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Τρίτη 5 Μαΐου 2020

Phosphoflow Protocol for Signaling Studies in Human and Murine B Cell Subpopulations [NOVEL IMMUNOLOGICAL METHODS]
Key PointsMethod for highly sensitive detection of phosphorylation in B cell subpopulations. B cell subpopulations show different phosphorylation levels upon BCR stimulation.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon May 04, 2020 23:00
Localized Immunomodulation with PD-L1 Results in Sustained Survival and Function of Allogeneic Islets without Chronic Immunosuppression [TRANSPLANTATION]
Key PointsIslets are engineered with SA-PDL1 protein without impacting viability/function. SA-PDL1–engineered islets show indefinite survival in allogeneic hosts. Survival is associated with elevated intragraft Th2, Treg, and M2 transcripts.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon May 04, 2020 23:00
Surfactant Protein-A Protects against IL-13-Induced Inflammation in Asthma [MUCOSAL IMMUNOLOGY]
Key PointsSP-A is a collectin and plays a key role in innate immunity in the lung. SP-A modulates inflammation in airway epithelial cells from patients with asthma. SP-A modulates IL-13–induced inflammation through downstream IL-6/STAT3 signaling.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon May 04, 2020 23:00
Role of V-ATPase a3-Subunit in Mouse CTL Function [MOLECULAR AND STRUCTURAL IMMUNOLOGY]
Key PointsThe a3-subunit of V-ATPase acidifies cytotoxic granules in mouse CD8+ T lymphocytes. Neutralization of luminal pH leads to altered morphology of cytotoxic granules. Knockdown of a3-subunit disturbs trafficking of cytotoxic granules.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon May 04, 2020 23:00
Serotonin (5-HT) Shapes the Macrophage Gene Profile through the 5-HT2B-Dependent Activation of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor [INNATE IMMUNITY AND INFLAMMATION]
Key Points5-HT2B agonists stimulate AhR transcriptional activation in human macrophages. Serotonin-induced expression of AhR target genes is 5-HT2B dependent in macrophages.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon May 04, 2020 23:00
Development of IFN-Stimulated Gene Expression from Embryogenesis through Adulthood, with and without Constitutive MDA5 Pathway Activation [INNATE IMMUNITY AND INFLAMMATION]
Key PointsThe augmented ISG profile of RdRP mice develops largely postnatally. Elevated ISG expression is then maintained through adulthood. The ISG signature in adults requires persistent type I IFN signaling.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon May 04, 2020 23:00
Apolipoprotein E Triggers Complement Activation in Joint Synovial Fluid of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients by Binding C1q [INNATE IMMUNITY AND INFLAMMATION]
Key PointsApoE was found in complex with C4d in RA patient SF. Deposited ApoE activates complement whereas ApoE in solution is inhibitory. Posttranslational modifications alter ApoE's capacity to bind FH and C4BP.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon May 04, 2020 23:00
Innate-like CD27+CD45RBhigh {gamma}{delta} T Cells Require TCR Signaling for Homeostasis in Peripheral Lymphoid Organs [IMMUNE SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT]
Key PointsE4 is an enhancer element that regulates transcriptions of TCR genes. E4–/– mice have fewer CD27+CD45RBhigh V2+ T cells in peripheral organs. Attenuation of TCR signal impairs homeostasis of T cells in peripheral organs.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon May 04, 2020 23:00
T Follicular Helper Cells Regulate Humoral Response for Host Protection against Intestinal Citrobacter rodentium Infection [INFECTIOUS DISEASE AND HOST RESPONSE]
Key PointsLack of Tfh cells renders the mice susceptible to C. rodentium infection. Tfh cell–dependent protective Abs are essential to control C. rodentium. Tfh cells regulate IgG1 response to C. rodentium infection.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon May 04, 2020 23:00
GRASP55 Is Dispensable for Normal Hematopoiesis but Necessary for Myc-Dependent Leukemic Growth [IMMUNE SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT]
Key PointsGolgi morphology and Grasp55 expression are regulated during hematopoiesis. Hematopoiesis is not affected in Grasp55-deficient mice. Grasp55 regulates Myc-transformed leukemic cell survival.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon May 04, 2020 23:00
Molecular Drivers of Lymphocyte Organization in Vertebrate Mucosal Surfaces: Revisiting the TNF Superfamily Hypothesis [IMMUNOGENETICS]
Key PointsLymphotoxin axis is not essential for formation of O-MALT in ectotherms and birds. Vertebrate O-MALT structures are enriched in neuroactive ligand/receptor genes. Mammalian PPs and LNs are enriched in genes involved in olfactory transduction.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon May 04, 2020 23:00
Development and Characterization of an Avirulent Leishmania major Strain [INFECTIOUS DISEASE AND HOST RESPONSE]
Key PointsVirulent and avirulent parasites significantly differ in their proteome profiles. Avirulent parasites fail to inhibit CD40 signaling. Avirulent parasite strain is a potential antileishmanial vaccine candidate.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon May 04, 2020 23:00
IRAK-M Regulates Monocyte Trafficking to the Lungs in Response to Bleomycin Challenge [IMMUNE REGULATION]
Key PointsTLR signaling pathway regulates expression of monocyte chemoattractant CCR2. IRAK-M is an important regulator of monocyte trafficking to the lung in fibrosis.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon May 04, 2020 23:00
Leishmania donovani Subverts Host Immune Response by Epigenetic Reprogramming of Macrophage M(Lipopolysaccharides + IFN-{gamma})/M(IL-10) Polarization [INFECTIOUS DISEASE AND HOST RESPONSE]
Key PointsL. donovani induces histone lysine methyltransferases/demethylases in the host. L. donovani–induced epigenetic enzymes induce host M(IL-10) polarization. Knockdown of epigenetic enzymes inhibited parasite multiplication in infected host.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon May 04, 2020 23:00
IRAK1 Is a Critical Mediator of Inflammation-Induced Preterm Birth [CLINICAL AND HUMAN IMMUNOLOGY]
Key PointsIRAK1 is hyperactivated in human preterm birth and in mouse and rhesus IUI models. IRAK1 deletion and inhibition reduces preterm birth. IRAK1 induces preterm birth by upregulating COX-2.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon May 04, 2020 23:00
Serine Phosphorylation of the STAT1 Transactivation Domain Promotes Autoreactive B Cell and Systemic Autoimmunity Development [AUTOIMMUNITY]
Key PointsSTAT1-pS727 is required for SLE-associated AFC, GC, and autoantibody responses. STAT1-pS727 in B cells promotes autoimmune AFC, GC, and autoantibody responses. STAT1-pS727 is not required for foreign Ag– or gut microbiota–driven responses.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon May 04, 2020 23:00
Complement Deficiencies Result in Surrogate Pathways of Complement Activation in Novel Polygenic Lupus-like Models of Kidney Injury [AUTOIMMUNITY]
Key PointsNovel TM lupus mouse strains develop spontaneous nephritis. In C1q deficiency, kidney complement activation likely occurred via the LP. In C3 deficiency, coagulation cascade contributed to kidney complement activation.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon May 04, 2020 23:00
Genome Topology Control of Antigen Receptor Gene Assembly [BRIEF REVIEWS]
The past decade has increased our understanding of how genome topology controls RAG endonuclease-mediated assembly of lymphocyte AgR genes. New technologies have illuminated how the large IgH, Ig, TCRα/, and TCRβ loci fold into compact structures that place their numerous V gene segments in similar three-dimensional proximity to their distal recombination center composed of RAG-bound (D)J gene segments. Many studies have shown that CTCF and cohesin protein–mediated chromosome looping have fundamental...
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon May 04, 2020 23:00
Top Reads [TOP READS]
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon May 04, 2020 23:00
Complexes between C-Reactive Protein and Very Low Density Lipoprotein Delay Bacterial Clearance in Sepsis [INFECTIOUS DISEASE AND HOST RESPONSE]
Key PointsKupffer cells phagocytose both bacteria and CRP–VLDL complexes. High levels of CRP–VLDL complexes delay bacterial clearance. Pch disrupts CRP–VLDL complexes to improve bacterial clearance.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon May 04, 2020 23:00
Cytomegalovirus Coinfection Is Associated with Increased Vascular-Homing CD57+ CD4 T Cells in HIV Infection [INFECTIOUS DISEASE AND HOST RESPONSE]
Key PointsCMV coinfection promotes the generation of CD57+ CD4 Tmem in PLWH. CD2/LFA-3 costimulation enhances the functionality of CD57+ CD4 Tmem. IL-15 and TNF enhance chemoattraction of CD57+ CD4 Tmem to CX3CL1+ endothelial cells.
The Journal of Immunology current issue
Mon May 04, 2020 23:00

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