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Τετάρτη 13 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Predictors of post-cancer diagnosis resignation among Japanese cancer survivors
Abstract Purpose In Japan, due to the increased incidence of cancer among the working population, it has become more important to support employees to achieve a balance between cancer treatment and work. This study aimed to clarify the predictors of resigning from employment after being diagnosed with cancer (post-cancer diagnosis [PCD] resignation) among Japanese employees. ...
Latest Results for Journal of Ca...
Chloroquine and 3-Methyladenine Attenuates Periodontal Inflammation and Bone Loss in Experimental Periodontitis
Abstract Periodontitis is an inflammation characterized by alveolar bone resorption caused by imbalance in bone homeostasis. It is known that autophagy is related to inflammation and bone metabolism. However, whether autophagy inhibitors could be used for periodontitis in animal models remains unknown. We investigated the role of two classical autophagy inhibitors, 3-methyladenine (3-MA) and chloroquine (CQ), on the development of rat experimental periodontitis in terms of the...
Latest Results for Inflammation
Improvement of Resveratrol Effects When Combined with Rice Oil in Rat Models of Inflammation
Abstract This study investigated the effects of systemic treatment with a new formulation of resveratrol (RSV) vehicled in rice oil (RSVO) in experimental rat models of inflammation. Male Wistar rats were evaluated in the following in vivo models: carrageenan-induced acute edema, complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA)-evoked sub-chronic edema, and CFA-induced polyarthritis. The animals were treated orally with RSVO (10–15 mg/kg) or RSV (100–200 mg/kg), depending on the experimental protocol....
Latest Results for Inflammation
Tetramethylpyrazine Inhibits Platelet Adhesion and Inflammatory Response in Vascular Endothelial Cells by Inhibiting P38 MAPK and NF-κB Signaling Pathways
Abstract Damaged vascular endothelial cells after ischemic stroke release inflammatory cytokines and adhesion molecules, which could trigger platelet adhesion to vascular endothelial cells and platelet activation, and accelerate thrombus formation. Tetramethylpyrazine is the main bioactive component of Chuanxiong, which has demonstrated considerable protective effects in cerebrovascular diseases. However, the effect and mechanisms of tetramethylpyrazine...
Latest Results for Inflammation

Κοινωνικό μέρισμα 2019: Ποιοι και πότε θα το λάβουν - Ποια τα κριτήρια
Ποιοι είναι οι δικαιούχοι - Ποια είναι τα κριτήρια 
Onmed RSS Feed

Χοληστερίνη και Σάκχαρο: Μπορούν η κανέλα και το χρώμιο να βοηθήσουν;
Η ρύθμιση του σακχάρου και της χοληστερίνης είναι δυο ζητήματα που απασχολούν μεγάλο μέρος του πληθυσμού, μιας και όταν τα επίπεδά του στο αίμα…
Onmed RSS Feed
Next-generation sequencing identified somatic alterations that may underlie the etiology of Chinese papillary thyroid carcinoma
To better understand the etiology of papillary thyroid carcinoma, we did next-generation sequencing for the exomes and transcriptomes of a Chinese cohort of 28 pairs of DNA and RNA samples extracted from papillary thyroid carcinoma tumors and adjacent normal thyroid samples. The Chinese papillary thyroid carcinoma tumors harbored somatic mutations in the known driver genes, such as KRAS, TP53, BRAF, ERBB2, and MET. In addition, we identified novel papillary thyroid carcinoma candidate genes that...
European Journal of Cancer Prevention - Published Ahead-of-Print
Mon Nov 11, 2019 02:00
Do socioeconomic factors play a role in nonadherence to follow-up colonoscopy after a positive faecal immunochemical test in the Flemish colorectal cancer screening programme?
Objective In Flanders (Belgium), a population-based colorectal cancer (CRC) screening programme was started in 2013, coordinated by the Centre for Cancer Detection (CCD) in cooperation with the Belgian Cancer Registry (BCR). The CCD offers a biennial faecal immunochemical test (FIT) to Flemish citizens aged 56–74 years and recommends a colonoscopy when screened positive by FIT. The study objective is to investigate sociodemographic differences in follow-up colonoscopy adherence after a positive...
European Journal of Cancer Prevention - Published Ahead-of-Print
Mon Nov 11, 2019 02:00
Sitzung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Zytopathologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pathologie 2019
Der Pathologe

Opioid-based plant might not be best solution to curb habitual alcohol use
Lawmakers across the United States continue to debate the safety of kratom, an opioid-containing plant that has been listed as a "drug of concern" by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Kratom is sold over the counter in specialty stores and online.
Medical Xpress - latest medical and health news stories

Scientists crack rabies virus weaponry
Researchers have found a way to stop the rabies virus shutting down the body's immune defence against it. In doing so they have solved a key scientific puzzle and have laid the foundation for the development of new anti-rabies vaccines.
Medical Xpress - latest medical and health news stories

Why only some post-stroke survivors can 'copy what I say'
In an article in Brain, researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) and elsewhere report which brain regions must be intact in stroke survivors with aphasia if they are to perform well in a speech entrainment session, successfully following along with another speaker.
Medical Xpress - latest medical and health news stories
Study: 'Pre-habilitation' by peer coaches before knee replacement may improve outcomes
Rehabilitation after knee replacement is an essential part of the recovery process. But what's the best way to prepare patients before the procedure? Researchers at Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) in New York City ,https://www.hss.edu/locations.asp,launched a pilot study to find out if a "pre-habilitation" program—counseling by a peer coach who has already had a knee replacement—could empower and inform patients scheduled for the surgery, leading to better outcomes.
Medical Xpress - latest medical and health news stories

Driver found for more deadly prostate cancer
A transcription factor that aids neuron function also appears to enable a cell conversion in the prostate gland that can make an already recurrent cancer even more deadly, scientists say.
Medical Xpress - latest medical and health news stories

Cardiologists establish how e-cigarettes damage the brain, blood vessels and lungs
Cardiologists have issued a stark warning about the dangers of e-cigarettes, particularly for young people, as results of new research show the damage they cause to the brain, heart, blood vessels and lungs.
Medical Xpress - latest medical and health news stories
IJMS, Vol. 20, Pages 5681: Perinatal Use of Melatonin for Offspring Health: Focus on Cardiovascular and Neurological Diseases
IJMS, Vol. 20, Pages 5681: Perinatal Use of Melatonin for Offspring Health: Focus on Cardiovascular and Neurological Diseases International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms20225681 Authors: Chien-Ning Hsu Li-Tung Huang You-Lin Tain Cardiovascular and neurological diseases can originate in early life. Melatonin, a biologically active substance, acts as a pleiotropic hormone essential for pregnancy and fetal development. Maternal melatonin can easily pass the placenta...
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Altered functional connectivity of the red nucleus and substantia nigra in migraine without aura
Functional connectivity (FC) has been used to investigate the pathophysiology of migraine. Accumulating evidence is pointing toward malfunctioning of brainstem structures, i.e., the red nucleus (RN) and substa...
The Journal of Headache and Pain - Latest Articles
Mon Nov 11, 2019 02:00
Reduced resting-state brain functional network connectivity and poor regional homogeneity in patients with CADASIL
Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) manifests principally as a suite of cognitive impairments, particularly in the executive domain. Executive f...
The Journal of Headache and Pain - Latest Articles
Mon Nov 11, 2019 02:00
Inadvertent intra‐arterial injection of deoxycholic acid: A case report and proposed protocol for treatment
Abstract Deoxycholic acid (ATX‐101) is a secondary bile acid that was approved as an injectable drug for the reduction of submental fat. Necrosis, an uncommon but serious adverse event, can occur due to inadvertent superficial injection or intra‐arterial injection of the acid. The management of the intra‐arterial injection of deoxycholic acid has not been well characterized. Here, we discuss methods to decrease the risk of such injections and draw on existing protocols for the inadvertent intra‐arterial...
Wiley: Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology: Table of Contents
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:03
Immune complexes exposed on mast cell‐derived nanovesicles amplify allergic inflammation
Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:02
Radiologic sinus inflammation and symptoms of chronic rhinosinusitis in a population‐based sample
Abstract Background Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) epidemiology has been largely studied using symptom‐based case definitions, without assessment of objective sinus findings. Objective To describe radiologic sinus opacification and the prevalence of CRS, defined by the co‐occurrence of symptoms and sinus opacification, in a general population‐based sample. Methods We collected questionnaires and sinus CT scans from 646 participants selected from a source population of 200,769 primary...
Mon Nov 11, 2019 20:08
Self-reported methods of weight cutting in professional mixed-martial artists: how much are they losing and who is advising them?
Abstract Background Similar to other combat sports, mixed martial arts (MMA) includes divisional weight classes. The purpose of our research was to further investigate the amount of weight professional MMA fighters lost prior to weighing in for competition, their methods used to cut weight, and their sources of advice on how to cut weight. Methods ...
Latest Results for Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00
The Forgotten Joint Score-12 in Swedish patients undergoing knee arthroplasty: a validation study with the Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) as comparator
Acta Orthopaedica: Table of Contents: Taylor and Francis
Tue Nov 12, 2019 10:18
Overgrowth of the lower limb after treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip: incidence and risk factors in 101 children with a mean follow-up of 15 years
Acta Orthopaedica: Table of Contents: Taylor and Francis
Tue Nov 12, 2019 10:17
Pest categorisation of Diabrotica virgifera zeae
Abstract The EFSA Panel on Plant Health performed a pest categorisation of Diabrotica virgifera zeae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), the Mexican corn rootworm, for the EU. This is one of two subspecies of D. virgifera which occurs in Central America, Mexico and central southern parts of the USA (Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico). The preferred larval host is maize (Zea mays) roots, although larvae can feed on the roots of sorghum and other grass species. Adults feed on the leaves, silks, immature seeds...
Wiley: EFSA Journal: Table of Contents
Tue Nov 12, 2019 14:03
Update on chronic wasting disease (CWD) III
Abstract The European Commission asked EFSA for a Scientific Opinion: to revise the state of knowledge about the differences between the chronic wasting disease (CWD) strains found in North America (NA) and Europe and within Europe; to review new scientific evidence on the zoonotic potential of CWD and to provide recommendations to address the potential risks and to identify risk factors for the spread of CWD in the European Union. Full characterisation of European isolates is being pursued, whereas...
Wiley: EFSA Journal: Table of Contents
Mon Nov 11, 2019 20:44

Adult onset tubulo‐interstitial nephropathy in MT‐ND5‐related phenotypes
Kidney is a highly ATP dependent organ in human body. Healthy and functional mitochondria are essential for normal kidney function. Clinical and genetic variability are the hallmarks of mitochondrial disorders. We report here the involvement of two MT‐ND5 pathogenic variants encoding for ND5 subunit of respiratory chain complex I, the m.13513G > A and the m.13514A > G, in adult‐onset kidney disease in three unrelated patients. The first patient had MELAS syndrome, left ventricular hypertrophy...
Clinical Genetics
Tue Nov 12, 2019 13:53

Accurate spatiotemporal predictions of daily stream temperature from statistical models accounting for interactions between climate and landscape
Spatial and temporal patterns in stream temperature are primary factors determining species composition, diversity and productivity in stream ecosystems. The availability of spatially and temporally continuous estimates of stream temperature would improve the ability of biologists to fully explore the effects of stream temperature on biota. Most statistical stream temperature modeling techniques are limited in their ability to account for the influence of variables changing across spatial and temporal...
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00

Rethinking the lake trophic state index
Lake trophic state classifications provide information about the condition of lentic ecosystems and are indicative of both ecosystem services (e.g., clean water, recreational opportunities, and aesthetics) and disservices (e.g., cyanobacteria blooms). The current classification schemes have been criticized for developing indices that are single-variable based (vs. a complex aggregate of multi-variables), discrete (vs. a continuous), and/or deterministic (vs. an inherently random). We present an updated...
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00

Characterization of aminopeptidase encoding gene anp-1 and its association with development in Caenorhabditis elegans
Background Aminopeptidases play important roles in various biological processes in nematodes including growth, development and reproduction. Although the aminopeptidases have been shown to regulate reproduction in Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), the role of aminopeptidases in development and aging has not been reported. This study focused on the function of aminopeptidase AlaNyl aminopeptidase 1 (ANP-1) on development in C. elegans. Methods In the present study, we reported the identification...
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00

Revelation of genetic diversity and structure of wild Elymus excelsus (Poaceae: Triticeae) collection from western China by SSR markers
Hosting unique and important plant germplasms, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP), as the third pole of the world, and Xinjiang, located in the centre of the Eurasian continent, are major distribution areas of perennial Triticeae grasses, especially the widespread Elymus species. Elymus excelsus Turcz. ex Griseb, a perennial forage grass with strong tolerance to environmental stresses, such as drought, cold and soil impoverishment, can be appropriately used for grassland establishment due to its high...
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00

Kinetic analysis of felines landing from different heights
Background Kinetic motion analysis has been used in canines and equines as a fundamental objective evaluation measurement. Cats are very capable jumpers, and this ability has biomimetic applications. It is essential to understand movement patterns and physical adaptations of this species, as cats are popular pets for humans. Further to this, motion analysis of a cat’s movement patterns may provide potentially valuable information in relation to limb disease and injury. Therefore, the aim of this...
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00

Effects of a blend of green tea and curcuma extract supplementation on lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation in horses and ponies
Background In horses and ponies numerous medical conditions are known to be linked with inflammation in different tissues, especially in the liver. Besides affecting other metabolic pathways such as the expression of certain interleukins (IL), inflammation is associated with stress of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In particular, ER stress leads to adaptive stress response and can be measured by several markers of inflammatory and stress signalling pathways, like nuclear factor...
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00
Heavy metal contamination in street dusts and soils under different land uses in a major river basin in an urbanized zone of Aegean region, Turkey
Abstract Background Meles River is one of the major Zn, Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb sources that enter Izmir inner Bay. However, the impacts of land uses on the river’s catchment basin has not been investigated before. The study aims to exhibit the impacts of various land uses located on the catchment basin of the river. Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn concentrations were determined to present the current situation. In addition, the correlation analyses were...
Latest Results for Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00
Exploring the Biomarkers of Sepsis-Associated Encephalopathy (SAE): Metabolomics Evidence from Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Background. Sepsis-associated encephalopathy (SAE) is a transient and reversible brain dysfunction, that occurs when the source of sepsis is located outside of the central nervous system; SAE affects nearly 30% of septic patients at admission and is a risk factor for mortality. In our study, we sought to determine whether metabolite changes in plasma could be a potential biomarker for the early diagnosis and/or the prediction of the prognosis of sepsis. Method. A total of 31 SAE patients and 28 healthy...
BioMed Research International
Tue Nov 12, 2019 13:05
Immunological Aspects of Graves’ Ophthalmopathy
The body’s autoimmune process is involved in the development of Graves’ disease (GD), which is manifested by an overactive thyroid gland. In some patients, autoreactive inflammatory reactions contribute to the development of symptoms such as thyroid ophthalmopathy, and the subsequent signs and symptoms are derived from the expansion of orbital adipose tissue and edema of extraocular muscles within the orbit. The autoimmune process, production of antibodies against self-antigens such as TSH receptor...
BioMed Research International
Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:05
Hypoxia preconditioning attenuates lung injury after thoracoscopic lobectomy in patients with lung cancer: a prospective randomized controlled trial
Hypoxic preconditioning (HPC) may protect multiple organs from various injuries. We hypothesized that HPC would reduce lung injury in patients undergoing thoracoscopic lobectomy.
BMC Anesthesiology - Latest Articles
Mon Nov 11, 2019 02:00
Preprocedural ultrasound versus landmark techniques for spinal anesthesia performed by novice residents in elderly: a randomized controlled trial
Spinal anesthesia using the midline approach might be technically difficult in geriatric population. We hypothesized that pre-procedural ultrasound (US)-guided paramedian technique and pre-procedural US-guided...
BMC Anesthesiology - Latest Articles
Mon Nov 11, 2019 02:00
The influence of the infusion of ephedrine and phenylephrine on the hemodynamic stability after subarachnoid anesthesia in senior adults - a controlled randomized trial
We studied the influence of ephedrine or phenylephrine infusion administered immediately after spinal anesthesia (SA) on hemodynamics in elderly orthopedic patients.
BMC Anesthesiology - Latest Articles
Mon Nov 11, 2019 02:00

Checking the shuttle effect of lithium-sulfur batteries with TCEP shear agent
Abstract Sulfur is widely distributed in earth and is low cost and environmentally friendly. Lithium-sulfur battery was considered to be the next generation of new energy storage systems. However, the solubility, deposition, and shuttle effect of polysulfides of lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries checked the practical applications owing to low coulomb efficiency and the loss of active substances. Tris (2-carboxyethyl) phosphine (TCEP) can be used as a shear agent to transfer higher...
Latest Results for Journal of Nanoparticle Research
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00

Does the educational level of women influence hand grip and pinch strength in carpal tunnel syndrome?
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Medical HypothesesAuthor(s): Rodrigo Núñez-Cortés, Carlos Cruz-Montecinos, Marcela Andrea Antúnez-Riveros, Sofía Pérez-AlendaAbstractBackgroundGrip and pinch strength are relevant functional variables for various activities of daily life and are related to the quality of life of patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).ObjectiveThe main aim was to analyze the relationship between grip and pinch strength and the educational level in women...
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses
Tue Nov 12, 2019 13:07

A simple mathematical model for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS)
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Medical HypothesesAuthor(s): M.F. Elettreby, E. AhmedAbstractMultiple sclerosis is one of the most common autoimmune-related neurological disorders affecting the central nervous system. One of its main properties is dissemination of lesions in time and space. Here, we propose a simple mathematical model to describe the stages of disease progression with recurrence. We tried to find the steady states and evaluated their stability to identify...
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses
Tue Nov 12, 2019 13:07

Oral surgery related fungal endocarditis: the need for a novel concept in endocarditis prophylaxy
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Medical HypothesesAuthor(s): Aydin Gülses, Yahya Açil, Jörg WiltfangAbstractCurrent paper aims to hypothesize that, oral surgical interventions such as tooth extractions, endosseous implant placement, subgingival curettage, etc. might result in widespread of fungal species via blood stream and can cause fungal contaminations of the cardiac valves. We hereby suggest that, an additional fungal endocarditis risk assessment and prevention protocol...
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses
Tue Nov 12, 2019 13:07

Automated Parkinson’s disease recognition based on statistical pooling method using acoustic features
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Medical HypothesesAuthor(s): Orhan Yaman, Fatih Ertam, Turker TuncerAbstractParkinson's disease is one of the mostly seen neurological disease. It affects to nervous system and hinders people's vital activities. The majority of Parkinson's patients lose their ability to speak, write and balance. Many machine learning methods have been proposed to automatically diagnose Parkinson’s disease using acoustic, hand writing and gaits. In this study,...
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses
Tue Nov 12, 2019 13:07

Patient-specific and real-time model of numerical simulation of the hemodynamics of type B aortic dissections
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Medical HypothesesAuthor(s): J. Tomasi, F. Le Bars, C. Shao, A. Lucas, M. Lederlin, P. Haigron, J.P. VerhoyeAbstractIntroductionRegular monitoring of uncomplicated type B aortic dissection is essential because 25 to 30% will progress to aneurysmal form. The predictive factors of this evolution are not clearly defined, but they seem to be correlated with hemodynamic data.HypothesisOur goal is to create a patient-specific and real-time model...
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses
Tue Nov 12, 2019 13:07

Serum and saliva total tau protein as a marker for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Medical HypothesesAuthor(s): Mohammad- Hossein Mirzaii-Dizgah, Mohammad-Reza Mirzaii-Dizgah, Iraj Mirzaii-DizgahAbstractMultiple sclerosis (MS) is considered as motor and sensory function loss, which results from demyelination and following axonal lesion. Tau protein interferes in the construction and stabilization of microtubules that are needed for axonal transport. We hypothesize that the level of tau protein alters in MS, so we examined...
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses
Tue Nov 12, 2019 13:07

Dilated Virchow-Robin spaces in children with Seizures. a possible correlation?
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Medical HypothesesAuthor(s): Alberto Spalice, Cristiana Alessia Guido, Francesco Nicita, Claudio Di Biasi, Anna Maria Zicari, Luigi GianniniAbstractHypothesisVirchow-Robin spaces (VRS) are perivascular spaces in the brain and can normally be visualized in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Dilated VRS (dVRS) are defined on the basis of their shape, and can rarely be observed in healthy subjects, or found in various diseases. A judgement of...
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses
Tue Nov 12, 2019 13:07

Cyclooxygenase Inhibition Prior to Ventricular Fibrillation Induced Ischemia Reperfusion Injury Impairs Survival and Outcomes
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Medical HypothesesAuthor(s): Jose A. Adams, Arkady Uryash, Jose R. LopezAbstractNonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) are one of the most commonly used analgesics in the world. NSAIDs decrease prostaglandin synthesis through cyclooxygenase inhibition (COX-1 or COX-2). The effects of NSAIDs on survival and outcomes from global ischemia reperfusion events and specifically from cardiac arrest (CA) remain controversial. We hypothesized...
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses
Tue Nov 12, 2019 13:07

Human Body Cell Membranes and Antigen Control
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Medical HypothesesAuthor(s): DS RobertsonAbstractThe variables involved in the initiation and operation of the human immune system are considered. It is shown that the number of variations associated with disease and other detrimental conditions exceeds the number of lymphocyte cells available for control of these conditions. It is proposed that the immune system functions by changes in the ionic strength of metabolic fluids which in turn...
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses
Tue Nov 12, 2019 13:07

Spatial Velocity of the Dynamic Vectorcardiographic Loop Provides Crucial Insight in Ventricular Dysfunction
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Medical HypothesesAuthor(s): Sukanti bhattacharyya, Damodar Prasad Goswami, Arnab SenguptaAbstractVectorcardiogram (VCG) represents the trajectory of the tip of cardiac vectors in three dimensional space with varying time. It is a recurring, near-periodic pattern of cardiac dynamics that is constructed by drawing the instantaneous vectors from a zero reference point according to direction, magnitude and polarity in the space. Being a three...
ScienceDirect Publication: Medical Hypotheses
Tue Nov 12, 2019 13:07

Quantitative Evaluation of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion and Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging in Assessment of Pathological Grade of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Academic RadiologyAuthor(s): Jing Ye, Qing Xu, Shou-An Wang, Jin Zheng, Wei-Qiang DouRationale and ObjectivesTo evaluate the diagnostic value of intravoxel incoherent motion and diffusion kurtosis imaging parameters for clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) grading.Materials and MethodsA total of 60 patients with pathologically proven ccRCC who underwent intravoxel incoherent motion and diffusion kurtosis imaging were retrospectively evaluated....
ScienceDirect Publication Academic Radiology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:49

Enthusiasm's Vital Role in Education
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Academic RadiologyAuthor(s): Giovanni D. Rodriguez, Richard B. Gunderman
ScienceDirect Publication Academic Radiology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:49

Response: The USMLE Step 1 Pass/Fail Reporting Proposal: Another Opinion
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Academic RadiologyAuthor(s): Absia Jabbar, Shahzaib Nabi, Adeel Arshad, Muhammad Ali
ScienceDirect Publication Academic Radiology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:49

Measurement Reliability and Diagnostic Accuracy of Virtual Monoenergetic Dual-Energy CT in Patients with Colorectal Liver Metastases
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Academic RadiologyAuthor(s): Lukas Lenga, Marvin Lange, Christophe T. Arendt, Christian Booz, Ibrahim Yel, Boris Bodelle, Tommaso D'Angelo, Renate M. Hammerstingl, Nicole A. Huizinga, Thomas J. Vogl, Simon S. Martin, Moritz H. AlbrechtRationale and ObjectivesTo compare dual-energy CT virtual monoenergetic images (VMI) and standard reconstructions for reliability of quantitative size measurements and diagnostic accuracy for the detection of...
ScienceDirect Publication Academic Radiology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:49

Live Quality Assurance: Using a Multimedia Messaging Service Group Chat to Instantly Grade Intraoperative Images
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Journal of the American College of SurgeonsAuthor(s): Kathryn B. Sobba, Adolfo Z. Fernandez, Stephen S. McNatt, Myron S. Powell, Andrew M. Nunn, Amy N. Hildreth, Barbara K. Yoza, Jessica L. Gross, Preston R. Miller, Carl J. WestcottBackgroundThe technique for attaining photographic evidence of the critical view of safety (CVS) in laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) has previously been defined, however the consistency, accuracy and feasibility...
Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:45
Outcome of Fenestrated Endovascular Aneurysm Repair in Octogenarians: A Retrospective Multicentre Analysis
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular SurgeryAuthor(s): Leonie Henstra, Ozan Yazar, Arne de Niet, Ignace F.J. Tielliu, Geert W.H. Schurink, Clark J. ZeebregtsObjectiveAn ageing population leads to more age related diseases, such as complex abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA). Patients with complex AAAs and multiple comorbidities benefit from fenestrated endovascular aneurysm repair (FEVAR), but for the elderly this benefit is not completely...
ScienceDirect Publication: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:37
Ultrasound Based Wall Stress Analysis of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms using Multiperspective Imaging
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular SurgeryAuthor(s): Emiel M.J. van Disseldorp, Julia J. van Dronkelaar, Josien P.W. Pluim, Frans N. van de Vosse, Marc R.H.M. van Sambeek, Richard G.P. LopataBackgroundCurrent clinical guidelines for surgical repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) are primarily based on maximum diameter assessment. From a biomechanical point of view, not only the diameter but also peak wall stresses will play...
ScienceDirect Publication: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:37
Development of a biomarker of efficacy in second-line treatment for lymphangioma of the tongue: a pilot study
Lymphangioma of the tongue is a rare lymphatic malformation, and various authors have reported the successful use of sirolimus for its treatment. However, the safety of sirolimus in children needs further evaluation so that those who do not respond are not necessarily exposed to its potential adverse effects. We hypothesised that assessment of lymphangiogenesis can be used to predict whether the patient will respond to sirolimus, so we organised a prospective study after ethics committee approval...
The British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Mon Nov 11, 2019 00:00
Biosensors, Vol. 9, Pages 133: Development of Microalgae Biosensor Chip by Incorporating Microarray Oxygen Sensor for Pesticides Sensing
Biosensors, Vol. 9, Pages 133: Development of Microalgae Biosensor Chip by Incorporating Microarray Oxygen Sensor for Pesticides Sensing Biosensors doi: 10.3390/bios9040133 Authors: Md. Abul Kashem Kazuki Kimoto Yasunori Iribe Masayasu Suzuki A microalgae (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata) biosensor chip for pesticide sensing has been developed by attaching the immobilized microalgae biofilm pon the microarray dye spots (size 100 μm and pitch 200 μm). The dye spots...
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00

Prediction of thyroid nodule malignancy using thyroid imaging reporting and data system (TIRADS) and nodule size
Publication date: Available online 12 November 2019Source: Clinical ImagingAuthor(s): Shadi Ebrahimian, Azin Shayganfar, Peyman Hashemi, Mahsa Masjedi Esfahani, Amir Mohammad Ghanei, Nooshin Afshar Moghadam, Shadi EbrahimianAbstractObjectivesThyroid imaging reporting and data system (TIRADS) is a combination of ultrasonographic features developed to help physicians in predicting the malignancy risk of thyroid nodules based on sonographic characteristics. Thyroid nodule size is another factor in determining...
Clinical Imaging
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:27
Coronary-cameral fistula with double-chambered right ventricle: appearance on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and 3D printed anatomic modeling
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Clinical ImagingAuthor(s): Mahati Mokkarala, David H. Ballard, Robert Wesley, Fernando R. Gutierrez, Cylen Javidan-Nejad, Gautam K. Singh, Pamela K. Woodard, Kathryn J. LindleyAbstractThe present case illustrates cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and three-dimensional (3D) printed anatomic model findings of a coronary-cameral fistula (CCF) and double-chambered right ventricle (DCRV). A pregnant woman presented with palpitations and...
Clinical Imaging
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:27
Role of T1 mapping to evaluate brain aging in a healthy population
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Clinical ImagingAuthor(s): Ali Kupeli, Mehmet Kocak, Mehmet Goktepeli, Erdal Karavas, Gurkan DanisanAbstractPurposeTo investigate the relationship between healthy brain aging and T1 relaxation time obtained by T1 mapping.Materials and methodsA total of 211 (102 males, 109 females; age range: 20–89 years; mean age: 54 years) healthy volunteers underwent T1 mapping between July 2018 and January 2019. Regions of interest (ROIs) were placed on...
Clinical Imaging
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:27
High-pitch non-gated scans on the second and third generation dual-source CT scanners: comparison of coronary image quality
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Clinical ImagingAuthor(s): Cheng Ting Lin, Linda Chi Hang Chu, Stefan Loy Zimmerman, Elliot K. FishmanAbstractObjectiveTo examine differences in image quality of the coronary arteries when performing high-pitch non-electrocardiography (ECG)-gated scans on the second-generation (2G) and third-generation (3G) dual-source CT scanners.MethodsWe retrospectively examined patients with high-pitch non-ECG-gated CT angiography (CTA) of the chest or...
Clinical Imaging
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:27
The utility of abdominopelvic CT in pregnant patients with abdominal pain and a negative or inconclusive abdominal MRI
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Clinical ImagingAuthor(s): Micheal H. Raj, John N. Mullins, Joan M. Chi, Andy H. Choy, Gregory M. Grimaldi, Barak FriedmanAbstractPregnant women with abdominal pain can pose a diagnostic dilemma due to the nonspecific nature of symptoms and the desire to avoid radiation to the conceptus. Many algorithms will suggest ultrasound (US) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) as the first-line imaging choice in pregnant women with abdominal pain due...
Clinical Imaging
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:27
Assessment of MRI-detected lesions on screening tomosynthesis in patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Clinical ImagingAuthor(s): Sadia Choudhery, Eric Polley, Amy Lynn ConnersAbstractObjectivesThe purpose of this study is to retrospectively evaluate the presence of screening digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) correlates for suspicious lesions detected on pre-operative staging magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer.MethodsAfter approval from the institutional review board (IRB), screening DBTs on breast...
Clinical Imaging
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:27
Oticon Wins Two CES 2020 Innovation Awards
The Consumer Electronics Association (CES) has named Oticon Xceed and Oticon RemoteCare as honorees in the CES 2020 Innovations Awards. The leading international awards program annually selects the best of the best in consumer electronics. Oticon Xceed was recognized in the highly competitive Health & Wellness category, while Oticon RemoteCare, a new e-health solution that will enable hearing care professionals to provide convenient aftercare service to their patients (to be released in 2020),...
Mon Nov 11, 2019 15:40
PHQ-9 and SNOT-22: Elucidating the Prevalence of Depression in Chronic Rhinosinusitis
Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, Ahead of Print. ObjectiveChronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) has been associated with comorbid depression, yet the prevalence of depression among all patients with CRS is not well described. The Patient Health Questionnaire–9 (PHQ-9), a validated instrument for diagnosing depression, has been used to assess depression in a variety of clinical settings. PHQ-9 scores ≥10 are the threshold for a depression diagnosis. The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence...
SAGE-Journals: Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery: Table of Contents
Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:16

Posting a pericranial flap through a “letterbox” into the frontal bone to reconstruct an anterior cranial defect: a new approach
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAuthor(s): R.J.J. Pilkington, N.R. Aculate, D. Gahir, M. Isles
British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:07

Use of a chalazion clamp for intraoral biopsies: a technical note
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAuthor(s): L. Shah, S. Fogden, A. MajumdarAbstractOral biopsies are common diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in oral and maxillofacial surgical (OMFS) outpatient departments. The chalazion clamp is similar to a pair of forceps. One extension has a flat, solid, oval plate, the other, a ring-like structure that is used to clamp and retract soft tissues. We highlight the benefits of using...
British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:07

Postoperative stability of conventional bimaxillary surgery compared with maxillary impaction surgery with mandibular autorotation for patients with skeletal class II retrognathia
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAuthor(s): S. Kita, K. Fujita, H. Imai, M. Aoyagi, K. Shimazaki, I. Yonemitsu, S. Omura, T. OnoAbstractWe aimed to compare the postoperative stability of conventional bimaxillary surgery (with bilateral sagittal split osteotomy) with that of maxillary impaction surgery (with mandibular autorotation without bilateral sagittal split osteotomy) in patients with skeletal class II retrognathia....
British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:07

Reconstruction of an idiopathic hemipalatal hypoplasia: report of a case
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAuthor(s): L.M. Lee, Y.Q. Deng, P.K.-T. Chen, Y.M. Zhu, X. LiangAbstractIdiopathic hemipalatal hypoplasia is rare and leads to speech problems and the regurgitation of fluids, and the reconstruction of asymmetrical velopharyngeal incompetence is a challenge to the cleft surgeon. We present a case in a 5-year-old boy, and introduce the one-stage surgical technique that we used to resolve it.
British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:07

Combination of biomechanical evaluation and accurate placement of dental implants: a new concept of virtual surgery in maxillary and mandibular functional reconstruction
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAuthor(s): H.-q. Zhang, Q.-x. Li, Y.-y. Wang, Z.-s. Wang, Z.-y. Lin, L.-j. Sha, D.-m. Zhang, J. Liu, J.-j. Wang, J.-s. Li, S. FanAbstractBiomechanics are crucial for bony regeneration and survival of implants in functional maxillary and mandibular reconstructions. However, we know of no study that has included an analysis of biomechanics to guide the optimal position of a fibular graft in virtual...
British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:07

Submental intubation in oral and maxillofacial surgery: a systematic review 1986–2018
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAuthor(s): E.Z. Goh, N.H.W. Loh, J.S.P. LohAbstractSubmental intubation is a low-risk alternative to tracheostomy when nasotracheal or orotracheal intubation is not appropriate. To improve the selection of patients and clinical outcomes we have explored published papers on submental intubation in oral and maxillofacial surgery, and included a proposal for a decision pathway. Systematic searches...
British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:07

Detection of mesial temporal lobe epileptiform discharges on intracranial electrodes using deep learning
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Clinical NeurophysiologyAuthor(s): Maurice Abou Jaoude, Jin Jing, Haoqi Sun, Claire S. Jacobs, Kyle R. Pellerin, M. Brandon Westover, Sydney S. Cash, Alice D. LamAbstractObjectiveDevelop a high-performing algorithm to detect mesial temporal lobe (mTL) epileptiform discharges on intracranial electrode recordings.MethodsAn epileptologist annotated 13,959 epileptiform discharges from a dataset of intracranial EEG recordings from 46 epilepsy...
Clinical Neurophysiology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:03

Repeater F-waves in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: electrophysiologic indicators of upper or lower motor neuron involvement?
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Clinical NeurophysiologyAuthor(s): Emel Oguz Akarsu, Nermin Gorkem Sirin, Elif Kocasoy Orhan, Bahar Erbas, Hava Ozlem Dede, Mehmet Baris Baslo, Halil Atilla Idrisoglu, Ali Emre OgeAbstractObjectiveTo extract insight about the mechanism of repeater F-waves (Frep) by exploring their correlation with electrophysiologic markers of upper and lower motor neuron dysfunction in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).MethodsThe correlations of Frep parameters...
Clinical Neurophysiology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:03

Acute onset and severe manifestation of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome – Two cases
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Clinical NeurophysiologyAuthor(s): Ha-Yeun Chung, Fabian Essig, Jonathan Wickel, Bianca Besteher, Hermann Neugebauer, Karl Georg Haeusler, Wolfgang Müllges, Matthias Schwab
Clinical Neurophysiology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:03

Mapping short-latency cortical responses to electrical stimulation of thalamic motor nuclei by increasing sampling rate – a technical report
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Clinical NeurophysiologyAuthor(s): Emilia Toth, Ganne Chaitanya, Sandipan Pati
Clinical Neurophysiology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:03

Direct cortical stimulation with cylindrical depth electrodes in the interhemispheric fissure for leg motor evoked potential monitoring
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Clinical NeurophysiologyAuthor(s): Liberto Brage, Pedro Javier Pérez-Lorensu, Julio Plata-Bello, Ángel Saponaro-González, Luis Pérez-Orribo, Mario García-Conde, Pablo Febles-García, Héctor Roldán-Delgado, Víctor García-MarínAbstractObjectiveTo evaluate cylindrical depth electrodes in the interhemispheric fissure as an alternative to subdural strip electrodes for direct cortical stimulation (DCS) leg motor evoked potential (MEP) monitoring.MethodsA...
Clinical Neurophysiology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:03

Prognostic value of phrenic nerve conduction study in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Systematic review and meta-analysis
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Clinical NeurophysiologyAuthor(s): Cláudia S. Silva, Filipe B. Rodrigues, Gonçalo S. Duarte, João Costa, Mamede de CarvalhoAbstractObjectivesTo assess the prognostic value of phrenic nerve conduction (PNC) in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).MethodsWe conducted a systematic review to identify studies reporting on PNC, and mortality and/or forced vital capacity (FVC) in patients with ALS. We searched Medline, EMBASE, and Web of Science....
Clinical Neurophysiology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:03

Could we have missed out the seizure onset: A study based on intracranial EEG
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Clinical NeurophysiologyAuthor(s): P.A. Karthick, Hideaki Tanaka, Hui Ming Khoo, Jean GotmanAbstractObjectiveIntracranial EEG covers only a small fraction of brain volume and it is uncertain if a discharge represents a true seizure onset or results from spread. We therefore assessed if there are differences between characteristics of the ictal onset when we are likely to have a true onset, and characteristics of the discharge in regions of...
Clinical Neurophysiology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:03

Association of corneal nerve loss with markers of axonal ion channel dysfunction in type 1 diabetes
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Clinical NeurophysiologyAuthor(s): Shyam Sunder Tummanapalli, Tushar Issar, Natalie Kwai, Ann Poynten, Arun V. Krishnan, Mark Willcox, Maria MarkoulliAbstractObjectiveCorneal confocal microscopy (CCM) has been identified as a non-invasive technique to assess corneal nerve fiber morphology. It is not known how corneal nerve changes relate to measures of peripheral nerve function in diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). The present study investigates...
Clinical Neurophysiology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:03
Quantification of Neuromuscular Fatigue: What Do We Do Wrong and Why?
Abstract Neuromuscular fatigue (NMF) is usually assessed non-invasively in healthy, athletic or clinical populations with the combination of voluntary and evoked contractions. Although it might appear relatively straightforward to magnetically or electrically stimulate at different levels (cortical/spinal/muscle) and to measure mechanical and electromyographic responses to quantify neuromuscular adjustments due to sustained/repeated muscle contractions, there are drawbacks that...
Latest Results for Sports Medicine
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00

Secondary aneurysmal bone cyst of the spine: clinicopathological features, surgical modalities and outcomes
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Clinical Neurology and NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): Tao Wang, Qi Jia, Xin Gao, Renjie Fan, Zheyu Wu, Wen Guo, Liang Tang, Ming Qian, Xiaopan Cai, Jian Zhao, Jianru XiaoAbstractObjectivesSpinal secondary aneurysmal bone cyst (SABC) is extremely rare with few published reports available at present. Our aim is to explore the clinicopathologic features, surgical modalities and outcomes of spinal SABC.Patients and methodsA retrospective study of 33...
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery
Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:55

A comprehensive comparison of posterior lumbar interbody fusion versus posterolateral fusion for the treatment of isthmic and degenerative spondylolisthesis: a meta-analysis of prospective studies
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Clinical Neurology and NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): Yucai Li, Zhifeng Wu, Dongze Guo, Hao You, Xing FanAbstractPosterolateral fusion (PLF) and posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) are both frequently-used procedures for the surgical treatment of isthmic and degenerative spondylolisthesis. The current meta-analysis aimed to perform a comprehensive comparison between PLF and PLIF in terms of the therapeutic effects on spondylolisthesis. PubMed,...
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery
Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:55

Treatment strategy and long-term outcome in patients with deep lumbosacral arteriovenous fistulas. A single center analysis in nineteen patients
Publication date: Available online 11 November 2019Source: Clinical Neurology and NeurosurgeryAuthor(s): F. Jablawi, O. Nikoubashman, M. Dafotakis, G.A. Schubert, F.-J. Hans, M. MullAbstractObjectiveDeep lumbosacral dural arteriovenous fistulas (lsDAVF) are rare and present serious diagnostic and treatment difficulties. In our current analysis we present our treatment strategy and the long-term clinical outcome of nineteen patients with lsDAVF.Patients and methodsWe retrospectively analyzed our radiological...
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery
Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:55
Feasibility and Safety of Early Oral Feeding in Patients with Gastric Cancer After Radical Gastrectomy
Abstract An enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocol is useful in patients undergoing colorectal surgery. However, its feasibility for gastric surgery remains unclear. This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility and safety of early oral feeding (EOF) for patients with gastric cancer after radical gastrectomy. The EOF protocol was implemented in 397 patients who underwent radical gastrectomy between 2005 and 2014 at our hospital. The protocol was common in 277 patients after...
Latest Results for Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00
Idiopathic spontaneous sublingual hematoma: a case report and literature review
Abstract Purpose Sublingual hematoma is a rare complication seen in bleeding disorders, trauma, dental procedures, and the use of anticoagulants. Only a few publications have described idiopathic spontaneous sublingual hematoma, and all of them suspected severe hypertension as etiology. Our objective is to present a case of idiopathic spontaneous sublingual hematoma in a 48-year-old patient without any medical history of hypertension and...
Latest Results for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00
Comparison of biting force when using a combination of one microplate and one miniplate versus two miniplates for fixation of parasymphyseal mandibular fracture: the use of microplates for parasymphyseal mandibular fracture
Abstract Purpose This study was to assess the efficiency of using a combination of one microplate and one miniplate for management of patients with parasymphyseal mandibular fractures versus two miniplates through measurement of the biting force. Patients and methods The study sample consisted of sixteen patients with an isolated mandibular fracture and randomly...
Latest Results for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00
Συνέδριο: Οδυσσέας Ελύτης. Σαράντα χρόνια από την απονομή του Νόμπελ (29-30/11/19)
Το Μορφωτικό Γραφείο της Κυπριακής Πρεσβείας-Σπίτι της Κύπρου και το Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, διοργανώνουν Συνέδριο με θέμα: Οδυσσέας Ελύτης. Σαράντα χρόνια από την απονομή του Νόμπελ. Το Συνέδριο θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Παρασκευή 29 Νοεμβρίου 2019, ώρα 16:00- 20:30 και το Σάββατο 30 Νοεμβρίου 2019, ώρα 09:30-14:00, στο Σπίτι της Κύπρου (Ξενοφώντος 2Α Σύνταγμα).
Πύλη για την Ελληνική Γλώσσα και την Γλωσσική Εκπαίδευση
Tue Nov 12, 2019 10:48
Ruptured Esophageal Varices From Metastatic Tumor in the Liver: A Case Report and Brief Review of Literature
Ruptured esophageal varices can present as sudden death from gastrointestinal hemorrhage. The most common underlying pathology causing esophageal varices is cirrhosis leading to portal hypertension. However, not all esophageal varices arise from portal hypertension, and not all portal hypertensions are caused by cirrhosis. We present a rare case of ruptured esophageal varices casing death in an individual with metastatic tumor (high-grade) neuroendocrine tumor in the liver causing portal hypertension....
The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology - Published Ahead-of-Print
Thu Nov 07, 2019 02:00
Challenges in the Diagnosis of a Posterior Lingual Abscess, a Potential Lethal Disorder: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
A lingual abscess is a rare but potentially life-threatening disorder. Since the introduction of antibiotics, the incidence of posterior lingual abscesses has significantly declined; however, this condition is often missed on physical examination or misdiagnosed as another condition. The consequence of this misdiagnosis can be severe because airway obstruction with subsequent difficult or unattainable intubation can develop and lead rapidly to death. Being relatively rare yet potentially lethal,...
The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology - Published Ahead-of-Print
Thu Nov 07, 2019 02:00
Reviewer Acknowledgements 2019
Latest Results for Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00
LINC00174 down-regulation decreases chemoresistance to temozolomide in human glioma cells by regulating miR-138-5p/SOX9 axis
Abstract Temozolomide (TMZ) is one of the most common drugs selected for glioma chemotherapy, but the therapeutic effect of glioma treatment is usually limited due to its resistance. Long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) is gradually found to be a vital regulator in numerous physiological and pathological processes. Lately, it was revealed that LINC00174 could promote CRC cell growth. However, the function and potential regulatory manner of LINC00174 in glioma remain unclear. Our results...
Latest Results for Human Cell
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00
Renal Tubular Dysgenesis in a Case of Fetus Acardius Amorphus
Fetus acardius amorphus is a rare congenital malformation characterized by the lack of a functional heart, the presence of a bivascular umbilical cord, as well as a developed and organized skeletal system and partially organized inner organs. Fetus acardii mostly occur in multiple gestations. The pathogenesis of this entity is not clarified yet. It has been hypothesized that, although formation of anastomosing vessels between the co-twin and the anomalous embryo as well as reverse directed blood...
Case Reports in Pathology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 10:05
Correction to: Origin and provenance of 2 Ma–2 Ga zircons ejected by phreatomagmatic eruptions of Pliocene basalts in southern Slovakia
In the online published article, the name of one of the co-authors Katarína Šarinová was incorrectly published as Katarina Paranoia. The correct name is given below.
Latest Results for International Journal of Earth Sciences
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00
Tannic acid inhibits electrogenic Na+/HCO3− co-transporter activity in embryonic neural stem cell-derived radial glial-like cells
Self-renewing neural stem cells and progenitor cells are cell populations that generate radial glial cells and neurons through asymmetric division. Regulation of intracellular pH in stem cells with high metabolic activity is critical for both cell signaling and proliferation. We have recently found that a S0859-inhibitable electrogenic Na+/HCO3− co-transporter (NBCe1, Slc4a4), is the primary pHi regulatory mechanism in stem cell-derived radial glial-like cells. Here we show, by using the voltage-sensitive...
NeuroReport - Published Ahead-of-Print
Mon Nov 11, 2019 02:00

Steroid receptor RNA activator affects the development of poststroke depression by regulating the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ signaling pathway
The long noncoding RNA, steroid receptor RNA activator (SRA), has been reported to be involved in the development of many types of disease in humans. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether SRA was associated with poststroke depression (PSD). A PSD rat model was established, and depression-like behaviors and sucrose consumption in rats with PSD were analyzed. Reverse transcription-quantitative PCR (RT-PCR), western blot and luciferase dual reporter assay analyses were performed to detect the...
NeuroReport - Published Ahead-of-Print
Mon Nov 11, 2019 02:00
Adeno-associated virus packaged TRPC5 gene therapy alleviated spinal cord ischemic reperfusion injury in rats
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating disease with few effective treatments. This study mainly explored the mechanism of TRPC5 gene in the treatment of spinal cord ischemia reperfusion injury from the perspective of angiogenesis. Western blot, immunohistochemistry, hematoxylin and eosin, ELISA, and reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) were used to detect the expression levels of related angiogenic proteins such as von Willebrend factor (vWF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), CD31, and...
NeuroReport - Published Ahead-of-Print
Mon Nov 11, 2019 02:00
Biochemical Modulation and Pathophysiology of Migraine
Background: Migraine is a common disabling neurological disorder where attacks have been recognized to consist of more than headache. The premonitory, headache, and postdromal phases are the various phases of the migraine cycle, where aura can occur before, during, or after the onset of pain. Migraine is also associated with photosensitivity and cranial autonomic symptoms, which includes lacrimation, conjunctival injection, periorbital edema, ptosis, nasal congestion, and rhinorrhoea. This review...
North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society
Wed Nov 06, 2019 02:00
Gaetano Rummo (1853–1917)
Latest Results for Journal of Neurology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 09:13
Elevated serum creatine kinase in the early stage of sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Abstract Objective To assess the changes of muscle-related biomarkers at the early stage of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and to confirm these findings in an experimental animal model. Methods Thirty-nine subjects with sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and 20 healthy controls were enrolled and longitudinally evaluated. We evaluated serum...
Latest Results for Journal of Neurology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 09:13
High-dose steroid therapy for CNS inflammatory diseases increases INR in patients taking oral vitamin K antagonist
Latest Results for Journal of Neurology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 09:13
Letter to the editors: comment on “Dissociation of caloric and head impulse tests: a marker of Meniere’s disease”
Latest Results for Journal of Neurology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 09:13
Quality of life in idiopathic dystonia: a systematic review
Abstract Objective Dystonia is characterised by sustained muscular contractions frequently producing repetitive, twisting and patterned movements. The primary aim of this systematic review was to establish how quality of life (QoL) is affected in idiopathic focal, multifocal and segmental dystonia. This review aimed to evaluate variations in QoL between different subtypes of dystonia, identify the determinants of QoL and assess the...
Latest Results for Journal of Neurology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 09:13
Genetic and clinical analyses of spinocerebellar ataxia type 8 in mainland China
Abstract Background Spinocerebellar ataxia type 8 (SCA8) is a rare autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease caused by CTA/CTG repeat expansion in the ATXN8/ATXN8OS gene. Methods To analyze the frequency and clinical characteristics of SCA8 patients in mainland China, we combined polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and triplet repeat-primed PCR...
Latest Results for Journal of Neurology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 09:13
Specific intranasal and central trigeminal electrophysiological responses in Parkinson’s disease
Abstract Olfactory dysfunction is a frequent early non-motor symptom of Parkinson’s disease (PD). There is evidence that with regard to trigeminal perception, PD-related olfactory dysfunction is different from other olfactory disorders. More specifically, trigeminal sensitivity, when measured behaviorally, was unimpaired in PD patients as opposed to patients with non-Parkinsonian olfactory dysfunction (NPOD). We sought to investigate the trigeminal pathway by measuring electrophysiological...
Latest Results for Journal of Neurology
Tue Nov 12, 2019 09:13
Hypersexualization and Sexualization in Advertisements for Halloween Costumes
Abstract Concerns about sexualization of Halloween costumes appear frequently in the lay press, but systematic investigation of such costumes or the ads in which they appear is relatively rare. We coded a randomly selected sample of 1001 advertisements for child, teen, and adult Halloween costumes for 13 different markers of sexualization that we combined into overall scores for costume sexualization, model sexualization, and hypersexualization. We found that ratings of model characteristics...
Sex Roles
Tue Nov 12, 2019 02:00

Σε λειτουργία το 1ο Πολυδύναμο Κέντρο Αντιμετώπισης αλκοολικών και κρίσης των χρηστών ναρκωτικών
Η 1η Μονάδα Σωματικής Αποτοξίνωσης, «Detox», σε δημόσιο Γενικό Νοσοκομείο, το «Πολυδύναμο Κέντρο Αντιμετώπισης αλκοολικών και κρίσης των χρηστών ναρκωτικών» του Γενικού Νοσοκομείου Ιωαννίνων «Γ. ΧΑΤΖΗΚΩΣΤΑ» ξεκίνησε την λειτουργία της από τις αρχές του μήνα.
E-Psychology.gr - Ψυχολογία, Άρθρα ψυχολογίας, Ψυχική Υγεία, ψυχοθεραπεία, συμβουλευτική
Tue Nov 12, 2019 09:00

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