphorus allotrope with unique electronic and optoelectronic properties. However, no confirmed violet crystals or reliable lattice structure of violet phosphorus has been obtained. The further exploration of violet phosphorus and violet phosphorene are restricted. The violet phosphorus single crystal has been produced and the lattice structure has been...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Tue Nov 12, 2019 19:18
Enantioselective Alkynylation of Trifluoromethyl Ketones Catalyzed by Cation‐Binding Salen Nickel Complexes.
Cation‐binding salen nickel catalysts were developed for the enantioselective alkynylation of trifluoromethyl ketones in high yield (up to 99%) and high enantioselectivity (up to 97% ee). The reaction proceeds with substoichiometric quantities of base (10‐20 mol% KOt‐Bu) and open to air. In the case of trifluoromethyl vinyl ketones, excellent chemo‐selectivity was observed, generating 1,2‐addition products exclusively over 1,4‐addition products. UV‐vis analysis revealed the pendant oligo‐ether group...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Tue Nov 12, 2019 19:18
Enhanced Diffusion of Molecular Catalysts is Due to Convection
Active catalysts go with the flow: The potential of active enzymes or catalysts acting as propulsive nano‐motors to drive enhanced diffusion has drawn great interest. A detailed NMR study of two metal catalysts found this behavior to actually be bulk convective flow, raising questions of the generality of this phenomenon. Abstract Intriguing reports of enhanced diffusion in enzymes and molecular catalysts have spurred significant interest in experimental and theoretical investigations, and...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Tue Nov 12, 2019 19:18
A Solid‐State Reference Electrode Based on a Self‐Referencing Pulstrode
The design of solid‐state reference electrodes without liquid junction is of great importance to allow for miniature and cost‐effective electrochemical sensors in environmental and biomedical applications. To address this, we propose here a pulse control protocol using an Ag/AgI element as reliable solid‐state reference electrode. It involves the local release of iodide by a cathodic current that is immediately followed by an electromotive force (EMF) measurement that serves as the reference potential....
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:50
Carbazole‐Based Tetrapodal Anchor Groups for Gold Surfaces: Synthesis and Conductance Properties
As the field of molecular‐scale electronics matures and the prospect of devices incorporating molecular wires becomes more feasible, it is necessary to progress from the simple anchor groups used in fundamental conductance studies to more elaborate anchors designed with device stability in mind. This study presents a series of oligo(phenylene‐ethynylene) wires with one tetrapodal anchor and a phenyl or pyridyl head group. The new anchors are designed to bind strongly to gold surfaces without disrupting...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:49
Tandem Use of Optical Sensing and Machine Learning for the Determination of Absolute Configuration, Enantiomeric and Diastereomeric Ratios, and Concentration of Chiral Samples
Quantitative optical sensing of samples containing both enantiomeric and diastereomeric species of a chiral compound remains a major challenge. We have now developed an optical method for accurate concentration, er and dr analysis of amino alcohols based on a simple mix‐and‐measure workflow that is fully adaptable to multiwell plate technology and microscale analysis. We found that conversion of the four aminoindanol stereoisomers with salicylaldehyde to the corresponding Schiff base allows analysis...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:10
Tunable thermoelastic anisotropy in hybrid Bragg stacks with extreme polymer confinement
Controlling thermomechanical anisotropy is important for emerging heat management applications such as thermal interface and electronic packaging materials. Whereas many studies report on thermal transport in anisotropic nanocomposite materials, a fundamental understanding of the interplay between mechanical and thermal properties is missing, due to the lack of measurements of direction‐dependent mechanical properties. In this work, exceptionally coherent and transparent hybrid Bragg stacks made...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:09
Analysis of Powders Containing Illicit Drugs Using Magnetic Levitation
Magneto‐Archimedes levitation (MagLev) enables the separation of powdered mixtures of illicit drugs (cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, fentanyl and its analogs), adulterants, and diluents based on density, and allows the presumptive identification of individual components. Small samples (mass <50 mg), with low concentrations of illicit drugs, present a particular challenge to analysis for forensic chemists. The MagLev device—a cuvette containing a solution of paramagnetic gadolinium(III) chelate...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Tue Nov 12, 2019 15:43
Prospect of S@pPAN cathode materials for rechargeable lithium batteries
Lithium‐sulfur (Li‐S) batteries are well known as one of the most promising next‐generation batteries owing to its ultra‐high theoretical energy density and abundant sulfur resources. During the past 20 years, various sulfur materials have been reported. As the representative of molecular scale sulfur composite cathode, sulfurized pyrolyzed poly(acrylonitrile) (S@pPAN) exhibits several competitive advantages in terms of electrochemical behaviors. Currently, S@pPAN attracts increasing attentions although...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Tue Nov 12, 2019 14:40
Photochemical Carbopyridylation of Alkenes Using N‐Alkenoxypyridinium Salts as Bifunctional Reagents
N‐Alkenoxypyridinium salts have been used as synthons for umpolung enolates for the preparation of α‐functionalized carbonyl compounds. In contrast, we found that the photoreduction of N‐alkenoxypyridinium salts generates α‐carbonyl radicals after cleavage of the N−O bond, allowing the simultaneous incorporation of α‐keto and pyridyl groups across unactivated alkenes. In the process, the formed α‐carbonyl radicals engage unactivated alkenes to afford alkyl radical intermediates poised for subsequent...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:40
One‐Step Synthesis of 2,5‐Diaminoimidazoles and Total Synthesis of Methylglyoxal‐Derived Imidazolium Crosslink (MODIC)
Whole in one: A general method was developed for the synthesis of 2,5‐diaminoimidazoles through a thermal reaction between α‐aminoketones and substituted guanylhydrazines. This one‐step reaction works successfully on both cyclic and acyclic amino ketone starting materials, as well as a range of substituted guanylhydrazines. The method was applied to the efficient synthesis of the advanced glycation end product (AGE) methylglyoxal‐derived imidazolium crosslink (MODIC). Abstract Here we describe...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:21
trans‐Selective Insertional Dihydroboration of a cis‐Diborene: Synthesis of Linear sp3‐sp2‐sp3‐Triboranes and Subsequent Cationization
A dibora[2]ferrocenophane undergoes 100 % trans‐selective 1,2‐dihydroboration with amino‐ and aryldihydroboranes, with formal insertion of a borylene unit into the B=B double bond. The resulting aryltriboranes undergo reversible tautomerization under UV irradiation as well as hydride abstraction to the cationic H‐bridged triboranes. Abstract The reaction of aryl‐ and amino(dihydro)boranes with dibora[2]ferrocenophane 1 leads to the formation 1,3‐trans‐dihydrotriboranes by formal hydrogenation...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:19
Selective Autonomous Molecular Transport and Collection by Hydrogel‐Embedded Supramolecular Chemical Gradients
Chemical‐gradient‐driven concentration enhances the sensitivity and selectivity of chemical sensors. In their Communication (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.20190864710.1002/anie.201908647), P. V. Braun et al. show how hydrogel‐embedded radially symmetric cyclodextrin gradients direct transport of molecules including the nerve agent simulant 4‐methylumbelliferyl phosphate. To provide near real‐time read‐out of the analyte concentration an array of IR‐resonant metallic nanoantennas was used to enhance...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:19
Nucleation and Growth of Amino Acid and Peptide Supramolecular Polymers through Liquid–Liquid Phase Separation
The separation of the liquid phase into solute‐rich and solute‐poor phases is an elementary step leading to the nucleation of supramolecular nanofibrils from amphiphilic amino acids and peptides. As X. Yan, T. P. J. Knowles et al. show in their Research Article (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.20191178210.1002/anie.201911782), the solute‐rich liquid droplets with low enthalpy act as nucleation sites, significantly decrease the nucleation barrier towards solid phase, and eventually form thermodynamically...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:19
Hot π‐Electron Tunneling of Metal–Insulator–COF Nanostructures for Efficient Hydrogen Production
COFing hydrogen: A MIS (metal–insulator–semiconductor) photosystem can efficiently extract hot π‐electrons of n‐type organic COF semiconductors for hydrogen production and gain a 32‐fold‐enhanced carrier efficiency and an impressive turnover frequency of 789.5 h−1 under visible light excitation. Abstract A metal–insulator–semiconductor (MIS) photosystem based on covalent organic framework (COF) semiconductors was designed for robust and efficient hydrogen evolution under visible‐light irradiation....
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:18

Charge‐Shift Bonding: A New and Unique Form of Bonding
New description of valence bonding: The vertices of the triangle in the figure are labeled with the three variables of electron‐pair bonding, Φcov , Φion , and REcs (charge‐shift resonance energy), which lead to three families of valence bonding, covalent, ionic, and charge‐shift bonding, respectively. A variety of tricky bonding situations such as dative bonds, coordinative bonds, 3e‐bonds, and hypervalent bonds can be best described by charge‐shift bonding. Abstract Charge‐shift bonds (CSBs)...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:18
Role of the Iodide–Methylammonium Interaction in the Ferroelectricity of CH3NH3PbI3
Cause and effect: Although the question of the ferroelectricity of CH3NH3PbI3 is of essential importance for understanding its performance, it has long been disputed. Insight into the crystallographic origin of the breaking of the inversion symmetry in the structure, a necessary prerequisite for ferroelectricity, is now provided. Abstract Excellent conversion efficiencies of over 20 % and facile cell production have placed hybrid perovskites at the forefront of novel solar cell materials, with...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:15
Ultrasound Activated Vesicle of Janus Au‐MnO Nanoparticles for Promoted Tumor Penetration and Sono‐Chemodynamic Therapy of Orthotopic Liver Cancer
Sonodynamic therapy (SDT) has the advantages of high penetration, non‐invasiveness and controllability, and is suitable for deep‐seated tumors. However, there is still a lack of effective sonosensitizers with high sensitivity, safety and penetration. Herein, we designed ultrasound (US) and glutathione (GSH) dual responsive vesicles of Janus Au‐MnO nanoparticles (JNPs) coated with PEG and a ROS‐sensitive polymer. Upon US irradiation, the vesicles were disassembled into small Janus Au‐MnO nanoparticles...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Mon Nov 11, 2019 21:05
Highly acidic conjugate‐base‐stabilized carboxylic acids catalyze enantioselective oxa‐Pictet–Spengler reactions with ketals
Acyclic ketone‐derived oxocarbenium ions, intermediates that are involved in numerous reactions providing valuable products, have thus far eluded efforts aimed at asymmetric catalysis.  We report that a readily accessible chiral carboxylic acid catalyst exerts control over asymmetric cyclizations of acyclic ketone‐derived trisubstituted oxocarbenium ions, achieving the synthesis of highly enantioenriched dihydropyran products containing a tetrasubstituted stereogenic center.  The high acidity of...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Mon Nov 11, 2019 20:59
Isolation of a Perfectly Linear Uranium(II) Metallocene
Reduction of the uranium(III) metallocene [(η 5 ‐C 5 i Pr 5 ) 2 UI] ( 1 ) with potassium graphite produces the 'second‐generation' uranocene [(η 5 ‐C 5 i Pr 5 ) 2 U] ( 2 ), which contains uranium in the formal divalent oxidation state. The geometry of 2 is that of a perfectly linear bis(cyclopentadienyl) sandwich complex, with the ground‐state valence electron configuration of uranium(II) revealed by electronic spectroscopy and density functional theory to be 5f 3 6d 1...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Mon Nov 11, 2019 20:28
Ring‐Opening Lithiation–Borylation of 2‐Trifluoromethyl Oxirane: A Route to Versatile Tertiary Trifluoromethyl Boronic Esters
Stereogenic trifluoromethyl‐substituted carbon centres are highly sought‐after moieties in pharmaceutical and agrochemical discovery. Here, we show that lithiation–borylation reactions of 2‐trifluoromethyl oxirane give densely functionalised and highly versatile trifluoromethyl‐substituted α‐tertiary boronic esters. The intermediate boronate complexes undergo the desired 1,2‐rearrangement of the carbon‐based group with complete retentive stereospecificity, a process that was only observed in non‐polar...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Mon Nov 11, 2019 20:12
Objective Assessment of Fitness to Perform (FTOP) After Surgical Night Shifts in the Netherlands: An Observational Study Using the Validated FTOP Self-test in Daily Surgical Practice
Background: Surgical skills and decision making are influenced by alertness, reaction time, eye-hand coordination, and concentration. Night shift might impair these functions but it is unclear to what extent. The aim of this study was to investigate whether a night shift routinely impairs the surgeon's fitness to perform and whether this reaches a critical limit as compared to relevant frames of reference. Methods: Consultants (n = 59) and residents (n = 103) conducted fitness to perform...
Annals of Surgery - Most Popular Articles
Fri Nov 01, 2019 02:00
Comprehensive Comparative Analysis of Prognostic Value of Systemic Inflammatory Biomarkers for Patients with Stage II/III Colon Cancer
ConclusionsLCR may be the most useful predictive factor for OS and DFS in patients with stage II or III colon cancer. (Source: Annals of Surgical Oncology)
Annals of Surgical Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 00:00
Health-Related Quality of Life After Cytoreductive Surgery/HIPEC for Mucinous Appendiceal Cancer: Results of a Multicenter Randomized Trial Comparing Oxaliplatin and Mitomycin
ConclusionsCompared with mitomycin, HIPEC perfusion with oxaliplatin results in significantly better physical and functional outcomes. With similar survival outcomes and complication rates, oxaliplatin should be considered as the chemoperfusion agent of choice in mucinous appendiceal cancer patients undergoing CRS/HIPEC. (Source: Annals of Surgical Oncology)
Annals of Surgical Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 00:00
Surgery with Radical Intent: Is There an Indication for G3 Neuroendocrine Neoplasms?
ConclusionsSurgery with radical intent might represent a valid option for GEP-NEN G3 patients with locoregional disease, especially with Ki67 value  ≤ 55%. (Source: Annals of Surgical Oncology)
Annals of Surgical Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 00:00
KRAS Mutation Predicted More Mirometastases and Closer Resection Margins in Patients with Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases
ConclusionsmutKRAS patients had more micrometastases, increased R1 resections, and narrower margins. The presence of micrometastases may have led to the narrow margin width observed in these cases. (Source: Annals of Surgical Oncology)
Annals of Surgical Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 00:00
ASO Author Reflections: Patient-Reported Outcomes of Mucinous Appendiceal Cancer Improve with Oxaliplatin HIPEC
(Source: Annals of Surgical Oncology)
Annals of Surgical Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 00:00
ASO Author Reflections: Comparison of Prognostic Impact of Various Systemic Inflammatory Markers for Stage II/III Colon Cancer
(Source: Annals of Surgical Oncology)
Annals of Surgical Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 00:00
ASO Author Reflections: The Diminishing Role of Adjuvant HIPEC
(Source: Annals of Surgical Oncology)
Annals of Surgical Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 00:00
ASO Author Reflections: Fong ’s Score in the Era of Modern Strategies for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
(Source: Annals of Surgical Oncology)
Annals of Surgical Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 00:00
Utilization of Adjuvant Radiotherapy for Resected Colon Cancer and Its Effect on Outcome
ConclusionsExpectedly, adjuvant radiation use was relatively low but was associated with improved OS in patients with both pT4 and positive margins. (Source: Annals of Surgical Oncology)
Annals of Surgical Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 00:00
ASO Author Reflections: Use of Machine Learning to Identify Patients with Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Who Could Benefit More from Neoadjuvant Therapies
(Source: Annals of Surgical Oncology)
Annals of Surgical Oncology
Mon Nov 11, 2019 00:00
ASO Author Reflections: Delays in the Treatment of DCIS —What are the Costs?
(Source: Annals of Surgical Oncology)
Annals of Surgical Oncology
Mon Nov 11, 2019 00:00
ASO Author Reflections: Genetic and Immunohistochemical Studies Investigating the Histogenesis of Neuroendocrine and Carcinomatous Components of Combined Neuroendocrine Carcinoma
(Source: Annals of Surgical Oncology)
Annals of Surgical Oncology
Mon Nov 11, 2019 00:00
Time to Surgery and the Impact of Delay in the Non-Neoadjuvant Setting on Triple-Negative Breast Cancers and Other Phenotypes
ConclusionsDelays cause small but measurable effects overall, but the effect on survival does not differ among breast cancer phenotypes. Our data suggest that urgency between diagnosis and surgery or chemotherapy is similar for breast cancers of different subtypes. Although NACT is sometimes advocated solely to avoid treatment delays, this study does not suggest a greater surgical urgency for TNs compared with other breast cancer phenotypes. (Source: Annals of Surgical Oncology)
Annals of Surgical Oncology
Mon Nov 11, 2019 00:00

Malignant Mesothelioma Among Employees of a Connecticut Factory That Manufactured Friction Materials Using Chrysotile Asbestos: An Update
AbstractThere is an ongoing argument about the potency of chrysotile asbestos to cause malignant mesothelioma. Authors of chrysotile risk assessments have relied upon the results of an epidemiologic study, published in 1984, to state that there were no mesotheliomas found among workers at a Connecticut friction products plant. McDonald reported the first two cases in 1986. In 2010, we reported the work histories and pathologic reports of five individuals from the Connecticut plant who were diagnosed...
Annals of Work Exposures and Health Advance Access
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00
Associations of B7-H3 and B7-H4 Expression in Ductal Carcinoma In Situ of the Breast With Clinicopathologic Features and T-Cell Infiltration
B7-H3 and B7-H4 play an inhibitory role in T-cell function by limiting proliferation and cytokine production. Information about B7-H3 and B7-H4 expression in ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) remains uncertain. The objective of this study was to evaluate the expression levels of B7-H3 and B7-H4 in DCIS and their associations with clinicopathologic features and T-cell infiltration. B7-H3 and B7-H4 mRNA and protein expression levels in 8 pairs of DCIS tissues and matched normal adjacent tissues were...
Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morphology - Published Ahead-of-Print
Thu Nov 07, 2019 02:00
Art Therapy’s Scope to Address Impaired Attachment in Children With ASD and Comorbid SID
Art Therapy: Table of Contents: Taylor and Francis
Tue Nov 12, 2019 05:53
Losing Time
A friend of mine recently broke down emotionally and told me she believes she may be suffering symptoms of early-onset dementia. When I asked her why she felt this way, she said it was because she is having a hard time remembering work-related tasks and is also losing large chunks of time without any recollection of what may have occurred during those periods. She is only 56 years old, and to my knowledge, she is currently only taking medication for depression and is also treated for sleep apnea,...
Ask the Therapist » Psychology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 14:32
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 701: Progress and Prospects of Tourism Climate Research in China
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 701: Progress and Prospects of Tourism Climate Research in China Atmosphere doi: 10.3390/atmos10110701 Authors: Linsheng Zhong Dongjun Chen Tourism climate research is of great significance to the tourism industry because tourism is closely linked to climate. Based on an analysis of related core papers, this paper reviews the research progress on tourism climate in China in terms of research method, research process, and research topic. Research on tourism...
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 700: Observational Evidence of the Transition from Shallow to Deep Convection in the Western Caribbean Trade Winds
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 700: Observational Evidence of the Transition from Shallow to Deep Convection in the Western Caribbean Trade Winds Atmosphere doi: 10.3390/atmos10110700 Authors: Yanet Díaz-Esteban Graciela B. Raga The present study aims to determine the factors influencing the transition from shallow to deep convection in the trade winds region using an observational approach, with emphasis in the Yucatan Peninsula in eastern Mexico. The methodology is based on a discrimination...
Detailed magnetic resonance imaging measurements of a contaminant dispersed in an Oklahoma City model
Publication date: Available online 12 November 2019Source: Atmospheric EnvironmentAuthor(s): Michael Benson, Nicholas Wilde, Alexander Brown, Christopher ElkinsAbstractMagnetic resonance imaging techniques were used to collect time-averaged three-component velocity and concentration data across a scaled model of 2003 Oklahoma City. The experiments included the release of a passive scalar designed to mimic the field tests of the Joint Urban 2003 (JU03) study conducted at the same site and provide...
Atmospheric Environment
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:45
Long-term variability, source apportionment and spectral properties of black carbon at an urban background site in Athens, Greece
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Atmospheric EnvironmentAuthor(s): E. Liakakou, I. Stavroulas, D.G. Kaskaoutis, G. Grivas, D. Paraskevopoulou, U.C. Dumka, M. Tsagkaraki, A. Bougiatioti, K. Oikonomou, J. Sciare, E. Gerasopoulos, N. MihalopoulosAbstractThis study aims to delineate the characteristics of Black Carbon (BC) in the atmosphere over Athens, Greece, using 4-year (May 2015–April 2019) Aethalometer (AE-33) measurements. The average BC concentration is 1.9 ± 2.5 μg m−3...
Atmospheric Environment
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:45
Isotopic interaction and source moisture control on the isotopic composition of rainfall over the Bay of Bengal
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Atmospheric ResearchAuthor(s): Nitesh Sinha, S. ChakrabortyAbstractThe isotopic interaction between ambient vapor and raindrops has been investigated for the first time at Port Blair, Andaman Islands, an environment having the minimal contribution of the continental moisture. Rainwater and ambient vapor samples were collected on a daily timescale during the Indian summer monsoon season of 2015. Oxygen (Hydrogen) heavy isotopic ratios of rainwater...
Atmospheric Research
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:55
Temporal characteristics of greenhouse gases (CO<sub>2</sub> and CH<sub>4</sub>) in the megacity Shanghai, China: Association with air pollutants and meteorological conditions
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Atmospheric ResearchAuthor(s): Chong Wei, Maohua Wang, Qingyan Fu, Cheng Dai, Rong Huang, Quan BaoAbstractCO2 and CH4 are the two most potent greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere. They are frequently monitored at background observatories, but less so in urban areas, especially in China. In this study, the temporal variations of urban atmospheric CO2 and CH4, including seasonal, weekly, and diurnal characteristics, were obtained based...
Atmospheric Research
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:55
On the chemical nature of wet deposition over a major desiccated lake: Case study for Lake Urmia basin
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Atmospheric ResearchAuthor(s): Hesam Ahmady-Birgani, Parisa Ravan, Joseph Simon Schlosser, Alberto Cuevas-Robles, Mojtaba AzadiAghdam, Armin SorooshianAbstractOne of the largest hyper-saline lakes in the world is Lake Urmia, which is in the northwest region of Iran. Lake Urmia has experienced extreme desiccation in recent years. This study was conducted to investigate possible impacts of aerosol emitted by Lake Urmia on rainwater properties....
Atmospheric Research
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:55
Telemis acquires ITZ Medicom
PACS vendor Telemis has bought German medical image management technology provider...Read more on AuntMinnieEurope.comRelated Reading: Telemis reports continued growth in annual revenue Telemis unveils new software release Telemis experiences 5% bump in revenues French group chooses Telemis PACS software Telemis launches PACS upgrades
AuntMinnieEurope.com Headlines
Eckert & Ziegler records sales, earnings gains
Strong growth in its Radiopharma segment propelled isotope technology developer...Read more on AuntMinnieEurope.comRelated Reading: Eckert & Ziegler signs deal with Alpha Tau Medical Eckert & Ziegler receives approval for Ga-68 expansion Eckert & Ziegler reports revenue, earnings growth Eckert & Ziegler to launch Chinese facility Eckert & Ziegler reports record sales in Q3
AuntMinnieEurope.com Headlines
Dutch societies publish new contrast media guidelines
A group of Dutch societies led by the Radiological Society of the Netherlands...Read more on AuntMinnieEurope.comRelated Reading: Dutch make progress on how to achieve AI adoption Why EMA's relocation is good news for radiology Netherlands radiological society finalizes contrast guidelines Dutch radiologists welcome EU vote on EMA relocation Dutch group unveils contrast media guidelines
AuntMinnieEurope.com Headlines
Ultrasound comes up short on early rheumatoid arthritis
Can ultrasound provide a much-needed boost for treatment decisions and outcomes...Read more on AuntMinnieEurope.comRelated Reading: 3D models show osteoarthritis risk after knee surgery C-11-based PET tracer could benefit arthritis patients Start-up to develop arthritis molecular imaging agent
AuntMinnieEurope.com Headlines
Tue Nov 12, 2019 19:15
Equinix invests 31M euros for data center in Poland
Data center provider Equinix said it has invested 31 million euros to...Read more on AuntMinnieEurope.com
AuntMinnieEurope.com Headlines
Tue Nov 12, 2019 09:00
ESR supports initiative for public-private partnerships
The European Society of Radiology (ESR) announced its support for the Horizon...Read more on AuntMinnieEurope.comRelated Reading: ESR, GE renew partnership for ECR 2020 ESR lauds progress of Horizon Europe initiative ESR unveils ESR Connect streaming platform ESR publishes sports imaging interviews for IDoR 2019 ESR plans for 2020 editorial fellowships
AuntMinnieEurope.com Headlines
Tue Nov 12, 2019 09:00
Utility of acoustic pharyngometry for screening of obstructive sleep apnea
To determine whether combining acoustic pharyngometric parameters with cephalometric and clinical parameters could improve the predictive power for significant obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in a Korean population.
Auris Nasus Larynx
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00
Resection of inverted papilloma in nasal cavity with transseptal access and crossing multiple incisions minimizes bleeding and reveals the tumor pedicle
Sinonasal inverted papilloma can be resected endoscopically, but has a risk of recurrence. This risk can be minimized by identifying the pedicle of the tumor and ensuring complete resection. Intraoperative bleeding, particularly from the tumor, decreases endoscopic visualization and contributes to failure to identify the tumor pedicle, and piecemeal resection with dissection of the non-tumoral mucosa makes it impossible to distinguish the tumor pedicle. Previously reported transseptal access with...
Auris Nasus Larynx
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00
Dynamic task observation: A gaze-mediated complement to traditional action observation treatment?
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Behavioural Brain ResearchAuthor(s): Giorgia D’Innocenzo, Alexander V. Nowicky, Daniel T. BishopAbstractAction observation elicits changes in primary motor cortex known as motor resonance, a phenomenon thought to underpin several functions, including our ability to understand and imitate others’ actions. Motor resonance is modulated not only by the observer’s motor expertise, but also their gaze behaviour. The aim of the present study was...
Behavioural Brain Research
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:17
A novel experimental paradigm with improved ecological validity reveals robust action-associated enhancement of the N1 visual event-related potential in healthy adults
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Behavioural Brain ResearchAuthor(s): Viktória Roxána Balla, Szilvia Szalóki, Tünde Kilencz, Vera Daniella Dalos, Roland Németh, Gábor CsifcsákAbstractThe association between an action and its sensory consequence has been linked to our sense of agency (SoA). While ecological validity is crucial in investigating such a complex phenomenon, previous paradigms focusing on the cortical analysis of movement-related images used simplified experimental...
Behavioural Brain Research
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:17
Alternatively spliced MBNL1 isoforms exhibit differential influence on enhancing brown adipogenesis
Publication date: Available online 12 November 2019Source: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Regulatory MechanismsAuthor(s): Ching-Sheng Hung, Jung-Chun LinAbstractBrowning of white adipocytes (WAs) (also referred as beige cells) was demonstrated to execute thermogenesis by consuming stored lipids as do brown adipocytes (BAs), and this is highly related to metabolic homeostasis. Alternative splicing (AS) constitutes a pivotal mechanism for defining cellular fates and functional specifications....
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms (IF: 5.456)--IF: 4.4
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:21
Editorial Board
Publication date: October 2019Source: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms, Volume 1862, Issue 10Author(s):
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms (IF: 5.456)--IF: 4.4
Tue Nov 12, 2019 17:21
Effect of first order chemical reactions on the dispersion coefficient associated with laminar flow through fibrosis affected lung
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Journal of BiomechanicsAuthor(s): Jyoti Kori, PratibhaAbstractIn this paper, we worked on the effective area average concentration and dispersion coefficient associated with the unsteady flow, to understand the dispersion in the fibrosis-affected lung. We assumed that the tube wall (i.e. alveolar or pulmonary capillary wall) is thicker than its normal size due to fibrosis and chemical species may go through linear first-order kinetic reactions,...
Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:55
Genome-wide changes in genetic diversity in a population of Myotis lucifugus affected by white-nose syndrome [NEW RESULTS]
Novel pathogens can cause massive declines in populations, but seldom lead to extirpation of hosts. Rather, disease can act as a selective pressure on survivors, driving the evolution of resistance or tolerance. Bat white-nose syndrome (WNS) is a rapidly spreading wildlife disease in North America. The fungus causing the disease invades skin tissues of hibernating bats, resulting in disruption of hibernation behaviour, premature energy depletion, and subsequent death. We use whole-genome sequencing...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00
Diversity in CRISPR-based immunity protects susceptible genotypes by restricting phage spread and evolution [NEW RESULTS]
Diversity in host resistance often associates with reduced pathogen spread. This may result from ecological and evolutionary processes, likely with feedback between them. Theory and experiments on bacteria-phage interactions have shown that genetic diversity of the bacterial adaptive immune system can limit phage evolution to overcome resistance. Using the CRISPR-Cas bacterial immune system and lytic phage, we engineered a host-pathogen system with a non-overlapping genetic architecture of infectivity....
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00
Transposable elements in individual genotypes of Drosophila simulans [NEW RESULTS]
Transposable elements are mobile DNA sequences that are able to copy themselves within a host's genome. Within insects they often make up a substantial proportion of the genome. While they are the subject of intense research, often times when copy number is estimated it is estimated only at the population level, or in a limited number of individuals within a population. I was interested in whether or not transposable elements accumulate at different rates in different genetic backgrounds, for example...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00
Pathogen evolution when transmission and virulence are stochastic [NEW RESULTS]
Evolutionary processes are inherently stochastic, since we can never know with certainty exactly how many descendants an individual will leave, or what the phenotypes of those descendants will be. Despite this, models of pathogen evolution have nearly all been deterministic, treating values such as transmission and virulence as parameters that can be known ahead of time. We present a broadly applicable analytic approach for modeling pathogen evolution in which vital parameters such as transmission...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00
Sex differentiation and a chromosomal inversion lead to cryptic diversity in Lake Tanganyika sardines [NEW RESULTS]
Two endemic sardines in Lake Tanganyika, Limnothrissa miodon and Stolothrissa tanganicae, are important components of the lake's total annual fishery harvest. These two species along with four endemic Lates species represent the dominant species in Lake Tanganyika's pelagic fish community, in contrast to the complex pelagic communities in nearby Lake Malawi and Victoria. We use reduced representation genomic sequencing methods to gain a better understanding of possible genetic structure among and...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00
Ancient Yersinia pestis genomes provide no evidence for the origins or spread of the Justinianic Plague [CONTRADICTORY RESULTS]
Along with the publication of 137 ancient human genomes retrieved from archaeological remains of the Eurasian steppe, Damgaard et al., 2018 identified two individuals infected with Yersinia pestis, yielding one genome with 0.24x average coverage (DA147, 6th-9th c. AD) and another with 8.7x (DA101, 2nd-3rd c. AD). A phylogenetic analysis performed on the latter placed it in a position ancestral to a 6th-century Justinianic genome from Aschheim, Germany. These results are used to fuel an argument that...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00
Dispersal patterns of Trypanosoma cruzi in Arequipa, Peru [NEW RESULTS]
Anthropogenic environmental alterations such as urbanization can threaten native populations as well as create novel environments that allow human pests and pathogens to thrive. As the number and size of urban environments increase globally, it is more important than ever to understand the dispersal dynamics of hosts, vectors and pathogens of zoonotic disease systems. For example, a protozoan parasite and the causative agent of Chagas disease in humans, Trypanosoma cruzi , recently colonized and...
bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology
Mon Nov 11, 2019 02:00
Czech and Slovak Diamond-Blackfan Anemia (DBA) Registry update: Clinical data and novel causative genetic lesions
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Blood Cells, Molecules, and DiseasesAuthor(s): Jana Volejnikova, Petr Vojta, Helena Urbankova, Renata Mojzíkova, Monika Horvathova, Ivana Hochova, Jaroslav Cermak, Jan Blatny, Martina Sukova, Eva Bubanska, Jaroslava Feketeova, Daniela Prochazkova, Julia Horakova, Marian Hajduch, Dagmar PospisilovaAbstractDiamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA) is a rare congenital erythroid aplasia, underlied by haploinsufficient mutations in genes coding for ribosomal...
Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:59
Studies on antidiarrheal and laxative activities of aqueous-ethanol extract of Asphodelus tenuifolius and underlying mechanisms
Asphodelus tenuifolius Cav. (Asphodelaceae) has traditional reputability in treatment of diarrhea and constipation but no scientific study has been reported for its gastrointestinal effects. Present study was con...
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine - Latest Articles
Mon Nov 11, 2019 02:00
Sedative and hypnotic effects of compound Anshen essential oil inhalation for insomnia
The chemical composition of many essential oils indicates that they have sedative and hypnotic effects, but there is still a lack of systematic studies on the sedative and hypnotic effects of essential oils. I...
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine - Latest Articles
Mon Nov 11, 2019 02:00
Prevalence, and health- and sociodemographic associations for visits to traditional and complementary medical providers in the seventh survey of the Tromsø study
Patient-centered culturally sensitive health care (PC-CSHC) has emerged as a primary approach to health care. This care focuses on the cultural diversity of the patients rather than the views of the health car...
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine - Latest Articles
Mon Nov 11, 2019 02:00
High Incidence of Axillary Web Syndrome among Breast Cancer Survivors after Breast Reconstruction
Objective: The aim of this study was to identify if breast reconstruction is a surgical risk factor for axillary web syndrome (AWS) in breast cancer (BC) patients. Methods: The data of 207 patients who have been diagnosed with unilateral BC and who had mastectomy and lymph node dissection were retrospectively reviewed. Information of their clinical and pathological data, whether they had immediate ­reconstruction and intraoperative radiotherapy, surgical methods, and postoperative complications during...
BRC : Last 10 articles
Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:41
Corrigendum to "About the French prohibition of textured breast implants: Is it justified or over-cautious? The EUSOMA, ESSO/BRESSO position" [Breast 46 (August 2019) 95-96].
Corrigendum to "About the French prohibition of textured breast implants: Is it justified or over-cautious? The EUSOMA, ESSO/BRESSO position" [Breast 46 (August 2019) 95-96]. Breast. 2019 Dec;48:103 Authors: Cardoso MJ, Biganzoli L, Rubio IT, Leidenius M, Curigliano G, Cutuli B, Marotti L, Kovacs T, Wyld L PMID: 31706464 [PubMed - in process] (Source: Breast)
Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:47
Corrigendum to "EUSOMA position regarding breast implant associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) and the use of textured implants" [Breast 44 (April 2019) 90-93].
Corrigendum to "EUSOMA position regarding breast implant associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) and the use of textured implants" [Breast 44 (April 2019) 90-93]. Breast. 2019 Dec;48:102 Authors: Cardoso MJ, Wyld L, Rubio IT, Leidenius M, Curigliano G, Cutuli B, Marotti L, Biganzoli L PMID: 31706463 [PubMed - in process] (Source: Breast)
Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:47

RE: "Comment on: "Occupational exposures and male breast cancer: A nested case-control study in the Nordic countries"".
RE: "Comment on: "Occupational exposures and male breast cancer: A nested case-control study in the Nordic countries"". Breast. 2019 Oct 30;: Authors: Talibov M, Hansen J, Heikkinen S, Martinsen JI, Sparen P, Tryggvadottir L, Weiderpass E, Pukkala E PMID: 31704090 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher] (Source: Breast)
Wed Oct 30, 2019 00:00

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